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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I'm so proud of me!
I'm so proud of me!
2006-06-02, 7:38 PM #41
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]Heh, maybe we can get some recipe exchange going. Or not. Either way.[/QUOTE]

That just seems so wrong for some reason...
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2006-06-02, 7:44 PM #42
It would be ok if he was a 40 year-old stay at home mom. :P
Pissed Off?
2006-06-02, 7:46 PM #43
I can cook many things. Mostly I just follow directions in cook books.
Although, I can make french Toast without too much hassle.
"You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth!! No truth-handler you!! Bah!! I deride your truth-handling ability!!"
2006-06-02, 7:47 PM #44
Originally posted by Avenger:
It would be ok if he was a 40 year-old stay at home mom. :P

Screw y'all :gbk:
2006-06-02, 7:50 PM #45
I'm just messin'. Be proud of your man cooking. ;)

Originally posted by JediNeo:
I can cook many things. Mostly I just follow directions in cook books.
Although, I can make french Toast without too much hassle.

That's all it takes; following directions.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-02, 7:55 PM #46
Originally posted by Avenger:
That's all it takes; following directions.

Tell that to my roommate who burned Spaghettios.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2006-06-02, 7:58 PM #47
Some people just lack common sense or never had anyone to teach them.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-02, 8:00 PM #48
I feel bad because she tries so hard to cook. No matter how well she follows directions, she cannot bake/cook to save her life. It gets her mad when I go and don't even read directions and make something that comes out perfect and yummy. ...And of course I have to rub it in because I'm mean. :v:
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2006-06-02, 8:02 PM #49
Hehehehehe. I have a friend like that. She says she can burn water. Never saw here do that, but she let all the watr boil off a pot and burned up a pot once. That smelled real nice.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-02, 8:22 PM #50
JG: try this for your french toast. Add a little nutmeg and vanilla to your eggs, but don't go overboard. Use a little bit of peanut oil to cook the toast. It's a very light oil that will cook the surface quickly and won't soak into the bread. The real trick is to not soak the bread slice in the egg for too long before throwing it into the pan (I usually just flip it rather quick with a fork, don't sink it down into the egg), and to cook it just right, you want to make sure that the egg on the toast is completely cooked, without darkening it too much.

Stir fry is awesome. Seb, buy some oyster sauce (for sweetening), and some Sczechan (sp?) sauce, it's good for spicing it up. A good 2 tablespoons of the oyster sauce along with the soya sauce and a dash of the spicy stuff. Really tasty. Fry your veggies (don't forget a little bit of ginger) in peanut oil, and then toss in some cooked rice roodles, sesame seeds and bean sprouts when the veggies start to darken. Don't worry, in peanut oil the veggies stay really nice and crispy. Yummmy...

Most of my best meals involve a wok. Anything I cook in the wok usually involves fresh garlic, oyster sauce, Hoi Sin sauce, soya sauce, Sczechan sauce and chicken broth. The right mix of those makes anything good. General Tao chicken is a favorite of mine, although it can be a real ***** to prepare. My sauce is rather simple, bring some vinegar, chives, ginger and sesames seeds to a boil in a frying pan, throw in equal parts ketchup and oyster sauce, add a little sugar and Sczechwan sauce. Thicken and throw in your battered and fried chicken. Stir and coat well, serve with Singapour rice noodles.

Singapour rice noodles: cook the rice noodles no longer than 2 minutes, drain, throw in a wok with plenty of peanut oil, some cooked chicken breast cut in strips, some prawns, plenty of curry, a little garlic, chili powder, chives and sesame seeds. w00tles.

Baked chicken breast as well: marinade the chicken in a good dose of honey, some white wine vinegar, oregano, garlic, ginger, soya sauce, orange rinds and worcestershire sauce for an hour, no more. Bake with the marinade for 45 minutes or so, and halfway through flip the breasts over and coat them with more honey. It's great with some Basmati rice (throw in some oregano and garlic salt in the water while cooking) and steamed veggies.

Need I go on? :D
2006-06-02, 8:26 PM #51
No, that was more than enough. :v:

(I would have posted a :p to let you know I'm just messin' yo, but :p is apparantly gone forever or something so I'll use a :v:)
2006-06-02, 8:28 PM #52
Originally posted by Shintock:
Need I go on? :D

Hells yeah.

Heh, for a different pace, some Persian food. This one is pretty easy to make:

2 dried limes (optional, can just add lemon juice, ~2 tbsp)
2 lbs beef shank w/ bone
1 onion
2-3 red potatoes
Tomato paste (~8/16 oz, to taste)
1/2 cup white beans
1/2 cup garbanzo beans
1 tbsp turmeric
2 med tomatoes
Cayenne pepper
Curry powder - 1 tsp or greater
1 bay leaf

-Take everything but the potatoes and mix with ~5 cups of liquid (best results if ~2 cups chicken broth w/ 3 cups water as opposed to all water) ==> bring to boil ==> simmer on med-lo heat (partially covered). Cook for ~7 hours (longer the better, but you can do it in less; just make sure the beans are cooked).
-cook potatoes ==> bring to boil, med heat for ~30 min.
-add potatoes 2 hrs before completion

When done:

-strain mixture, separate liquid from solids, remove bones from meat.
-Mash the solid mixture, adding some of the soup to taste/better consistency ==> should be fairly mushed, w/ no solid beans
-Serve with flat bread of some sort, the liquid soup, and the mash
2006-06-02, 8:33 PM #53
You guuuuuuuuuys, you're making me hungry.
2006-06-02, 8:43 PM #54
This is my kind of cooking...
1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
1/4 oz Kahlua
1/4 oz Jameson's Irish Whisky
8 oz Guinness Stout

Passed Out Naked on the Bathroom Floor (someone order this...I wanna get bartender's reaction)
3/4 oz Midori
3/4 oz Jagermeister
3/4 oz Bacardi 151 Rum
6 oz Pineapple Juice
1 splash(es) Grenadine
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2006-06-02, 8:51 PM #55
Irish Carbombs rule.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-02, 9:29 PM #56
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
This is my kind of cooking...

Kahlua for the win.
2006-06-02, 9:32 PM #57
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]Tia Maria for the win.[/QUOTE]

2006-06-02, 9:33 PM #58
Originally posted by Shintock:

Never had it. How does it compare? I read wiki, so I know it's similar in background, but yeah.
2006-06-02, 10:06 PM #59
I can make a pretty kickass taco salad. Not much cooking involved, but still an excellent meal.
2006-06-03, 5:20 AM #60
Originally posted by quesadilla_red:
Tell that to my roommate who burned Spaghettios.

As a student my father sometimes made fried noodles with eggs, cheese and more stuff.
Well one of the other students liked them so much, that he asked my father how he made them.
My father told him that you just have to fry the noodles instead of cooking them.
And that's what the other student did...
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-06-03, 10:47 AM #61
Originally posted by quesadilla_red:
I feel bad because she tries so hard to cook. No matter how well she follows directions, she cannot bake/cook to save her life. It gets her mad when I go and don't even read directions and make something that comes out perfect and yummy. ...And of course I have to rub it in because I'm mean. :v:

bah! she probably just pretends that you made her feel bad so you give her more food

that's what I would do anyway

I didn't make anything difficult, I was just proud that I managed to make something that didn't come from a can or a frozen dinner package. (I can bake pretty well but cooking was always elusive for me)

I just made pasta: large egg noodles with butter, parmesan cheese, parsley, salt and pepper and I grilled a boneless chicken breast maranated in "Special sauce" (I swear, that's what the bottle said. it was good stuff though) with apple sauce and a taco ceaser salad (that one didn't make sense to me either but it was really good so I didn't quibble) Easy meal, but really good. I ate the pasta for breakfast. and a few snacks. :P

but at school I know we've had a few fire alarms because some of my peers seem unable to grasp the comcept of making ramen. my favorite was the 4am alarm because an honors student forgot to but the water in before she tried to cook her ramen.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-06-03, 11:20 AM #62
If the sauce happened to be white, then it was truely, "special sauce."
2006-06-03, 11:24 AM #63
Originally posted by sugarless5:
I just made pasta: large egg noodles with butter, parmesan cheese, parsley, salt and pepper and I grilled a boneless chicken breast maranated in "Special sauce" (I swear, that's what the bottle said. it was good stuff though) with apple sauce and a taco ceaser salad (that one didn't make sense to me either but it was really good so I didn't quibble) Easy meal, but really good. I ate the pasta for breakfast. and a few snacks. :P


I'm going to bbq a steak later tonight with a dry rub of some sort. I'll have to look and see what we have in the spice rack.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-03, 11:24 AM #64
Originally posted by sugarless5:
I made my first dinner!! I'm so proud of me. I AM A DOMESTIC GODDESS!

Big f***ing deal. Your status has improved from poor to below average. Make some toaster waffles and frozen orange juice concentrate in the next week or two and you can maybe move to average.
2006-06-03, 11:46 AM #65
hey! don't rain on my parade, ]-[
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-06-03, 11:48 AM #66
Damn you, landfish.
2006-06-03, 11:48 AM #67

tofu sucks
2006-06-03, 11:50 AM #68
I'm not acusing you, just damning you.

2006-06-03, 11:51 AM #69
tofu sucks
2006-06-03, 11:55 AM #70


2006-06-03, 11:56 AM #71
You and sugarless shall make for me beef wellington to pacify and alleviate my wrath.
2006-06-03, 11:58 AM #72
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']You and sugarless shall make for me beef wellington to pacify and alleviate my wrath.


2006-06-03, 12:00 PM #73
pffft, easy
tofu sucks
2006-06-03, 12:01 PM #74
A woman's place is the kitchen, not the stage.

[and landfish is weak, and woman-like, so he should be there too]
2006-06-03, 12:02 PM #75
tofu sucks
2006-06-03, 12:05 PM #76
:( I've been on the stage for a lot longer than I've been in the kitchen. What if there's a kitchen on the stage? I could sing "Just a Housewife" from Working for you.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2006-06-03, 12:08 PM #77
Don't listen to him. He's jsut being an ***.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-03, 12:10 PM #78
You need to read this book.

2006-06-03, 12:11 PM #79
Case in piont.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-03, 12:11 PM #80
sugarless5 is female?

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