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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Nintendo DS Lite
The Nintendo DS Lite
2006-06-15, 1:55 PM #1
Is amazing. I love it. My DS games look so much better on the new screens. Even GBA games look 10 times better. Detail I never knew existed in some of my games are now showing up. I picked up a copy of 'New Super Mario Bros' as well, and I must say...Best.Game.Ever. Did anyone else pick up a DS Lite? It's worth it. Even if you already own a DS. Trade it in and get a DS Lite.

(Also, the DS Lite inspired me to make a MGS3 parody)

Eva: It's a Japanese Type handheld gaming system. Around here, even that's hard to
come by. Don't worry, though. The one I've got for you is American made. (hands
Snake a DS Lite)

Snake: DS Lite, huh. (stomps out his cigar) Incredible...

Eva: Do you like it?

Snake: The entire system is polished to a mirror sheen. The entire system is 20% lighter and 40% smaller than the DS, making it 57 grams lighter. The buttons are made of softer plastic making them more responsive. Both transmissive LCDs have been interlocked to prevent dust and damage. The new stylus is longer and heavier for added precision and more comfortable play. The screens are even four times brighter. The sliding power-switch adds for extra safety against accidental shut downs and is placed on the side to make it easier on the fingers. A long-life battery with almost 20 hours of play time. A GBA slot protector... The base of the DS has a plastic dust cover that can snap into the GBA slot when empty. And not only that, nearly every part of this system has been expertly crafted and customized. Where'd you get something like this?

Eva: I grabbed it from an EB Games at the mall. It came in yesterday on pre-order... and there are plenty more in stock if you need another. You had
this with you, didn't you? (holds up Snake's New Super Mario Bros.) Better take this, too.
(shows Snake the DS Lite power adapter)

Snake: What's this?

Eva: A power adapter incase you run out of battery.

Snake: ...I love you.

Eva: You're here to rescue Sokolov, right?

Snake: Not any more... (Snake inserts New Super Mario Bros. in his DS Lite and turns it on)

Eva: But Snake, He's being forced to continue his work on the Shagohod!

Snake: Not now, Eva. (Starts playing)

Eva: Snake, you have to sa-

Snake: Eva..Not now!

Eva: Snake! You don't understand. If Sokolo- (Snake puts down the DS, stabs Eva and picks up the DS again)

Snake: Now, where was I... (Mario death sound) Son of a-

Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 1:58 PM #2
I'll keep my DS. I find my DS screen more than bright enough for situations I play in, and New SMB and Yoshi's Island all look great on the screen with lots of detail.

The size intrigued me, but then I remember that I find the DS perfectly fine. In fact, I like holding it more than I did my PSP.

You are right though, New SMB kicks aish! I'm replaying it right now to find all the gold coins. Some of those are reallllly tough.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-06-15, 2:08 PM #3
/me huggles his PSP for it still rox the DS hardcore. <-- This is the author's opinion.
2006-06-15, 2:08 PM #4
I want to get one. I sold my PSP so I am hand-held-less, and it is an attractive looking system.
2006-06-15, 2:14 PM #5
I've had my DS Lite since launch, and I love it. I had just completely beaten the new SMB before hand (all coins spent, all levels beat, and all second exits/hidden paths found), and played through it again on the DS Lite and noticed a major difference. I've yet to play a GBA game on it though. But I love the feeling of it, the size of it, the buttons that stick out further, the slightly longer stylus, and (of course) the screens. It fits much more comfortably in my pockets too.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the Phantom Hourglass (DS Zelda game for those who may not know) and the Wii + The Twilight Princess.
2006-06-15, 2:21 PM #6
DS Lite Review: Part 1
DS Lite Review: Part 2
DS Lite Review: Part 3
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 2:57 PM #7
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]/me huggles his PSP for it still rox the DS hardcore.[/QUOTE]and by still you mean never did.

