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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Would you still play Jedi Knight?
Would you still play Jedi Knight?
2006-02-16, 5:21 AM #41
Stories Untold had a good fighting system.

And the countless gun mods. I love gun mods... My favorite is the MiB weapons pack, however unknown it may be. The conc is very juicy in that one.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-02-16, 5:54 AM #42
In the words of my beloved girlfriend, whom wrote the following message on my Valentine's Day card...

"I know you're trying to save money, but I also think you need a stress reliever and something you enjoy, so this check is for you to reopen your World of Warcraft account. I know you miss it, and I'd rather see you playing that than Jedi Knight. It's always embarassing when my friends ask me what game you play, and I have to tell them that it's some crappy Star Wars game from 1997."

I never thought I'd see the day that a girl would bribe me to play a more popular game just to save her some embarassment. However, what she doesn't know can't harm her. I'd definitely use your application.
2006-02-16, 5:56 AM #43
Awesome. EU or US servers? Just curious >_>
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-02-16, 6:31 AM #44
Haha, Mentat, that is insane. I love that so much. Happy Valentine's day.

I would probably play when I am not owning DoD:S.
2006-02-16, 6:36 AM #45
Hell Yeah!! And i think i could get some of my friends to play. ;)
2006-02-16, 7:51 AM #46
I'm not going to lie to you, I definitely would not, and neither would half or better of the people that said they would. You know it, I know it, I say don't waste your time.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-16, 8:05 AM #47
[QUOTE=Hell Raiser]You could play SBX y'know, which would be popular. :p[/QUOTE]

Did I mention I was too much of a graphics whore to play a game with characters that look like a bunch of hacked up french fries glues together to form limps? Oh, well 8-bit painted hacked up glued up limby french fries.

[JEPEDIT] Bah great, logged in to the gf account. Damn cookies.

<3 Jep
2006-02-16, 8:13 AM #48
Do not insult the french fries!!!

Wait... I mean character models! Do not insult the character models!

Oh darn...
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2006-02-16, 8:21 AM #49
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I'm not going to lie to you, I definitely would not, and neither would half or better of the people that said they would. You know it, I know it, I say don't waste your time.

Speak for yourself please. Don't take away from other people what they like.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-16, 8:22 AM #50
And honestly, yeah, if I had more time. Perhaps, though, with a system like that, I might just hop into a game whenever I had a spare minute. I love JK.
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2006-02-16, 8:26 AM #51
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Speak for yourself please. Don't take away from other people what they like.

So maybe you're one of the half. But I doubt it.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-16, 9:03 AM #52
JK is still my fav. MP PC game.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-02-16, 11:27 AM #53
JK is one of my fav games of all time and I lovveed playing it on zone and had a great time, but the game is almost 10 years old and it wouldn't be the same as it was before.

The reason for it still being aroudn massassi and JK2/3 isnt the thing here i think is because of too much nostalgia
2006-02-16, 12:13 PM #54
Maybe when there's a linux port.
2006-02-16, 12:20 PM #55
I dunno about vanilla JK, maybeonce in a while, but the game still has so much potential, as we see fairly regularly.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-16, 12:40 PM #56
Originally posted by Spook:
I dunno about vanilla JK, maybeonce in a while, but the game still has so much potential, as we see fairly regularly.

Not really.

There are far more flexible engines to work with.

****, even working with HL1 would be preferable to JK. Atleast HL1 stuff can be ported to ther games easily.
2006-02-16, 1:00 PM #57
Originally posted by JediKirby:
But this isn't about Sith2 or JKR... at all. Why is that effecting your comment?

Emon referred to those projects in a question in his initial post.

Originally posted by JediKirby:
I honestly don't see what's changed that'd make playing one of the greatest game EVER a bad thing.

