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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Am I the only one...
Am I the only one...
2006-06-24, 6:29 PM #41
It's been a tradition since WWII...
2006-06-24, 6:31 PM #42
I understand. I understand all the "It's no big deal!" arguments, and I disagree with them. Just because you don't see it as a big deal doesn't mean your opinion is the end-all. In the same vein, I don't consider my opinion the end-all be-all of the matter. I just request the same amount of respect.
2006-06-24, 6:32 PM #43
I have no idea what you're talking about :(

I agree in which I don't think bombs should be used, but painting on the bombs already there is just something jarheads and air men do.
2006-06-24, 6:33 PM #44
I wasn't really referring to you.
2006-06-24, 6:34 PM #45
whilst i havent seen jarhead, i have seen apocalypse now many many times.

and all i can think is: "yes, people like that exist, and no matter how much they do exist, it still wont hurt scrawling a few words on the side of a bomb".
2006-06-24, 6:34 PM #46
Ah, okay.
2006-06-24, 6:36 PM #47
You continue to think that spe. You continue to think that.

Meanwhile, your thought processes aren't the only ones that exist. Imagine that.
2006-06-24, 6:38 PM #48
hey yoshi i sent you a pm, check it out?
2006-06-24, 6:38 PM #49
2006-06-24, 6:47 PM #50
well i asked if yoshi wanted to talk about our disagreement on msn but apparently i wasnt serious enough for his internet, so my serious opinions on this thread end here.
2006-06-24, 6:49 PM #51
Translation: I think he's a disgusting human being and refuse to talk to him in private. When I told him this and asked him to leave me alone, he decided to be a patronizing *******. I guess I'm just too "serious" for him (meaning I don't take everything in life as a joke).
2006-06-24, 7:16 PM #52
Gallows humor, folks. Look it up if you need to.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-06-24, 8:16 PM #53
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I understand. I understand all the "It's no big deal!" arguments, and I disagree with them. Just because you don't see it as a big deal doesn't mean your opinion is the end-all. In the same vein, I don't consider my opinion the end-all be-all of the matter. I just request the same amount of respect.[/QUOTE]

The point is, what kind of deal could it possibly be?
2006-06-24, 8:21 PM #54
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
The point is, what kind of deal could it possibly be?

It could feed a sadistic and psychotic mindset in that they think their words actually effect the bomb in some way. To be honest, it sounds far fetched when I say it, to think that a psychopath could get through the army/navy/what have you's psychological evaluators, but then you watch Jarhead and you realize that they aren't necessarily psychopathic before they get into the war. To be honest, Jarhead COMPLETELY changed my outlook on the "war on terror" in Iraq and made me sick to my stomach. The worst part was it was all (based on) truth.

The most sane man in the movie ended up being the most insane--the one most driven to kill. And his drive to kill made him seem sane. Killing is not a good thing, war is not a good thing, and anyone who thinks otherwise has some deeply seated psychological issues. Yeah, that may seem a bit "PC", but I don't care--life isn't a toy, and wars can make it seem like it is. It takes remarkable psychological stamina to not get desensitized to violence from watching tens to hundreds die everyday to the point where violence not only seems okay, but a trivial matter.
2006-06-24, 8:38 PM #55
I'd really hate to think that a movie would have that mucg affect on your opinion.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-24, 8:44 PM #56
Originally posted by Avenger:
I'd really hate to think that a movie would have that mucg affect on your opinion.

It does sound very "pop culture", and I hate to admit it, but it did. It's not a huge deal to me--I'm not going to petition to have the practice banned because soldiers will do what soldiers will do. But it IS a "deal" to me, and I dislike it and this kind of act just seems more psychopathic to me than it does "awesome", even as a gamer of 15 years.

But don't worry, I'm not about to go out and start fighting crime because Batman Begins taught me that good always prevails :p
2006-06-24, 9:16 PM #57
Originally posted by JediKirby:

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-06-24, 9:30 PM #58
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]MB--you were patronizing me. Like always. Stop it.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I was not doing anything. I simply voiced my opinion on the matter.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-06-24, 9:32 PM #59
I'm simply disturbed by putting a gaming holiday made up by a guy who only wants to fill his pockets more by selling merch with his holiday's logo and not only doing that, but posting it on your website for the masses to see like it's "cute" or "funny." That's simply wrong to me. If I were going to drop a bomb on ANYONE'S house, my worse enemy or not, I think I might take the weapon a little more serously than to advertise some stupid fake holiday on the thing.