The DS Lite is to the PSP as Clint Eastwood's manliness is to Cool Matty's manliness.
2006-06-15, 3:03 PM #8
I agree, I can't stand how the PSP's screen ghosts so much. It ruins the gameplay for me, however lame that may be.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-06-15, 3:56 PM #9
The DS is coming out with a web browser by the end of the year.Pictochat is a chatting program. Emulators? Why would you need an emulator on a system that already plays great games? Also, doesn't the PSP now block emulation? So running an emulator on it is now very hard to do / illegal? Also, who cares about custom software. It's meant to play games.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 4:46 PM #10
I'm probably gonna pick one up in the fall or winter, whenever Phantom Hourglass comes out. Hopefully there will be more colors than just white by then.

I honestly couldn't care less about a PSP.
2006-06-15, 4:49 PM #11
Well, the parody wasn't funny but the DS Lite does look like fun. :P

SAJN did your band ever get put on Songfight?
2006-06-15, 4:55 PM #12
You don't find anything funny :p

Also, our band hasn't been put on Songfight.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 5:02 PM #13
Yes I do. Just not geek-humor, which has quantifiable characteristics. :P

I thought you sent in a song for the latest fight. And they changed the upcoming set of titles, haven't the entries been posted?
2006-06-15, 5:06 PM #14
Ooooooooh. Jesus. I forgot about that >.< Heh. Yeah, I did send a song to this fight. I forgot all about it. It wasn't our band though. It was just myself and a friend Ted. It was more of a test with his new guitar pedal. It's awful, but it's fun ^_^.


How about that DS Lite!
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 5:23 PM #15
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]The PSP's homebrew capability is far more valuable to me than its gaming ability.[/QUOTE]

The PSP is the better multimedia device. The DS is the better gaming handheld. And the later is what most people look for in a handheld, so the PSP "owning the DS hardcore" is sort of a joke.

If playing 10 year old games, watching some downloaded movies and having a remote desktop is your thing (and then a bizillion other things of no real importance to the average user), yeah, then the PSP is better.
2006-06-15, 6:01 PM #16
The PSP costs much more than the DS Lite. The games cost more and there are far fewer of them, even less worth playing. The multimedia capabilities can only be taken advantage of by repurchasing the DVDs you already own for the same price. The memory card format is proprietary and much more expensive than other flash storage media. The PSP is meant to be a portable gaming system, but considering its size and the total lack of games it cannot be described as such. The only merit the system has is due to how utterly pathetic Sony is at DRM/TPM software. The PSP is the Xbox of the handheld market.

DS Homebrew exists as well; you can buy SD and CF card readers for the system. There is a MAME port, a ScummVM port and emulators for the Atari 2600, Gameboy Color, Genesis, Game Gear, NES, SNES, Ti-85 calculator and the Wonderswan. There are native ports of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and others. It also has a touchscreen which makes it way better for things like terminal services or web browsing.

Your house is made of sand, good sir.
2006-06-15, 6:18 PM #17
What Jon said.

I owned a PSP, and loved it, but only for playing movies. I would rather play GTA on my 5.1 systen at home. Same with Burnout Legends, Madden, etc. At the point where I had mine, the PSP had yet to receive it's killer app (now it has Syphon Filter, which did kick *** when I played it). The problem was that I didn't use the PSP for all. I played Lumines every once and a while, but that's it. I didn't wanna pay 50 bucks for games. When I traded my PSP for a DS + 8 Games, someone was like "You aren't gonna pay for games for the DS either". Since then, I've bought at least 3 DS games, and a GBA game, and this was only a month or so ago. Timewise I've spent with the system, I've already spent about 20x longer playing games on the DS than PSP. I plan on buying the new Starfox, Zelda, Trauma Center: Under the Knife, and even Brain Age since it's only 20 bucks and has sudoku.

I play games on my DS, that's why I prefer it over the PSP. If I want something to VNC with, play some mp3s, watch occasional movies, I'll get a PocketPC. At least that has a somewhat useable keyboard for doing text entry. Browsing the net with the PSP was just painful.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-06-15, 6:43 PM #18
Well, sales wise the DS is owning the PSP silly. >.>;; And I don't see why you want a handheld that can do more than gaming, Nokia N-gage anyone? I don't want a handheld for which I'd have to buy movies that I already have again. <.<;; Nor one that has a tendency to get lazy to death pixels quite easily.

