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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So does anybody know what this is?
So does anybody know what this is?
2006-06-30, 9:14 PM #121
That's hilarious!! :v:
2006-06-30, 9:15 PM #122
I believe the internet was just owned.
2006-06-30, 9:15 PM #123
2006-06-30, 9:16 PM #124
What's the "one final message" that won't load for me?
2006-06-30, 9:16 PM #125
Okay. Guys, let's hunt down and destroy this "Mike" from Florida. Hell, we should just destroy Florida.
2006-06-30, 9:18 PM #126
I like the entire concept. Shows how fear is used against people this day-and-age.

I think I might try to use my banking of urine as a skill to fight terrorists...
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-06-30, 9:18 PM #127
Hmm...Destroy Floriday? We will need something a hurricane...

2006-06-30, 9:19 PM #128
Or defective voting ballots.
2006-06-30, 9:19 PM #129
Florida totally deserves a tactical nuke.

Or maybe I've had too much Fark.
2006-06-30, 9:21 PM #130
Originally posted by Pommy:
What's the "one final message" that won't load for me?

I'm still trying. As soon as I get it I'll post it.

[edit] Looks like it's down for the count. Ping requests are timing out. We'll have to check back in a few days to get the mp3.

Direct link for anyone who wants to try:
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-06-30, 9:30 PM #131
. . . a freak lightning storm just popped out of nowhere and it's raining like crazy. Spook and I ALMOST DIEED!!

(not really, we ran from the rain, it got us though, we dead)
My blawgh.
2006-06-30, 10:56 PM #132
2006-06-30, 10:59 PM #133
lawl warz :v:
2006-06-30, 11:01 PM #134
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
. . . a freak lightning storm just popped out of nowhere and it's raining like crazy.

Dude.. where do you live? happened here too...
2006-07-01, 12:05 AM #135
I could probably fight Zues and his weak lightning bolts with my awesome pisser's bank shot off of MT Olympus. He'd be like "Damn you BSG! I'll get you next time!"

Oh man, good times.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-07-01, 12:03 PM #136
Well, apparently I wasn't too far off...

...go figure. :rolleyes:
"The solution is simple."
2006-07-01, 1:33 PM #137
the mp3 is look on the bright side of life from monty python :P

in case you can't get to it:
gbk is 50 probably

2006-07-02, 12:28 PM #138
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
Dude.. where do you live? happened here too...

Midwest of the U.S of A.
My blawgh.
2006-07-02, 3:44 PM #139
Originally posted by Echoman:
Okay. Guys, let's hunt down and destroy this "Mike" from Florida. Hell, we should just destroy Florida.

BUT I LIVE IN FLORIDA!!11!11!one And I'm not this Mike guy, trust me...I couldn't design a website to get me out of a paper bag. (well..I probably could but you know what I mean.)
2006-07-03, 1:13 PM #140
Haha, I loved that. I didn't expect anything major.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-07-03, 2:17 PM #141
Attachment: 12903/postcount.jpg (12,570 bytes)
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.

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