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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Guys and Gals. The Debate: Morals and Code of Ethics...
Guys and Gals. The Debate: Morals and Code of Ethics...
2006-05-25, 4:16 PM #1
Following an arguement with a certain someone over my strict unforgiving moral system, i'm interested in your opinions and beliefs in behavior and morals.

Article 1:

Being a manhoe/slapper.

[INDENT]Lets say, hypothetically, that you broke up with a girl after a long relationship. You were seperated by a great distance.

During this 5 month seperation, one of them slept with another person.

And on the 6 month, they wanted to get back together.

How would you react?[/INDENT]

Ruthven's response:
Personally, I would not agree to get back together. Sleeping with someone else even though you had split, (and bare in mind the sex wasnt within a relationship), is just a one night stand. :mad:

I say "just", in fact, a one night stand is something someone with loose morals will do, and with rather low levels of dignity and pride in themseleves and their bodies.

Going one step further, if the partner had kissed someone else in a drunken state, i also feel less inclined to accept the proposal of getting back together.

This is all purely because this behavior is not what I looked for in a person. I find it distasteful.

[For the record, i have never pulled/slept with anyone when drunk]

Article 2:

[INDENT]Respecting your friends feelings:

Your mate has a gf. Whether they break up or not. trying to steal their girl is disgusting behavior.

Or in another instance, a girl breaks up with a guy. He goes away. the guys so called "friends" immediately try to hit on her, and the guys female "friends" encourage the girl to sleep around.

Article 3:

Agressive male dominence.

[INDENT] When a guy has a gf, acting agressive towards other guys who get a bit too close is COMPLETELY understandable. Its an innate primitive response, but it makes sense.

however, women dislike this behavior. They say it makes them appear to be the mans possession. perhaps this appears true. But seeing a girl as our possession isn't our intention. We simple use agression towards other potential threats to protect the one we love.

Or... is this simple a matter of Pride and Ego?


Apologies for a long semi-rant thread.

I'm writing this because for a long time I have felt seperated from others around me because i'm not willing to sleep around, and i try to uphold a strict sense of morals, and I act very agressively to others because of it.

perhaps this is what its like to be religious? :confused:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-25, 4:17 PM #2
That was long, but nice formatting.
2006-05-25, 4:25 PM #3
2006-05-25, 4:27 PM #4
after reading Jin's Spider thread again, I was hoping for a debate... maybe?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-25, 4:28 PM #5
You seem pretty spot on to me, Ruthven.
"The solution is simple."
2006-05-25, 4:33 PM #6
Do some of you massassians not have the brain capacity for debating these issues?

or were you brought up without any sort of values?

/3mo :p
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-25, 4:36 PM #7
They have to have some experience with girls to debate, and well, this is Massassi. :em321:

1.) I don't know what I would do. I don't think I'd get back together with someone I broke up with just because people break up for a reason. Still, if both people split, and agreed to the split, I don't think it's right to be pissed off because someone got laid. It happens. What I think the real issue is is that one person doesn't/didn't want to accept that it's over.

2.) Trying to steal a girl is ****ed up, but if you can't count on your girl to tell your friend to **** off, she's not worth having around. Going in for the kill right after a break up is pretty messed up too, but you're not going to be happy if she started dating anyone so quickly.

3.) A guy shouldn't have to be possesive of his girl. If she really is into the guy, she's not going to buy into another guy flirting with her.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 4:40 PM #8
Lets say, hypothetically, that you broke up with a girl after a long relationship. You were seperated by a great distance.

During this 5 month seperation, one of them slept with another person.

And on the 6 month, they wanted to get back together.

How would you react?

Most importantly, it depends on whether you want to be with this person or not. And, of course, on how good or bad the aftermentioned 6 months went, hehe. And I see nothing amoral in having sex when not in a relationship with anyone.

You make it seem as if it's cheating or something - while you've said you BROKE UP. So if you break up with somene (read: are not in a relationship) you can't have sex? And if you do, you're a slut? What?

But anyways.

Your mate has a gf. Whether they break up or not. trying to steal their girl is disgusting behavior.

Um. Yes.

Or... is this simple a matter of Pride and Ego?

It's a matter of jealousy. Some people feel it more than others, but it's pretty natural, I suppose. But it sort of all comes down to trust between you and your partner, really.
2006-05-25, 4:59 PM #9
i think you take sex more seriously than a lot of people.

its just a shag.
2006-05-25, 5:00 PM #10
With the special prize of an STD, yay!
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-25, 5:01 PM #11
yep, everytime you have sex, you get an STD and theres nothing you can do to stop it.
2006-05-25, 5:07 PM #12
i pay most attention to spe here, cos he's a brit, and brits are the ones i have an issue with. (actually, several issues).

