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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Smoking pot is good for your brain
Smoking pot is good for your brain
2005-10-15, 12:25 PM #81

cos its mental, try it, pure blags your head.
2005-10-15, 12:27 PM #82
Marijuana causes cancer, dude. Don't tell me there are no deaths from marijuana. That would only work if you don't consider what caused the cancer and just tsay that cancer killed the person.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-15, 12:45 PM #83
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]Why?

cos its mental, try it, pure blags your head.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea what you just said. I think this is a good argument against marijuana use. :p
2005-10-15, 12:47 PM #84
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Marijuana causes cancer, dude. Don't tell me there are no deaths from marijuana. That would only work if you don't consider what caused the cancer and just tsay that cancer killed the person.

What, you mean like lung cancer? You'd have to some a lot of marijuana to get lung cancer. Most people do it casually every once in a while.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-15, 12:55 PM #85
Ok, I have NO knowledge of any of the scientifical crap or anything: but for all the anti people:

I'm almost 100% positive pot isn't good for us. But you know what? Either are those two jr bacon cheese burgers you are eating. That sugar infested MD you're drinking. ETC.
Let's face it: We don't treat our bodies well.

So why should we deny ourselves this substance, with no MAJOR negative sideeffects, but an obvious positive temporary sideeffect?

Now on the debate of the MAJOR sideffects, some might argue there is. But where is the single conclusive study that prooves either side correct, and the other wrong? There isn't any. We can assume because of no completely obvious major negative side effects, there are few or none.

Causes cancer? Damn straight, if you smoke 20 joints a day for 10 years.
Who could afford that though?
2005-10-15, 1:08 PM #86
[QUOTE=Squirrel King]So why should we deny ourselves this substance, with no MAJOR negative sideeffects, but an obvious positive temporary sideeffect?

Marijuana fills your lungs with TAR.
2005-10-15, 1:14 PM #87
Start attacking every single person who smokes ciggarettes then..
2005-10-15, 1:16 PM #88
You can't be completely absolute that it's "NOT" bad for you, because it does have minor progressive detriment to your lungs. It's just not bad in the way that popular opinion/belief makes it out to be.

Of course it's not totally good for you. Obviously any inhalating of smoke into the lungs is bad, the whole point of mypost was that although it does have its negative effects, it's not nearly as bad for the human body as tobacco and alcohol are, which are totally legal and socially acceptable.

Jamaica IS in ruin.

I won't dignify that one for you :p

What? I've heard/read about lots of deaths resulting from marijuana use.

I'd like to see it. There has never been one death in the history of its use due to the direct use of Marijuana. Although it is possible to overdose on, no human could possibly consume the ammount you would need to overdose on it, it's physically impossible.


Why? Because, you don't know anything about it until you try it. It affects people differently when they're high. Some people who smoke it get retarded, others just relax and listen tomusic, others like to talk, some trip out, some just sit and laugh at a cup for the entire duration. Either way, none of those seem to be bad things to me. It's not like you see purple bunnies flying around or think you're invincible. Actually, when you're high, pain is quite the opposite for most (*not all) people as to if you're drunk.

When you're drunk you don't feel stuff as much, you're number.

When you're high, it enhanzes the sensations you have (hence, the sex is great when you're high argument, which it is by the way), therefore, pain is also naturally affected. IF you get hurt and you're high, it hurts a LOT (again, for most, not all).

Marijuana causes cancer, dude. Don't tell me there are no deaths from marijuana. That would only work if you don't consider what caused the cancer and just tsay that cancer killed the person.

OF course inhaling smoke into your lungs cause cancer. However, only if you're a chronic smoker. But so do cigarette's, and even some city water's. Both are legal to do. Hell, even breathing our air nowadays practically gives us cancer.

If getting cancer is the only bad thing you can come up with against pot, you need a lot more material, beacuse cancer can be caused by ANYTHING. Even doing nothing. You can work out and eat healthy all your life and you can still have the possibility of getting cancer. Smoking pot only INCREASES this possibility. It does not make it definite.

I'm almost 100% positive pot isn't good for us. But you know what? Either are those two jr bacon cheese burgers you are eating. That sugar infested MD you're drinking. ETC.

