I'm not into the whole revolutionary blah blah blah stuff. I just want my games, the way I've always played before. I'm not really looking for a whole new way to play my games, or waving my hands in the air with some remote.
The xbox 360, so far has proven that it has upped the graphics and many other parts.
Sony plans to one up everything xbox is doing, and with the extra amount of time they have to release it, I think they're graphics are going to be better too.
Yes, that means I'm a sucker for graphics. If the game has amazing visuals, and crappy gameplay, I'd still play it to watch the asplosions and stuff.
PS3 and xbox 360 just seem to be upping the parts that are important to me. I'm NOT into the whole out of the box, nobody has done what we just did, look at our special foo-foo mechanical stuff (aka the revolution).
Besides, I don't play games that often, and ps3 will have good movie playing abilities, and the blu ray, so yes, PS3 for me.
...That's just my 2 cents on this.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.