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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Lesbian crisis
Lesbian crisis
2006-07-22, 12:32 PM #81
Originally posted by Avenger:
That sounds like a stereotype more than anything else. There's quite a large gay population here in the Bay Area and the vast majority are just average people.

Oh, it's clearly a stereotype. I'd never deny that, nor am I suggesting that gay people aren't "normal." All the same, it's not entirely without truth. It's certainly been my experience that gay men and straight women are likely to put more time and effort into their physical appearance than straight men and lesbians. It's a trend, not a hard and fast rule.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-07-22, 12:33 PM #82
[QUOTE=Michael MacFarlane]Never let any woman tell you what all women are like. They're all different, and they all think everyone else is like them.[/QUOTE]

Now who's drawing generalizations?

They are as diverse (personality wise) as men are. They also think about sex as much if not more then guys do (proportionately to their personality). But I have noted through my own observations that it seems to be true (as confirmed by other members of this forum and elsewhere) and as you know, obersvation is reality...right Emon? In actuality, there's a very logical social trend that can be followed to demonstrate why this is.

As for Kinsey...yet one more proof of why science tends to fall short of the truth. Statistics are statistically flawed, lab results are controled versus the chaotic nature of the universe, and there are always more veriable involved than any scientist would care to admit. Now, you wouldn't know or even recognize this unless you diversified your understanding of the world. For some time now I have found it odd that fields such as Sociology and Psycology have never attempted to analyze the history of Physical Science. Biographies are never deep enough and only provide a single (and often bias) prospective. I've often wondered just how deep the rabbit hole of physical science was and just exactly where it went to.

Either way, I guess my point is this. This is a public discussion forum. People should stop pretending they have all of the answers. Even if you're giving a text book answer, do you realize how many times text books are revised, changed, and/or replaced? People used to laugh at people who believed the world is round. Who would be laughing now? So just because someone's opinion sounds "out there", don't descredit them right away. Give your opinion and let others form their own. If you can't handle that in a mature way, then perhaps you should take a step back and decide just how much other people's opinions really matter to you. If you don't like someone's opinion, try "That's interesting, here's my opinion..." Rediculing someone's opinion (even if it's wrong) is a logical reasoning fallacy and to those who understand that will only see your opinion as that much less significant (even if it's correct). Just some things to think about.
"The solution is simple."
2006-07-22, 12:41 PM #83
Originally posted by CaptBevvil:
Now who's drawing generalizations?

Er... me. Oh, wait, that's not right, is it?

It's human nature to project your own experience and your own traits onto other people. If we didn't do this, if we treated everyone as an entirely unique individual, we'd never come close to understanding anyone. My statement could just as easily have been made about men, and it would still be true.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-07-22, 12:43 PM #84
Holy thread derail Batman.

This thread should be about how people read it as "Lebanon Crisis" :P
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-22, 12:44 PM #85
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Holy thread derail Batman.

This thread should be about how people read it as "Lebanon Crisis" :P

It'd be a pretty short thread if that were all it was about. ;)
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-07-22, 12:54 PM #86
[QUOTE=Michael MacFarlane]
It's human nature to project your own experience and your own traits onto other people. If we didn't do this, if we treated everyone as an entirely unique individual, we'd never come close to understanding anyone. My statement could just as easily have been made about men, and it would still be true.[/QUOTE]

I don't project my own experience and traits onto other people. Granted, I'm limited by my experience (knowledge+understanding), but that doesn't mean I should project my own traits onto them. When I meet someone I immidiately start associating other people I've met that share similarities to them. A new person I meet, for instance, may have a similar appearence to a friend I had in the 3rd grade while they might have the personality of someone I work with. Rarely do I ever even associate one trait of mine with someone I meet.

In my experience, women tend to believe that all men (at their core) are the same. However, they easily seem to recognize the differences in other women (comments such as "she's nice", "she's a hoe", "she's a con", "she's a (female dog/fox)", etc. illustrates this).
"The solution is simple."
2006-07-22, 1:59 PM #87
Originally posted by CaptBevvil:
People should stop pretending they have all of the answers.

Do you even listen to yourself speak?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-07-22, 3:11 PM #88
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]Oh the delicious double standards.

The same people going "Rawr! Lesbian pics plz!" are the first to go "Ugh! Not men!". What's so different about it? >.>;; It's two people of the same gender kissing. The only difference is, no matter who you are, you're not even remotely possibly the sexual interest of one of them.

