Connection? Do tell.
Oh, and as I've said before; wicca has some very realistic views on various things - no matter where the damn thing originated from. Little fourteen-year-olds claiming to be 'witches' that cast 'spells' on eachother, obviously is ridiculous. They're better of playing LARP, where's there's actually some sort of effect to their so-called witchcraft.
From what I know by talking to people following this religion/cult/ideology, it's just another view on life. You might want to call it a subculture therefor, but let's not go into that. If someone's view on life is different from your own viewpoint, it doesn't mean theirs is 'bull****' by any means. Most of you will know how punk changed many people's view on life when it started becoming popular. Punk wasn't that old a thing at the time, either, a lot like Wicca.
The very problem with Wicca simply are the kids taking it too serious. If you follow Wicca, and therefor are more compassionate about nature, living beings and spiritual health, I don't see much of a problem. I you go around wearing black dresses, pentagrams, amulets while you're telling people you'll curse them once you've learned how to do so, yeah, now there's a bit of a problem.People stop taking you seriously (or, of course,more serious, depending on the person).
Anyone remember the 'satanic murder', commited because two Satanists thought a woman was the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary? It's a fairly nice comparison of taking things too seriously. LaVey, who pretty much started the whole Satanism thing, has always said not to take it seriously. It's a bunch of ideals, and if you agree with them, it's a nice thing for you. If you don't agree with the idealogy, tough luck, find another religion, sect, or fanclub.
If that didn't make sense, then please excuse me.