1.- What the heck is all this rmk crap?
2.- I never claimed ownership over the sprite, I claim owner ship over the jedi sprites, even though Lucasfilm, is the true owner...
3.- Its a demonstration on what I can do with no open gl, no direct draw, direct x, or vb runtime files... Next version will be ten times better, more sprites, more like 25 this time, sound, and a few other surprises if possible
4.- If you just come here to make a pointless post just to make a pointless post, Yoshi, Rob, and all others who do so, then don't do it. I'm here devoloping a game for no apparent reason at all... and in the process have to put up with you people. Sure I took some graphics from a another game, that took it from another one etc... and put it on, but that was just for test, now that I once again took up the continuing of the engine, I'll make things better, ALOT better... so please, some support here?
Nothing to see here, move along.