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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Am I the only one...
Am I the only one...
2006-06-24, 10:20 PM #81
Good points.

But I'm still not distrubed, nor care, that Absath is posting a picture of a fan with a painted peice from him on a bomb.
2006-06-24, 10:22 PM #82
And it's absolutely no better than a LOT of animated shorts done for FREE. PVP has dopey little cartoons that are of poor quality (But aren't much better than CAD's) that they do for free for fun. CAD Premium is obviously a lot more about making money than just paying for the 15 minute bimonthly clips of poorly synched rehashed Asbath art.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-24, 10:23 PM #83
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]CAD-Animation costs a lot to make one episode. It's obvious why he charges for it. A mini-company of animators, voice actors, etc...[/QUOTE]

I can't see it more than a stupid flash thing on newgrounds or ebaumsworld...

I agree with you, but I wouldn't watch it.
2006-06-24, 10:28 PM #84
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]CAD-Animation costs a lot to make one episode. It's obvious why he charges for it. A mini-company of animators, voice actors, etc...[/QUOTE]

Why did he hire animators. It's his webcomic. One would expect he could animate it himself :v:

But if he actually paid money for that My argument about the premium service doesn't stand up, but good god do I feel sorry for those people who are doing the animation for him. I've seen much better for free.

Originally posted by Anovis:
Good points.

But I'm still not distrubed, nor care, that Absath is posting a picture of a fan with a painted peice from him on a bomb.

You don't have to be. I'm just saying I am. And people continue to go "OMG WHY"
2006-06-24, 10:31 PM #85
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]...

Why did he hire animators. It's his webcomic. One would expect he could animate it himself :v:

But if he actually paid money for that My argument about the premium service doesn't stand up, but good god do I feel sorry for those people who are doing the animation for him. I've seen much better for free.

You don't have to be. I'm just saying I am. And people continue to go "OMG WHY"[/QUOTE]

Why yes, there does seem to be a lot of people asking that question.
2006-06-24, 10:31 PM #86
So wait, it's more of a CAD-money issue than a bomb thing that annoys you?
2006-06-24, 10:35 PM #87
Originally posted by Echoman:
So wait, it's more of a CAD-money issue than a bomb thing that annoys you?

No. Tim is a very cocky, arrogant person with no sense of humility from what I can tell. This kind of personality is the very kind of personality that would appreciate something like that picture.

You are completely off base with this post--it just happened to degenerate into a "I hate CAD" thread from a thread about Tim posting something I saw as immoral and very offputting, to say the least.
2006-06-24, 10:36 PM #88
I meant "you" for JediKirby.
2006-06-24, 10:43 PM #89
I agree with DJ Yoshi
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-24, 10:59 PM #90
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-24, 11:38 PM #91
Then there are the intelligent folks take the bait. It takes more than one person to **** something up.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-24, 11:42 PM #92
Let's try not to crap this thread anymore. Keep the discussion civil can we?
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-06-25, 12:23 AM #93
In after da lock!
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-06-25, 12:41 AM #94
Pissed Off?
2006-06-25, 12:43 AM #95
Am I the only one.... who doesn't know what the **** just happened?


Anyways, if anyone DOES have something to say to what I said, please do speak up.
2006-06-25, 1:31 AM #96
I just want to say that Jarhead dealt with the first Gulf War, which was in far too many ways different from the combat the U.S. is currently engaged in in Afghanistan and Iraq. The movie twisted far too much of the story, the book was a far more accurate description of the psychological effects during that war.

Two, boohoo. They wrote on a bomb that, yes ladies and gentlemen, the hope kills one of "those bastards." The same kind of "bastards" that have been shelling their outposts with mortars and RPGs. The same kind of "bastards" that run around in civilian clothing, convincing the mentally handicapped to blow themselves up next to military vehicles all the while the "bastards" take pot-shots are fleeing soldiers looking for cover. The same "bastards" that set up IEDs that look like a cardboard box in the middle of a city street that took out a medical convoy. Yeah, it's "sadistic" but they really don't care, they're sending their messages on that "metal ticket to hell."
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-06-25, 2:59 AM #97
Let's forget this and follow the example of the U.S President!

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-06-25, 7:14 AM #98
Originally posted by Roach:
I just want to say that Jarhead dealt with the first Gulf War, which was in far too many ways different from the combat the U.S. is currently engaged in in Afghanistan and Iraq. The movie twisted far too much of the story, the book was a far more accurate description of the psychological effects during that war.

