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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Calling all smokers, jokers and midnight tokers...
Calling all smokers, jokers and midnight tokers...
2006-03-24, 10:07 AM #1
This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. Do not adjust your eyes, for what you are about to read is the truth.

This is not candy coated, altered from any particular source, or a fabrication.

I don't lie.

Marijuana will fork your brain up. Bad. Really bad. Your body becomes dependant on it because your brain says "Hey, I don't need to produce this hormone/chemical anymore, because the body is getting it elsewhere."

I'm sure you've heard "Today's pot isn't what your mama or daddy smoked back in the 60's" over and over. Sure, you probably don't give it a second thought, thinking "Hell ya, Go go hydroponics! More THC for me!" and whatnot.

Well it's the truth. Not only because of the potency of today's pot, but because growers have cross pollinated, and come up with a TOBACCO/MARIJUANA hybrid. By doing so, marijuana has nicotine. That same nasty **** that has me addicted to cigarettes, has me addicted to pot. You too.


If you're a pot smoker, and are reading this very line, I commend you. You have an open mind, and are willing to give my little 'soap box rant' a go. Thank you. :D

I'm not saying Pot is evil. It is light years away from that. I will always support the legalization of marijuana (no matter how vein it might be) and endorse it for it's medical purposes. The growers/suppliers are the evil ones. What better way to insure that people keep coming back for more, than to give it that 'addictive edge' of other drugs?

Let's face it: pot smokers currently using are immersed in a cloud of self-delusion. (Pun intended) "I can quit anytime." You might say. Well, what runs through your mind when you seriously think "I can quit forever and still be around friends who still use"? Can you seriously tell me that some form of anxiety doesn't occur? I sure as hell feared the thought of not using anymore.

But even then I didn't consider myself addicted to it. "I'll quit somewhere along the line, before kids come along." That slowly changed into "I'll have to smoke in a different room or outside." I tried justifying my habit by saying it was for self-medication, because of my anxiety/depression and violent mood swings. Pfft, well, I still had mood swings and depression, but it wasn't as severe. I accepted this level as the best as it could get. (having bad experiences with Dr's and depression meds)

I know for a fact that daily users of any drug have reservations about using it. Yea you feel good, it enhances the fun of things, etc etc. I know. I've been there, thought it all, have the lung deposits and THC count to prove it.

Daily/Routine users, ask yourself: "How did my usage start?" Think waaaaay back. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know you'll say "It started out as a once in a while thing, but I really liked it and thought 'Hey, what the hell, why not smoke it all the time?' If it feels good, do it!" I sure as hell's did.

So here we are now, daily users of something we think we can handle. We have a problem, a huge problem. As tiny and insignificant as each bowl, joint or loaded bong may seem, it controls us, it laughs at us, lies to us, and fills us with delusions of grandeur. We are addicts, substance abusers, people with mental disorders undiagnosed. We have a disease. It's not terminal if we don't let it get there. No matter how we think about it, our addiction is with us for the rest of our lives.

The best we can do is muster up the courage, ask Him for help, and pray for our lives. The best part is that we're never alone. There's millions of people out there, former users of this that and the other, who've been through it all. A helluva lot more than us meek tokers. If a heroin addict can admit he has a problem, go through rehab, get help, get on with their life and achieve the things they dreamed up as a kid, anyone can.

And that's no lie.

I myself have sought out help, and have opened the door to a brave new world. One I thought I could never enter again, yet it's always been in front of me, clouded by my own 2nd hand smoke. I've realized that I have an addiction. I had cravings for it, wanted it, stole for it, hurt for it, and let people down for it. Hell, I used to tell my wife when she asked me if it was more important to her "No baby!" But in the back of my head I actually seriously wondered. :( :( :(

I finally realized that I have a problem, when just a week ago I was scraping my pipe for resin, AGAIN. Same old ****ing story: I was out, had no money, and NEEDED that high. I always thought about quitting, every single toke. Every single ****ing toke man, every single ****ing one. I just couldn't drop the habit no matter how hard I wanted to. I finally made that first all important step: I admitted to myself that I have a problem.

Don't take my word for it. Why should you? What the **** do I know about you? How in the hell can I know you at all? We're all just a bunch of 0's and 1's anyway.

And yet you still read. :em321:

Well, try putting it down. Wake up sober, shove it all in a closet, drawer, nook, cranny, give it to a friend to hold on to. Then, observe yourself with an open mind for the next 24 hours. Believe you're giving it up. Notice how it makes you feel.

