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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Why do people get angery at things they don't bother to understand?
Why do people get angery at things they don't bother to understand?
2006-05-27, 2:24 PM #41
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Just because your nation is struggling that doesn't mean you can just hop the fence and disregard our laws. That's like me saying that my home is not that great, I'll go crash someone else's home because it is better w/o telling homeowner. Yeah they come here to get menial jobs that pay sub min-wage because they are not U.S. citizens. And because they are not U.S. citizens they don't pay much if any taxes. They can't speak a lick of English, they're not well educated, they come here and pop four kids out. And now that those kids are U.S. citizens they get to benefit off of our government funded by U.S. citizen taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile their parents still do not pay taxes because they are not citizens. We can't afford the great influx of people south of the border.

What really pisses me off is that there are U.S. citizens who think that it is expected of us to pay for the needs of Mexican citizens. Furthermore some think that Mexico should have a rather large say in OUR border policy (I'm looking at you U.S. Senate). That's asanine.

I probably just opened up one helluva pandora's box but I could NOT resist responding to this considering I live about an hour's drive to the Mexican border.

I would have said that, but I would be afraid of getting :banned:
2006-05-27, 2:28 PM #42
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
WARNING: There is no continuity in the following text, its only a bunch of facts put together.

About politics: The whole group of those trying to get "Illegal" Immigrants out of the U.S. are pure IGNORANCE. People who are elitist, racist, nationalist and rational beyond humanities minimum requirements. It makes me so mad that these people who have better jobs, houses, cars and lives are complaining over nothing. I've lived in this society long enough to know there is little or no future here for the common people. The minimum wage in the U.S. per hour is like 5 dollars right? Thats the minimum wage a Mexican makes in 8 hours in his homeland. The number of job opportunities here are small or simply not worth the time. Its almost impossible for these people to enter the United States Legally. Why do they enter?I speak in general when I say they don't enter for drugs, problems, murders or any of the common lies. They go there, to find a job, that is usually excesive according to your standards, but would be considered easy here, with no inssurance, which is nothing new to them, and under wage pay, but its still alot more money than what they make here, and for them its paradise. Many die in the attempt to enter the U.S. They do lots of the jobs that an average American wouldn't, unless they were payed more.

Mexico is a corrupt, poor and proud country in which life keeps getting more and more impossible. Believe me I've begun to suffer from it, and I'm making plans to be able to get 1/2 a chance at the future. It is simply inhuman to treat these people like criminals. I don't know what is a bigger crime, entering the U.S. illegaly or deporting people in which such process comes the effect of destroying human life and families.

Yeah, I'd say you're right, except...

We as American Citizens, legal citizens, pay taxes. We give back to the community through that. Illegal immigrants don't. And there IS a legal process to getting into the United States. It may be lengthy and somewhat trying, a lot moreso than just hopping the fence, but it's there.

There's a lot more I could rant about, but that is enough to refute everything you just said. Without taxes there are no roads, schools, or cities to have job opportunities in. Mexicans who hop the fence are getting a free ride, easier than any other American out there in theory, so don't begin to tell us what's "unfair".
2006-05-27, 2:46 PM #43
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Whine whine whine, my country sucks and your country should pick up the slack.

As Yoshi said, there is a legal way of getting into this country, and *gasp* there are people from all over the world who want in! Wow, isn't that something, mexicans aren't the only people trying to get into our country, and all those other people are waiting in line trying to do things the proper way. So really, why should we let the illegals, not just mexicans mind you, illegals in general, stay?
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-27, 3:06 PM #44
Legal doesn't make it human.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-27, 3:08 PM #45
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Legal doesn't make it human.

You really need to read what people post.
2006-05-27, 3:09 PM #46
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Legal doesn't make it human.

But it makes it legal....

How does that even make sense?
2006-05-27, 3:09 PM #47
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Legal doesn't make it human.

What does that even mean?
2006-05-27, 3:13 PM #48
Exactly what i thought.

