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ForumsDiscussion Forum → E3: Smash Bros. Brawl (Last E3 Thread, I swear)
E3: Smash Bros. Brawl (Last E3 Thread, I swear)
2006-05-11, 7:32 PM #81
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Ugh. I just don't like that idea. Special moves are what ruin games for me...I want everyone to have their set of basic moves, and advanced ways to pull off these moves (guard rolling onto a ledge, for example). I DON'T want super moves that end up deciding a match. There's just something about the special move idea I don't like in games...probably just another stat to keep track of. That's what i like about SSB. It's plain fun, and you don't have to continually check a healthbar.

/me gives Zloc some sweet chin music.

2006-05-11, 7:39 PM #82
:( I just don't like special moves. Part of why I HATE SC2. Everyone else would be doing this flying ninja ubar attacks while I'm trying to time my vertical/horizontal strikes right.

SSBM characters had enough difference to keep them balanced. No need to take it further with special moves. Their recovery moves are cool enough.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-05-11, 7:57 PM #83
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If they add Sonic this game will be epic.

Everyone wants to see Sonic vs. Mario. Considering that Snake is in the game pretty much confirms that Sonic and other characters will be there. Pit and Metaknight were at the top of everyone's lists before they even announced Brawl.
2006-05-11, 8:09 PM #84
Who the hell is Metaknight and Pit?

And did anyone notice the box that Snake was in, in the trailer, appeared early on that same level? Pause the clip.
2006-05-11, 8:14 PM #85
From a Kirby game.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-11, 8:31 PM #86
Pit is from his own classic nintendo game, Kid Icarus.

Game newb.
2006-05-11, 9:56 PM #87
I personally thing having hadokens kicks *** :em321:
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-11, 11:08 PM #88
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Ugh. I just don't like that idea. Special moves are what ruin games for me...I want everyone to have their set of basic moves, and advanced ways to pull off these moves (guard rolling onto a ledge, for example). I DON'T want super moves that end up deciding a match. There's just something about the special move idea I don't like in games...probably just another stat to keep track of. That's what i like about SSB. It's plain fun, and you don't have to continually check a healthbar.

Play a lot of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and you'll see how special moves can be implemented in a manner that can make or break you--if the person knows how to counter it you're ****ed. It's all about timing and positioning too, and fighting for that positioning. If you've ever seen that Street Fighter 3 Alpha clip or whatever that shows that guy totally destroying Chun-Li with Ryu even as she does her special that's another example of tastefully doing specials.
2006-05-12, 1:37 AM #89
As has already been said, the special moves seem to be dependant on items.

Notice mario picked up that glowing ball before he did it?

And like the previous smash brothers, you can always disable certain items, or all items if you so choose.

I never understood why people disable all though, and arguing that people with real skill don't use items. Forgetting the skill involved in using items (stuff like the hammer and the star though, I always disabled).

I'm not sure if I would play with the 'special move item' on or not, I'd have to try it on for a while first.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-05-12, 1:39 AM #90
Would be nice if DJ Yoshi and Jedikirby got into a flame war in this thread. It would be so appropriete :)
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-05-12, 6:24 AM #91
Edit: I'm blind, deaf, and dumb.
2006-05-12, 6:27 AM #92
Wow! That's exactly what deadman said two posts ago!

<3 CM

"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-05-12, 6:27 AM #93
Come on. The super moves can't possibly be much different (in terms of power) from the uber pokemon in SSBM.
2006-05-12, 6:33 AM #94
Originally posted by fishstickz:
Wow! That's exactly what deadman said two posts ago!

<3 CM


2006-05-12, 7:14 AM #95
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Edit: I'm blind, deaf, and dumb.[/QUOTE]

Don't mock deaf people. It's not cool. :gbk:
2006-05-12, 9:31 AM #96
Originally posted by Deadman:
I never understood why people disable all though, and arguing that people with real skill don't use items. Forgetting the skill involved in using items (stuff like the hammer and the star though, I always disabled).

I typically play with just Homerun Bats on Very High. They're more for like ammunition in regards to throwing them.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-12, 10:11 AM #97
Originally posted by Deadman:
As has already been said, the special moves seem to be dependant on items.

Notice mario picked up that glowing ball before he did it?

And like the previous smash brothers, you can always disable certain items, or all items if you so choose.

I never understood why people disable all though, and arguing that people with real skill don't use items. Forgetting the skill involved in using items (stuff like the hammer and the star though, I always disabled).

I'm not sure if I would play with the 'special move item' on or not, I'd have to try it on for a while first.

