Ok. Speak however you want. Make up words. Twist grammar. Use incoherent pronunciations. More power. Just don't claim people be hatin' on you if they either can't understand what the hell you are saying, or don't have the motivation to take the energye and time to figure it out if you can't present yourself coherently and consistently.
We need to get Sine in here, he's a very big proponent of this thing called consensus. Freedom of choice, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, more power. But the corrollary to those freedoms is nobody has to give a damn, especially if it's so unneccesarily difficult to understand you.
Guess what, English, like every other language, has standards, it has rules, it has syntax and structure and history. If tomorrow you wish to start saying "You bluebunny her" to mean "I want to go to the store", nobody is going to a; care or b; understand, and you have no place to get angry or affronted at their incomprehension.
Just because the majority of the population, washed and unwashed masses, don't know what those rules actually are, being that they learned English by rote instead of by learning any real grammar and understanding of its mechanics and usage [in my high-school at least we were too busy discussing Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity in English classes to learn anything related to the actual course and language].
If you were speaking German and decided to try to sound tough or underground or hardcore by saying: Ich sein du Durst, that a; doesn't make a damn bit of sense, and b; is incorrect.
Languages and grammar are not some Oppressive Man trying to keep you down and to limit your freedom and self-expression, they are there to communicate and interact and dialogue and pass information.
Try to pass your standard Angelfire.com site through a W3.org validator, and it is most likely going to bury its face in its hands in anguish and unrelenting befuddlement. That's the same exact sort of situation, there are standards and rules there for ease and consistency of communication and interaction. Sure, if you plug it into IExplore it will show up, more or less, but plug it into any other browser and expect people to take it at all seriously, you've got another thing coming. Fill it up with marquis and blink tags and animated gifs and clashing background images that obscure the text, and youre getting fairly close to EboniXML.
Now this is not a wholesale attack or hatin'-ness upon dialects of English or whatever, it's more a response to what's been said about them. You talk about how there is consistency and tradition and syntax and such in Ebonics, however you have failed to present any real examples of that. Aside from 'foo to-be bar' is changed to merely 'foo bar'. Now, yes, in present tense in /Russian/ you /do/ leave out to-be forms of verbs, because there it is grammatically correct and standard, but, sadly this is English. Next time i'm coding something or doing a math problem, i'll remember to simply try '3 4 2' and expect my computer to simply know that i mean '(3+4)/2'.
And don't even try to talk about consistency and syntax when there's common phrases such as "fo' shizzle mah nizzle". Now, in that sentence [and i use that word /very/ loosely here] the first 'izzle' in fact is an 'it', whereas the second 'izzle' is in fact an 'igger'. Let's see if we can't simply use 'izzle' as the ending duosyllable to /every/ word in a sentence, as well as leaving out declensions and conjugations and to-be. Something simple, such as "Massassi has stolen your soul, and it now belongs to Brian". Let's see: "massizzle stolizzle soulizzle, and dawg nah belizzle Brizzle, naw'mean?"
Blue Mink Bifocals !] [
fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [
<!-- kalimonster -->] [
Capite Terram]
"If all those usefull inventions that are lyable to abuse, should therefore be concealed, there is not any Art or Science, which might be lawfully profest."
-John Wilkins, Mercury, or the Secret and Swift messenger, shewing how a man may with privacy and speed Communicate his thoughts to a Friend at any distance (London, 1641)
[This message has been edited by Dormouse (edited July 03, 2004).]
Also, I can kill you with my brain.