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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, about DoD:Source....
So, about DoD:Source....
2005-09-26, 6:37 PM #41
Originally posted by Wolfy:
This game is awesome.

So far, it's frozen my computer once and made it restart another time.

Definitely worth the extra $10. Here's hoping that Valves fixes that.

Extra 5 ;)

Never had it freeze or restart for me. That's just the source engine. But DoD FTW!
2005-09-26, 6:48 PM #42
Extra 10 from Bronze to Silver.

I wish I had the hard disk space to install it. :(

2005-09-26, 6:51 PM #43
I am the god of smokes, no joke. I can smoke-screen + blitz a number of enemies and total them all. My score is around 45/10 for my first DODS game ever. I rock.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-09-26, 6:52 PM #44
Kirby, you know it was on a bot server. :P, anyways
2005-09-26, 7:24 PM #45

SPAWNS OF SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-09-26, 7:25 PM #46
Here, you can have a boot:
2005-09-26, 11:18 PM #47
Ugh, I'm about as good at this game as I am at CS:S, which is not at all. I don't get it, I can completely demolish anybody in HL2DM, but when it comes to DoD and CS, I just can't get anything going. What am I doing wrong?
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-09-26, 11:45 PM #48
Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Ugh, I'm about as good at this game as I am at CS:S, which is not at all. I don't get it, I can completely demolish anybody in HL2DM, but when it comes to DoD and CS, I just can't get anything going. What am I doing wrong?

Standard deathmatch tactics don't work in "tactical" shooters.
That is, you're probably rushing too much. You're no one-man army.
I had that exact problem from playing q3dm and UT* so much before I started on css but once I relearned a few things and learned to take my time to get a good shot I improved greatly.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-09-27, 12:01 AM #49
Yeah. In tac shooters, you have to make your first shot count. Whoever hits first is going to get the kill. Also, knowning where the hot spots on the map are and not rushing them by yourself is necessary. Finding good spots where you can wait for your target to come into your sites is pretty handy as well.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-27, 7:05 AM #50
Ive been playing dod since beta 2.x versions. I miss some maps from the 3.1 beta like schwetz and heutau......caen is no longer as popular tho. For some reason Steam denied my DOD:S purchase... :confused:
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2005-09-27, 8:02 AM #51
For those of us that bought HL2 in the stores it's still $20. Seems like Valve is trying to punish us for buying it in the store. $20 for 4 levels? No thanks.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-09-27, 8:04 AM #52
Well, it probably won't be 4 levels for long... or something.

Anyhow, glad I got this at HL2 Silver quite long ago. Cool stuff.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-09-27, 8:05 AM #53
Then wait a year for them to add 20 levels and THEN buy it for $20. You'll miss out.
2005-09-27, 8:23 AM #54
and the first custom model...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-27, 8:58 AM #55
$20? If it's anything like CS:S I won't be getting it.
2005-09-27, 9:02 AM #56
HFHCdgf.. .de1!!SWjdjj

There is bots??!?!

If so, YEAH! I can't at LEAST play against bots when I get it.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-09-27, 9:23 AM #57
no bots
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-27, 9:43 AM #58
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-09-27, 11:06 AM #59
Originally posted by oSiRiS:
For those of us that bought HL2 in the stores it's still $20. Seems like Valve is trying to punish us for buying it in the store. $20 for 4 levels? No thanks.

Well...most of the retail sales were made with problems Valve did not like (thus why they sued, who was it, Activision?), and it was known for months beforehand that you didn't get DoD:S unless you purchased Silver or Gold verison, one of which was only 5 bucks more than the retail version after tax...honestly, you can't say they're trying to punish you, just that they prefer the online method, and I can understand, as it costs them a lot less to distribute online than in retail packaging, so they reward you for saving them money.
2005-09-27, 11:13 AM #60
HL2 was distributed by Vivendi.

On the topic of bots: I'd be surprised if they weren't eventually included, a la CS:Source.

On the topic of levels: patience. More will be released by Valve.

Valve was trying to get DoD:Source out the door. I'm patiently waiting for the problems I've mentioned to be fixed.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-09-27, 2:21 PM #61
Originally posted by Wolfy:
HL2 was distributed by Vivendi.