Anxious? Depressed? Mad? Sad? Glad???? Write it all down, remember it well, etc. You will have withdrawal. Try to make it for 24 hours, 48, 72, a week, a month, a year, whatever floats your boat. Withdrawal won't last long, a few days, give or take, but maybe you'll still crave it?

If you don't crave it, kudos to you! [] You are stronger than thyself and I commend thee. You have what it takes to make something of yourself. Never look back and continue heading forward.

If you do crave it, please please please... take that first integral step to opening that door, and admit to yourself you have an addiction, and need help.

I've been clean for over a week, am seeking help, and have an insatiable dislike for putting anything intoxicating into myself. I still have the disease of addiction flowing through my veins, but it's an inactive addiction. I control it now, keep it in a cage, and laugh at it maniacally, just as it did me. []

I am in no way being cocky. Hell, some of you might realize that the last time I was THIS worked up about something, was the religious discussion forum, in which I believe I brought down because of my... distasteful post about The Fallacy of Man, Pride. I was high then, having delusions of grandeur, and listening to Marilyn Manson - Holywood.

Heh, it's funny, cuz I'm sober as hell, riding on the High of God's grace, and listening to Audioslave - Out of Exile.

Be yourself. Not some drug that puts a mask over you. It's all you can do.


Have a Blessed Day. []
-Hell Raiser
2006-03-24, 10:14 AM #2
Congratulations. :) And I'm glad to see you're seeking God's help to get you through this.

2006-03-24, 10:16 AM #3
Oh...sorry. I thought ]-[ellequin made this thread, and it didn't sound like him at all.

Yes, good for you!
2006-03-24, 10:16 AM #4

i smoked at least half a dozen bread bags every day for years.

now i dont touch the stuff. sure sometimes when theres some around i'll have a few tokes off the odd spliff, but thats more habit than anything else, as getting stoned batters my head in these days.

you're making mountains out of molehills.
2006-03-24, 10:18 AM #5
I just quit. I haven't smoked in a week. I've not smoked for months on end before.

Some people have addictive personalities...I think you're one of them. If something as minor as pot can get you addicted, I'd hate to see you around anything harder.

It's seriously not that bad.
2006-03-24, 10:23 AM #6
I used to smoke my share of pot in high school and the early years of college. I haven't touched the stuff in more than 6 minths now and I have no regrets. Never had any anxiety about giving it up. I just did.
Pissed Off?
2006-03-24, 11:00 AM #7
Same, when I don't have it, I don't crave it, its as simple as that. Even when I have a huge sack beside me, I don't smoke every 5 seconds, maybe once or twice a week. Don't get me wrong, every so often I'll smoke 2-3 days in a row but it still doesn't control my day.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-03-24, 11:32 AM #8
I’m glad to hear it.

I have one simple suggestion to help: if you haven't already, find a good church. one of God's primary means of grace is through his church. I don't mean so much the what happens in a building on Sunday, but by church I mean people. Pastors and others in the church who are willing to walk with you through stuff. ultimately God is the only one who can break your addiction and I think you see that, but he uses others to help. In my experience it is way more affective than self help type programs.

If you want help find a GOOD church.

Finding a good one can be tough,

If the messages are primarily focused on you, mankind in general, or how to get what you want: BAD.

If God and his glory and grace is the center of things: Good.

If the Church has home groups or something like it during the week: Go to them, this is one of the best ways to meet people on a more personal level who can help and encorage you through this.

One good group of churches that I can recommend is Sovereign Grace Ministries, I have been a part of one of their churches for about eight years now. But there are PLENTY of other good churches out there.

This isn't meant to be a plug or anything it’s just that Hell Raiser said he wanted help so I am giving him the best advice I know to give.

Hopefully you already have a good Church and are getting help there but if not that is my suggestion.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-24, 3:58 PM #9
i would never smoke either of them. the second hand version of the smoke is bad enough. (some of the people i hung around with, smoked pot on a few occassions)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2006-03-24, 4:11 PM #10
Second hand pot smoke is very bearable as long as you're not couped up. I can't stand second hand cigarette smoke though.
2006-03-24, 7:13 PM #11
I have that problem H Raiser, but with cigs.

I NEED them.

Pot? it sucks, I dont have access to it, and i'm glad. I dont like it. tried it about 4 times in my life, and only once did it make me happy....