At least the DS brings something new to gaming. *nodnod* Innovation, ikuzo!
Seishun da!
2006-06-15, 7:17 PM #19
Yeah, I just got back from target where I got the DS Lite and the new Super Mario game. I haven't opened it yet, though, I have to do some more work on the house tonight before I can. :(
2006-06-15, 7:25 PM #20
Well, I know where my next paycheck is going.
2006-06-15, 7:27 PM #21
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]Well, sales wise the DS is owning the PSP silly. >.>;; And I don't see why you want a handheld that can do more than gaming, Nokia N-gage anyone? I don't want a handheld for which I'd have to buy movies that I already have again. <.<;; Nor one that has a tendency to get lazy to death pixels quite easily.

At least the DS brings something new to gaming. *nodnod* Innovation, ikuzo![/QUOTE]

Oh, and last month's (May) sales reports say otherwise:

To give you the quick stats:

PS2 - 231,616
360 - 220,877
PSP - 159,659
GBA - 152,023
NDS - 145,930
GCN - 33,040
XBX - 26,353
2006-06-15, 7:41 PM #22
Yeah. However, I don't see any PSP games selling 900,000 copies in 4 days (New SMB). DS Lite sold 950,000 consoles last month world wide, also. That isn't too shabby, if I do say so myself. Hell, DS consistently has 6 games in the top 10 sales all the time in Japan. PSP at most has one.

Then again, US vs. Japan markets are different, so i'll give you that.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-06-15, 7:45 PM #23
Originally posted by mscbuck:
Yeah. However, I don't see any PSP games selling 900,000 copies in 4 days (New SMB). DS Lite sold 950,000 consoles last month world wide, also. That isn't too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Edit: Nevermind, you were using Japan figures.

As for the New SMB... I'll discuss that further when Loco Roco arrives.
2006-06-15, 7:50 PM #24
DS came out like a month ago in Japan.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-06-15, 7:50 PM #25
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]DEBUNK TIME![/QUOTE]And by "debunk time" you mean the exact opposite.

Starting off, I specified in MULTIPLE posts that it was better TO ME. Thus, I frankly don't give a damn which one you think is better.
That's nice.

Maybe if you're stupid enough to buy the UMD movies, sure. I think I'll just rip my DVDs to the memory stick, kthx.
Sony deliberately restricted the resolution of videos on the memory stick. The only way to get comparable quality is to hack your PSP. Xbox of the handheld world.

And don't think that the PSP started this proprietary crap. If you will think back a bit, the GBA had "tv cartridges" that played shows such as Spongebob Squarepants. So by that reasoning, the GBA also sucks, despite the fact it still beats the DS and the PSP.

The average 1GB Pro Duo stick costs maybe $10 max more than a SD card. Compact Flashes are actually slightly MORE expensive than Pro Duos. (Reference: Froogle)
What's your point? It's still more expensive.

I'd like to put forth the idea that it's the end product, not the plan, that matters.
I agree, and the PSP is a very weak end product. The only way the PSP is even remotely useful is if you hack it to run homebrew software.

In addition, the gaming analogy could be applied to PCs. "They're for business and computational work, NOT gaming!" used to be a big deal back in the late 80's. Maybe we're seeing a push for more than just a gaming handheld?
Yeah, it's called a PDA. Except PDAs have touchscreens.

Unfortunately, most of which run like crap (Especially the SNES, the Genesis, and the MAME ports).
Really? I wouldn't know. My handheld system has modern games for it.

Web browsing interface may be easier, but it sure as hell won't be faster. Especially with a pathetic 4MB of RAM to work with.
What's really funny is that you probably think you know what you're talking about.

Oh, and the PSP has ports of Quake and Quake 2, and with the completion of the BSP viewer for Quake 3, it's not far down the line.
They have Quake 3 running on cell phones. Cell phones that are cheaper than the PSP. But, yeah, good for them.

