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ForumsDiscussion Forum → King Kong
King Kong
2005-12-18, 2:30 PM #81
im with Jepman on this
2005-12-18, 2:48 PM #82
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
yeah... most people tend to, you know, like good movies

not sure what you're getting at here.
2005-12-18, 2:49 PM #83
I am, and it's silly!
2005-12-18, 8:08 PM #84
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
no, you don't; disliking a movie is fine, and a matter of opinion

but going into a thread about praising a movie that a lot of people like, and calling it the 'worst movie ever', is rather uncalled for, I would say.

lol opinions.

Anyways, I think some people on this board are just bitter little children who would find ANYTHING in a movie to pick apart. It was fun, entertaining, but a bit lengthy. Good movie all around IMO.

I don't see how anything I said can possibly be criticized. Disagreed with, surely, but this thread wasn't called "I <3 Kong" or anything.

I articulated points. Perhaps I threw in some hyperbole, but I wasn't an idiot about it, and certainly not a "bitter little "child".

You ****ing ignoramus.

(And yes, I'm aware of the hypocracy/irony of that statement)
former entrepreneur
2005-12-18, 8:12 PM #85
You ****ing ignoramus.

What a mature way to end your post.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-12-18, 8:14 PM #86
I actually didn't like it. I was horribly, horribly confused by most of Ann's lines during her/Peter's conversation over dinner. I snoozed during the first hour.
It started to pick up the second two hours, but I thought it did seem a bit formulaic. The Kong vs. Whatever fight scenes were cool, I'll give it that. Who doesn't want to see a gorrilla wrip the jaws of a T-Rex apart?

Was anyone else reminded of some strange combination of The Others from Lost and the Reavers from Firefly/Serenity when the natives came on? It freaked me out..

But yeah. They didn't make much sense. And how did they know his name was Kong!? That's always bugged me...
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2005-12-18, 8:15 PM #87
The villagers called it 'Kong' when they were chanting and yelling. One part of the movie, the sound kind of faded out and all you could hear was the old lady screaming 'Kong! Kong!' to Ann.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-12-18, 8:42 PM #88
Originally posted by happydud:
I actually didn't like it. I was horribly, horribly confused by most of Ann's lines during her/Peter's conversation over dinner. I snoozed during the first hour.

In the movie's defense, you DID only sleep for a half-hour last night. Well, and a half-hour nap while fish and I and MadQuack and such were playing Super Smash Bros. Melee. Which makes me wonder why I didn't feel more wary letting you drive... <_<;;

As for my thoughts on the movie, it probably could have been tighter, but I disagree with happydud -- the first hour was fine for me, it was the other two that felt longer than needed. I do agree though that there were lines in the movie that were... weird. I have to see the original now so I can compare the two in my head.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-12-18, 10:29 PM #89
It wasn't brilliant, but damn it was the best spectacle I have ever seen. That was some seriously cool stuff. I don't care about any little problems that movie had. What it did well, it did perfectly.

And remember, I hate Peter Jackson.
>>untie shoes
2005-12-19, 2:06 PM #90
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Which makes me wonder why I didn't feel more wary letting you drive... <_<;;


Anyway. I was awake and conscious for most of the first hour..

And Victor - Yeah, they were chanting things and said Kong. But if a bunch of natives are chanting things, are you going to be able to pick out the name of the giant ape? They were saying a lot of other things too.
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2005-12-19, 4:01 PM #91
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]What a mature way to end your post.[/QUOTE]

That isn't how I end my post. This is how I end my post.

Originally posted by Eversor:
(And yes, I'm aware of the hypocracy/irony of that statement)
former entrepreneur
2005-12-19, 4:47 PM #92
Originally posted by Eversor:
You ****ing ignoramus.

Aww, is the child unhappy about my opinions? Someone needs a nap!
2005-12-19, 5:25 PM #93
Wow, that's the most generic internet response i've ever heard.
former entrepreneur
2005-12-19, 5:56 PM #94
the apes are inhabiting earth in the future!

you think its another planet but it isnt!
2005-12-19, 5:58 PM #95
Admin -> Close thread -> Ban beyatches.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-12-19, 6:02 PM #96
Someone on this thread deserves cancer.
2005-12-19, 6:04 PM #97
haha you guys are [penises]
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-12-19, 6:05 PM #98
You guys are all ducks.

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