Two, boohoo. They wrote on a bomb that, yes ladies and gentlemen, the hope kills one of "those bastards." The same kind of "bastards" that have been shelling their outposts with mortars and RPGs. The same kind of "bastards" that run around in civilian clothing, convincing the mentally handicapped to blow themselves up next to military vehicles all the while the "bastards" take pot-shots are fleeing soldiers looking for cover. The same "bastards" that set up IEDs that look like a cardboard box in the middle of a city street that took out a medical convoy. Yeah, it's "sadistic" but they really don't care, they're sending their messages on that "metal ticket to hell."

Did you even read the thread, or look at the image linked? You're talking about something completely different.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-25, 8:05 AM #99
It is all part of the plan to spread democracy and America's values. We are giving those folks in Iraq and Afganistan examples of freedom of speech by writing things on bombs that might really offend someone.
2006-06-25, 2:12 PM #100
Originally posted by Roach:
I just want to say that Jarhead dealt with the first Gulf War, which was in far too many ways different from the combat the U.S. is currently engaged in in Afghanistan and Iraq. The movie twisted far too much of the story, the book was a far more accurate description of the psychological effects during that war.

Two, boohoo. They wrote on a bomb that, yes ladies and gentlemen, the hope kills one of "those bastards." The same kind of "bastards" that have been shelling their outposts with mortars and RPGs. The same kind of "bastards" that run around in civilian clothing, convincing the mentally handicapped to blow themselves up next to military vehicles all the while the "bastards" take pot-shots are fleeing soldiers looking for cover. The same "bastards" that set up IEDs that look like a cardboard box in the middle of a city street that took out a medical convoy. Yeah, it's "sadistic" but they really don't care, they're sending their messages on that "metal ticket to hell."

No offense Roach, but I'm really, really sick of people doing this. Not reading my responses then assuming I think it's a huge deal, and am going off on everyone who says that it's okay:


Seriously, all I said was it bothers me severely. And I think the underlying plot was plenty fine in Jarhead--they usually can't twist it THAT much. Not to mention I don't see what's changed in our military since the Gulf War. But I plan on reading the book eventually, so it doesn't matter.

My opinion still stands.
2006-06-25, 2:12 PM #101
Originally posted by Anovis:
And no, I don't agree that we should use bombs, but if it's already made and there, let the guys in Iraq blow off the stress they have by doing something "fun" like painting useless crap on a frackin' bomb.

Exactly. This is not a sign of psychosis. This is the kind of thing people do to stay sane.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-06-25, 2:13 PM #102
[QUOTE=Michael MacFarlane]Exactly. This is not a sign of psychosis. This is the kind of thing people do to stay sane.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. I'm no psychologist, granted, but from my point of view, it IS a sign of psychosis, however slight. And the act bothers me.

Do I really have to ram this down peoples' throats? I don't care if you think it's harmless. That's nice. I'm not saying you need to think like I do. Just accept that some people tend to think it's disturbing, even if those people aren't you.
2006-06-25, 2:20 PM #103
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I disagree. I'm no psychologist, granted, but from my point of view, it IS a sign of psychosis, however slight. And the act bothers me.

Do I really have to ram this down peoples' throats? I don't care if you think it's harmless. That's nice. I'm not saying you need to think like I do. Just accept that some people tend to think it's disturbing, even if those people aren't you.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he was aiming that at you, he was just stateing his opinion.
2006-06-25, 10:43 PM #104
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No offense Roach, but I'm really, really sick of people doing this. Not reading my responses then assuming I think it's a huge deal, and am going off on everyone who says that it's okay:


Jesus Christ, calm down.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-25, 10:51 PM #105
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Jesus Christ, calm down.

I'm calm. I dunno what made you think otherwise. I just didn't feel like italicizing it. Emphasis != anger.
2006-06-25, 10:56 PM #106
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I'm calm. I dunno what made you think otherwise.[/QUOTE]

It was the "SHUT THE **** UP" part, fyi
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-06-25, 11:08 PM #107

