(Still) On 13 week vacation

Posts: 10,289
Honestly, my take on smoking... There are certain do's and don'ts. This is sort of an open letter.
Don't come up to me... clearly going out of your way, and complain about my smoking. I hate when people walk 20 feet or so out of their way just to ***** at me for smoking. Nobody said you had to come around me... I don't smoke near entrances to buildings or any **** like that. I go out of the way so people who don't like it don't have to deal with it.
Also, yeah I ****ing know cigarettes are not healthy. Leave me alone. Caffeine is bad for your heart, but you're not trying to save my life each time I open a coke are you? There's a warning on the box. I know how to read. Thank you.
If you do smoke, and you have kids, you don't smoke around your kids. I'm not saying you should hide it from them, but you should not force them to be harmed by it in any possible way, and it is possible. I was walking down an empty sidewalk one day smoking and I saw a woman with a baby carriage turn onto the sidewalk and come my way. I promptly stubbed my cig out and waited for her to pass before reigniting, only to see that the stupid ***** was smoking while pushing her infant. I wanted to push her into traffic. Same sort of **** has happened many times. People like those give smokers a bad name.
If you tell me smoking is pointless, I will stub my cig out in your eye. Smoking relieves tension. End of story. You feel good when you smoke. That's why we do it. It's a release, sort of like masturbation, only you can (sort of) do this in public.
If you're going to smoke, don't smoke anything with the words light or menthol on it. Menthol is disgusting, and lights feel like you're just sucking air through a straw. If you tell me you're smoking lights to quit, I will ****ing kill you. Just quit. Stop smoking, and don't switch to a pipe either. Chew some damned gum or get some suckers. Go buy a new videogame. Occupy yourself.
Stop telling me that you're quitting, because you're not. I hate when people are having conversations with non-smokers, and the non-smoker says the smoker should quit, and the smoker replies "Yeah, I'm going to." Shut up you ****ing uncle tom som*****. You're not quitting, you're just trying to get the smoke nazi off your ***! You know what I say when non-smokers tell me "you should quit." I say "so should you." Most of the time they don't get it, but hell, it at least throws them off long enough to change the subject.
I also hate those people who did quit smoking, and now they tell you how happy they are. Look dickwad, that's why I started smoking, because I was pissed off at how life had been for the past 20 years or so, and when I smoked, I felt better. I remember what it's like to not smoke. I like smoking more than not smoking.
And to the people who just walk by and say "that cigarette's gonna kill you." Oh man... those are one of my favorites. Every time that happens I want to walk in front of a bus just to prove them wrong. How the hell does this guy know that smoking will be the cause of my death, and why won't he tell me tonight's lottery numbers?
They say smoking takes ten years off of your life. I wonder how many years car exhaust and **** like that takes off of our lives. Come to think of it, all of the chemicals and **** like that we breathe every day can't really help too much in the long run. I remember seeing a figure somewhere that since Columbus is largely a commuter city (meaning no one lives in the city, they all live outside), the level of car exhaust I breathe in every day is on par with smoking 3 or 4 packs of cigs.
You can throw as many figures as you want at me, I don't care. I know smoking kills people, but so do cars, guns, and numerous other things. In fact, maybe if you spent a little more time minding your own god damned business instead of intruding into my life, you could think of something legitimate to worry about, like your own ****ing problems.
I'd like to ask everyone who *****es at me for smoking what their GPA is, and if they answer anything below 3.0 I should ***** them out for 45 minutes or so because in the time they spent memorizing all of those statistics about smoking, they could have been worrying about their classes and not being such a dumbass.
Anyway, after all of that typing, I sure could use a cigarette. Of course I'll head outside since my room mates are ****ing smoke nazi's. One in particular says she's allergic to it. This is what get's me about that: You're allergic to cigarette smoke? Well no **** you friggin dolt. It's POISON! That's why it ****s you up. That's why you get a buzz. Everyone is allergic to smoke. That's like saying "damn, john, I don't know what it is about that Anthrax stuff, but I must be allergic to it."
Go to hell.
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