I'm mostly disturbed by the "Hey cool, I'll post it on my blog and solute the armed forces at the same time" reason for putting it on the site. That just seems frighteningly absent minded of Asbath.
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2006-06-24, 9:33 PM #60
I dont know, if you put it that way i understand what you mean. But we dont know for sure that is his motive for posting the image. Maybe it was just a "hey cool" type thing and he didnt mean any harm.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-06-24, 9:35 PM #61
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I'm simply disturbed by putting a gaming holiday made up by a guy who only wants to fill his pockets more by selling merch with his holiday's logo and not only doing that, but posting it on your website for the masses to see like it's "cute" or "funny." That's simply wrong to me. If I were going to drop a bomb on ANYONE'S house, my worse enemy or not, I think I might take the weapon a little more serously than to advertise some stupid fake holiday on the thing.

I'm mostly disturbed by the "Hey cool, I'll post it on my blog and solute the armed forces at the same time" reason for putting it on the site. That just seems frighteningly absent minded of Asbath.

Like I said, they've been doing that since WWII. It's a tradition, and I don't think they'll stop.

It's a moral booster for our troops. Basically it's like saying "lol bombz away!!!!1" in a video game. It pisses off your opponets and boost your moral.

I agree we shouldn't do that, but I don't agree with anything about pointless wars.
2006-06-24, 9:36 PM #62
Knowing Absath, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some cocky stupid-*** notion that he was awesome because of the fact that someone put his holiday on a bomb.
2006-06-24, 9:36 PM #63
Yeah kind of like a "look how far this has gotten" kind of thing.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-24, 9:37 PM #64
Exactly. He's that sort of a person to find it ego-boosting to see his awesome holiday written on a BOMB!

That's scary, in my opinion.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-24, 9:39 PM #65
What would you do if someone drew a Massassi logo on a bomb, or your name, and sent it to you?
2006-06-24, 9:42 PM #66
Knowing Absath, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some cocky stupid-*** notion that he was awesome because of the fact that someone put his holiday on a bomb.

You know Absath? Do you hang out with him all the time? I didn't think so. He really isn't egotistical at all. He's a cool guy, my brother and myself have both had the privilage of meeting and talking to him. Very down to earth.

Exactly. He's that sort of a person to find it ego-boosting to see his awesome holiday written on a BOMB!

Yep. Once again. I'm sure you hang out with him enough to know what he's like. I hear he gets hard whenever someone even mentions his name. :rolleyes:
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-24, 9:43 PM #67
My point is, thinking in Absath's position, if a fan of mine sent me something I made into a comic painted on a bomb, I would post it. Not for an ego booster, but as a "Wow...I can't believe this guy did this. Haha.".

And I'm sure if someone from Massassi painted the Massassian logo on a bomb, I would post it here in the forums to share.

And no, I don't agree that we should use bombs, but if it's already made and there, let the guys in Iraq blow off the stress they have by doing something "fun" like painting useless crap on a frackin' bomb.
2006-06-24, 9:44 PM #68
This thread sucks and all of you suck.
2006-06-24, 9:45 PM #69
Originally posted by Jon`C:
This thread sucks and all of you suck.

2006-06-24, 9:56 PM #70
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]You know Absath? Do you hang out with him all the time? I didn't think so. He really isn't egotistical at all. He's a cool guy, my brother and myself have both had the privilage of meeting and talking to him. Very down to earth.

Yep. Once again. I'm sure you hang out with him enough to know what he's like. I hear he gets hard whenever someone even mentions his name. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

And maybe he did feel differently, but from what I've read about him on his OWN website, he's an ego-bearing money-hogging PA-knockoff trying to use the same business ploy but to make money instead of make a webcomic. Maybe I'm wrong, but if it looks like a duck...
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2006-06-24, 9:56 PM #71
Originally posted by Jon`C:
This thread sucks and all of you suck.

