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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

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"View" counts are as of the day the forums were archived, and will no longer increase.

ForumsDiscussion Forum → I'm so proud of me!
I'm so proud of me!
2006-06-03, 12:11 PM #81 :P
tofu sucks
2006-06-03, 12:22 PM #82

God is on my side.
2006-06-03, 12:23 PM #83
You're such a godbotherer.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-06-03, 12:24 PM #84
2006-06-03, 12:25 PM #85
First off -- yay cooking! Now you just have to be able to do things like "cleaning" and the Apocalypse will be ushered in on the world :P

I'm still not entirely sure why cooking is a woman's thing -- a bunch of the famous cooks I've heard of have been guys. I've never seen a female Iron Chef in any case. Yay 50's I guess.

As for my own cooking abilities, they are few and far between, mostly due to my laziness. I can usually follow directions, and I can make the basic meals my dad makes (pasta, grilling steak, a cassarol that my family simply calls "cassarol" which is freakin' awesome, etc.). I've also helped my college friends make dinner in the past (usually just cutting up stuff, not actual cooking). I tend to be too slow and meticulous to cook well... and lazy. Mostly the lazy.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2006-06-03, 7:16 PM #86
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]Never had it. How does it compare? I read wiki, so I know it's similar in background, but yeah.[/QUOTE]

Tastes more chocolately. More smooth as well, less bitter. Sweeeeeeet
2006-06-03, 8:01 PM #87


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