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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Calling all smokers, jokers and midnight tokers...
Calling all smokers, jokers and midnight tokers...
2006-03-27, 8:29 PM #81
Okay, I skipped a bunch of page 2, but I'm just going to post this and then go to bed:

Dj Yoshi

There's no conclusive evidence that it causes brain damage.

Maybe there are no super conclusive studies, but seriously. You're in high school. Walk down the hallway. Listen to people talk. I can't pick out everyone that uses pot, but I can pick out people that do for sure. They've got the glossed over eyes, drooping eyelids, the sunken face. Listen to their voice. It's sort of raggedy and washed out sounding. Listen to them talk! I'm not going to say they're stupid, but they're slower. (Not in a retarded sense)

Pot messes with your brain. You can not seriously deny it. I'm not saying everyone turns out like that, I know some valedictorians (s?) who use/used to use it fairly regularly.

But really. Do you want to take the chance that you're going to be one of the people unphased by it? Or are you going to turn out slow and dull, unable to grasp medium to higher level concepts?

[edit - Oh! And congrats on staying clean, Hell Raiser. Keep at it!]
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2006-03-27, 8:32 PM #82
Originally posted by happydud:
Okay, I skipped a bunch of page 2, but I'm just going to post this and then go to bed:

Maybe there are no super conclusive studies, but seriously. You're in high school. Walk down the hallway. Listen to people talk. I can't pick out everyone that uses pot, but I can pick out people that do for sure. They've got the glossed over eyes, drooping eyelids, the sunken face. Listen to their voice. It's sort of raggedy and washed out sounding. Listen to them talk! I'm not going to say they're stupid, but they're slower. (Not in a retarded sense)

Pot messes with your brain. You can not seriously deny it. I'm not saying everyone turns out like that, I know some valedictorians (s?) who use/used to use it fairly regularly.

But really. Do you want to take the chance that you're going to be one of the people unphased by it? Or are you going to turn out slow and dull, unable to grasp medium to higher level concepts?

[edit - Oh! And congrats on staying clean, Hell Raiser. Keep at it!]

Oh jesus christ. You just lost major ****ing respect right here. **** off dud, seriously.
2006-03-27, 8:45 PM #83
Yoshi, be a rasta man. PRAISE JAH, NUFF LOVE AND RESPECT

Then everyone can be friends! [] []
2006-03-27, 9:04 PM #84
Pot makes you stupid.

Talk to my mother, for more than 10 minutes. Then ask some of her long term friends if she was always so out of it droolmonkey ****ing stupid.

They're all agree that she used to be pretty sharp.
2006-03-27, 9:25 PM #85
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Oh jesus christ. You just lost major ****ing respect right here. **** off dud, seriously.[/QUOTE]

He speaks truth, from my experience.

2006-03-27, 10:42 PM #86
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]**** off dud, seriously.[/QUOTE]

How aren't you banned yet? Go away troll.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-27, 11:05 PM #87
o0 I love this arguements.

Normally I stay out but whatever.

YES. Weed can make you absolutely retarded. So can alot of other things. Anyone that tries to argue otherwise is STUPID THEMSELVES because of too much weed.

Too much water can kill you. Too much McDonalds will clog your arteries and make you a fat slob. Etc, I could go on for pages on "too much... (insert negative effect here)."

Pot is not this "bad" thing. A portion of the population that uses it are IDIOTS.
People suck, not the pot. That is all.

Are you better without smoking weed? Absolutely. Yes. There is no arguement, two people - one that smokes and one that does not .. The one that does not is the better person in the grand scheme of things. But whatever. It's not that big of a deal to those that choose to smoke.

Side effects and stuff change for everyone. Some people shouldn't smoke. Some people are allergic to foods - they don't eat them. Some people are scared of heights - don't go near a cliff.

Learn what your body likes and doesn't. Listen to it.

You smoked some weed and had a bad trip. Good now you hate weed and think it's stupid and won't use it again - That's a good thing!

Just stop telling other people they are idiots
2006-03-27, 11:21 PM #88
Pot messes with your brain. You can not seriously deny it. I'm not saying everyone turns out like that, I know some valedictorians (s?) who use/used to use it fairly regularly.

I've never done drugs, but what you see in your high school isn't scientific or conclusive. Some of the most intelligent, talented and articulate people I've ever met smoke pot.
2006-03-28, 3:43 AM #89
first of all it's called control. i've never fully understood, and probably never will understand addiction. i know what a craving is but i can and have put it all down for any old reason at all.

secondly, i'll take pot over god any day! true spiritual discovery comes from within. mankind has known this for millenia. how do you think god came to be anyway? some dude was ****ed up on halucinogens.
2006-03-28, 6:02 AM #90
Originally posted by Freelancer:
How aren't you banned yet? Go away troll.

1) Who the **** are you, someone who's been banned for many months, to talk to me? I've been banned for 2 weeks AT THE MOST. Seriously.

2) You trash other people's threads, post a thread solely to bash a good half of the current massassi members, do nothing to contribute to THIS thread, instead coming in to try and insult me, and call ME a troll? That's the definition of hypocrisy. If you'd read any other part of this thread, you'd know why I said what I said to dud, which would be:

3) I smoke(d?) pot. I haven't touched the stuff in a week and have been trying to quit, but I did use it, from sophomore year up until recently. When he says "You can tell who the people who smoke pot are just by looking at them--they LOOK stupid," yeah, that's going to offend me. I consider myself an above-average intelligence guy. Even if not, I definitely don't consider myself an idiot. And neither do I consider my friends idiots. One of the biggest potheads I know got a 27 on his ACT first try WITH a hangover. Another one got a 29 first try sick as hell. These kids aren't idiots.

Now maybe the "you can tell them by looking at them" attitude works for users of some other drugs (meth is the most common one I can tell), but where does someone get off telling me that just because me and my friends smoke pot, we're idiots? We may not be the SMARTEST kids in school, but we're not idiots. Seriously.
2006-03-28, 7:07 AM #91
Well, ofcourse you can see if people have been smoking by looking at their eyes. But that doesn't mean they're idiots. I can see it when people have been drinking too.

Now, let's get this straight.... I'm getting tired of the 'double moral' surrounding this subject.

Alcohol is a much stronger, and much more addictive drug than pot. It is even physically addictive, where pot is only mentally addictive. (And thus, only if you let it.) People are mentally addicted to all kinds of things, from eating to gaming to shopping. Pot is only physically addictive when you mix it with tobacco, and even then it's the tobacco you're addicted to.

Now alcohol is socially accepted, but pot isn't. Yet alcohol is a much more dangerous drug. You can smoke all the pot in the world, but the worst thing that's going to happen is that you pass out. Now try to drink as much alcohol as you think you can and notice the difference what it does to you.

Those of you that have puked because of pot, probably did so because it was their first time, or they're not used to smoking, or they had been drinking too. Normally, pot doesn't make you puke, unless you're mixing things.

A lot of people think it's normal to get totally wasted on booze, but they're 'not touching pot with a ten foot pole because they've seen what it does to other people.' It's ridiculous. It's like saying "I don't try beer, because people get addicted to it."

Now I'm not saying everybody should smoke pot, not at all. I just think people need to be aware of this hypocrite, double moral.

I understand some of you have their own negative experiences with addicted people, and I totally respect that. But somehow that point is never brought up in 'booze topics'.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-03-28, 7:37 AM #92
Originally posted by Freelancer:
How aren't you banned yet? Go away troll.

Im closing this thread because of posts like that.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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