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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Halo 3 Trailer
Halo 3 Trailer
2006-05-10, 5:26 PM #41
Bungie is a very reliable company. They wouldn't lie about this.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2006-05-10, 5:32 PM #42
Originally posted by Viper45:
Bungie is a very reliable company. They wouldn't lie about this.

Well, technically, it'd probably be Microsoft forcing them to lie. Bungie isn't exactly an independent company. They get funded by somebody.
2006-05-10, 7:07 PM #43
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Read my next post. And bands are MUCH different than games.[/QUOTE]
Hahahahahahaha... whatever. The difference between Halo and Halo 2 was vast. Halo 2 was not a fluid transition from Halo at all; anyone who has played both just past a few levels can see the difference. I don't see how you couldn't draw a comparison between a band's multiple releases and a video game series. If you so strongly disagree, I'd say you're blinded by Sony.
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2006-05-10, 7:09 PM #44
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]Hahahahahahaha... whatever. The difference between Halo and Halo 2 was vast. Halo 2 was not a fluid transition from Halo at all; anyone who has played both just past a few levels can see the difference. I don't see how you couldn't draw a comparison between a band's multiple releases and a video game series. If you so strongly disagree, I'd say you're blinded by Sony.[/QUOTE]
Sony has nothing to do with this all. But nice try. Speaking of tries, would everyone quit trying to insult me? It's somewhat annoying, and you're failing miserably.

Anyways, I say that because most bands I listen to don't change much at all between releases. They do, but not humongously like games can. See: MGS versus MGS2. MGS2 was retardedly different than MGS1. Same with Deus Ex and Deus Ex 2.

And you missed the rest of my post, BAsp. I'd say you're blinded by Bungie. And you can't deny you're a halo fanboy.
2006-05-10, 7:46 PM #45
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Sony has nothing to do with this all. But nice try. Speaking of tries, would everyone quit trying to insult me? It's somewhat annoying, and you're failing miserably.

Anyways, I say that because most bands I listen to don't change much at all between releases. They do, but not humongously like games can. See: MGS versus MGS2. MGS2 was retardedly different than MGS1. Same with Deus Ex and Deus Ex 2.

And you missed the rest of my post, BAsp. I'd say you're blinded by Bungie. And you can't deny you're a halo fanboy.[/QUOTE]
Just an idea... But maybe people would quit trying to insult you if you quit trying to insult them, and quit acting like you knew everything, and quit acting like an elitest. And you're FAR from innocent on any one of those counts.

Just an idea. :)
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-10, 7:48 PM #46
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Just an idea... But maybe people would quit trying to insult you if you quit trying to insult them, and quit acting like you knew everything, and quit acting like an elitest. And you're FAR from innocent on any one of those counts.

Just an idea. :)

It's just Jon mostly. He tries to insult me any time I say....well...anything. And SAJN. And I don't act like I know everything. If I don't know something, I don't know it. And I'm most definitely NOT an elitist (well, except about some computer stuff. But that's because Knightrider sucks).
2006-05-10, 7:49 PM #47
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Sony has nothing to do with this all. But nice try. Speaking of tries, would everyone quit trying to insult me? It's somewhat annoying, and you're failing miserably.

Anyways, I say that because most bands I listen to don't change much at all between releases. They do, but not humongously like games can. See: MGS versus MGS2. MGS2 was retardedly different than MGS1. Same with Deus Ex and Deus Ex 2.