Thanks for sharing.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-24, 9:59 PM #72
And maybe he did feel differently, but from what I've read about him on his OWN website, he's an ego-bearing money-hogging PA-knockoff trying to use the same business ploy but to make money instead of make a webcomic. Maybe I'm wrong, but if it looks like a duck...

...than you forgot to put on your glasses while looking at the goose.

CAD was never a PA knock off. It never tried to be. People often compare CAD and PA because they are both popular gaming webcomics.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-24, 10:00 PM #73
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]...than you forgot to put on your glasses while looking at the goose.

CAD was never a PA knock off. It never tried to be. People often compare CAD and PA because they are both popular gaming webcomics.[/QUOTE]

Sorry kirbs, with Victor on this one.
2006-06-24, 10:01 PM #74
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]You know Absath? Do you hang out with him all the time? I didn't think so. He really isn't egotistical at all. He's a cool guy, my brother and myself have both had the privilage of meeting and talking to him. Very down to earth.

Yep. Once again. I'm sure you hang out with him enough to know what he's like. I hear he gets hard whenever someone even mentions his name. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Uh huh...says a CAD fanboy. I've watched the man's comic progress for over 2 years now, and used to read the news religiously. It's not hard to discern someone's personality through their comics, and Absath is very, VERY cocky, not to mention his forums which are absolute ****. His adminning was on a purely provisional basis--if he didn't like something, it was gone, and if anyone criticized them they were gone. I've heard the forums have shaped up since then, though. I also know a man who got to meet Absath--and had a very, very different opinion of him. The difference? The guy I know didn't meet him at a publicity stunt event. You did.

When you think about it, where do you think his attitude would be shown more to truth--somewhere where he was trying to promote his website and comic (especially considering he got into it for the money, not for anything else unlike some artists *cough*PA*cough*), or just as a regular guy before CAD rose to fame?

I don't know Tim, no. I don't know Mike or Jerry either, but they're obviously insanely generous, good, giving people. Look at Child's Play, look at Jerry's way of proposing to his wife (which at the time was insanely original), and even Mike's dissertations where, although he comes off as fairly venomous and opinionated, he readily admits his wrongness in opinions and has apologized numerous times to companies he has interpreted wrongly.

I didn't mean for this to be a comparison of PA vs. CAD, but it's kind of inevitable with how CAD is a horrible wannabe copy of PA. Not to mention Absath himself is a bold-faced liar about copying the style, or even knowing of PA's existence.

If you'll remember this little gem...

[quote=Tim Buckley]
Now the gloves are off
11:47AM Thursday, June 16, 2005 - by Absath

I hate webcomic drama, and I am happy to stay the **** out of its house, no out if its neighborhood, every day of the week. I've got a lot of other things that are more deserving of my time, so you can imagine that I might get a little pissed off when someone is trying to drag me into some of that ****.

Today it appears to be Scott Kurtz. Apparently some crap article about webcomics got put up in the Chicago Tribune where, along with some informational inaccuracies, they mention Ctrl+Alt+Del next to PvP and Penny Arcade.

Apparently this has thrown Kurtz into a fit of the 'How dare they mention CAD in the same paragraph as my holier-than-thou comic!'.

Gee, Scott, I didn't notice you having any problems with my comic a year ago, when you wrote me an email to tell me how "****ing funny Ctrl+Alt+Del is", or when you wrote me and asked me to do a guest strip for you.

What could have changed in the past year? Might it be that Ctrl+Alt+Del now has over 150,000 readers, rivaling and at times even surpassing your own traffic? Could it be that I'm now big enough to have just closed a publishing deal with a major comic book distributor? Could it be that I accomplished in three years what took you seven, and you just can't stand the fact that a younger webcomic just might pass you by?

**** you, Scott Kurtz.

You wanted me in this stupid little webcomic drama world of yours? You've got me. I was perfectly content to make comics for people to enjoy, play some video games, and make a living doing something I love. I don't give a **** about your comic, I don't give a **** about your community or your 'industry'. But don't ****ing drag me into some **** and expect I'm going to "wait 24 hours before posting a response like my business manager told me to".

I create my comic the best way I know how, and I have worked very, very hard to get where I am. Don't you dare accuse me of ripping off Penny Arcade, a comic I didn't even know existed when I decided to start a webcomic based off of the lives of my best friend and I. A comic I started for fun, mind you, hoping that maybe I could entertain a few people for free and create something to be proud of, and never dreaming that I would have to put up with people who throw hissy fits just because it's another comic about video games.