[This is going downhill.. I PREDICT CLOSURE IN 2 DAYS]
2006-05-27, 3:26 PM #49
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Legal doesn't make it human.

Human or humane? What inhumane about it? Society itself is a humane concept, law is a social concept, processing individuals is part of society. It's perfectly humane. What's humane about delaying the legal immigration of thousands of others from all around the world just because you're too selfish and impatient to do it the socially acceptable way?
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-27, 3:28 PM #50
Wait... this thread confuses me.

You're whining about people getting agry about things they dont understand... yet you're getting angry because you dont understand why people are getting angry.
2006-05-27, 3:30 PM #51
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi:
Wait... this thread confuses me.

You're whining about people getting agry about things they dont understand... yet you're getting angry because you dont understand why people are getting angry.

Thats quite a nasty circle of events there.
2006-05-27, 3:45 PM #52
Originally posted by Roach:
Human or humane? What inhumane about it? Society itself is a humane concept, law is a social concept, processing individuals is part of society. It's perfectly humane. What's humane about delaying the legal immigration of thousands of others from all around the world just because you're too selfish and impatient to do it the socially acceptable way?

Let me paint you an illustration based on a real life fact. One of my Mexican Uncles tried going to the U.S., so he went to get a Visa. Denied. Why? Who knows, they wouldn't say. Probably because he is a taxi driver down here, and he has 4 kids and a wife, doesn't own a house, etc etc etc.

I would really love to see all the people who try to say I am in the wrong try to live down here for more than 1 month. I mean just come down here with 500 dollars, and try to live with no help or foreign jobs or anything. Maybe then you will understand.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-27, 3:46 PM #53
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let me paint you an illustration based on a real life fact. One of my Mexican Uncles tried going to the U.S., so he went to get a Visa. Denied. Why? Who knows, they wouldn't say. Probably because he is a taxi driver down here, and he has 4 kids and a wife, doesn't own a house, etc etc etc.

I would really love to see all the people who try to say I am in the wrong try to live down here for more than 1 month. I mean just come down here with 500 dollars, and try to live with no help or foreign jobs or anything. Maybe then you will understand.

Was he by any chance a felon? Just curios.
2006-05-27, 3:50 PM #54
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let me paint you an illustration based on a real life fact. One of my Mexican Uncles tried going to the U.S., so he went to get a Visa. Denied. Why? Who knows, they wouldn't say. Probably because he is a taxi driver down here, and he has 4 kids and a wife, doesn't own a house, etc etc etc.

I would really love to see all the people who try to say I am in the wrong try to live down here for more than 1 month. I mean just come down here with 500 dollars, and try to live with no help or foreign jobs or anything. Maybe then you will understand.

My grandparents had to show 300,000 to come in from Iran, and that was back in 1979. In otherwords, tough ****. You can only take so much exrement from the world and filter it. If every poor person constantly came to the United States, there would be a bit of an overload, don't you think? Mexicans are lucky because they are right next to us. Thus they get to ***** and moan. However, what about other countries in the same or worse shape? Should we just let everyone in? I'm sure you can see that would not be viable.
2006-05-27, 3:55 PM #55
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let me paint you an illustration based on a real life fact. One of my Mexican Uncles tried going to the U.S., so he went to get a Visa. Denied. Why? Who knows, they wouldn't say. Probably because he is a taxi driver down here, and he has 4 kids and a wife, doesn't own a house, etc etc etc.

I would really love to see all the people who try to say I am in the wrong try to live down here for more than 1 month. I mean just come down here with 500 dollars, and try to live with no help or foreign jobs or anything. Maybe then you will understand.

I'm not saying life in Mexico doesn't suck. But one thing you have to learn is you don't deserve anything in life--you take it. There's a way to get in legally, and I'm sure your uncle got denied for a good reason. You're giving us a one-sided account of an isolated incident that we know absolutely nothing about. Not only that, but you've lied to this community time and time and time again, so you expect us to believe you about this one thing?