..then 1 hr later I whited out and puked into my gf's bin.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-24, 8:10 PM #12
I think anyone who smokes anything, cigerettes, cigars, weed, pipes, are nothing but idiots. And only idiots.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-03-24, 8:13 PM #13
Yeah, well we all think you're an idiot.

So it balances out.
2006-03-24, 8:21 PM #14
Originally posted by Rob:
Yeah, well we all think you're an idiot.

So it balances out.

Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-03-24, 8:44 PM #15
Originally posted by Rob:
Yeah, well we all think you're an idiot.

So it balances out.

Except I don't cough up lungs or get arrested for drug use or die cause of my stupidity.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2006-03-24, 9:05 PM #16
Originally posted by THRAWN:
or die cause of my stupidity.

that remains to be seen
2006-03-24, 9:09 PM #17
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
that remains to be seen

2006-03-24, 9:18 PM #18
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Except I don't cough up lungs or get arrested for drug use or die cause of my stupidity.

No, instead you get arrested for speeding and trying to outrun the cops.... >_>
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2006-03-24, 9:26 PM #19
Everyone, I order you to disregard what THRAWN said. This was a reasonable, productive thread before he came to it with ignorant comments.

I appreciate your candor, HR, and congratulations on making a decision for yourself. It's a good example to people who think they might have something wrong.

Again, ignore what THRAWN said, because this thread will be closed as soon as flames fly.
2006-03-24, 9:31 PM #20
Ive gotta say, whoever found a plant, decided to dry it, burn it, and inhale the smoke was pretty strange. And smoking of any sort is nasty, I dont care if people do it privately.. but standing outside in public areas filling the air with nasty nasty smelling smoke is just plain evul.

2006-03-24, 10:13 PM #21
Originally posted by Greenboy:
Ive gotta say, whoever found a plant, decided to dry it, burn it, and inhale the smoke was pretty strange. And smoking of any sort is nasty, I dont care if people do it privately.. but standing outside in public areas filling the air with nasty nasty smelling smoke is just plain evul.

Indeed. I don't care about the people who smoke and their health, but I care about the air *I* breathe. For all I care, you could do it by yourself or away from me and die from lung cancer, just don't spew it into my face.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-03-24, 11:33 PM #22
Congrats on beating your addiction! If you are truly going for God's help then I commend you for that also!

I agree with finding a church for support from others, but don't just go to church. God wants a real relationship with you. He really does love you, and if you want to know more about Him, ask Him! God loves reveling Himself to us as we draw nearer to Him. You don't have to be formal with God either, just talk with Him.

I have an addictive personality myself, so I can empathize! :p
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2006-03-25, 3:42 AM #23
I quit at the end of last year, since then I've had one joint. I miss getting trashed with friends, doing crazy things and having a good time, that's about it. I still see them regularly though, and they still smoke. Personally I think anyone who smokes daily, or scrounges for resin and butt-stinge either needs help or needs to find some new hobbies, so good on you for that.

People who smoke cigarettes in the street annoy the heck out of me as well, odd though that might seem.
2006-03-25, 4:17 AM #24
I've also quit this week. and damn i feel good. though it's very hard getting to sleep, that's something i'll get used to. the whole god thing isn't for me really, but to each his own, hang on, i'm sure you can stop for good if you put your mind to it.

and ghorg, resin needlers scare me a little :p
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-25, 4:26 AM #25
I too quit at the end of last year. Well I guess it was really at the start of this year. Since I smoked new years eve/day.

I still think about having a bong every now and then, especially since one of my room-mates freaking chain-smokes the stuff. How easily I could just walk into his room and ask for a toke. Or I could even just sit in his smoke filled room and probably get wasted in moments.

But I've resisted so far, and will continue to do so. The main problem I've found when first quitting is the excuses your brain keeps throwing up.
Just gotta finish this bag; why not have a toke, it's my friends birthday; I'll quit after the weekend; I need some to get rid of this head-ache; etc

You have to tell yourself 'no, screw it, if I smoke today, I'll smoke tommorrow, and the next day, and the next, and so on' there is no weaning yourself off, there is no slowing day, because you smoke more and you get back on it. You have to make yourself stop, totally stop, no excuses.

I am in fact, guilty of allowing an excuse even after all my self-lecturing. You see, I really gave up early december, but a couple of weeks in I got drunk and smoked some, using the alcohol as an excuse. So I scolded myself and went back to being smoke free.
Then new years came and I decided to smoke some as an end-of-year, end-of-smoking kind of thing. Which of-course was just an excuse, one I regretted instantly (nothing bad happened, I just knew I was being a dumbass).

