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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Status with the ladies (or guys)
Status with the ladies (or guys)
2006-02-11, 1:29 PM #81
9th month going on with current girl. Doing just fine. Had a bit of a rough month in late December and early January. Persevered though, and we're doing better than ever.

Just got back from her place where we spent a lot of time trying to find some suitable lingerie (we didn't find anything kinky enough, her opinion, not mine :p ) for me to get her for valentine's and we also spent a few hours playing four-handed piano. My prima-vista reading and playing sucks compared to her's.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2006-02-11, 1:56 PM #82
I've been single for about 8 months now.

I haven't been naked around a woman for 2 years :(
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-11, 2:24 PM #83
when all else fails...
Attachment: 10351/sword-katana-ww2-3.jpg (56,177 bytes)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-11, 2:34 PM #84
Cut the grass while your at it.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2006-02-11, 2:39 PM #85
I went to the Philly auto show yesterday. The Ford GT didn't judge me.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2006-02-11, 4:14 PM #86
single and not really looking. The whole relationship thing is too much effort for me at the moment.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-02-11, 4:28 PM #87
Guess what, I'm.... single! Like, that was such a surprise!
2006-02-11, 4:43 PM #88
cos u have no ego.

Ego = sexy

When u cant walk through doors no more, due to large cranial ego, you know you are for the big win...

like... Spiral. :o
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-11, 4:58 PM #89
I have no ego? Since when?
2006-02-11, 5:03 PM #90
Since just then, when I said you dont have any ego! :em321:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-11, 5:34 PM #91
My ego > *
2006-02-11, 7:11 PM #92
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :gbk: :p :rolleyes:
2006-02-11, 8:13 PM #93
[QUOTE=stinkey diver]Chicks are for fags. [/QUOTE]

Irony meter... off.. the chart...
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2006-02-11, 8:44 PM #94
I haven't had a good prospect in a two years. Haven't had a sure thing in... god, five years. Damn.
I'm a sucker for redheads.
Actually, I coulda had this thing going very VERY recently with this... not completely unnatractive girl I know (redhead gaaaaahhhhh *drool*) who every single one of my "friends" hates (except for when she gives them food), but she's got this grating voice and skewed sense of humor and can't hold up in a debate and I was really poor at the time and couldn't afford to even buy her a chocolate milk from the cafeteria or anything like that even if I did feel like making a move.
And she just just JUST moved.
Is there nobody out there for me?!?
Then again, on the internet, I'm a frikkin stud, but that doesn't count.
Actually, stud's not the word, more like... slut, but whatever.
Hey, let's share our craziest WWW sweethearts.
One girl, hippy pothead, describes herself as 95% gay. 19 and a fan of Evangalion. Wacky.
This other chick, 29, Indian, speaks maybe thirty words of english. Mostly the word "****". Every time I chat with her she's forgotten who I am. Good times.
My favorite, this 42 year old redhead (*lustful shiver*) English bird who refers to me as her "cute little slave-boy". I dunno if I wanna talk about this.
Who the hell am I kidding, of course I do.

-Share. I shared. Share back. That's how it WORKS. I SHARE, you SHARE BACK. Do it! Do it now!
2006-02-11, 8:50 PM #95
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
My favorite, this 42 year old redhead (*lustful shiver*) English bird who refers to me as her "cute little slave-boy". I dunno if I wanna talk about this.
Who the hell am I kidding, of course I do.

This deserves its own thread.
2006-02-11, 8:53 PM #96
The only downside is I haven't heard from her in a few months. Wanna see a pic of her?

-too bad.
2006-02-11, 9:00 PM #97
Every single girl I have actually cared about has either begun to dislike me once I actually start liking them or rejected me. Usually both.
2006-02-11, 9:57 PM #98
[QUOTE=Noble Outlaw]I dunno, i may have you beat for geekyness. if all goes well, i may ask out a girl from my Star Wars RPG group. Who plays magic. and can kick my *** in gunbound.[/QUOTE]

No! You come back to Jersey and find yourself a Jersey girl, you *******!
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-11, 10:13 PM #99
aint that a zinger
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-11, 11:08 PM #100
This is hillarious: Right now, I'm in one of those free live chat things with a pretty decent looking gal. I'm trying to make her laugh on screen. She's tough to crack, though. There's this guy going on and on and on and on about her feet or whatever... let's watch...
Oh god, this is wretchedly funny. I asked her if she's ever been with a woman and she tells me that this is the wrong room for that question.

