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2005-09-21, 3:23 AM #41
Unfortunately he doesn't seem to have changed much at all. He's always talking about hacking in #JKHub.
2005-09-21, 4:22 AM #42
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
I don't understand. I've never had any problems with ReT... I know he's a hacker of sorts
He's not a hacker, he's a script kiddie. There's a difference - he just downloaded tools from the internet to automate the attack.

He must have a really bad temper, I guess. Not a good excuse, if you ask me.
No, he does this kind of thing because he gets bored. The kid has too much free time.
2005-09-21, 6:17 AM #43
[QUOTE=Kieran Horn]You know you are pathetic when you hack a stagnant forum that was originally made for a now ancient game. At this point even normal nerds would beat the crap out of you and take your lunch money.[/QUOTE]

that is now my new sig
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-09-21, 7:11 AM #44
have it as your sig, but don't put it in quote tags... it takes up too much space and is distracting.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-09-21, 7:32 AM #45
So mb... where does he live again? :P
2005-09-21, 2:14 PM #46
Was the forums down again sometime today or was it just me?
2005-09-21, 2:16 PM #47
About 3 times, in fact.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-09-21, 2:18 PM #48
Form attacks or maintenance?
2005-09-21, 3:47 PM #49
Massassi is still being attacked? I thought it was a one off thing! How many times did this happen the last few days?
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2005-09-21, 3:51 PM #50
Yeah, attention-whore behavior. Boredom factors into it too, I'm sure.
2005-10-01, 6:38 AM #51
Answer me this.

What's worse:

The script kiddie, or the people whose website was brought down by the script kiddie?

Twenty-Eight Days, Six Hours, Forty-Two Minutes, Twelve seconds...
2005-10-01, 6:47 AM #52
the script kiddie



also, check my sig ret.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-10-01, 7:05 AM #53
Originally posted by Emon:
MBeggar knows his hometown. There has to be at least one Massassian near him. Who wants to go beat him up?

Just give me an address.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2005-10-01, 8:14 AM #54
I've seen him on webcam, ReT's a 350-pound bodybuilder and a black belt in Kenpo-Jujitsu or something of the like... I highly doubt any Massassian could simply "beat him up," even if that violent fantasy could somehow be enacted.

He did the same thing to the SM database a while back, somehow used our own phpBB registration page to flood us with SQL connections, according to a phpBB developer, no patch can be made to defend against this type of attack.

We could have tried contacting his ISP or tried to file a lawsuit, but we knew from past experience that ISP's won't do anything unless they fear a lawsuit, and the law won't do anything unless their it involves a government server or there is substantial monetary loss.

We kept our cool and he eventually stopped, however we didn't make any comments that would get us put on his trademark blacklist. Had we done that, he would have probably continued his attack indefinitely.

I'm sorry to hear Massassi got hacked yet again, It's my favorite community, but you have to be more careful who you disrespect. Perhaps if you apologize to ReT and undo whatever it is you did to upset him, he'll accept your apology and stop his attacks. He's a nice person and I'm sure he wouldn't do something like this without significant provocation.
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 8:22 AM #55
Because apoligizing to your rapist for being too attractive is the way to go.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-01, 8:33 AM #56
Hey, I don't like rap either (more of an old-school rock fan), but Massassi can't win this battle. Would you rather have an offended ReT who takes your stuff offline without any fear of consequence, or a happy ReT who provides a site and game server that's beneficial to the community?
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 8:34 AM #57
You mean....we should say "I'm sorry" to him after his attacks. Right...
2005-10-01, 8:44 AM #58
Well, if you think about it, it makes a lot more sense than calling him names, saying things like "Your a dumb script kiddy, I'm going to go to your house and beat you up."

That does one of two things, it either amuses him, giving him reason to continue his attacks, or it upsets him, giving him reason to continue his attacks.

If you apologize for whatever it is you've done wrong, and perhaps even undo it, however, he may consider accepting your apology, which implies that he turns his hacks off, and maybe even befriends you and helps you with cog or whatever else is in his skill.

I'm not saying this makes hacking right, but there isn't any way to circumvent his attacks, so why not try to make a friend out of your enemy?
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 8:46 AM #59
Awww, ReT's got an ally.

You sure have no life. :D

Or to be serious, we sure don't want an ally as ridiculous/childish as ReT is.

Also, you're being more typical than my arsehair frozen in winter by this "woah he's so strong you can't beat him up lol apologize him" speech. Sure, post count boosting can be fun.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-10-01, 8:51 AM #60
I'm not an ally of anything other than logic here. While I know ReT online, it has been for a very brief time, and under the same conditions that you know him. I would consider him more of an acquaintance than an ally.