JK has not become a bad thing. It is still one of the greatest games ever, considering what was the norm when it was released in '97. Change has produced much better things than JK. How so? Obviously, technology has increased the entertainment potential and immersion of games. Although JK excels in presentation of scale, feeling, and atmosphere (JO and JA were extremely poor in comparison), I cringe at the butt-ugly graphics, mediocre AI, and limitations of the physics and MP code. Anyone can say that visuals don't make a game, but it is a liability when the product is approaching a decade in age and numerous accomplishments have been made since then. Next, I personally like being a part of a large gaming community. Such old games don't give me that. Okay, I come to Massassi everyday and that's all about JK right? WRONG. About 9 out of 10 people who still visit Massassi probably come for the discussion forum, as do I. Finally, I don't have much time during the week to play games; I want to make it the best experience I can when I have the chance.
2006-02-16, 2:14 PM #58
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
ORJ actively plays JK, so a lobby like that would definitely be visited by at least a certain number of ORJ members.

That "certain number of ORJ members" would include me...

I have been playing mp JK since the game first came out and still love it. I play as often as I can with other ORJ members via IP. I visit sometimes, when people are on it... But unfortuneately, there has hardly been anyone on it recently. (Perhaps due to that fact that you can spot that no one is on via JKLauncher?)

A similar game lobby to the zone would really help!
2006-02-16, 2:49 PM #59
Originally posted by Jepman:
Did I mention I was too much of a graphics whore to play a game with characters that look like a bunch of hacked up french fries glues together to form limps? Oh, well 8-bit painted hacked up glued up limby french fries.

Ok, Yes, the graphics suck. And the animation system is lacking as well. The netcode isn't as bad as everyone with 56k modems think, and new cog verbs are like, in front of my face, sans helper functions to write new verbs.

But if games were always about the graphics, we'd have a bunch of Doom3-esque looking games, with equally thought out gameplay and story lines. ;)
-Hell Raiser
2006-02-16, 2:54 PM #60
More $0.02: (After reading more, HA)

I personally could care less who says "JK is dead" "Go play something else" etc. If that's an opinion held by anyone reading these very words, yay. Thank you for exercising your rights of free speech on the internet. :o

I myself would be happy and content, Cogging away, playing JK MP easily with others, and programming in VB. Oh, and drinking lots of Pepsi, to sustain me while I do the things I love. :p
-Hell Raiser
2006-02-16, 3:25 PM #61
[QUOTE=Hell Raiser]More $0.02: (After reading more, HA)

I personally could care less who says "JK is dead" "Go play something else" etc. If that's an opinion held by anyone reading these very words, yay. Thank you for exercising your rights of free speech on the internet. :o

I myself would be happy and content, Cogging away, playing JK MP easily with others, and programming in VB. Oh, and drinking lots of Pepsi, to sustain me while I do the things I love. :p[/QUOTE]

And I will tinker and play with the fruits of your awesome creations as long as you make them. To me, JK is timeless.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-16, 4:24 PM #62
Originally posted by Brand:
That "certain number of ORJ members" would include me...

And me.

I still play JK MP regularly, mostly on the server. It's hard to find games nowadays though, as people stated above. Anyways, a JK lobby like Nar would be awesome, I think it would bring the community back. Hopefully, with the completion of such projects like Sith 2 and JKR, people will start playing JK again.
Wes Darklighter
2006-02-16, 4:27 PM #63
Back in the old days...

I remember playing JK on the Zone every afternoon after work. A big part of that was when I only had the demo. But eventually, the hackers and "annoying kiddies" proved more than I could tolerate (and the accusations I was hacking, when I was simply kicking their butts), so I quit.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-16, 4:28 PM #64
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2006-02-16, 5:27 PM #65
[QUOTE=Hell Raiser]I personally could care less who says "JK is dead" "Go play something else" etc.[/QUOTE]

So hang on, you do care? I'm really having trouble working out what your message is.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2006-02-16, 5:46 PM #66
Nah, not anymore I'm pretty much completely past JK. A couple of years ago the answer would have been "JK NEVER DIES LOL!"

Well I guess it's not dead, I just won't play it anymore :P
2006-02-16, 5:47 PM #67
Originally posted by Detty:
So hang on, you do care? I'm really having trouble working out what your message is.

Stop being such an annoying nitpicker.