A shag isnt "just" a shag.

if you see it like that, it's cheap, irresponsible, and the most important thing in your life is Ego and Pride, and thinking with the wrong brain.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-25, 5:08 PM #13
be sure she gives you this
Attachment: 12012/udora5.jpg (113,888 bytes)
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-25, 5:09 PM #14
Yeah, there's a difference between ****ing and making love (as it can be put), but that doesn't make ****ing wrong. It is my personal opinion that sex can be a lot more special and intimate in the right situation though.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 5:31 PM #15
There's a complete lack of physical abuse in this thread.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-25, 6:00 PM #16
I seem to share very similar beliefs\morals with Ruthven, although I am not at all religious, which makes it even harder for most people to understand. But everything Ruthven said I pretty much agree with, and I also sometimes feel like an outsider for my beliefs, but I'd never change them. Your beliefs and morals are the one thing that is totally unique to you and that you have complete control over, and to change them is unthinkable to me. I'd much rather stand up for my beliefs\morals rather than conform just to fit in better with society.
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2006-05-25, 6:02 PM #17
A lot of people say stuff like that, then they get laid.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 6:03 PM #18
/me caves Roach's face in
2006-05-25, 6:06 PM #19
Originally posted by Avenger:
A lot of people say stuff like that, then they get laid.

I've gotten "laid" quite a few times.

I love shagging.

Yet i remain unmoved in my ethics.

Therefore, your comment is worthless. :banned: :o
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-25, 6:08 PM #20

It still holds water.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 6:12 PM #21
Originally posted by Ruthven:
i pay most attention to spe here, cos he's a brit, and brits are the ones i have an issue with. (actually, several issues).

A shag isnt "just" a shag.

if you see it like that, it's cheap, irresponsible, and the most important thing in your life is Ego and Pride, and thinking with the wrong brain.



Originally posted by Avenger:
Yeah, there's a difference between ****ing and making love (as it can be put), but that doesn't make ****ing wrong. It is my personal opinion that sex can be a lot more special and intimate in the right situation though.

I whole-heartedly agree. Nothing wrong with an honest romp in the hay to satisfy yourselves. That doesn't take anything away from love-making.
2006-05-25, 7:31 PM #22

Article 3:

1. Girl hangs with Guys.
2. Bf gets jealous.
3. Bf moves in with Possession of Girl.

The problem is one of two: The Bf feels he isn't getting as much attention OR the Bf feels the Guys are making moves on his Girl.

In either scenario, the Bf ends up taking what the Girl calls "Possession". However, when the two explain their sides of the Story, the Girl becomes Mad at the Bf, for a) Not Trusting Her or b) Being Clingy.

My Opinion:

In the first situation, it is ultimately the Bf's fault. If the Girl happens to be a Tomboy, chances are she's been that way for a While, and it's unfair for the Guy to ask her to change that, especially if they have not been together for a Long Time. He'll just have to get used to it.

In the second situation, the fault is mutual. The Bf needs to give the Girl her space, but at the same time the Girl must show the Bf more attention than the Guys, to clarify his position in her social hierarchy.

w00t. I don't know if that's a proper debate argument, because I started with a point but ended off just ranting. I didn't want to waste the past 10 minutes, so I'm posting it. :)
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2006-05-25, 8:02 PM #23
Less talking more jealous heart winning battles to the death.
2006-05-25, 8:18 PM #24
The fact is, society is obsessed with sex. People nowdays think that if something makes them feel good, they might as well do it and not even pay attention to the consequences. This being the common way, the few people who have an ounce of wisdom and choose not to just offer their bodies freely are looked upon as uncool. So, to sum up our world today, behold:

Attachment: 12015/yay.jpg (25,032 bytes)
2006-05-25, 8:20 PM #25
I'm with Ruthven for the most part. However, my girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me in high school and dated many men before we finally got back together in our college years. It really depends on the individuals involved, their reasons, etc.
2006-05-25, 8:40 PM #26
You know I was going ot post, but after Delphian's post there really isn't anymore left to be said.
2006-05-25, 8:43 PM #27
Excpet for it being total bull****.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-25, 9:12 PM #28
Hmmm...someone help me out with this response towards tripple-M up there...

What's a good onomatopoeia for whipped? Or would "*whipping sound*" be good enough?
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-25, 9:23 PM #29
Delphian wins

1) Situational
2) Agreed
3) again, situational

My best friend has very loose morals when it comes to woman, and quite frankly that aspect of him disgusts me. That being said, he's a close enough friend he's regarded as a brother, and his mom's another mom to me.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-05-25, 10:49 PM #30
Swedish for 'six' is 'sex'.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-05-25, 10:56 PM #31
And Swedish for "sex" is "bork bork bork."
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-26, 5:31 AM #32
cheers ruthy, if it wasn't for your vast knowledge on everything, i'd be annoyed that you summed up the most important things in my life based on one thing. damn, i'm sure glad that you did it instead of some self righteous gimp who can't see past the fact that to some people, thinking about sex on those terms isn't worth the time of day.

i'm also glad it was you, who knows for a fact i'm thinking with the wrong brain.

i mean, i'd be really upset if it was another one of those stuck up holier-than-thou types who have no concept that other people view life with a different outlook.