Some of these responses just scream out "I need anger management!" Contemplating physical harm over something as trivial as a discussion forum that's about an 8-year old Star Wars game is not the way to go. Violence solves nothing.
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 8:55 AM #61
What if you lost all of your passwords and all of your logins, including your paypal and godaddy accounts to ReT? What if you were expecting a certain business prospect to e-mail you in the same night as ReT stole your e-mail? What if you had a bunch of assignments due in an online course that night?

I think you'd want to sock out his teeth and feed him his own eyeballs. Especially when the only thing you've done to him is banned him from a channel due to his hacking.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-01, 9:04 AM #62
So...we should all apologize and be under the mercy of ReT. You giving what he wants, power....
2005-10-01, 9:07 AM #63
See, that wouldn't happen to me because I know of secure passwords, where I think of a different, yet complex password for every site I go to, and I am especially secure with passwords linked to a financial or administrative account.

If that did happen to me, though, I might be a little upset, but I wouldn't demand revenge or try to flame him as that wouldn't bring my assignments back or make the situation any better.

I might be a little curious as to why he did such a thing, though. People don't usually do these kind of things without provocation, and I would be curious as to what I did to provoke him.
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 9:09 AM #64
A small incident on a chat.

So I assume DoSing Massassi and the forums is acceptable response for that. We must say we are sorry even though 98% of us here weren't involved, right?
2005-10-01, 9:10 AM #65
Originally posted by Nesseight:
I've seen him on webcam, ReT's a 350-pound bodybuilder and a black belt in Kenpo-Jujitsu or something of the like... I highly doubt any Massassian could simply "beat him up," even if that violent fantasy could somehow be enacted.
Everybody on the internet is a 350-pound bodybuilder kempo master.

And lol, 350 pounds.
2005-10-01, 9:13 AM #66
Originally posted by Echoman:
So...we should all apologize and be under the mercy of ReT. You giving what he wants, power....

It seems that he already has power, and feels that he needs to use it out of revenge for something.

You don't have to apologize, though it seems your only other logical option is to ignore him and hope he goes away.

I would rather have him as a friend than an enemy, or at the very least, a neutral acquaintance who doesn't feel compelled to flood my SQL server.

Your methods; name calling, threats, banning, and channel wars accomplish nothing other than generating an everlasting field of anger that grows stronger with each pass.
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 9:16 AM #67
Maybe we don't care if he hates us?

He's obviously not a mentally-balanced individual. I'm thinking he's, in reality, a 14-year-old script kiddie with nothing better to do than DoS servers because, boo-hoo, somebody doesn't like him.

And you're a floormat and let people walk all over you. gb2sm.
2005-10-01, 9:21 AM #68
Originally posted by Nesseight:
See, that wouldn't happen to me because I know of secure passwords, where I think of a different, yet complex password for every site I go to, and I am especially secure with passwords linked to a financial or administrative account.

If that did happen to me, though, I might be a little upset, but I wouldn't demand revenge or try to flame him as that wouldn't bring my assignments back or make the situation any better.

I might be a little curious as to why he did such a thing, though. People don't usually do these kind of things without provocation, and I would be curious as to what I did to provoke him.

You're looney. And not in that logical sense, but in that completely illogical sense.

You're type of reasoning is the exact reason why people get away with so much crap in this country.

He did something illegal. ILLEGAL. On top of this, he planned it, and did it MULTIPLE TIMES. There is no "forgiveness" for this FACT.

Just because we've yet to be able to bring justice to this child, does NOT mean we should just "give in" and say we are "sorry" for whatever seemed to piss him off at the moment.

It's not like we have some agenda to wipe him from the face of this earth. Massassi, and especially Brian, did NOT provoke him to attack this website, he did it of his own accord.

Finally, I would rather see Massassi be defaced to hell and back before we let a kid get his way on Massassi. Of course, know this: If ReT were to do serious damage to Massassi, he would be facing lawsuits. Not to put words in Brian's mouth, but I would highly doubt that Brian would ignore such an attack. It's not that we do not have the means to throw a lawsuit on him, its that it isn't worth the time to do so, yet. Now if he'd, say, bombed the server with viruses and other such things, I would bet that ReT would be having his fair share of problems.
2005-10-01, 9:23 AM #69
I wouldn't say I'm so much a floor mat as someone who would rather not resort to retaliation and immaturity to (try to) solve a problem, especially if it's across the Internet.

I'm afraid I've already put in my two cents and I will not further discuss this for fear of being flamed myself, obviously this community can not handle those who share different beliefs other than their own. This is your problem, however, not mine, so handle it how you must.

- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2005-10-01, 9:28 AM #70
Originally posted by Nesseight:
lol because that's how you win arguments on the internet, you see? Declare victory and then pretend to storm off in indignation, when in reality you just pissed down the leg of your pants and you're running away to hide under your bed and cry. Like I said: gb2sm. There's no room for defending ReT and I can't imagine what kind of prick and/or wuss would waste his time doing so.
2005-10-01, 9:36 AM #71
Jon`C makes me feel empowered. /me gets a pitchfork
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-01, 9:37 AM #72
Lucas' original script said "Every single HeReTiK is now an enemy of the Republic!" It's true!

2005-10-01, 9:58 AM #73
Hey, I don't like rap either (more of an old-school rock fan), but Massassi can't win this battle. Would you rather have an offended ReT who takes your stuff offline without any fear of consequence, or a happy ReT who provides a site and game server that's beneficial to the community?

rape-ist. You silly turd. :p
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-10-01, 10:19 AM #74
Just get someone who knows legaleze to type up a letter to the ISP threatening a lawsuit against them and their customer. Padded with enough legaleze jibberish, anything can make ISPs cry.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-01, 10:31 AM #75
Originally posted by Nesseight:
I wouldn't say I'm so much a floor mat as someone who would rather not resort to retaliation and immaturity to (try to) solve a problem, especially if it's across the Internet.

I'm afraid I've already put in my two cents and I will not further discuss this for fear of being flamed myself, obviously this community can not handle those who share different beliefs other than their own. This is your problem, however, not mine, so handle it how you must.

You're a tool.
>>untie shoes
2005-10-01, 10:39 AM #76
Nesseight wants to appease this guy.

Originally posted by THE TWILIGHT ZONE
Anthony Fremont is a six-year-old with extraordinary powers to control the little town where he lives by simply wishing away people and things that anger or bore him. He has isolated the town by banishing electricity and cars. Other than his powerful wishing, Anthony has the mind and imagination of a typical little boy. He amuses himself with his special ability by giving a gopher three heads and then wishing the animal dead when the game becomes boring. The people in Peaksville have to smile all the time, think happy thoughts, and say happy things, because that's what Anthony commands and, if they disobey, he can wish them into a cornfield or change them into grotesque versions of themselves. Anthony dislikes singing and punished Aunt Amy for thoughtlessly singing in his presence. Anthony asks his father why no children come to play with him. Mr. Fremont reminds Anthony that when the Fredericks boy came over, Anthony had wished the other boy away into the cornfield after they'd finished playing. He wishes a dog into the cornfield for barking.
Anthony's parents have invited several people to their house for a surprise birthday party for one of their friends, Dan Hollis. Anthony makes everyone watch what he, like lots of other little boys, wishes to see on television -- dinosaurs fighting. Dan Hollis's wife gives him a record for his birthday, but Anthony won't permit him to play it. Dan grumbles angrily and then begins singing "Happy Birthday." Anthony tries to intimidate Dan by staring at him. Dan suggests that Anthony should be distracted and then killed, but nobody moves to help Dan. Anthony points his finger at Dan and screams "You're a bad man! You're a very bad man!" and turns Dan into a jack-in-the-box and then sends him to the cornfield. Everyone turns away in horror except Anthony's father, who begs Anthony to wish him into the cornfield. Anthony complies. A few minutes later, Anthony wishes for snow, though this will kill half the crops, not to mention those he's banished to the cornfield. The adults smile nervously and tell him that he's a good boy, hoping that Anthony's terrible power won't be turned upon themselves.

Nesseight, do you believe that a parent should quiet their child who is screaming for candy in the grocery store by buying them lots of candy? The answer should be no. It sets a terrible precedent of self-importance.
2005-10-01, 1:59 PM #77
this is unfortunate, I can't believe he did this
he's hosting my site even...
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-10-01, 6:15 PM #78
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Maybe we don't care if he hates us?

He's obviously not a mentally-balanced individual. I'm thinking he's, in reality, a 14-year-old script kiddie with nothing better to do than DoS servers because, boo-hoo, somebody doesn't like him.

And you're a floormat and let people walk all over you. gb2sm.

I totally agree. And a 350-pound black belt in "Kenpo-Something-Jutsu"? Can't say I'm as much impressed as I am intrigued. Heh. Oh, and by the way. What does "gb2sm" stand for?
2005-10-01, 6:28 PM #79
I could probably beat his ***, with his own keyboard.

Or I'd like, you know. Shoot him.

All the martial arts in the world aren't going to stop a bullet.
2005-10-01, 6:28 PM #80
350... LOL.



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