-Gah, I gave up. She was hot, though.
2006-02-11, 11:42 PM #101
You need higher standards :), and don't ask girls they've ever been with other girls, foob.
2006-02-11, 11:45 PM #102
Just a chat rat. Pay it no mind.

-I need to have no standards. Otherwise, how could I get with a girl with none?
2006-02-11, 11:47 PM #103
Originally posted by saberopus:
You need higher standards :), and don't ask girls they've ever been with other girls, foob.

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-11, 11:48 PM #104
Believe me, if not necessary, it would at least help.

-I am not what you would call classically handsome.
2006-02-11, 11:49 PM #105
[QUOTE=Chaz Ghostle]No! You come back to Jersey and find yourself a Jersey girl, you *******![/QUOTE]

Ouch. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-11, 11:51 PM #106
Originally posted by Freelancer:

higher standards because there's no reason to settle for
Originally posted by jarl:
not completely unnatractive girl I know ... she's got this grating voice and skewed sense of humor and can't hold up in a debate

when a there are much more personally desirable and attainable ladies around.

why not ask about being with other girls?

well if the situation was some girl on vid chat talking to a bunch of guys, that doesn't really apply. but for most speaking-with-the-ladies situations it does.
2006-02-11, 11:55 PM #107
I was trying to make her laugh. And it didn't work. The most I ever got out of her was a smirk.
I was about to ask her about transexuals, but then I figured, meh.

-I just had a flash of that stupid Duece Bigalow in Euro-land movie, "A man who takes the free preview on porn sites and doesn't ever intend on paying!"
2006-02-12, 12:28 PM #108
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
I'm a sucker for redheads.

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-12, 1:01 PM #109
I'm single. Have been for a few months, since my ex decided she was lesbian. I've been on the look-out for a new girlfriend, but so far nothing has happened.
2006-02-12, 1:09 PM #110
Decided one day?
2006-02-12, 2:18 PM #111
Single. Trying to be un-single is a challange when you're lazy and never been un-single before, among other things. Sort of like trying to get a job that requires you to have a house, and you need a job for the house. Oh well, I'm still trying. *shrug*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-02-12, 2:23 PM #112
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
I'm a sucker for redheads.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-12, 2:46 PM #113
Where do i start, i very much like this girl who happens to be taken but i'm 85% sure she likes me back. And she lives.. nowhere near me.

So far the only advice i've received from the few friends i've disclosed this information to is somethin along the lines of:

[20:23:14] Tom: lolol
[20:23:18] Tom: just have a wank n stfu

Yes yes, i love my friends :)
2006-02-12, 3:24 PM #114
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Single. Trying to be un-single is a challange when you're lazy and never been un-single before, among other things. Sort of like trying to get a job that requires you to have a house, and you need a job for the house. Oh well, I'm still trying. *shrug*

Do you still live with your parents? :p
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-12, 3:27 PM #115
Originally posted by DogSRoOL:
Do you still live with your parents? :p

I live with my dad. He lives 5 minutes from campus, so it's stupid in my opinion to pay for a dorm space and whatnot. I have no problem living with him at the moment, especially when I don't have that little thing called a "job" yet. I did the dorm thing already anyway.

Yeah, I know it's very un-cool. I'm a big dork, what can I say?
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-02-13, 8:56 AM #116
Originally posted by happydud:
[quote=stinkey diver]Chicks are for fags.

Irony meter... off.. the chart...[/QUOTE]
That made me laugh really hard... thank you for making my day :D
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2006-02-13, 7:04 PM #117
I've been in a relationship for 1 year and 4 months now = ] I still havent decided on what to do when the 1.5 comes.
2006-02-13, 7:12 PM #118
Is there something super special about 1.5 years in a relationship I should know about? :x
2006-02-13, 8:15 PM #119
At that point you are digested.

-It tingles.
2006-02-13, 8:20 PM #120
That's quick; considering that the Sarlacc takes 1000 years.

Actually you'd be quite comfortable inside of something that takes 1000 years to digest you.

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