No. Sorry.
2006-05-27, 3:56 PM #56
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]My grandparents had to show 300,000 to come in from Iran,[/QUOTE]

What do you mean show?
2006-05-27, 4:04 PM #57
If my uncle was a criminal don't you think he would have been arrested? If the people who come the U.S. followed the Law, payed taxes etc etc, then is it too much of a burden? I mean is it too much for the U.S. to help Mexico to stand up in exchange for other benefits so they don't have 4 million illegal immigrants?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-27, 4:09 PM #58
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
If my uncle was a criminal don't you think he would have been arrested? If the people who come the U.S. followed the Law, payed taxes etc etc, then is it too much of a burden? I mean is it too much for the U.S. to help Mexico to stand up in exchange for other benefits so they don't have 4 million illegal immigrants?

Because Mexico's policing system is so goddamned efficient, right?

And yes, it IS too much to ask for the US to give help to Mexico. If we helped Mexico, then we'd have to help Haiti, then the greater part of Central America, then South America, then Africa, then Asia, then what would the US have to show for itself?

This is one of the main points that proves itself in Capitalism. If you give everything you have to your fellow man, you won't give much at all, you won't make an impact, and you can no longer help. Yet if you give just a little, and in that little you teach them how to help themselves, you make a huge impact, and still have much to show for yourself. Now, the US and the other successful nations of the world are outnumbered, probably in the 5:1 or greater ratio by the poor, 3rd world nations. We do our damnedest to help said nations out, but we can't help out any one nation more than the other, otherwise people get pissy. And the US is (from my understanding) the most giving nation as far as charity (resources, food, military aid, etc) out there, and we STILL get ragged on for giving what we do.

You don't understand the world around you, Gold, so you criticize those who help you for not helping you enough. That's how all poor people are, I've learned. Instead of taking responsibility for themselves, they lay blame on others. And trust me, this is coming from someone who knows what it's like to be poor.
2006-05-27, 4:09 PM #59
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
If the people who come the U.S. followed the Law, payed taxes etc etc, then is it too much of a burden? I mean is it too much for the U.S. to help Mexico to stand up in exchange for other benefits so they don't have 4 million illegal immigrants?

What? No idea what this means

Ok now i get it. I think the number was more like 12 million at last count though.
2006-05-27, 4:17 PM #60
It is too much. We can't prop-up a nation that's really unwilling to prop itself up. Fox wants us to do the work for him and with OUR money so he can piss it away on what he desires. Your nation is corrupt like you said. If Mexico honestly said we need some serious help and showed that it tried to fix problems, then I'm sure we Americans would be willing to assist. But Mexico is showing no desire to fix its problems. Rather the government is actually encouraging border-jumping. Sure our immigration laws are not that great when it comes to legalization but at the same time, we can't just let every Johann, Ricardo, and Paulo into our nation.

Edit: Ahh damn you Yoshi. Beaten almost word for word.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-05-27, 4:21 PM #61
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
What? No idea what this means

Ok now i get it. I think the number was more like 12 million at last count though.

As I understood out of 12 million there were only 4 million illegals immigrants. I understand Mexico is not the poorest or even being close to it, but I do see that the U.S. could help Mexico. For example negotiating to allow companies to enter freely to generate more jobs.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-27, 4:27 PM #62
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
As I understood out of 12 million there were only 4 million illegals immigrants. I understand Mexico is not the poorest or even being close to it, but I do see that the U.S. could help Mexico. For example negotiating to allow companies to enter freely to generate more jobs.

Companies CAN enter Mexico freely. The thing keeping them back is 1) the corruption 2) the poor economy 3) no profit margin.

Only 4 million illegal immigrants? Only? That's 4 million people not paying taxes. At around a thousand a year in taxes, let's say, that'd be over 4 BILLION dollars in tax revenue, gone.

What the hell are you on? Mexico isn't the only country in the world. Get that through your head.
2006-05-27, 4:29 PM #63
Some people do advocate a guest-worker program.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-05-27, 4:37 PM #64
I was brainstorming the other day... wouldn't it be better for the Mexican government to generate jobs by taking notes from the great depression? Such as, fixing the nation's plumbing system so as to get rid of that pesky infamously nasty water. And look, it means they would need to hire millions of workers!