I'm sorry, but video games are a multi-BILLION dollar industry, and if you think that any one comic can say all there is to say about them, you're ego is crushing you flat, and that's saying something.

You want your webcomics history? Fine. "In 2002 a guy who really admired PvP and its creator started his own webcomic, Ctrl+Alt+Del, which became incredibly popular in a short amount of time, making it one of the most quickly-rising webcomics in the field. Only then, he gets publicly attacked by a creator he once respected, but that's ok because Ctrl+Alt+Del goes on to become a world-recognized franchise with video games and a cartoon series based off of the characters that have entertained thousands, while the creator of PvP continues to write whiny, bitter rants about how people aren't kissing his feet like he dreams about."

There. There's your past, present AND future.


If this doesn't reference PA, I don't know what does.

Originally posted by Anovis:
What would you do if someone drew a Massassi logo on a bomb, or your name, and sent it to you?

Call the police.
2006-06-24, 10:03 PM #75
Asbath has repeatedly shown that he's in this to make money. No one made webcomics for PROFIT until AFTER PA started to make profit. Then a bunch of webcomcis popped up trying to make a business model out of PA's success. To this day, PA is only in business by accident, and CAD is only in business because Asbath charges for extra content. Let me tell you, if Asbath broke even, he'd stop making the comic. MAYBE I'm wrong, but I can only go on how much I know.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-24, 10:07 PM #76
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Asbath has repeatedly shown that he's in this to make money. No one made webcomics for PROFIT until AFTER PA started to make profit. Then a bunch of webcomcis popped up trying to make a business model out of PA's success. To this day, PA is only in business by accident, and CAD is only in business because Asbath charges for extra content. Let me tell you, if Asbath broke even, he'd stop making the comic. MAYBE I'm wrong, but I can only go on how much I know.

I don't think so.

Even if that is the case, why not? CAD and PA are still both great comics. Even if CAD is a "knock-off" in your description of why, why shouldn't Absath do what he wants and charge for extra content on his site? Lots of websites on the web do it, and lots of artist in both internet and non-internet worlds do too.

Picasso's a rip off Van Gogh because Van Gogh used paintbrushes first lawl
2006-06-24, 10:09 PM #77
I'm only using that to support my opinion that he's, as Yoshi said, cocky, and has an ego enough to post a picture of his money-making holiday on a bomb. That seems strange to me, and I really don't think I'd be too proud of that, myself. The fact that he is shows a lot about his character.
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2006-06-24, 10:11 PM #78
Originally posted by Anovis:
I don't think so.

Even if that is the case, why not? CAD and PA are still both great comics. Even if CAD is a "knock-off" in your description of why, why shouldn't Absath do what he wants and charge for extra content on his site? Lots of websites on the web do it, and lots of artist in both internet and non-internet worlds do too.

Picasso's a rip off Van Gogh because Van Gogh used paintbrushes first lawl

Bad analogy.

CAD ripped off the layout, the setup, the entire IDEA of a comic strip from PA. It's quite pathetically obvious if you take a look at it. Why shouldn't he do what he wants? Well, actually, I don't have a reason. I have reasons why I'd prefer he didn't, but there's no real reason he shouldn't. I would prefer he didn't charge for his stupid "premium" crap, and all his other bull**** because if PA doesn't, why does he have to? PA gets many hundred thousands of hits a day, true, compared to CAD's 150,000 on average, but between adverts and merchandising there's no reason Tim would have any need for money. But it IS a capitalist system, so he can do what he likes, and get what prices he wants if he's smart enough. Or if the populace is stupid enough. One of the two.
2006-06-24, 10:13 PM #79
Yeah, his advertising alone is DEFINETLY paying for the bandwidth. One could argue that his time is worth something, but that's the thing: He thinks his time to draw a comic is worth money, where PA doesn't. That's the thing that shines his character.
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2006-06-24, 10:19 PM #80
CAD-Animation costs a lot to make one episode. It's obvious why he charges for it. A mini-company of animators, voice actors, etc...
Think while it's still legal.

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