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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Macintosh Marketing
Macintosh Marketing
2006-07-20, 4:14 PM #81
raaaaaaaaar! :P
2006-07-20, 4:41 PM #82
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2006-07-20, 5:34 PM #83
Such is life.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-07-20, 5:46 PM #84
I just got a mac laptop after being a pc user for along time. i think macs are the way to go. Os x is just awesome in its simplicty (no registery, dll's or any of that crap) and i think vista is going to be a total joke. linux and os x are on there way in if you ask me.
Take that there and put it in here
2006-07-20, 6:50 PM #85
Haha, banned yet again. That kid seriously needs to chill out.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-07-20, 6:56 PM #86
When a PC crashes, most people just think 'OMFG windows sucks'. They don't think 'The program I was using caused it' or 'my video drivers havn't been updated in four years' or 'maybe some of my hardware is getting old the case does feel kinda hot'. No, they just assume windows sucks. Simply put, windows does not crash. Period. Programs crash. Drivers crash. Hardware fails. But windows does not crash. And window's default device drivers, when available for the device, are invariably more stable than the manufacturer's drivers (If often slower and less featureful.)

Those new PC vrs Mac commercials piss me off. First off, they are the same damn thing. They work the exact same way. Apple is even using intel chips now. Second, the reason Mac's don't get virus isn't because they are immune, but only because there are so few of them, it's not worth writing one for. A hacker does many more times damage by targetting PCs. If everyone went out and switched to Macs, thousands of new viri for them would appear tommarow. Third, they show an old guy and a kid. The real ending of those commercials, the part they won't show on tv, is this -

Old Guy: Oh yeah, I'm a multi-millionaire CEO of a major corporation. What do you do?
Kid: Er, well... I deliver pizzas. But the software to make movies came with my mac!
Old Guy: Yeah? It came with windows, too...
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-07-20, 9:13 PM #87
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Also, OSX does NOT crash less. If anything it crashes more, and I've heard that the new ones are even worse about it. Anyone who says OSX and its programs crash less has never used OSX for extended periods of time.[/QUOTE]
I have. Two of my friends have. I've only ever seen 3 core-panics in almost 5 years of using our iMac. My friend bought one last year. He's seen only one. Another has had one for 3 years. He's seen four. Now, since you said OS X crashes, those are SYSTEM crashes.

As far as program crashes.... I can't ever remember having a program crash or freeze up on me under OSX while it was running. The only time I've had a program crash is generally while it was launching. My friends though, after talking to them, can both remember at least one time they lost work due to a program crash.

You're telling me that's unstable?

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No, it really doesn't. I've used OSX extensively for a good year now, and it crashes frequently. I say you're downright lying--every OSX user, newly converted, everyone except fanboys admits that OSX programs crash quite often. The OS itself maybe not as much, but that much is down to the user like you said.[/QUOTE]
If your Mac running OS X is crashing frequently, you're probably being a moron and doing something stupid. Just because YOU keep having problems doesn't mean everyone else in the world is a liar.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2006-07-20, 9:26 PM #88
Thats true, but Ive had my fair share of issues with programs crashing on OSX. I dont know if it was my fault or not, but regardless the program crashed.

I have nothing against Macs, so whatever.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-07-20, 9:29 PM #89
Originally posted by Isuwen:
If everyone went out and switched to Macs, thousands of new viri for them would appear tommarow

You're forgetting that OS X's security model is a lot more sensible. Most Mac users run as a normal user. Under that condition, even if malware compromises the user's account, it can't do any damage because the user's account doesn't have the permission to do so. With Windows, you're almost always running as an administrator. Except if you're a real smart user, a really, really stupid user (where someone set you up with a user account so you wouldn't break things), or are running Vista.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-20, 9:35 PM #90
Vista gives all users an administrator account too, but it asks you for permission whenever you or a program attempts to exercise those rights.

In many ways it is far worse.

In Ubuntu Linux, all users are superusers but they run with regular user permissions. Individual programs attempt to escalate themselves to superuser status, which prompts the user for a password. Programs that require a superuser account are programmed to automatically request the permission at startup, and you may optionally have the program retain superuser permissions at your discretion, on a program-by-program basis. Ubuntu's solution to the nag problem is making very few programs require these rights; Vista's solution is to retain the administration password for a set time limit.

Basically what I'm saying is that I am sexually attracted to Ubuntu 6.06. It's roughly on par with Windows XP now, and the next version of Ubuntu should breeze past OSX. If you don't play games on a PC you should be running Ubuntu 6.06.
2006-07-20, 9:42 PM #91
[QUOTE=stinkey diver]linux and os x are on there way in if you ask me.[/QUOTE]

Heh. Keep telling that to yourself. Maybe some day it'll be true. In the mean time, Microsoft will continue enjoying it's 90% marketshare. Why? Because people know Windows, and people use what they know. Linux has been the up-and-coming replacement of Windows for quite a few years now, and the only reason that PCs would lose significant marketshare to Mac would be because Macs now run - can you guess what? - Windows!
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-07-20, 9:51 PM #92
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Basically what I'm saying is that I am sexually attracted to Ubuntu 6.06. It's roughly on par with Windows XP now, and the next version of Ubuntu should breeze past OSX. If you don't play games on a PC you should be running Ubuntu 6.06.

Heh, it seems like every other day you switch your opinion on the Linux desktop. Which is it? :p

What's so bad about staying as an administrator but asking the user to exercise those rights? The nag problems from beta 2 are mostly gone. I also wonder if you can run as a user and have password prompts similar to Ubuntu, maybe it just turns it off by default because most users are stupid. Either way it's gotta be better than XP.