Tim is a dick! I don't actually know the guy, and I never actually met the guy, but I can tell by the way he err..types that he's a jerk in real life. All he cares about is money. Nothing else. I bet he'd sell his wife for five dollars and some weed. Then he'd sell the weed for more money, because that's who he is. A money grubbing slut. His animation is awful, I could do better with my penis, a botle of ink, and some paper. Penny Arcade is better, they don't even care about money, that's why they released books, comics, t-shirts, and all other kinds of things. 105% of their profits go to children with SARS. They have a Penny Arcade Expo, not for the money, but for the love. Penny Arcade really CARES about it's individual fans, and trust me, I know! I never met the guys that run Penny Arcade either, but I can tell by the way that they type that they are GOOD people who care and love other people, not like Tim of Ctrl+Alt+Del. He's a jerkwad who has our armed forces scribble slander on bombs. Seriously, what a terrorist. I mean if the bomb had 'Penny Arcade 4 Life' written on it, I'm sure that it would have been for a good cause like giving a child with cancer a second chance at life. You know what, now that I really think about it. It's all Tim's fault for posting that picture. I know he just posted the image to watch his ego grow. It isn't like someone from the armed forces sent him a funny picture that they made because they are CAD fans. Oh no. If they were REAL webcomic fans they'd be reading Penny Arcade anyway.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-25, 11:10 PM #108
2006-06-25, 11:40 PM #109
Will this madness ever end!?
My blawgh.
2006-06-26, 12:50 AM #110

Tim is a dick! I don't actually know the guy, and I never actually met the guy, but I can tell by the way he err..types that he's a jerk in real life. All he cares about is money. Nothing else. I bet he'd sell his wife for five dollars and some weed. Then he'd sell the weed for more money, because that's who he is. A money grubbing slut. His animation is awful, I could do better with my penis, a botle of ink, and some paper. Penny Arcade is better, they don't even care about money, that's why they released books, comics, t-shirts, and all other kinds of things. 105% of their profits go to children with SARS. They have a Penny Arcade Expo, not for the money, but for the love. Penny Arcade really CARES about it's individual fans, and trust me, I know! I never met the guys that run Penny Arcade either, but I can tell by the way that they type that they are GOOD people who care and love other people, not like Tim of Ctrl+Alt+Del. He's a jerkwad who has our armed forces scribble slander on bombs. Seriously, what a terrorist. I mean if the bomb had 'Penny Arcade 4 Life' written on it, I'm sure that it would have been for a good cause like giving a child with cancer a second chance at life. You know what, now that I really think about it. It's all Tim's fault for posting that picture. I know he just posted the image to watch his ego grow. It isn't like someone from the armed forces sent him a funny picture that they made because they are CAD fans. Oh no. If they were REAL webcomic fans they'd be reading Penny Arcade anyway.[/QUOTE]
Such blatantly obvious and unfunny sarcasm which isn't even accurate in the first place doesn't help your argument at all.

My point was--actions speak louder than words.

PA has a merchandising store to make money, sure. They also have a lot of really funny inside jokes which could easily go on t-shirts/posters/stickers, etc, and not only that, but a HUGE demand for the stuff.

PA's art is, IMO, umpteen billion times better than CAD's, yeah, but that's just an opinion. I just think that CAD's humor is crappy and uninspired, and that's what Buckley depends on. Which is unfortunate.

Also, I think the guy DOES have an extremely large ego. Even his own blog says "Arrogant son of a *****" or something akin to it, so it's not like he's about to protest that point himself.

And no, I haven't met him. I haven't met George W, Alexander the Great, or Bill Gates either. That doesn't mean I don't know them moderately well. When your main source of income is a site that has a blog attached to it along with random bits of news and your opinions of the bits, you're going to find a lot of people tend to know you a bit better. I wonder why.

Finally, most of the time conventions like PAX and whatever it was that CAD does aren't intended to make money, but to promote new items and/or just have a convention in general. PACult's Necronomicon is COMPLETELY non-profit, and is strictly for the community, and was organized slightly before PAX iirc (and Mike has made numerous mentions towards it along with Jerry).

It's funny, I try to keep the argument somewhat civil and SAJN resorts to petty attacks, patronization, and complete dismissal of my opinions therein. Who's the troll now, buddy?

Free--I was emphasizing it. If I was angry, my entire post would've consiste of that phrase in caps, probably. The rest of it was rather calm if you didn't notice. Though, I'm sure you did, and was just looking for an excuse to flame me.
2006-06-26, 10:11 AM #111
You know their public persona as portrayed by the media. That could be a far cry from who they are as a person, just as in this case. And heaven forbid someone make money from a service they provide. It's the way the system works.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-26, 10:23 AM #112
Originally posted by Avenger:
You know their public persona as portrayed by the media. That could be a far cry from who they are as a person, just as in this case. And heaven forbid someone make money from a service they provide. It's the way the system works.

