While I agree with most of that, I would caution you before you take it the last step and say 'Bush is evil'. Everyone bangs on their 'Bush Lies' drum. Any sensible person can do a little research and see that he had good reason to believe Saddam had weapons. If you really believe something, and have evidence to show it, but it turns out to be false, are you still a liar? No, lying takes a conscience decision to be false.
For those people who think American's don't care, some of us do. A large percentage of our population doesn't care about anything. These are the mall-zombies. It's okay, because these people also don't vote. Iraq is the hot ticket item this time around because the Democrats don't have much else they can complain about. They can't come out against closing the border, because the polls show that the public agrees with the Republicans on that issue. They can't ***** about the 'tax cuts for the rich' anymore, because they worked. The economy is up. They can't harp on abortion, because they've already got it. Gay marriage is inevitable. All that leaves is Iraq, and calling Bush a liar.
Gay marriage represents to many people a collapse of morality in America. Marriage has also long been the domain of the church. Thankfully, it's unlikely that churches will not be able to continue to reject marriage candidates. I propose common law marriage be abolished entirely. Let the church keep that label. At the same time, set in place a system of civil unions between any two individuals of legal age that comes with all the rights of marriage, but not the label. What, then, do the religious among us have left to complain about? Marriage retains it's special status (Which it needs. Marriage is a GOOD THING) and the gays get the rights they really want.
It's important to remember that, when speaking about the American populace, that about 85 percent of us claim to believe in God, and most forms of Christianity reject homosexuality and moral relativism. (Which is odd, considering Jesus' whole philosophy was 'forgive and forget')