The phrase I could care less is an idiom meaning I couldn't care less.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-16, 6:41 PM #68

There was just something about playing Manticeville RPG or Jedi High School and stuff. I miss those days. I have actually cried thinking about it. Drazen Isle, just you and a few other talking, having fun. It was incredible. I wish it would all come back...
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2006-02-16, 6:43 PM #69
In soviet russia, jedi knight plays you!

errr... you don't think that was too over the top do you???
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-02-16, 11:48 PM #70
Originally posted by Freelancer:
So maybe you're one of the half. But I doubt it.

My signature does not lie. I represent an active clan, and next to that I have lots of friends on MSN who play JK.

Last night, for example. This ended up being a four hour game of pure fun.
Attachment: 10446/game.jpg (46,270 bytes)
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-17, 12:15 AM #71
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
My signature does not lie. I represent an active clan, and next to that I have lots of friends on MSN who play JK.

Last night, for example. This ended up being a four hour game of pure fun.

[Piccy pic of insane fun]

Crap dude.. where can I get in on the action? :p

Oh, and thanks Freelancer. :p
-Hell Raiser
2006-02-17, 12:23 AM #72
[QUOTE=Hell Raiser]Crap dude.. where can I get in on the action? :p

Oh, and thanks Freelancer. :p[/QUOTE]

lol! I posted the IP in #JKHub too... that's how Zeq got there. :D

JK LIVES! hah.

*High fives HR*
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-17, 4:16 AM #73
What about competition? Honestly, I liked not knowing what I was going to get in a game on the zone - a newbie, someone who could kick my ***, or a good old fashioned haxor. I don't know if we're going to get that kind of variety if you guys start this up.

rhere arn't enough leetzor clans anymore, where's teh love? lolz
A dream is beautiful because it remains a dream.
2006-02-17, 6:31 AM #74
Well, if we start this up, JK might just attract new players, because it is easier to play JK MP online then. By the way, I am already meeting new people on the dedicated server every now and then.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-17, 11:34 AM #75

'ahem. Sorry.
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2006-02-17, 11:52 AM #76
After four hours, the highest score was 2? Am I missing something?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-17, 11:54 AM #77
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
Well, if we start this up, JK might just attract new players, because it is easier to play JK MP online then. By the way, I am already meeting new people on the dedicated server every now and then.

I played JoS once... well not against him but he was there on the server and i said hi. I go on there everyonce and a while when ever i can.
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2006-02-17, 1:15 PM #78
Yeah Andrew, we should meet again. ;)
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-17, 1:55 PM #79
A First Person Shooter is a First Person Shooter.

A gun is a gun.

A bomb is a bomb.

Every FPS is basically the same. Graphics may improve, but playability does not necessarily improve. Graphics may make games more realistic or gory, but doesn't really extend game dynamics. (The classic, original Doom is just as fun as the more recent shooters).

JK was unique because it broke the mold. Having a lightsaber and force powers made it so much more than a FPS... and just when it started to get boring and repetitive, in swoops Shadow_X with his magnificent SBX. (I reckon SBX is the best mod for ANY game EVER). It transformed JK from a slash and jump affair with only two attacks to a versatile and skillful martial art form.

So why did JK players move on?

For SEVERAL YEARS, JK was very popular on the zone!!! (Has any other mp FPS game lasted so well?) To my memory, numbers only started to significantly drop when JO came out... and then JA again contributed to depleted numbers on the zone.

I would have moved onto JO or JA too, had they the lasting appeal that JK has. But they lack a certain something... they are not quite as frantic, and while their game engine had some technical advantages over JK, they don't excite in quite the same way. Perhaps the problem lies with the fact that the JO/JA engine was developed from the Q3 engine, rather than a new build? (If Shadow_X was to give them a makeover, then who knows what they could become...)

But the JK commmunity is one of the other crucial factors that led to its continued success. And the zone deserves credit for that.

The ability to first choose a game room, then interact with its occupants prior to playing with them made it easy to find a clan to join, to find new recruits or like-minded gamers to compete with.

I've played all manner of mp games. None satisfy the way JK still does!
2006-02-17, 2:45 PM #80
Originally posted by Freelancer:
After four hours, the highest score was 2? Am I missing something?

Yes, this:

This ended up being a four hour game of pure fun.

That screenshot was obviously taken at the start of the game.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."

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