And I reiterate: I believe the PSP is best to ME. For those of you who look solely for gaming from their devices, the PSP does not fare nearly as well. That is not what I am looking for, no what I use the PSP for.
I think it's funny that the guy who keeps saying that the "PSP is best to ME" is fighting so hard to make it sound like the PSP is good for everybody.
2006-06-15, 7:51 PM #26
Originally posted by mscbuck:
DS came out like a month ago in Japan.

2006-06-15, 7:52 PM #27
Why do people want 30 different functions in one single system? I guess it's cheaper, but that's about it. The PSP seems cluttered to me, and the DS Lite looks cute. I still don't like spending that kind of money on a gameboy, though.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-15, 7:52 PM #28
Lol, my bad. That was my last post anyway..well..techincally this is, but you get the point.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-06-15, 8:42 PM #29
The success story that is the Nintendo DS continues as last week's launch of the DS Lite saw more than 136,500 units fly off the shelves in two days. The handheld is also sitting pretty with two of the nation's top-selling games.

New Super Mario Bros. and Brain Age ranked as the No. 1 and No. 3 best-selling games of May, according to the independent NPD Group. The Mario Bros. gave a particularly impressive performance, as the title sold at a rate of roughly one every four seconds from May 15 until the end of the month.

And early reports from retailers indicate those same titles (along with the DS Lite) are being picked up with the same enthusiasm this week, meaning many a dad may find a shiny new DS in his Father's Day stocking. Sales of Brain Age have reportedly tripled since the Lite's release, and sales of Mario Bros. have doubled.

And how is the PSP faring in all this? Is it cowering in the corner, hoping to catch a few scraps that fall from the DS's table? Actually, the PSP has been outselling the DS for the past six months, according to compiled NPD data. While the positions may reverse while the DS Lite makes its big debut, it seems the PSP is doing just fine, despite all the attention Nintendo's baby is getting. Of course, while the PSP console is seeing brisk sales, it's worth noting that there wasn't a single PSP game that made the Top 20 list of best-selling games for May 2006. The DS had two of the top five.
By comparison, DS Lite is outpacing 2003's launch sales of Nintendo's juggernaut Game Boy® Advance SP by more than 12 percent.

Japanese software sales (6/5- 6/11)

Sales (Accumulated)

1. New Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo – NDS
244,882 (1,478,608)

2. Hisshou Pachinko*Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Vol. 5: Evangelion
D3 – PS2
100,967 (100,967)

3. Brain Training 2
Nintendo – NDS
52,876 (2,476,774)

4. World Soccer Winning Eleven 10
Konami – PS2
34,880 (761,407)

5. Brain Training for Adults
Nintendo – NDS
34,760 (2,357,730)

6. Animal Crossing: Wild World
Nintendo – NDS
25,355 (2,800,004)

7. English Training
Nintendo – NDS
23,130 (1,141,623)

8. Tetris DS
Nintendo – NDS
21,710 (596,585)

9. Mario Kart DS
Nintendo – NDS
11,880 (1,424,882)

10. Pokemon Ranger
Nintendo – NDS
11,646 (574,231)
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-15, 9:41 PM #30
English training is a great game.......
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-06-15, 10:21 PM #31
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Too bad the "hacks" involve dragging and dropping a folder. Which you'd have to do to use the XMB interface anyway. Sooo haard. Your point is null and void.[/QUOTE]Um. Unless they changed the PSP significantly since I owned one, the PSP's firmware is hard-coded to only accept 76,800 pixels per frame unless it's playing a video back from a UMD. The PSP's display is 130,560 pixels (480x272). This is an enormous difference in quality.

As long as I owned a PSP it was Sony's policy to intentionally handicap the system in order to drive up UMD sales.

Is the "What" implying you never heard of it, or that you think my theory sucks? In either case, your theory sucked in the first place.
No, I've heard of them. I have no idea what your point is. The Gameboy Advance isn't intended to be a general-purpose media player: the PSP is.