And you missed the rest of my post, BAsp. I'd say you're blinded by Bungie. And you can't deny you're a halo fanboy.[/QUOTE]

You're putting people down only because they like Halo. I guess people are just stupid for liking a game series on the evil Xbox (OMG WAR MICROSOFT!). Considering the fact that I have a Game Cube, PS1&2, PC and Xbox in my house, I don't think I'm a fanboy of anything. Halo is a solid, successful series -- period. You can debate that until you're blue in the face, but sales and online figures don't lie.
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2006-05-10, 7:51 PM #48
Oh for god's sake people! Stop arguing!
2006-05-10, 7:51 PM #49
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]You're putting people down only because they like Halo. I guess people are just stupid for liking a game series on the evil Xbox (OMG WAR MICROSOFT!). Considering the fact that I have a Game Cube, PS1&2, PC and Xbox in my house, I don't think I'm a fanboy of anything. Halo is a solid, successful series -- period. You can debate that until you're blue in the face, but sales and online figures don't lie.[/QUOTE]
No, actually, I didn't mind Halo 1. Halo 2 was okay. Halo 1 has some good-*** memories though. I never said anything ABOUT Halo. I just called you a Halo fanboy. You and Phoenix and Gammasts are all Halo fanboys. I'm a Starcraft/Deus Ex fanboy. We all have our fanboyisms.

And I know it's successful as hell. It's probably sold more than most any game in history. Sales != quality though.
2006-05-10, 7:55 PM #50
Fanboy or fanboi is a term used to describe a male who is utterly devoted to a single subject or hobby, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. -

asp is not devoted, he just enjoys it, just like me, gamma, or phoenix
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-10, 7:58 PM #51
Originally posted by genk:
asp is not devoted, he just enjoys it, just like me, gamma, or phoenix

Gamma's entire internet life revolves around Halo. He has a halo clan, makes halo maps, among god knows how many things. I can't recall the last time I've seen Asp in the chat without him either saying something about Halo, or having `Halo attached to his name. Phoenix tried making a webcomic from Halo.

Trust me, they're fanboys. But like I said, that's not a bad thing (most of the time), it's cool if that's your poison of choice. I used to be morbidly obsessed with SC and Deus Ex, and literally would have 12-16 hour sessions just playing them. I am/was a fanboy.

People take the term so negatively.
2006-05-10, 8:35 PM #52
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I can't recall the last time I've seen Asp in the chat without him either saying something about Halo, or having `Halo attached to his name. [/QUOTE]

I haven't played Halo anything since last Sunday, and the last time before that was almost 3 weeks before. I don't play video games that often, because I have a life that doesn't lend to playing video games.... a job that I spend about 45-50hrs a week at work, a girlfriend on top of that, not to mention that I spend the bulk of my weekend afternoons playing disc golf. I don't know where you got all that from `Halo stuff from. Genki plays Halo and Halo 2 much more than I do.
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2006-05-10, 8:36 PM #53
[QUOTE=Blood Asp]I haven't played Halo anything since last Sunday, and the last time before that was almost 3 weeks before. I don't play video games that often, because I have a life that doesn't lend to playing video games.... a job that I spend about 45-50hrs a week at work, a girlfriend on top of that, not to mention that I spend the bulk of my weekend afternoons playing disc golf. I don't know where you got all that from `Halo stuff from. Genki plays Halo and Halo 2 much more than I do.[/QUOTE]
To be honest I'm not even in the chat that much any more. I didn't see you in the chat much when I was in it. When I did see you, however, you were always going on about Halo/Halo 2.
2006-05-10, 9:39 PM #54
Did anybody notice? THE ASSAULT RIFLE IS BACK!!! Woot.
"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Anyone who recognizes this quote is awsome.
2006-05-10, 9:43 PM #55
I did

i hope it wasn't a time constraint thing that they had to put it in
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-10, 10:08 PM #56
Nice graphics, but I can't get excited until they show me in-game footage that proves that it's nothing like the first two (the worst multiplayer fps experiences of my life). Besides, good game or not, you'll still be playing an fps with a joystick. The Wii shows far more promise in terms of fps.
2006-05-11, 12:16 AM #57
Originally posted by RingMaster481:
Nice graphics, but I can't get excited until they show me in-game footage that proves that it's nothing like the first two (the worst multiplayer fps experiences of my life). Besides, good game or not, you'll still be playing an fps with a joystick. The Wii shows far more promise in terms of fps.

... That is in-game footage. But I'm going to assume you mean in-game GAMEPLAY footage. And I'll probably be right.