1) The "As portrayed by the media bit" isn't quite true (I also know them through their actions) and isn't really relevant to the argument at hand. I know Tim through his constant blogging in his daily updated news column. Not thoroughly, not amazingly well, but enough to make a character assessment of decent proportions.

2) I'm not saying he shouldn't make money--every major webcomic out there attempts to make a little bank off their site. Even the older ones such as PA, GPF, PvP, and I think Bob and George do. But it's not about him making money--but about him trying to do it from the beginning. Thus his comic comes off as worse. Despite what he said, when CAD started up it was immediately to make money--within a few months he had merchandise for sale promoting his webcomic. It took most other major webcomics years to do that--and no, that's not a case of "he accomplished the same task sooner", it's more of a case of him selling out. While the system is set up for people to make money, that's not all there is in life. Some people don't seem to understand that, Absath being one of them.
2006-06-26, 10:51 AM #113
He had merch in just a few months, and you know what? People bought it! OMFG! It's because people like his webcomic. Your hate for Tim is so blind and pointless. You will do anything to make him look bad. You assume he created the webcomic JUST to make money. It seems like in the start he didn't really assume he was going to be rich, he just loved to draw.

Q. Why did you decide to make an online comic?

A. I've been an artist my entire life. Drawing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I know I have the ability, the talent, and the imagination to be successful at it. I was looking for an interesting project to work on, so I thought I'd give a try at a webcomic.

Q. How long have you been drawing?

A. For as long as I can remember.

Q. Has the comic affected your life much?

A. This comic has completely changed my life. I now have a daily responsibility to the site, that I didn't have before. Much of my free time that I used to spend playing video games and such is now spent working on the comic strip. But it has affected my life in good ways as well. I now have a very popular web comic to be proud of, I have started a community around it, and met many new people because of it. I'm very proud of the comic, and it's a great feeling to see it grow.

Q. Are you surprised that CAD has done so well? and Did you expect CAD to fail when you created it?

A. I was absolutely surprised. I didn't expect it to "fail", per se, because I wasn't doing it to be successful in any way other than telling the jokes and stories I wanted to tell. I was never in it to make money. I did the comic for myself, and put it online in case anyone else wanted to read it.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-06-26, 11:17 AM #114
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) The "As portrayed by the media bit" isn't quite true (I also know them through their actions) and isn't really relevant to the argument at hand. I know Tim through his constant blogging in his daily updated news column. Not thoroughly, not amazingly well, but enough to make a character assessment of decent proportions.[/QUOTE]

Because well all know how people portray themselves over the internet is 100% accurate.

2) I'm not saying he shouldn't make money--every major webcomic out there attempts to make a little bank off their site. Even the older ones such as PA, GPF, PvP, and I think Bob and George do. But it's not about him making money--but about him trying to do it from the beginning. Thus his comic comes off as worse. Despite what he said, when CAD started up it was immediately to make money--within a few months he had merchandise for sale promoting his webcomic. It took most other major webcomics years to do that--and no, that's not a case of "he accomplished the same task sooner", it's more of a case of him selling out. While the system is set up for people to make money, that's not all there is in life. Some people don't seem to understand that, Absath being one of them.[/QUOTE]

Yes, there is more to life than money, but you need money in this world. Plain and simple. You'd be singing a far different tune of you had some product or service that you created that other people wanted and paid to get. That doesn't make a person greedy or arrogant.
Pissed Off?
2006-06-26, 11:52 AM #115
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]He had merch in just a few months, and you know what? People bought it! OMFG! It's because people like his webcomic. Your hate for Tim is so blind and pointless. You will do anything to make him look bad. You assume he created the webcomic JUST to make money. It seems like in the start he didn't really assume he was going to be rich, he just loved to draw.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, of course people bought it. If not, I don't think the store would've lasted long :v: I'm not saying people don't like the comic, and to each his own as far as that goes, but if my "hatred" (I don't hate the guy, just have a supreme dislike for his business practices and his arrogance) of Tim is blind in any way, your fanboyism is comparable to Ray Charles. So your arguments hold NO water.

And if you actually read my post you'd realize I acknowledged that he said he never got in it for the money. You'd also read that I think that's total, utter bull****.

Originally posted by Avenger:
Because well all know how people portray themselves over the internet is 100% accurate.

Quit being pedantic. You and I both know that this isn't some random xanga off the internet, nor some random GUY off the internet. This man has made thousands of dollars off his site, and if his blog isn't true to his personality, well then I may just be wrong about him. Or that could just prove my point more--the man will lie just to appeal to the people around him, instead of showing his true self.