2005-10-15, 1:18 PM #89
[QUOTE=Squirrel King]Start attacking every single person who smokes ciggarettes then..[/QUOTE]

Not the greatest argument for marijuana use since many people who say marijuana is bad because of tar will say the same thing about ciggarettes. I have people who smoke marijuana say this to me and I think "Well, then maybe you shouldn't smoke either of them!"
Life is beautiful.
2005-10-15, 1:20 PM #90
[QUOTE=Squirrel King]Start attacking every single person who smokes ciggarettes then..[/QUOTE]
most of them realize and admit that its happening to them unlike the majority of pot smokers that I know who live in constant denial of the negative affects of their vice.
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2005-10-15, 2:06 PM #91
I like how thrawn always claims this bull**** about how pot hurts you and whatnot, and I still am yet to see one site claiming this. I've never read about a single death on marijuana including from erowid, the single most informative drug experience vault location I've seen TO DATE.

Now, if you're going to claim something, back it up at least, including you MastaX. I don't know who the eff you are, or who you used to be, but you seemed like a dumbass to me.

That said: I don't think pot kills braincells, but I don't think it helps them either. Roach, unless you're going into brain surgery or anatomy of some sort, there's probably going to be something you don't understand about brain cells and how they function and would form. Just like how with a basic understanding of Newtonian physics, and only Newtonian physics, the universe doesn't make sense.

I'll let the scientists figure this particular problem out though.
2005-10-15, 2:14 PM #92
I think the absolutely most dangerous and wasteful consequence of marijuana smoking is law intervention. Thank God for Inqusition 2.0.
2005-10-15, 2:16 PM #93
Last time I was in a pot debate, I could not find evidence of pot-related deaths. At all. While I don't particularly favor pot, I can't deny the immense lack of evidence.

And you all know how I am with my mindset. How often have I conceded in a debate?
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-10-15, 6:41 PM #94
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Roach, unless you're going into brain surgery or anatomy of some sort, there's probably going to be something you don't understand about brain cells and how they function and would form. Just like how with a basic understanding of Newtonian physics, and only Newtonian physics, the universe doesn't make sense.[/QUOTE]
I've been in human biology/anatomy/physiology courses for the past 3 years. Unlike Newtonian physics which cannot explain Quantum characteristics, biology is the same on all scales. I've been spending the last month poking, and prodding human brains and hapheads while reading a handful of chapters on the CNS. Hell, I've even been reading into theories that the brain may function like a quatum computer. I was willing to admit that I've ignored the stem cells of the neural systems, but from what I understand those stem cells tend to reform damaged support and connective tissues. But as I said, I could be wrong.
omnia mea mecum porto
2005-10-15, 6:46 PM #95
MFalse already FREAKING WON.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-10-15, 6:50 PM #96
If you use a vaporizer, you almost completely eliminate all plant matter and other carcinogens (including tar). Running that through a water filter or other type of filter effectively removes almost all remaining harmful chemicals.

So how is it bad for me again? I don't even smoke anymore, and have no desire to. But I know for damn sure it aint bad for me.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-10-15, 7:15 PM #97
I have more epxerience with drugs than most of you will ever have.

My mother has been a heavy abuser of drugs since BEFORE I WAS BORN. (IE, even during pregneancy)

As a "Casual" pothead of over 40 years, its fairly evident that pot has robbed her of certain mental facilities.
2005-10-15, 7:23 PM #98
Hehe..."robbed her mental facilities."
2005-10-15, 7:35 PM #99

Yay for unintential puns?
2005-10-15, 7:41 PM #100
Originally posted by Rob:
My mother has been a heavy abuser of drugs since BEFORE I WAS BORN. (IE, even during pregneancy)

That explains a lot, actually. :p
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-10-15, 7:44 PM #101
Originally posted by Rob:
I have more epxerience with drugs than most of you will ever have.

My mother has been a heavy abuser of drugs since BEFORE I WAS BORN. (IE, even during pregneancy)

As a "Casual" pothead of over 40 years, its fairly evident that pot has robbed her of certain mental facilities.