Why does everyone ***** about playing with a joystick, when FPS games on PC have had joystick support for... years? It's hardly a console only thing, the console just forces you to actually use it. And in my opinion, I find it much BETTER than keyboard and mouse. I've consistantly found that dual tumbsticks affords me greater freedom of mobility than the equalvalent of tapping a key on the keyboard multiple times. It FEELS more real to me. I can make myself walk any speed I want, in any direction. Not all out run, or a pre designated walk speed.

*shrugs* Analog thumbsticks over the digital on/off state of a keyboard any day.

Please note that's for MOVEMENT. For other things... well.... It's a toss up depending on the game. Keyboard affords more freedom to map controls where I want, Controllers keep everything close at hand, and most developers do a decent enough job making more important things easier to access.

I've never had a problem playing FPSes on Xbox though. And you can't sit back and tell me controller is a bad way to play, because people are doing this professionally now, and could probably be on par with ANYONE using a keyboard and mouse.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-11, 6:01 AM #58
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
... That is in-game footage. But I'm going to assume you mean in-game GAMEPLAY footage. And I'll probably be right.

Why does everyone ***** about playing with a joystick, when FPS games on PC have had joystick support for... years? It's hardly a console only thing, the console just forces you to actually use it. And in my opinion, I find it much BETTER than keyboard and mouse. I've consistantly found that dual tumbsticks affords me greater freedom of mobility than the equalvalent of tapping a key on the keyboard multiple times. It FEELS more real to me. I can make myself walk any speed I want, in any direction. Not all out run, or a pre designated walk speed.

*shrugs* Analog thumbsticks over the digital on/off state of a keyboard any day.

Please note that's for MOVEMENT. For other things... well.... It's a toss up depending on the game. Keyboard affords more freedom to map controls where I want, Controllers keep everything close at hand, and most developers do a decent enough job making more important things easier to access.

I've never had a problem playing FPSes on Xbox though. And you can't sit back and tell me controller is a bad way to play, because people are doing this professionally now, and could probably be on par with ANYONE using a keyboard and mouse.

No, they wouldn't be on par with anyone using mouse and keyboard. It's a separate skill, but the mouse allows greater mobility for aiming, pure and simple. The only thing the analog sticks have over the mouse is movement, and movement doesn't mean much if someone can lock a headshot before you even start to move your cursor. The main problem with analog sticks is there's a maximum speed you can go, and it's usually very slow, and there's very little in-between. You have so much control with a mouse it's crazy.

Going from that control with a mouse, to the analog stick is like crippling yourself, I've found. It's still fun, at times, but I'd just rather be playing with a mouse and keyboard. I don't see how you can say "why does everyone ***** about using the analog sticks"? It's obvious. Aiming is worse with them.
2006-05-11, 6:14 AM #59
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I doubt that. Sincerely doubt that.

Also, why is everyone saying this is prerendered? We're talking about consoles that are extremely powerful nowadays. This is probably in-game.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. I'm sure the Xbox 360 can pull that off. Some of the next gen stuff is INSANE.

Gears of war, for instance, looks pretty fantastic. both the PS3 and the XBox 360 have promising graphics.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2006-05-11, 6:25 AM #60
But thats seriously ALL they have.

Other than the PS3's ability to lay Blu-Ray mega-cheaply.. I don't really see a reason to get either right away.
2006-05-11, 6:27 AM #61
Originally posted by Rob:
But thats seriously ALL they have.

Other than the PS3's ability to lay Blu-Ray mega-cheaply.. I don't really see a reason to get either right away.

2006-05-11, 6:29 AM #62
I'm going to hold my breath and see if they'll release it on Wii.

It'd be ace on Wii, even if they had to turn the graphics down a few notches.
2006-05-11, 6:30 AM #63
Oh Also, I'll probably buy PS3 eventuually.

