It has nothing to do with your opinions. You stated them as facts--you forget that whole invisible "In My Opinion" piece of the post is thrown out the window in a debate thread. When you start making FALSE accusations on our president (nevermind the fact that you made accusations on our country like most/all ignorant EU kiddies [I don't mean all citizens of the EU, just those who hate America for no reason] based solely on the actions of one president out of 30-something others [can't be arsed to go back and look the exact number]) I do get offended because, despite how much I hate the guy, he is OUR PRESIDENT. I will defend him if I think he is in the right, or if I at least think he has the benefit of a doubt for being in the right. I will also criticize him if I think he's doing something wrong. Yes, he ****ed up Iraq to a stupid degree. Yes, I think that the prolonged war in Iraq is partly his attempt to become a popular war-hero president (which got him elected into a second term so obviously it worked to some degree). No, I do not agree with Iraq in any way.
But no, I do NOT think that he lied to the American people about what he did/did not know.
They do not belong there. Jews do NOT belong there. The muslims resided there for thousands of years, and the only defense you could bring up to the Jewish presence is the religious ones which are subjective at best. We're talking about the real world, not some book where it rains for 40 days and small men kill giants with slings.
Now, I'm not gonna say they should leave, but the fact that they do NOT belong there, their presence is a biproduct of overly zealous and greedy nations trying to recompense for what happened to them by granting a wish for them, basically. What's done is done, but don't try to defend it as right if it's wrong.
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat](Germany and Japan) These countries were already industrialized, had a strong national identity, and it wasn't just a US effort.
Places like Iraq, Iran, Afganistan are heavily factionalized, not as developed, and just not on the same level as Japan and Germany were. Korea had a long term presence because it was just a buffer from the north, not as a civilization-building effort. It was a regieme keep there, not a change. Also, it was supported by Koreans in the area, unlike Iraq and Iran will be. In other words, in Korea there was heavy infrastructure already there.[/QUOTE]
Germany was only industrialized because of the war effort. Before that it was basically crumpled because of the Treaty of Versailles, and was only sustained by Allied-power funding. Then Hitler came in, gave the people a reason to fight and feel pride...and the rest is history.
Japan was still in the feudal ages. To say it was industrialized is a farce--it had only gained a powerful navy because of its imperialistic nature into the surrounding islands and archipelagos--basically if it was a land nation, it would have a great army. But it was a chain of islands, so it had a great navy (for its size).
They were FAR from industrialized and ready for the world. The US opened its borders and forced it into an economic stature--something that in the end benefitted the small island because of its stupid amount of money that had originally been poured into the army now being poured into its economy.