I have almost the exact experience with them that you do, then, and my parents are both fine. *shrug*
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-10-15, 7:46 PM #102
They had you didn' they?

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-10-15, 7:50 PM #103
Originally posted by DogSRoOL:
That explains a lot, actually. :p

Pfft, if you think thats my problem, then you've only seen the TIP OF THE VERY LARGE AND TITANIC SINKING ICEBERG.

I just don't emo post on here, because I think its annoying.

If you found my emo blog though, its full of emo.
2005-10-15, 8:24 PM #104
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I like how thrawn always claims this bull**** about how pot hurts you and whatnot, and I still am yet to see one site claiming this. I've never read about a single death on marijuana including from erowid, the single most informative drug experience vault location I've seen TO DATE.

Oh yeah...


You guys can google it, you really won't find anything on somebody dying from marijuana. That's not to say it isn't harmful thanks to MFalse.
No sig.
2005-10-15, 8:33 PM #105
I know a couple of guys that smoke marijuana, and they're both idiots. That said, they were idiots far before they ever smoked their first joint, and I also know several intelligent people that indulge in marijuana use.

I don't know if this has been pointed out in this thread yet, but nicotine has been proven to make you smarter as well.

Personally, I would never partake of either. It's just never appealed to me.
2005-10-16, 12:11 AM #106
It'll rip a ****ing hole in your wallet if you have an addictive personality. :p

How's THAT good for the brain? >_<
-Hell Raiser
2005-10-16, 12:21 AM #107
Drugs are bad, mmmkay? I think that if you need to physically alter your brain chemistry in order to enjoy yourself, you need therapy. Or porn. Everyone loves porn.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-16, 1:28 AM #108
Originally posted by Koobie:


1, 3, 4, and 5 please, from the top
2005-10-16, 1:33 AM #109
I love that south park episode...

Drugs are bad mmmmmkkkkay
2005-10-16, 1:51 AM #110
I just couldn't pass up this opportunity. If I was on the other side of this argument, I would have just made a post saying...

Druggies vs. Douchebags:
Battle to the e-Death!
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-16, 5:28 AM #111
Originally posted by FancyMan:
Drugs are bad, mmmkay? I think that if you need to physically alter your brain chemistry in order to enjoy yourself, you need therapy. Or porn. Everyone loves porn.

Shut up.
2005-10-16, 6:16 AM #112
Originally posted by Schming:
Is Tenshu-land north or south of Brussels?

Throughout the year it's an hour+ drive west from Brussels (like W by NW). This winter it'll probably be Austria. This summer Tenshu-land will be in Norway, then Spain. We try to stay flexible.
2005-10-16, 8:56 AM #113
Originally posted by Rob:
Shut up.

No, YOU shut up!

2005-10-16, 8:59 AM #114
2005-10-16, 9:27 AM #115
Originally posted by FancyMan:
Drugs are bad, mmmkay? I think that if you need to physically alter your brain chemistry in order to enjoy yourself, you need therapy. Or porn. Everyone loves porn.

Wow, someone has a misinterpretation of what drugs do.
2005-10-16, 10:08 AM #116
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']That's hilarious.

Of course, no matter how great it may seem you don't just jump to accept some new study when there have been so many others finding the opposite. Like that new study showing birds aren't descended from dinosaurs, you know? That kind of thing. :p

YOU'RE descended from dinosaurs!!! :mad:
2005-10-16, 10:23 AM #117
Wow it's stoners vrs normal people in here...
2005-10-16, 10:27 AM #118
Originally posted by FancyMan:
Drugs are bad, mmmkay? I think that if you need to physically alter your brain chemistry in order to enjoy yourself, you need therapy. Or porn. Everyone loves porn.

You don't think viewing sexually arousing material causes the brain's chemistry to be altered in order to give an enjoyable affect?
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2005-10-16, 10:29 AM #119
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']That's hilarious.

Of course, no matter how great it may seem you don't just jump to accept some new study when there have been so many others finding the opposite. Like that new study showing birds aren't descended from dinosaurs, you know? That kind of thing. :p

Are you referring to the (questionable) Feduccia papers?

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