Not to mention the fact that I was talking about the Memory Stick. Gameboy carts aren't meant to be a general-purpose storage format for mobile devices, the Memory Stick is.

Uhm, the point was proving you wrong? You said "much more expensive". I don't consider it so. Especially when Compact Flash is actually more expensive. Just drop this point, you lost.
I do consider $10 to be "much more expensive" when the memory card is not useful for any of my other devices, all of which use SD.

Microdrives are also available in CFIO format now, too, which means bulk storage (4 GB+) for very low prices.

PDA's aren't built for gaming, of any type. Sure, it's POSSIBLE, but it ain't comfortable or easy.
...Much like the PSP's multimedia features?

By modern you mean more advanced? Which would imply the PSP is inferior? I know you know the PSP specs, so I'll just resign this point in hopes that you worded this argument wrong.
No, by "modern" I mean they're actually making games worth playing on the DS. There is no need to put an emulator on the DS because there is enough fun to be had without one.

I owned a PSP up until a couple of months ago. The only game I played with any regularity was Lumines.

You show me a web browser capable of browsing the vast majority of websites (including the Post Your Desktop) threads without slowdowns due to RAM issues on the DS, and I'll shut up. Until then, you're totally wrong, and I do know what I am talking about. You, apparently, don't. You can't get "around" the size issue of images on websites. Oh, and on top of that, the PSP has flash support, so it can access a helluva lot more websites than the poor DS's Opera can.
I take it you've never used a PDA before. Webpages are impossible to read if the large images are left inline.

Plus the Post Your Desktop threads are lame. Why would you want to read them on a PSP or also ever?

"Running" and actually playing them are two wholly different things. And since when was this an argument about cell phones? You originally stated the fact that the DS was able to natively run Doom, as if this was something significant for it. I defeated that significance with my response. Don't step outside the scope of the conversation here!
No, I was pointing out the availability of homebrew software. I'm fairly confident that the DS could run Quake 1 and 2, I just haven't heard of any ports of those particular games.

I'm trying to point out that it has its place, and as US sales have shown, it doesn't completely suck as you'd like to believe. I'll be the FIRST to admit that its own games haven't lived up to the PSP's potential, but as I continue to state, I am not concerned with that. The PSP performs admirably as a multimedia device, whether you believe it's "hacks" or not. And finally, a PDA has about 0 "modern" games sold for it (I repeat, SOLD), so don't bother bringing in that as if it matters. A PDA can't perform what the PSP can on the same price, and it can't match all of its abilities. (Although it may excell at some)
Well I don't know. My PDA can play music and videos, it has a better battery life and it also has a touchscreen. One of the first things I did when I got it was write a PocketPC version of Tetris, so that's about all I ever used my PSP for right there.
2006-06-16, 4:27 AM #32
I might get a DS Lite. I might not. If I do, however, I will have one.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-06-16, 5:45 AM #33
I wonder how Jon'C and Cool Matty will respond to that slam dunk of logic.
2006-06-16, 11:16 AM #34
So, I'm playing the new Super Mario game and it rocks. I love the 2d gameplay rendered in 3d, it looks and plays awesome. And like all mario games I have played, it's extremy polished, the character feels like part of the world (like JK, but not like most games, where the character feels like he's floating around and the collision detection sucks). I like the old-school gameplay and the the new twists as well. I hope the DS-Zelda is as good as this!

And the screen on the DS Lite is ultra bright (it defaults to level 3 of 4, 4 was actually too bright for me). It looks a lot better than the regular DS (my step-daughter has a regular DS and she noticed a huge difference in picture quality).

I *really* wish more developers would make these hybrid 2d/3d games, the gameplay is so much simpler and more fun, there aren't all these weird camera-angle problems (which still plague most true-3d platformers), and the controls are intuitive. I hope more developers follow nintendo's lead on this one, and not just for hand-helds.

The mini-games on new Super Mario were mildly amusing.
2006-06-16, 11:48 AM #35
The mini games were taken from Mario 64 DS, except there are far more of them on Mario 64. I think they just tossed it in for an added feature. If you like the side scrolling 2D/3D gameplay on the DS, check out these games...

