[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]New neural tissue develops all the time; adult neurogenesis isn't a new theory, it's been known for a while now.
It isn't the neurons themselves deviding, but stem cells. In this case, in the hippocampus, the neurons are coming from the subgranular zone (SGZ). Just do a quick google on "SGZ stem cells" and you'll be provided with more info than you'd need.
Now, as for the article:
NEW NEURONS ARE NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING! For example, there is a veritable plethora of new neurons in the hippocampus
created by epilepsy. As you can see, new neurons =! good. Aging also causes cells to be replaced
but we don't know WHAT THE NEW NEURONS ARE DOING. The brain is a complex meshwork of connections; new cells just springing up can be either good or bad
we don't know. In summary, this article is
incredible bull****. (The Globe/mail one. I only have access to the abstract from the paper, so I can really do anything with that. The paper does make some... interesting claims... in the abstract [
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16224541&query_hl=1 that I don't know how they went about proving. Also keep in mind many published papers are *crap*.) By the way, this sentence:
"Chronic use of marijuana may actually improve learning memory when the new neurons in the hippocampus can mature in two or three months," is completely baseless.
Found it:
I had an impressive erection whilst reading this. Good work!
BTW: that article was co-written by one of my profs! Belgians ROOL foreigners DROOL! Go home foreigners! Stop stealing our jobs!