man, gold you reek of ignorance.
how can you blindly hate a whole demographic group of people just because you don't understand their way of life?
i highly doubt people choose to be gay... people are born into it. i mean, some people may choose to experiment with the same sex because they are curious, but i believe true "gayness" is genetic. why is it when a twin is gay, there is like a 50-55% chance that the other twin is gay as well? believe it or not, families who lead caring lives can bear gay children too.
its funny that a "god" who is so righteous and loving can forsake hundreds of thousands of gay people across the planet. and its also funny that little religious advocates like gold can justify bigotry by saying its in the bible, or that god said so. you're no different from the slaveowners back in the day that claimed a single line in the bible as justification that the white race is superior to all others.
also, you guys complain that those committing jihad against the usa are crazy? in my opinion they're just taking it one step above what you guys are talkin about... using a holy source as justification for a personal belief. who are you to say what "god" is saying, when the bible was written by mortals? what if they interpreted "god's word" differently than what god intended? i think those who believe in god should be content having a personal relationship with god, instead of trying to convert others to believe what you believe. the path to righteousness should be found within, not corrupted by hearsay and ignorance.