That's right. But yeah, there was a huge deal about it a short while after HL2 came out, so Valve's not doing anything to punish anyone.
2005-09-27, 4:41 PM #62
Originally posted by F-Body:
Ive been playing dod since beta 2.x versions. I miss some maps from the 3.1 beta like schwetz and heutau......caen is no longer as popular tho. For some reason Steam denied my DOD:S purchase... :confused:

If you can find The Lost Outpost DoDserver, you get to play all of the old classics. Tis a very good server.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2005-09-27, 9:07 PM #63
I wouldn't pay $5 for this. It's got LESS stuff than DoD.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-27, 9:17 PM #64
OH... MY... GODDDDD!!!!

I haven't been FPSing much lately thanks to my Uni laptop, but my roomate got DoD:S and let me play it today. ...I missed all my classes but I was IN THE ZONE like never before.

As a skull crushing, book burning Nazi appropriately named 'Ubermensch' with a Machinepistol and an attitude, time slowed down and I stormed across this one map (I don't know the name) for an eternity fighting back and forth, racking up a mind-boggling (for me, at least) 104 kills, the most on the server. :eek: Most lads had ~30. I finally had an engagement that I couldn't skip and left the game in the care of its rightful owner... who immediately started sucking.

When I came back, I was really curious as to who had won.... without me, the tides turned in favor of those hootin' n' hollerin', obnoxiously freedom lovin' Yankees, and the town was taken. :gbk:

I've vowed never to play again for the rest of the day, but my oh my was that an experience. I went to my meeting with the sounds of battle echoing in my brain and a shell-shock headache.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-09-27, 9:19 PM #65
Originally posted by FancyMan:
I wouldn't pay $5 for this. It's got LESS stuff than DoD.

...less MAPS, but more STUFF. New weapons, more balanced, much cooler, more responsive, ironsights, the knife is USEFUL, the bazooka isn't invincible, the mg isn't invincible, realistic shooting through walls and the list goes ON.
2005-09-27, 9:24 PM #66
New weapons? They TOOK OUT the M1 Carbine!! WTF?
Balance? They got it right the first time.
Cooler? Huh?
More responsive? More like, runs like **** on anything but the newest dual-card dual-core SLI GeForce 7600 cards.
Ironsights are useless. It's just another excuse to make it more "realistic"
The knife was always useful. You just didn't know how to use it.
The bazooka was never invincible. You just don't know how to defeat it.
" machine gun " " " " " " " " " "
Realistic shooting through walls - "realistic". the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry since Daikatana.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-27, 9:28 PM #67
Originally posted by FancyMan:
New weapons? They TOOK OUT the M1 Carbine!! WTF?
Balance? They got it right the first time.
Cooler? Huh?
More responsive? More like, runs like **** on anything but the newest dual-card dual-core SLI GeForce 7600 cards.
Ironsights are useless. It's just another excuse to make it more "realistic"
The knife was always useful. You just didn't know how to use it.
The bazooka was never invincible. You just don't know how to defeat it.
" machine gun " " " " " " " " " "
Realistic shooting through walls - "realistic". the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry since Daikatana.

1) No. It's with the bazooka.

2) They balanced the BAR. If nothing else, that makes this worth it. Not to mention, no more thompson sniping.

3) I'm talking about how the weapons are, and I get awesome FPS everything high, 1280x960 2xaa 8xaf, with a 6800GT. So shut it. EDIT: Oh, and it runs nicely on SAJN's machine too, which is significantly not as good as mine (no offense SAJN, but it's not :p). If you have a 5*00 card, though, you're probably screwed.

4) I use ironsights all the time--you get a one-shot kill more often.

5) The knife doesn't take 4-5 hits, it takes 2, if not one.

6) It wasn't invincible, but with proper support, it could NEVER Be taken out. The machine gun always was though.

7) Realistic shooting through walls. In some ways, realism is good.

Not to mention they improved the garand (which needed it), fixed the doubleshot garand bug, took out the smashing of sandbags, and made the MGs deployable a lot more places.
2005-09-27, 9:46 PM #68
I punched a guy in the butt. He died.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-09-27, 10:16 PM #69
it angers me how many people WONT FLAG CAPTURE
I was playing on a server, and not 10 minutes after I joined I had twice the caps as the next person on my team. And they kept wondering why were losing in 2 minutes (even teams).
Half my team had 0 flag caps.