2006-05-26, 5:34 AM #33
er, cool. Glad i could help? :confused:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-26, 5:38 AM #34
It was so sarcastic even the guy who wrote it doesn't know what it means.

Or does he?? :confused:
2006-05-26, 5:41 AM #35
Attachment: 12021/redeye.jpg (41,194 bytes)
2006-05-26, 5:44 AM #36
yes i do.

But after writing this thread, i took an emotional inventory, and realised i am being somewhat of a stuck up holier than thou pr**k.

I seem to be reverting to my teenage mind-set, making a bigger gap between me and others of my generation due to my own un-happiness and bad experiences.

I still feel the same way about this stuff, but i tend to blow it out of proportion.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-26, 5:45 AM #37
Originally posted by Delphian:
Funny nonsense diagram

So what are we supposed to conclude from this? That human IQ was at its peak in the 19th century for no immediately apparent reason? That hippies and rappers are stupid compared to Hitler? I can't make anything else of it. :p

Anyway, Ruthven...

A lot of people I know would agree with your morals, but the way you say things, you make it really black and white.

Keep in mind that the fact that other people have different morals/standards does not necessarily make them immoral. Be careful with judging people by your own moral standards.

For example, a person who is not involved in a relationship, but has a one-night-stand every once in a while, is not immoral per se. Nor is he or she a whore who disrespects his or her own body. He or she is human being with physical needs, and he or she may not be succesful in finding a steady partner.

For example, one of my best friends is nearing his thirties, but he's never been in a relationship. And not because he doesn't want to, no, he simply can't find a partner... thanks to the two one-night-stands he's had over the years, he's got some self-esteem! Perhaps if he hadn't had those, he'd have become suicidally depressive because of his loneliness. At least now he knows that some girls are at least physically attracted to him. Even though he only got laid twice in his life, it makes all the difference in the world. Because before that happened, he was extremely shy, but nowadays he actually tries to make moves on women. All of that thanks to his little adventures.

On the subject of jealousy though...

I really disagree with your last point. I think it's extremely masculine and primitive to react when other men are talking to your girl (no matter for what reason they do it - even when they try to hit on her). I really do think that something like that is a matter of pride and ego. Jealousy is one of the ugliest traits a person can have. It makes one suspicious, distrustful, etc. The most important thing is that it makes you disrespectful of your own partner.

And you may claim that you don't want your girl to be your posession, but if you're not allowing other guys to talk to her, it's effectively what you're doing... no matter how you try to explain your behaviour.

When I go out with my girl, I never bother with whoever it is she's talking to. She can talk to as many boys as she likes, I don't even care if they try to hit on her. Most of the time it's fun to watch her diss those guys herself. It's a matter of trust, and respect. Also, I do not expect from her that she gives me more attention than anyone else simply because I'm her boyfriend and because I want the 'social hierarchy' confirmed. No, when she goes out with me, I want her to have a fun evening. That means, she has a right to talk to whoever she likes and do whatever she wants, in all freedom, without her jealous fascist boyfriend looking over her shoulder and restricting her actions.

ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-05-26, 6:49 AM #38
Originally posted by Anovis:
Less talking more jealous heart winning battles to the death.

I fenced somone in a sabre duel once for the honor of a lady's favor. :o

Also: What's with people thinking things are "creepy" or "awkward"? Paying too much attention to someone is clingy. But the opposite, paying less attention the them, just means that other people end up doing it anyway with better results... also, being paranoid of being "awkward" more often than not makes you seem more timid and like that anyway! Finally, why do some girls hang around certain guyfriends but will do almost anything and undergo severe physical deprivation (i.e. lack of lurvage from your truly <.<) to avoid hanging out with nameless other "friends of mine". What's with that? :mad:
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-26, 6:51 AM #39
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Swedish for 'six' is 'sex'.

That's because "sex" comes from the Latin "sextus", as fornication was the sixth in a list of evil things not to do. :S

So what are we supposed to conclude from this? That human IQ was at its peak in the 19th century for no immediately apparent reason? That hippies and rappers are stupid compared to Hitler? I can't make anything else of it.

That is because your IQ is not high enough.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-05-26, 9:15 AM #40
I agree with Avenger.

I've had my fair share of gf trouble with the last (evil) installment, and have come to realise that your mates are your mose important asset when it comes to partners. So long as they look out for you everything will be fine.

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