Since then I have not touched the stuff, I have passively smoked a little when it was un-avoidable, but that is all.

Quitting is possible people.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-03-25, 4:41 AM #26
rock on deadman, that's exactly what i'm doing. my roomate smokes like a whore, but he respects my choice and smokes under the fan now and outside. he has a pound in the fridge he bought at the beginning of last year. used to be my stash too, 'till i sold my "parts" this week :P

justifying your "slips" will only make it harder to stop. better scold yourself and then go back to a free brain. i really like how i'm feeling my head clearing up after just a week.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-25, 5:24 AM #27
Don't like my smoke?

Go stand somewhere else.

2006-03-25, 7:44 AM #28
Originally posted by Seb:
justifying your "slips" will only make it harder to stop.

Yeah, that was basically my point.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-03-25, 8:50 AM #29
Originally posted by Vegiemaster:
Congrats on beating your addiction! If you are truly going for God's help then I commend you for that also!

I agree with finding a church for support from others, but don't just go to church. God wants a real relationship with you. He really does love you, and if you want to know more about Him, ask Him! God loves reveling Himself to us as we draw nearer to Him. You don't have to be formal with God either, just talk with Him.

I have an addictive personality myself, so I can empathize! :p

I agree 100%, please don't hear from me that church will fix you, thats not what I ment, and I don't think thats what I said. only God can fix you and you should primarily focas on God and look to him. But one of the best ways to do that is within the Church, (plese see my above post on why a church is more than just a building or meeting scince a bulding has no power to help you.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-25, 9:55 AM #30
[QUOTE=Numenor King]only God can fix you and you should primarily focas on God and look to him.[/QUOTE]

So drug rehabilitation centers don't help? If you follow a religion, God can help, but people can help other people you know. :confused:
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-03-25, 10:14 AM #31
Originally posted by Sol:
So drug rehabilitation centers don't help? If you follow a religion, God can help, but people can help other people you know. :confused:

Don't even try man.


Can you try for once to not start a war?
2006-03-25, 11:25 AM #32
Oh, yay. Thread idiocy has reached critical mass.
2006-03-25, 11:32 AM #33
[QUOTE=Numenor King]I agree 100%, please don't hear from me that church will fix you, thats not what I ment, and I don't think thats what I said. only God can fix you and you should primarily focas on God and look to him. But one of the best ways to do that is within the Church, (plese see my above post on why a church is more than just a building or meeting scince a bulding has no power to help you.[/QUOTE]

Likewise, I was not disagreeing at all with your post, but, rather, adding to it. :)
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2006-03-25, 12:49 PM #34
I know...and I wanted to clarify that. Thank you
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-25, 12:56 PM #35
My best friend smokes a pack a day. It's sick.
2006-03-25, 1:46 PM #36
Originally posted by Rob:
Don't like my smoke?

Go stand somewhere else.


that's horrible. you're the one intruding on their right to be healthy.
i know a vegan dairy farmer
2006-03-25, 1:52 PM #37
Originally posted by saxmanga:
that's horrible. you're the one intruding on their right to be healthy.

Unless you're couped up indoors, a little secondhand smoke is merely an annoyance, not a serious health risk. Living with a smoker is much different than passing one on the street.
2006-03-25, 2:11 PM #38
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Unless you're couped up indoors, a little secondhand smoke is merely an annoyance, not a serious health risk. Living with a smoker is much different than passing one on the street.[/QUOTE]

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-03-25, 6:51 PM #39
Meh, I use the stuff infrequently enough (along with one other chemical even less frequently, but we'll not go there) that I really don't care enough to go out and get any of my own anymore. One of my friends pretty much always has the stuff, and I hang out with him a lot, but I've been able to decline to indulge for the past couple weeks.

Besides, screw the hydro crap. I'm a lightweight and a bowl of regs is enough to get me feeling weird enough to call people at 3am and pretend I'm Rev. Al Sharpton.

Don't ask.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-03-25, 6:55 PM #40
I can't stand even the smell of cigs.

The only time I smoked was in 2nd grade. It only took me a couple of puffs (and lots and lots of coughing) to decide that it wasn't something I wanted to do.

Btw, congrats, Hell Raiser on 1 week of freedom! I like your method too. :)
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."

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