Besides, there are still too many applications that I use regularly on Windows that aren't available for Linux. Yeah, there's CrossoverOffice, but meh. It's not even free. I don't think I can get Photoshop running for example, I mean really running well and reliably on Linux. Then again I never tried that hard. I just bent over and used GIMP.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-20, 10:14 PM #93
Originally posted by Emon:
Heh, it seems like every other day you switch your opinion on the Linux desktop. Which is it? :p
It's opensource. My opinion changes and grows as Linux does. As it is, Ubuntu 6.06 is rock-solid for the desktop and it supports many features that even Windows doesn't (such as WPA2). Wireless on the ubiquitous BCM43** chipset remains the only frustrating thing to configure, but it is certainly possible. Everything else in Ubuntu 6.06 offers the same sort of "look and feel"/"user experience" that OSX running on a Mac does. It is a beautiful operating system, and once XGL is bundled with Ubuntu we will see some serious magic happening. Especially since XGL looks way, way better than Aero Glass.

What's so bad about staying as an administrator but asking the user to exercise those rights? The nag problems from beta 2 are mostly gone. I also wonder if you can run as a user and have password prompts similar to Ubuntu, maybe it just turns it off by default because most users are stupid. Either way it's gotta be better than XP.
It certainly is better than XP, but it's not as good as Ubuntu. The last I heard they were trying to make Vista more like Ubuntu in this area, so we'll just have to wait and see what they do.

Besides, there are still too many applications that I use regularly on Windows that aren't available for Linux. Yeah, there's CrossoverOffice, but meh. It's not even free. I don't think I can get Photoshop running for example, I mean really running well and reliably on Linux. Then again I never tried that hard. I just bent over and used GIMP.
Polls have indicated that Photoshop is pretty much the only thing keeping a lot of businesses from switching over to Linux. Linux multimedia players even have iPod support, for Christ's sake. For most people the only reason not to switch is gaming.
2006-07-20, 10:26 PM #94
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Especially since XGL looks way, way better than Aero Glass.

Do you have some screenshots demonstrating such? I do believe you, I just want to see some good stuff. Last time I searched I didn't turn up much. Also, just for the record, I think Aero Glass is the most well designed GUI to come out of Microsoft. It's a lot better than anything Aqua. If the skinning engine is any good, we should see a lot of cool third party stuff. That said, it's important to realize that Aero is not exactly open to the public like XGL. ;)

Originally posted by Jon`C:
It certainly is better than XP, but it's not as good as Ubuntu. The last I heard they were trying to make Vista more like Ubuntu in this area, so we'll just have to wait and see what they do.

Ah, cool. Well, so far it seems that they have made a LOT of progress since beta 2. They are being very receptive of tester feedback, so that's a good good thing.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Polls have indicated that Photoshop is pretty much the only thing keeping a lot of businesses from switching over to Linux. Linux multimedia players even have iPod support, for Christ's sake. For most people the only reason not to switch is gaming.

The entire Adobe suite as well as some Macromedia apps are important to many. I mainly use Photoshop, Illustrator, ImageReady and Dreamweaver (for the coding and autocomplete, not the designer). I'd also have trouble living without foobar2000 for music, although I could probably run it under Wine no problem (plugins less so), and AmaroK is certainly good enough a substitute. Oh, and then there's my E-MU 1212m soundcard. Fairly certain that won't work. Hell my Audigy 2 barely works.

I'd love to see a great Linux desktop full of games. But at the same time I'd like to see Windows improve, because I've yet to use a Linux distro as easy to use as Windows. Now, I have not tried Ubuntu 6, but I have used 4 and 5. They were good, but not great. System administration has always been a pain for me on Linux. I like the little admin tools snap-in stuff Windows has. I mean, just to edit the Gnome menu I have to go download a third party application. WTF? How about a simple drag and drop, folks? I hate how so many Linux developers don't seem to know the first thing about designing a decent interface, although I'm sure Ubuntu 6 is much better. And there's also GTK. God GTK sucks so hard.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-20, 11:41 PM #95
Virtually every user interface complaint I've heard has been fixed in Ubuntu 6.06. Don't get me wrong: they're still there in the regular version of Gnome, but Ubuntu fixes all.

Originally posted by Emon:
And there's also GTK. God GTK sucks so hard.
It does, but the only serious alternative is Qt which is licensed under GPL. GTK is licensed under the LGPL so it's the only reasonable option for commercial software and distributions.
2006-07-21, 1:00 AM #96
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Polls have indicated that Photoshop is pretty much the only thing keeping a lot of businesses from switching over to Linux. Linux multimedia players even have iPod support, for Christ's sake. For most people the only reason not to switch is gaming.

The funny thing is that supposedly Adobe won't release a Linux version of Photoshop, because Gimp's market share is too big on Linux.
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-07-21, 10:10 AM #97
Originally posted by Jon`C:
And I don't have a link for this, but last year a company did a code audit of OSX and found an enormous number of horrible, debilitating security holes. The last time I heard, Apple hadn't fixed any of them.

That company would be Coverity. They provided the same service for FreeBSD, Linux, etc, and those groups actually fixed the bugs. You can check some of the stats on Coverity's site for the open source projects, but I don't see the same stats anywhere for projects like MacOSX.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
It does, but the only serious alternative is Qt which is licensed under GPL. GTK is licensed under the LGPL so it's the only reasonable option for commercial software and distributions.

Qt is dual licensed, so companies can pay for a commercial license when necessary. The prices suck, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Anybody try Pixel32 for their Photoshop needs? It costs money, but it looks to be a pretty reasonable clone. They do have demos on their site for a variety of OS's.
[This message has been edited. Deal with it.]

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