But only if and when it gets down to the ~$300 range for the premium model.
2006-05-11, 6:37 AM #64
this trailer lacks a nukelar explosion.
2006-05-11, 4:56 PM #65
Originally posted by genk:
Different Cortana voice :(

One minute here... is that really Cortana? or is it some other type of A.I. or something? Last I checked, Cortana didn't know any of this sword and shield stuff or future and past.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-11, 5:06 PM #66
Its probably still Cortana (who knows what happened after H2 ended... then again, without access to an Xbrick, i've never even played H2). Strange how i couldn't peg the new voice (then again, i do have a sinus infection, so my ears are a bit blocked).

On a plus note, i'm hoping that the music in the trailer is actually the style of music for the game (the Halo and Halo2 OSTs were good, but not as good as a full orchestra).
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2006-05-11, 5:20 PM #67
I'm pretty sure the voice of Cortana is still the same.

If you notice, when she begins talking, her voice is very distorted/deep/grumbly.. but as time passes, she gradually begins sounding close to her normal self, if a little more suspensful.

It's reasonable to associate this weirdness (both the sound of her voice and what she says) with the end of Halo 2 where Cortana and the Gravemind are left face to face, in a cliff hanger..

Who knows what happened.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2006-05-11, 8:21 PM #68
[QUOTE=Double Helix]Did anybody notice? THE ASSAULT RIFLE IS BACK!!! Woot.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's good. Considering how Halo 2 ended, it would be rather odd for the chief to be armed with a completely different gun.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-11, 9:23 PM #69
Savage, the assault rifle was the gun in Halo 1... the battle rifle is the scoped burst fire gun in Halo 2 that replaced the assault rifle.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2006-05-11, 9:40 PM #70
Originally posted by Viper45:
Savage, the assault rifle was the gun in Halo 1... the battle rifle is the scoped burst fire gun in Halo 2 that replaced the assault rifle.

Oh, didn't notice that. Now that is a bit odd now that you mention that.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-11, 9:46 PM #71
Prevailing theory right now is that the Chief'll start with the Battle Rifle, but due to the Covenant occupation of Earth, he won't have access to all the best weapons, and thus has to fall back on whatever he can find.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-12, 4:57 AM #72
aka, old supplies

i think with cortana, she talks to the gravemind for awhile, gets found by the arbiter who bring her to earth, we've got to finish up that half of the storyline afterall
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-12, 5:35 AM #73
i dont get the hype with these halo games...

I played the first one and it was fairly fun, but nothing special, just another FPS. Yet loads of people seem to love them an obscene amount, am i missing something?
2006-05-12, 5:55 AM #74
I'm impressed with the 2007 release date. They're coding a whole-new engine and developing content in, what, 2 years?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-05-12, 8:45 AM #75
according to bungie's site, cortana is communicating from across the galaxy, she is still with the Gravemind...

they has also been talk that she is going slightly mad...

the more times I watch the trailer the more I'm thinking..."I might just buy a 360 just for this game" dammit, I've never owned a console before but I can't help myself.

As for the structure on Earth which the trailer shows sending off the shockwave, its meant to be the Arc that controls all the halo rings what it is doing on Earth is an interesting question.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-05-12, 1:16 PM #76
Because the ancient ones, (don't remember their name) built it there... a dollar to a dime it was built by men, but they got attacked or something and fell WAY back in technology, of course they restarted and got to where they are now.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-12, 1:50 PM #77
Or... it's not earth.
2006-05-12, 1:55 PM #78
'(x) Trillion similated test fires and one actual' - Monitor of Installation Zero-Four

The Halos have been fired before
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-12, 8:03 PM #79
It is the Ark. I think that's been confirmed... or else it's just a really MASSIVE Forerunner structure some 22 miles across (the size HAS been confirmed). It is on Earth. The mountain is Kilimanjaro, the city remnants in the FAR background are the outskirts of New Mombassa. That places the artifact somewhere around Voi, Kenya. Also of interest is that the press got a fly around of that environment after their viewing of the trailer. Everything shown is REAL architecture you can travel to. That means the mountain and the buildings in the far distance are really there.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-05-12, 8:21 PM #80
You mean to say that the forerunner structure is real and you can walk on it and it will go up in a big blue boom? :p

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