I don't hate macs at all, i usually just hate how ignorant and overly defensive mac users are. i recently got in a feud with a mate of mine because he told me that a mac can not get a virus.
i told him how dumb that is, and so went over to the school library and went to the website which says things like.
"No plugging in some clunky wireless card."
as if new pcs on the market use wireless cards its inbuilt.
...and tell me if this is contradictory
"Mac offers absolutely flawless integration of hardware and software."
"Of course, should you happen to experience the occasional hiccup with your Mac, you won’t get the runaround."
I thought it was flawless so therefore the occasional hiccup is impossible.
and things like this that are so vague....
"Once bitten with the movie-making bug(referring to Imovie), those filmmakers are now screening movies shot in high definition and showing them on widescreen displays. How many PC applications do you think can do that?"
but the main webpage on the site that annoys me the most is the one referring to viruses.
"Connecting a PC to the Internet using factory settings is like leaving your front door wide open with your valuables out on the coffee table. A Mac, on the other hand, shuts and locks the door, hides the key, and stores your valuables in a safe with a combination known only to you. "
thats only because factory settings are before you install any additional programs, programs you get to choose that are all the best at what they do not like mac which has one program for say movie making which may have a easy user interface, but may not be as advanced as say a macromedia program.
you know what i mean.
its just a matter of what you prefer, i personally like it this way where i choose to get norton for my anti virus software, rather than bill gates strapping me in with 100% microsoft programs.
i can see the positive and negative to both sides but does anyone else think that macintosh is effectively using scare campaigns against pc's aimed at computer illiterate people. i am really pissed off about all these maccers.
i basically want to know the debates on the whole 'mac is better than everything, at everything' argument, and be pointed in the right direction if i am ignorant of the gleaming white truth of macintosh.
i told him how dumb that is, and so went over to the school library and went to the website which says things like.
"No plugging in some clunky wireless card."
as if new pcs on the market use wireless cards its inbuilt.
...and tell me if this is contradictory
"Mac offers absolutely flawless integration of hardware and software."
"Of course, should you happen to experience the occasional hiccup with your Mac, you won’t get the runaround."
I thought it was flawless so therefore the occasional hiccup is impossible.
and things like this that are so vague....
"Once bitten with the movie-making bug(referring to Imovie), those filmmakers are now screening movies shot in high definition and showing them on widescreen displays. How many PC applications do you think can do that?"
but the main webpage on the site that annoys me the most is the one referring to viruses.
"Connecting a PC to the Internet using factory settings is like leaving your front door wide open with your valuables out on the coffee table. A Mac, on the other hand, shuts and locks the door, hides the key, and stores your valuables in a safe with a combination known only to you. "
thats only because factory settings are before you install any additional programs, programs you get to choose that are all the best at what they do not like mac which has one program for say movie making which may have a easy user interface, but may not be as advanced as say a macromedia program.
you know what i mean.
its just a matter of what you prefer, i personally like it this way where i choose to get norton for my anti virus software, rather than bill gates strapping me in with 100% microsoft programs.
i can see the positive and negative to both sides but does anyone else think that macintosh is effectively using scare campaigns against pc's aimed at computer illiterate people. i am really pissed off about all these maccers.
i basically want to know the debates on the whole 'mac is better than everything, at everything' argument, and be pointed in the right direction if i am ignorant of the gleaming white truth of macintosh.
The day i tried to live,
I hung out on the powerlines
and let the martyrs stretch.
I hung out on the powerlines
and let the martyrs stretch.