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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Found a wallet today...
Found a wallet today...
2006-02-17, 3:27 PM #81
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2006-02-17, 3:29 PM #82
Give 10% to God...

And spend the rest on lottery tickets.

Then if you every figure out who lost the wallet you can give it back with $900 and keep the profit!
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2006-02-17, 4:09 PM #83
Someone who carries $900 in there wallet is either very rich, or very stupid. If they are rich, then they won't have a hard time losing it. If they're stupid, they deserve to lose it and learn a lesson. So either way, I say listen to the little devil on your shoulder; keep it .
2006-02-17, 4:20 PM #84
I just hope for you its not some drug dealer, or hope that he doesn't lay a hand on you. *shuggers*
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-02-17, 4:50 PM #85
Originally posted by KnightRider2000:
Well since there's business cards in it's probably smart to contact the businesses and see if anyone lost a wallet. :rolleyes:

People keep single business cards of people/businesses they've encountered. Your OWN business card is kept in a breifcase or on your desk.

I honestly DON'T see how ANY of you can see justification in keeping the money. You've never lost something dear to you? Oh, you have? You're just stupid for losing it. **** doesn't happen, you must be perfect.

And the moral standings of the person receiving the money is irrelivent. Reguardless, returning the money is the morally OK thing to do. This isn't my morals, it's MORALS IN GENERAL. Any reasoning for keeping it isn't reason enough, you're just being immoral and selfish. I believe in selfishness, but NOT at the expense of someone else. You DON'T have to take from anyone else to be selfish. That is, I would be HAPPY to take the 1000 some bucks if no owners could be found. I wouldn't hesitate to take it because no one claimed it: It's mine now.

You wouldn't find it moral if the police station gave it to whoever came in looking for a wallet, wouldn't you? You'd expect the police station to ask questions about the wallet. You'd expect the person would have to identify the wallet. The person would be immoral for asking for a wallet that wasn't theres. WHY can you consider yourself moral for keeping it? That's stupid.

Above all that, if someone returned a wallet to me with that kind of cash in it, I'd give them a small reward. You're not getting 1000 bucks out of returning it, but you'll get an honest 50 bucks, maybe. Any chance of money plus the respect of a stranger is WELL worth the possibility of NOT getting anything.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-17, 5:01 PM #86
Yeah, do what you can to give it back. Keeping it is just messed.
2006-02-17, 7:19 PM #87
I would try to find the dude who lost it. If no luck, well lucky you, you found a wallet and tried your best. Now it's your money. Do what you want with it.
2006-02-17, 9:22 PM #88
Originally posted by JediKirby:
People keep single business cards of people/businesses they've encountered. Your OWN business card is kept in a breifcase or on your desk.

I honestly DON'T see how ANY of you can see justification in keeping the money. You've never lost something dear to you? Oh, you have? You're just stupid for losing it. **** doesn't happen, you must be perfect.

And the moral standings of the person receiving the money is irrelivent. Reguardless, returning the money is the morally OK thing to do. This isn't my morals, it's MORALS IN GENERAL. Any reasoning for keeping it isn't reason enough, you're just being immoral and selfish. I believe in selfishness, but NOT at the expense of someone else. You DON'T have to take from anyone else to be selfish. That is, I would be HAPPY to take the 1000 some bucks if no owners could be found. I wouldn't hesitate to take it because no one claimed it: It's mine now.

You wouldn't find it moral if the police station gave it to whoever came in looking for a wallet, wouldn't you? You'd expect the police station to ask questions about the wallet. You'd expect the person would have to identify the wallet. The person would be immoral for asking for a wallet that wasn't theres. WHY can you consider yourself moral for keeping it? That's stupid.

Above all that, if someone returned a wallet to me with that kind of cash in it, I'd give them a small reward. You're not getting 1000 bucks out of returning it, but you'll get an honest 50 bucks, maybe. Any chance of money plus the respect of a stranger is WELL worth the possibility of NOT getting anything.


It has nothing to do with morally justifying keeping the money--I didn't think there was anything he could honestly do in the way of returning it. And a wallet with no ID and only business cards/bills isn't likely to be dear to you. The money might be missed, but it's your own fault for not carrying around ID. If there's nothing he can do to return it, what else is he GOING to do with the money? Why NOT keep it?
2006-02-19, 1:06 AM #89
I know I'd do a lot to find the owner...unless he was like Hitler or something.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-02-19, 1:07 AM #90
Hitler, you say?

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