Same sex kissing. The difference between the terms 'gender' and 'sex' is usually a matter of pedantry and the use euphemistic, but in discussions like this the distinction can be important.

The sex of an individual is whether they are male or female, defined by biological characteristics.

The gender of an individual is whether they are masculine or feminine, which is a considerably more complicated social issue. Your sex can be male while your gender feminine. However, your gender cannot be male. That is your sex.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2006-07-22, 3:50 PM #89
Kill it with fire.
2006-07-22, 3:54 PM #90
[QUOTE=Pedro T Hutt]The same people going "Rawr! Lesbian pics plz!" are the first to go "Ugh! Not men!". What's so different about it? >.>;; It's two people of the same gender kissing. The only difference is, no matter who you are, you're not even remotely possibly the sexual interest of one of them.[/QUOTE]

Male homosexuality has a distinct lack of feminine breasts, bodily form, and genitalia.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-07-22, 4:09 PM #91
Yeah. The male mind operates on the following: One pair of boobs = Good. Two pairs of boobs = even better.
Pissed Off?
2006-07-22, 4:16 PM #92
Is there a plateau for that relationship do you think? I'd imagine that once the concentation of boobs was so high that my focus kept switching every second, I would become confused and disorientated rather than excited.

However I have no proof of this phenomenon, but I am willing to undertake a series of arduous and time consuming experiments to explore this hypothesis.

After all, what is society without people willing to make the big sactifices for scientific advancement?
2006-07-22, 4:22 PM #93
Hehehehe. That would be an interesting study. :P
Pissed Off?
2006-07-22, 4:59 PM #94
You can be my research assistant. I need someone to screen subjects.
2006-07-22, 5:16 PM #95
As a man, I can tell you that I don't really care if they are lesbians or not, as long as they are hot, female, and doing things to each other.

(P.S., I would like to volunteer my valuable time to the betterment of mankind. Where do I sign up for the breast study?)
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-07-22, 6:44 PM #96
Hahahaha, yeah. :D

Originally posted by Rerun:
You can be my research assistant. I need someone to screen subjects.

Sweet. We'll have to be sure to film everything too. Not only will we be doing valuable research for the betterment of society, we can make a ton of money!
Pissed Off?
2006-07-22, 7:51 PM #97
Hmm, while documentation is of utmost importance, the ethics comittee will probably frown on that so we'll need another assistant (read: patsy) who will have to "leak" the footage. It's all about plausible deniability
2006-07-22, 7:55 PM #98
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Kill it with fire.

Ohhh no, the christian church finally got through the whole burning people period, regressives like you aren't turning back the clock quite that far :P
2006-07-22, 10:16 PM #99
Originally posted by CaptBevvil:
Meh, what girl isn't bi? My wife insists that every female is bi on some level... :ninja:

I would agree with that. im sure not all girls do. but I do lol. then again i've had gf's in teh past as well as bf's. so... lol. but yeah. as most say "bi people are just greedy" lol :D :psyduck: maybe so, maybe so. I would just say bi people are appreciative of all lol
2006-07-22, 10:26 PM #100
oh and I think its uncomfortable when anyone kissing around me. straight or gay. i just dont like PDA around me. besides like holding hands orsomething, kissing and beyond im just like get a room.

but pix dont bother me lol

and to that I say...


2006-07-22, 10:27 PM #101

2006-07-22, 11:15 PM #102
Speaking of uncomfortable... :-P
DISCLAIMER: This is just armchair observation, not the result of many hours of deliberate study of the subject. I'm by no means an expert, but just an ignorant hick who's putting his two cents in. For that and a nickel, you can have a cup of coffee.
2006-07-22, 11:17 PM #103
Pissed Off?
2006-07-23, 12:05 AM #104
You win the thread!

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-07-23, 10:39 AM #105
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
You win the thread!


haha! yayy :D thank you thank you :D :psyduck:
2006-07-23, 11:54 AM #106
this was my desktop for ages, tiled
Attachment: 13301/kiss2.JPG (20,340 bytes)
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-07-23, 3:45 PM #107
Originally posted by BoricuaDelight:
I would agree with that. im sure not all girls do. but I do lol. then again i've had gf's in teh past as well as bf's. so... lol. but yeah. as most say "bi people are just greedy" lol :D :psyduck: maybe so, maybe so. I would just say bi people are appreciative of all lol

You rock! \w/ ;)
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-07-23, 6:06 PM #108

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