Maybe people would want to stay there.

Even if the answer for Mexico was help from us, as of right now the best we could do is toss our surplus of breakfast burritos over the fence.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2006-05-27, 4:38 PM #65
yes, lets let even more foreigners in and put american citiizens out of a job.
tofu sucks
2006-05-27, 4:39 PM #66
Originally posted by Jedigreedo:
Even if the answer for Mexico was help from us, as of right now the best we could do is toss our surplus of breakfast burritos over the fence.

Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-05-27, 4:40 PM #67
Wait wait wait. Is SF Gold an illegal alien?
2006-05-27, 4:41 PM #68
Originally posted by 7:
yes, lets let even more foreigners in and put american citiizens out of a job.

1) They're not taking jobs self-actualized Americans would dare take
2) Whether or not we let in foreigners, the jobs are still leaving America (see outsourcing)
3) Jobs are just the excuse the laymen puts on the problem. Taxes are the real problem--I could care less if someone took my orange-picking job, but when they don't have to pay taxes on services rendered, nor on their income, their property, ANYTHING, that's where the problem begins.
2006-05-27, 4:47 PM #69
I don't really want to touch the illegal problem here. I have to live with hearing about it all the time at school. Right now the current issue here is by calling them illegal, the "White Man" is taking away their human status...they're also calling it a racist term.

Basically the thing I notice with a lot of people and not wanting to understand, is their stance on medicine usage. Personally, I don't like to use medicine and believe a lot of it is overused in our society. What I've been noticing is that as soon as I say something negative about it, people get instantly defensive and end up begging me not to enter a medical field. It gets frustrating, especially when they start challenging my career choice. :rolleyes: I'm not saying that medicine *isn't* great...I'm just saying it's overused. I don't usually get that far into the conversation to allow that statement though.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2006-05-27, 4:47 PM #70
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) They're not taking jobs self-actualized Americans would dare take
2) Whether or not we let in foreigners, the jobs are still leaving America (see outsourcing)
3) Jobs are just the excuse the laymen puts on the problem. Taxes are the real problem--I could care less if someone took my orange-picking job, but when they don't have to pay taxes on services rendered, nor on their income, their property, ANYTHING, that's where the problem begins.[/QUOTE]

1. thats called american arrogance.
2. that is only exacerbating the problem
3. jobs are a real problem.
tofu sucks
2006-05-27, 4:50 PM #71
Originally posted by 7:
1. thats called american arrogance.
2. that is only exacerbating the problem
3. jobs are a real problem.

1) No, it's called american elitism. You wouldn't dare take a job picking fruit when you have the ability to do better. You wouldn't dare take a job working from sunup til sundown cleaning job sites for less than minimum wage when you can do better. I said self-actualized Americans, meaning ones that have a future, and are not poor. And there are a lot more of those than you would think.
2) It's not a problem in the sense you think it is.
3) No, they're not.

Please, next time you reply, make an actual point.
2006-05-27, 4:51 PM #72
damn Canadians stealing jobs, GET ON YOUR SIDE OF THE RIVER
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-05-27, 4:56 PM #73
1.) Not really, and ever if it were, people have the right to be arogant.
2.) No need to say anything here
3.) Jobs is a buzz word and not really the root of the issue. It's the amount of money put into the system vs. the amount taken out of the system.

Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Legal doesn't make it human.