Originally posted by Avenger:
Yes, there is more to life than money, but you need money in this world. Plain and simple. You'd be singing a far different tune of you had some product or service that you created that other people wanted and paid to get. That doesn't make a person greedy or arrogant.

I'm not saying you shouldn't make money! I'm just saying I don't believe it's the only thing in the world, and people who DO think it's the only thing in the world piss me off. Trust me, it's not like I haven't had my experiences with both ends of the spectrum, and haven't been on both sides of the fence. Money is important, yes, money is nice, but money is not everything. Once again, this is an opinion of mine, not a fact, so you can't change it in any way whatsoever. So I'd suggest you stop trying.
2006-06-26, 12:38 PM #116
You know, theres a chance that the guy wanted to make the web comic, and figured "Well let me start a shop so I can pay for hosting fees" I dont think his grand plan was to become rich off the site. You of all people should at least know he has to pay for hosting.

P.S. your insult at SAJN comparing him to ray charles was fairly stupid.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-06-26, 1:38 PM #117
Originally posted by MBeggar:
You know, theres a chance that the guy wanted to make the web comic, and figured "Well let me start a shop so I can pay for hosting fees" I dont think his grand plan was to become rich off the site. You of all people should at least know he has to pay for hosting.

P.S. your insult at SAJN comparing him to ray charles was fairly stupid.

Hosting for a small-time operation isn't that much, and CAD didn't get large until about a year in, when he started getting over a couple thousand hits a month.

PS--Nah. Maybe tasteless, but I've long since learned you get offended by the stupidest things.
2006-06-26, 1:42 PM #118
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No offense Roach, but I'm really, really sick of people doing this. Not reading my responses then assuming I think it's a huge deal, and am going off on everyone who says that it's okay:


Seriously, all I said was it bothers me severely. And I think the underlying plot was plenty fine in Jarhead--they usually can't twist it THAT much. Not to mention I don't see what's changed in our military since the Gulf War. But I plan on reading the book eventually, so it doesn't matter.

My opinion still stands.[/QUOTE]
Yoshi, point out where I'm making it look like you're the one going off on people who thinks it's okay. Oh wait...I didn't. And our military was a generation or two younger in the Gulf War. It was a fight between two standing militaries. Technology evolved and so did tactics as we learned from the mistakes from the gulf. That sort of combat ended as soon as Dubya landed on the carrier with "Mission Accomplished" waving behind him. The psychological effects of the current conflict would be more similar to Vietnam or the Afghan conflict. Compairing this current conflict to Desert Storm is like compairing Korea to Vietnam.

And really, I read the entire thread, I don't care about CAD, or that there is a reference to CAD on ordnance. I really really don't. I couldn't care less that what's-his-name posted it on his website. Woopty-doo, he's showing off that some cave enterance is going to collapse with the message of his made-up holiday. He's whoring out his popularity, big deal, it'd be like rock-stars showing that the soldiers over there are listening to their music. But I can say why they write things period, something both you and kirby have brought up as an act of the mentally unsound.
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-06-26, 1:49 PM #119
Originally posted by Roach:
Yoshi, point out where I'm making it look like you're the one going off on people who thinks it's okay. Oh wait...I didn't. And our military was a generation or two younger in the Gulf War. It was a fight between two standing militaries. Technology evolved and so did tactics as we learned from the mistakes from the gulf. That sort of combat ended as soon as Dubya landed on the carrier with "Mission Accomplished" waving behind him. The psychological effects of the current conflict would be more similar to Vietnam or the Afghan conflict. Compairing this current conflict to Desert Storm is like compairing Korea to Vietnam.

And really, I read the entire thread, I don't care about CAD, or that there is a reference to CAD on ordnance. I really really don't. I couldn't care less that what's-his-name posted it on his website. Woopty-doo, he's showing off that some cave enterance is going to collapse with the message of his made-up holiday. He's whoring out his popularity, big deal, it'd be like rock-stars showing that the soldiers over there are listening to their music. But I can say why they write things period, something both you and kirby have brought up as an act of the mentally unsound.

My mistake, it seemed as if that was directed at me, as it came right after my post.

And Korea and Vietnam were very similar, though by no means the same. I'm not saying the current conflict is the same as the Gulf War, just...similar. Which you can't deny there are plenty of similarities.
2006-06-26, 2:20 PM #120
Yoshi's feeling argumentative again. Turn up the AC.

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