Kirby: Canvas Curse

Castkevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Sonic Rush
[] []

Yoshi Touch & Go

Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-16, 12:48 PM #36
I'm surprised no one has talked about Age of Empires on DS. I saw it in Future Shop a while ago and I kicked myself for selling my DS. Even though I needed too.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2006-06-16, 12:58 PM #37
If I want to play games on the road or watch movies while not at home or chat or web browse when I'm waiting in the doctors office.. I'll just use my ****ing laptop! :D
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2006-06-16, 1:56 PM #38
Victor Van Dort, Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely check out the yoshi one and the kirby one. I haven't been a fan of castlevania since #2, which was more RPGish than the rest. Re: sonic rush, it was mildly amusing, but I'm weary of sonic games and that one was particularly awful due to the view switching between the two screens.

Anyone played super princess peach?
2006-06-16, 3:01 PM #39
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Which is why there is a far superior player available to download, that not only plays at full resolution, but even allows divx, and x284/AVC which isn't supposed to be playable without firmware 2.0. If this is considered a "hack" then oh well, but it doesn't negate how useful the PSP is. (And I don't really consider something a hack unless it's modifying the firmware, while you seem to interpret it as doing anything not meant to be done with the PSP)[/QUOTE]Utilizing exploits in order to run homebrew software is a hack. The overwhelming majority of people who own PSPs are not technically-proficient enough to do this; ergo, for all intents and purposes, the PSP is not a good portable media player.

I accept your concession.

Thus, it's YOUR opinion it is much more expensive, because it's not usable with any other product you own.
I suppose so. I don't make it a habit of expressing the opinions of other people, so yes you could say that is it my opinion.

Drag and drop is hard? I wasn't aware that dragging and dropping files was difficult to do, especially since you have to do the same thing with your PDA, your DS's homebrew, your MP3 player, or whatever the heck you use.
Hard, unwieldy, unportable, uncomfortable. The PSP isn't very comfortable for gaming either. I'm not saying my PDA is any better, but it's certainly not worse.

No "need"? I guess the same thing could be said about PCs? PCs have plenty of modern games. So lets get rid of these emulators, since we have modern games! I believe you're falling into opinion again. You consider that there is only one game worth playing regularly. Oh well, that's your opinion. Meanwhile, I'll be playing Syphon filter, Wipeout, Ridge Racer, GTA, Mercury, etc.
Wait... why are you screeching at me now about how I'm expressing my own opinion? In this entire thread you've been expressing your opinion. Am I not allowed to do the same?

Secondly, PCs don't have that many games anymore. At least not that many good ones. This is beside the point, however.

So your PDA's webbrowser doesn't automatically scale images for you? That must be insanely annoying.
Not as insanely annoying as post your desktop threads.

And yet its homebrew lags far behind the PSP's capabilities.
Oh okay.
Have you ever considered that PSP homebrew is ahead of the DS homebrew because:
1.) Flash carts needed to be developed for the DS, which takes time; and...
2.) The DS has had great games all along, while the PSP's library just broke 10 games within the last 2 months?

Okay, play a "modern game" on it, or hell, even street fighter on it, and then I'll consider it. The point is, the PDA doesn't have any sort of control scheme to even allow for games.
Except for the touchscreen and the D-Pad.

I'm not even sure what you're arguing anymore. Pretty much everything you've said has shown has the PSP is actually a horrible pile of crap for the vast majority of people and only ever becomes worthwhile when you load it full of homebrew software. I mean, this should be funny, but it's just sad.
2006-06-16, 3:01 PM #40
I just recently Purchased Princess Peach. I haven't played it too heavily yet, just a little bit of the first level and it does have it's similarities to the Super Mario Bros. game. My inital impression was that it's almost geared more towards the slightly younger and perhaps female gaming community in the graphics, gameplay, and difficulty.

You use different emotions to give you different powers. It's interesting, and perhaps worth a look, I can give you a better idea later after I play it some more.

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