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2006-05-16, 8:40 AM #81
So you said, no need to repeat yourself for the sake of increasing your post count.
Seishun da!
2006-05-16, 8:45 AM #82
Originally posted by djwguitarman:
I'd rather buy $700 worth of gravel than buy any of those because in 5 years the gravel will still be usefull.

My SNES still gets usage. And actually, that gravel will erode over time :p

2006-05-16, 8:54 AM #83
Plastic, which is sorta like a super slow moving liquid, will on it's own melt over time.

Same with glass.
2006-05-16, 8:56 AM #84
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]My SNES still gets usage. And actually, that gravel will erode over time :p


Oh how I wish I could put my hands on an SNES and FF3, Chrono Trigger and A Link to the Past. *sobs* Its worth getting emo'd ove.r
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-16, 9:07 AM #85
Well, with the Wii you can get your hands on those games anyway. Probably would be cheaper then trying to find those games seperately.
Seishun da!
2006-05-16, 9:12 AM #86
I bought a Nintendo Zapper on e-bay, so I could play Duck Hunt.
2006-05-16, 12:45 PM #87
I still have my NES, copy of Duck Hunt, and my Zapper. :) I pulled it out and played it the other day to reminisce. I can't wait for the Wii.

As for 360/PS3, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will wait a minimum of 6 months after the PS3 is released and then make an objective analysis of the better of the two consoles, and decide from there.

Also, Yoshi, the Ocotpiler isn't anywhere near ready to utilize the Cell's full potential:
And the paper on it:

Also, I gather you've never heard of Proebsting's Law? It's like Moore's law, except that it applies to Compilers, and it says that processing power due to advances in compiler optimizations doubles every 18 years.

I have no doubt that the Cell is a super powerful processor and that the PS3 has staying power. What I'm saying though is that by the time the Octopiler is considered "ready" for a production environment, it will probably be time for the next round of consoles, and Microsoft and Nintendo will have a decent amount of data on the Cell to decide whether or not it's worth designing a console around.

One last thing I found kind of funny is an Ars comment:
[quote=Michael Mitton]What's there to talk about with the games? Basically every title we get is going to have a number (greater than 1) at the end. If you want to talk about the games, then just read about the PS2 games, and then....I don't know, put on those beer goggles so the PS2 games will look better.

Contrast this with Ninentdo. Say what you will about that controller, but the fact that you have anything to say at all is the whole point. They're taking a big gamble with *gameplay*, so it makes sense to talk about what new games might be like.

But the PS3 (and 360), are always described with "better". Better graphics, better AI, better realism. If you're talking "better", then you're only talking about technology improvements. Once you hear the word "new" in describing the PS3, then it might be worth talking about the games.[/quote]
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-05-16, 12:53 PM #88
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]My SNES still gets usage. And actually, that gravel will erode over time :p


Yeah, I pull out my older systems as well. I never owned many games on any one console...just the right ones. I still play Link to the Past, Mario Kart and Mario All Stars (a collection of various mario games up until the SNES) on the SNES. I also still get out nintendo 64 for mario kart 64, super mario 64 and goldeneye. I'd have Zelda: OoT on that list too but I got that bundled with Windwaker when I bought that for GC.
2006-05-16, 12:55 PM #89
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]Well, with the Wii you can get your hands on those games anyway. Probably would be cheaper then trying to find those games seperately.[/QUOTE]

How are we going to be able to get our hands on it? Net downloads?

(Btw that is damn sweet. When is the Wii due out? Wii needs it.)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-05-16, 1:26 PM #90
Originally posted by Rob:
Plastic, which is sorta like a super slow moving liquid, will on it's own melt over time.

Same with glass.

It's a liquid, it can't "melt". It does "flow" though, which is what you're talking about.

Anyway, I think:

A. The gravel will erode far quicker than my SNES will become a puddle.
B. The important functions of it aren't made of plastic :D
C. I would never buy $700 worth of gravel :p :D
2006-05-16, 1:31 PM #91
That was just how it was explained to me by one of my father's co-workers at Northrup Gruman.
2006-05-16, 1:32 PM #92
like i said on the last thread voting for consoles, none of the above. i'm sticking to PC, where i have a wider variety of games to choose from, and on the whole, better graphics. i'm sure in a couple years we'll have things like the revmote for PC.

also, spore.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-05-16, 1:35 PM #93
Originally posted by Rob:
That was just how it was explained to me by one of my father's co-workers at Northrup Gruman.

Yeah, it's just a really viscous liquid. That's why glass in old houses (100+ years) need to be replaced, because the frames will come apart as the upper portion becomes thin, and the lower portion becomes thick.
2006-05-16, 1:38 PM #94
I had a really old church window in my basement like that.

But someone got drunk and smashed it.

I wanted to sell it.
2006-05-16, 1:50 PM #95
Then it is official. Nintendo haw owned PS3 and 360.

Anyone who opposes will be crushed and zapped with the wiimote.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-05-16, 3:35 PM #96

interesting article on the current state of the PS3 game-dev kits....or lack thereof.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-05-17, 7:44 AM #97
Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
I still have my NES, copy of Duck Hunt, and my Zapper. :) I pulled it out and played it the other day to reminisce. I can't wait for the Wii.

As for 360/PS3, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will wait a minimum of 6 months after the PS3 is released and then make an objective analysis of the better of the two consoles, and decide from there.

Also, Yoshi, the Ocotpiler isn't anywhere near ready to utilize the Cell's full potential:
And the paper on it:

Also, I gather you've never heard of Proebsting's Law? It's like Moore's law, except that it applies to Compilers, and it says that processing power due to advances in compiler optimizations doubles every 18 years.

I have no doubt that the Cell is a super powerful processor and that the PS3 has staying power. What I'm saying though is that by the time the Octopiler is considered "ready" for a production environment, it will probably be time for the next round of consoles, and Microsoft and Nintendo will have a decent amount of data on the Cell to decide whether or not it's worth designing a console around.

One last thing I found kind of funny is an Ars comment:

Never said it was. I only said that it's still a very capable compiler. And that Proebstring's Law doesn't really sound like it applies here...we're talking about a brand new compiler for a brand new technology, not a brand new compiler for EXISTING technology.
2006-05-17, 9:52 AM #98
Yay for Wii!
(Okay, I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but I just can't afford the others.)
Still here.
2006-05-17, 12:31 PM #99
Originally posted by Jepman:
How are we going to be able to get our hands on it? Net downloads?

(Btw that is damn sweet. When is the Wii due out? Wii needs it.)

Yeah, the Wii will have a "virtual console" service through which you can download NES, SNES, N64, Mega-Drive/Genesis and TGX16 games. The price for that is still up in the air. Some rumours game first party Nintendo stuff will be free, others are saying things like "$2 for a NES game, $5 SNES and $10 N64". But either way it does beat hunting down that ever so elusive Ocarina of Time cartridge.
Seishun da!

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