I don't like items because I think they add too much randomization. I mean, you'll be wiping the ground with someone, then they suddenly get a pokeball and you die. Sucks.
2006-05-12, 11:12 AM #98
Randomness is the bread and butter of SSB.
2006-05-12, 12:52 PM #99
Quite agreed, which is why 3 minute Sudden Death matches are a favoured mode of play around here. And even then, most items can be countered. For example the aforementioned hammer. Just go to higher ground, since well, you can't double jump while using a hammer. And depending on playmode, randomness is encouraged. It's meant to be a fun and quite hilarious game for all, so what better way to spice up a four player match than a giant Snorlax suddenly crashing down from the sky.
Seishun da!
2006-05-12, 1:02 PM #100
Originally posted by Jon`C:
If they add Sonic this game will be epic.

I'd just like to point out that every single Sonic title ever put out on a 3D console sucked dingo kidneys.
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2006-05-12, 1:28 PM #101
Originally posted by Matterialize:
I'd just like to point out that every single Sonic title ever put out on a 3D console sucked dingo kidneys.

Except not.
2006-05-12, 2:08 PM #102
Originally posted by Matterialize:
I'd just like to point out that every single Sonic title ever put out on a 3D console sucked dingo kidneys.

2006-05-12, 2:16 PM #103
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Also: ROY FTW.

If they don't have Roy in this new game, I am going to be very angry.

2006-05-12, 2:18 PM #104
this is a joke Um, Yoshi, you're stupid. I hate special moves. Stop being an elitist *******. Why do you always ruin threads with your stupidity!? I hate you. Die.

*grabs a saber*
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-05-12, 2:58 PM #105
Originally posted by Stinkywrix:
If they don't have Roy in this new game, I am going to be very angry.


I would destroy either of you with Yoshi, or Fox.
2006-05-12, 3:22 PM #106
Originally posted by JediKirby:
this is a joke

2006-05-12, 3:30 PM #107
I sense an Massassi Temple SSBB tourney approaching, with all these fighting words.
Seishun da!
2006-05-12, 3:45 PM #108
I call kirb as my partner.
2006-05-12, 3:52 PM #109
Originally posted by Rob:
I would destroy either of you with Yoshi, or Fox.

Oh, you want to go?
I don't need no Roy, It will be great enough beating you with Jigglypuff.

Rhymes intentional.
2006-05-12, 5:57 PM #110
Originally posted by Rob:
I would destroy either of you with Yoshi, or Fox.

Marth > your life. :D
2006-05-12, 6:28 PM #111
I think that if we are to assume that SSBM(and of course, SSBB) is a fairly balanced game that we'd have to assume that the main deciding factor is player skill. =D
Seishun da!
2006-05-12, 6:31 PM #112
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]I think that if we are to assume that SSBM(and of course, SSBB) is a fairly balanced game that we'd have to assume that the main deciding factor is player skill. =D[/QUOTE]

SSBM is by no means balanced. They definately tried, but it's not. :D
2006-05-12, 7:29 PM #113
I disagree. I think each character fits a different playing style. They're NOT balanced in the sense that they're equal in ability, but they are balanced in that, if you have a certain playing style, certain characters will be best for you.

Personally, I rock with Kirby [That's where I got my SN, for god's sake] and samus. Really, though, I tend to do pretty well with all of the players. I know one person I can't beat in SSBM, and he's GODLY.

Why am I always better at console games? I don't play those as often multiplayer as I do PC games.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-05-12, 7:29 PM #114
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]I don't like items because I think they add too much randomization. I mean, you'll be wiping the ground with someone, then they suddenly get a pokeball and you die. Sucks.[/QUOTE]

Which is why you disable items like that. Though personally I've never considered pokeballs to be that powerful, they are all easy to avoid.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2006-05-12, 8:49 PM #115
I'd have you all beat then.

I used to play the game for HOURS every day.

I had perfect everything too. Then my little brother deleted the save, and I haven't been able to play since. I had everything beaten and unlocked. :(
2006-05-12, 9:45 PM #116
Originally posted by Deadman:
Which is why you disable items like that. Though personally I've never considered pokeballs to be that powerful, they are all easy to avoid.

Crank it up to 200% damage, and put it in the hands of someone who will kill you with any thrown object, and you're boned either way.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-14, 6:09 AM #117
Personally I think three minutes of 300% starting damage is nothing short of a great time. XD Oh the revenge KOs that can be made during your few seconds of invulnerability. The insane chaos that can ensue in a 4 player SSBM match makes for much of the fun.
Seishun da!
2006-05-14, 6:36 AM #118
I'll fight anyone in a 1v1 Marth vs. Roy or Marth.

It's on.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-05-14, 6:44 AM #119
Originally posted by fishstickz:
I'll fight anyone in a 1v1 Marth vs. Roy or Marth.

It's on.

Bring it, foob. I always win with Marth.
2006-05-14, 8:56 AM #120
Well, wait untill it comes out on Wii.

SSB:B will have online play.


It's on.

Prepare to eat bottomless pit.

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