Translation: My country sucks, but we don't want to do anything to fix it so we'll go burden someone else.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-27, 5:09 PM #74
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]lol im using the internet.[/QUOTE]

1. if those are the only jobs available to a person, then not taking them is absolutly stupid. saying that you magically deserve a better job when there aren't any only adds to the stupidity/elitism
2. more people + less jobs = more unemployment. id say its a problem
3. ok think about it. if you don't have a job, you can't pay taxes. woah, sounds like a problem to me. i do agree that taxes are a problem, don't get me wrong on that. but jobs and taxes are both problems that are closely related.

also as a side note, i don't appreciate the personal attack, i was in no way going after you at all yet you get defensive when i make a post. real mature.
tofu sucks
2006-05-27, 5:14 PM #75
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Let me paint you an illustration based on a real life fact. One of my Mexican Uncles tried going to the U.S., so he went to get a Visa. Denied. Why? Who knows, they wouldn't say. Probably because he is a taxi driver down here, and he has 4 kids and a wife, doesn't own a house, etc etc etc.

I would really love to see all the people who try to say I am in the wrong try to live down here for more than 1 month. I mean just come down here with 500 dollars, and try to live with no help or foreign jobs or anything. Maybe then you will understand.

Let me paint you an illustration based a real life fact. I post something, you dodge it. There's a logical reason behind his denial, they don't just say "Ah, this mexican just doesn't hack it, DENIED!"

And what are you trying to prove with the whole "whine whine whine, live down here and see how it is!" argument? It's difficult to make a living? Yeah, that's universal. It's why it's called "work."
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-05-27, 5:17 PM #76
Originally posted by 7:
1. if those are the only jobs available to a person, then not taking them is absolutly stupid. saying that you magically deserve a better job when there aren't any only adds to the stupidity/elitism

Here we go, finally some kind of point. I knew you had it in you.

The problem is, Mexicans and other illegals often take jobs that are below the standards of ALL US citizens' workmanship. Less than minimum wage, dangerous environments, etc. Let me take a quote from one of my more favorite rap artists, Aesop Rock (though it's someone else rapping at this point in the song):

"Okay, Jose is working in the slaughterhouse
Said he's living in the hood, but he wants to get his daughter out
Slipped off a ledge, and fell into a machine
Another dead immigrant, that's the American Dream"

This just drives home my point. Immigrants take jobs that are technically illegal to be offered, and don't say anything because 1) they get paid better in America than they did in whatever country they came from and 2) they're not US Citizens, and thus have no leverage.

Originally posted by 7:
2. more people + less jobs = more unemployment. id say its a problem

As has been stated, these aren't jobs US Citizens would take.

Originally posted by 7:
3. ok think about it. if you don't have a job, you can't pay taxes. woah, sounds like a problem to me. i do agree that taxes are a problem, don't get me wrong on that. but jobs and taxes are both problems that are closely related.

Haha, you've obviously never encountered the drug culture. I know people who are technically unemployed and make more money than my mother does in three years. Taxes are a problem, but jobs aren't. The jobs that they take are NOT jobs that we would take. If you don't believe me, please, go off and offer to work in a sweatshop for no money, or next to no money an hour/day/week/month/year. Then, then I will believe your argument.

Originally posted by 7:
also as a side note, i don't appreciate the personal attack, i was in no way going after you at all yet you get defensive when i make a post. real mature.

Hahahahah. Oh christ the hypocrisy here. How many goddamned times have you attacked me, for no reason at all. Just because you harbor some stupid, pointless hatred of me. I wouldn't even be talking to you in a thread and you'd come in and attack. Don't even try to deny it. You're a hypocrite landfish. Through and through.
2006-05-27, 5:23 PM #77
All right. Ok ok. That's enough STOOOP!!!
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-05-27, 5:36 PM #78
Ok... so an illegal immigrant has or should not have rights to medical services? Thats letting some one die because they are not on their piece of dirt. Its infantil. Thats like not helping a kid who fell off a fence into your yard and broke his arm, simply because he had no permission to be in your yard.

If America looses 4 billion dollars from the illegal immigrants out of 300 billion dollars, everyone is going to starve, be homeless, and what not. In short, you loose 4 dollars out of 300, to help out alot of people. Are you losing alot?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-05-27, 5:38 PM #79
They point is that they should have to pay just like everyone else does.
Pissed Off?
2006-05-27, 5:39 PM #80
Hospitals can't just deny someone who is dying in front of the building...

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