Anyone here who knows how to play wanna ... play?
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-09-27, 10:18 PM #70
Yeah. I really hate that. Granted, it's not always easy to cap the flag, but still. I think people are more obsessed with how many kills they have rather than flag caps.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-27, 10:19 PM #71
I would, but on all lowest settings on my NEW computer I get 20fps.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-27, 10:26 PM #72
Originally posted by FancyMan:
I would, but on all lowest settings on my NEW computer I get 20fps.

then your NEW computer sucks. I run medium settings, 6x AA 16x AF, with a system that's over a year old (9700 pro, athlon XP 3200+, 2x256 PC3200 RAM), and I get a steady 30-40 FPS, which is entirely playable.
2005-09-27, 10:28 PM #73
I still see no reason to play this instead of the original.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-27, 10:29 PM #74
Because superficial people think better graphics make a better game. And 99.999% of gamers are superficial people.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-09-27, 10:29 PM #75
Then don't. No one's making you.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-28, 2:08 AM #76
So I played it again tonight until 4am. I've gotten significantly better. My K:D ratio is finally >1, though admittedly not by much. But I finished 3rd on my team in kills. We were playing some really balanced games too. I think for two maps, nobody won a single round. Incredibly balanced. As for flag caps, well, when I get them, I get them. My biggest concern though is supporting my team. Sometimes I'll play as a random class spawn, just to make it more fun.

If I happen to spawn MG or Sniper, I provide covering fire for the assault group. Lay down fire, allow assault to move up, then advance and lay down more fire. As a rifleman or assault, I'll do pretty good too, advancing while my team backs me up. Most frequently, I'll be supporting a couple of other guys that have taken charge. I haven't found a terribly compelling use for the Support class, though I can use the BAR and STG44 almost as well as a submachine gun. The style of my trackball is nice in that it's pretty easy to keep the crosshair centered with the mouse.

I've seen an increase in bazooka/panserschrek usage, mostly because of the decent secondary weapons. On Allies, up to half of the people will play bazooka, just to get the M1 carbine. The Axis machine pistol isn't as good. Axis definately have an advantage with their Kar98 over the M1 as far as power goes.

As for comparing DoD:S to DoD, yeah, it is just DoD with improved models and prettier graphics. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, I might get back into mapping with this game. It sometimes frustrates me that choke points are so easily made on the maps. Makes it very difficult to advance, or to sneak around.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-09-28, 9:03 AM #77
Freelancer, how can you comment when your game doesn't work? And even if it did, you're too busy whining about it not working at one point in time.
2005-09-28, 9:41 AM #78
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]...less MAPS, but more STUFF. New weapons, more balanced, much cooler, more responsive, ironsights, the knife is USEFUL, the bazooka isn't invincible, the mg isn't invincible, realistic shooting through walls and the list goes ON.[/QUOTE]

you forgot the smoke nades... makes it easier to survive when an enemy MG is covering the area you need to get to

also no more dropping nades and picking them up to prime them... while some may not like this little change... i hated when i'd drop one and for some reason i couldn't pick it up in time (or occasionally... at all) so i had to run away fast and i wasted a perfectly good nade

my only real complaint is the bug where 2 players can get stuck together... sure you can unstick by having one go prone while the other wiggles free but most people seem to not have noticed that you can do that and instead tks you

and also anzio has some problems causing laggy framerate twitches (even with HDR off)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-28, 9:49 AM #79
they're called VIDEOgames. when you play, it is the sights and sounds that you perceive, not the formula that the game runs by. considering this, wanting a game to look and sound good is hardly superficial.

and that's not even touching on the fact that dod:s is improved upon the original in other ways (balance issues, new content, better flow, and general atmosphere, to name some)

no one's making you play dod:s if you'd prefer to play the original, so don't start *****ing at us about how you don't want to. we do, and we'd prefer to discuss the new version that we're excited about instead of listen to people ***** and moan about how they don't like it. if you don't like it, don't play it, and go back to the original. no one's stopping you, and no one will think poorly of you for doing so, but don't start dissing the game that we like just because you don't want to play it.
2005-09-28, 9:51 AM #80
Well with guidance from Deadman, I've deceided I'm not going to get it, because now that I think of it, apart from Dystopia, HL2 bites.

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