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ForumsDiscussion Forum → [Brag] My New 3000 dollar PC
[Brag] My New 3000 dollar PC
2006-12-27, 5:25 PM #81
What's wrong with using this thread? JediKirby hasn't made any complaints that i'm aware of and if he's happy for this thread to be a debate then I see absolutely no reason for it to be a problem.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2006-12-27, 5:41 PM #82
Agreed. People do get edgy when others BRAG (which the whole point of this thread was supposed to be).

I'm sure all of you have bragged AT least once in your life.
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2006-12-27, 6:07 PM #83
Originally posted by Detty:
What's wrong with using this thread? JediKirby hasn't made any complaints that i'm aware of and if he's happy for this thread to be a debate then I see absolutely no reason for it to be a problem.

It has nothing to do with anyone's reactions and more my own sense of propriety. I wouldn't choose a thread about helping the elderly to debate euthanasia, etc. That's just me.
2006-12-27, 6:32 PM #84
Uh ohhhh.

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-12-27, 7:56 PM #85
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
Speaking of saying "black" guy... I am finding my self confused to whether say "black" male or "African American" male. Which one is Politcally correct?

What amuses me is that on MANY wanted posters and crime television, I would see under the description as "Black male" and not "African American" male.

However when people speak on formal television most of the speakers use the term "African American"

...Rob that seems a little harsh to call someone an "it" unless that person is extremely evil and has no soul.
And be careful on how you describe someone, like your class mate, some person might take it the wrong way...

A. Learn to read and comprehend.

B. I'll let you know when I can care.
2006-12-28, 1:25 AM #86
A. That was an out of the box question, and was already answered by someone decent on this thread.

B. One day when you're accused of being a rascist by a person who might have seen or heard your statement in a different way (not saying you discriminate, but this has happened to me before) you will care.


You stated when I can care.

So I shall say...

B. One day when you're accused of being a rascist by a person who might have seen or heard your statement in a different way (not saying you discriminate, but this has happened to me before) you will be capable of caring .
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2006-12-28, 3:57 AM #87
This subsidising of the extra facilities a disabled person needs to level the playing field seems fair enough, the $3000 for a PC seems a bit dubious as to whether it's truly necessary. There are plenty of people at my university who just spend a lot of time in the computer labs, I don't see how a disability would preclude someone from doing that too, unless there's some reason you can't stay on campus for very long.

What doesn't seem fair is that the government is helping the disabled into better paid jobs as if somehow by virtue of a physical disability they deserve it. I understand why it's done but I can't help but think that some sort of even fairer system could be established. I'm all for levelling the playing field but I believe strongly in a meritocracy when it comes to the employment market. And I don't think you can really say that cripples work any harder than other people, that's subjective at best.

Originally posted by Warlockmish:
Speaking of saying "black" guy... I am finding my self confused to whether say "black" male or "African American" male. Which one is Politcally correct?

I just call black people black people if I have to refer to the colour of their skin, no point in beating around the bush about it. African American is a frikkin stupid phrase considering I'm probably "more African" than most African Americans and I'm white! Things like Kwanzaa prove the point since the names used are all in Swahili while the vast majority of US black people are of West African heritage. It's like all of Africa is treated like one big homogenous lump which it really isn't.
2006-12-28, 4:05 AM #88
Political correctness is stupid. Now they won't even tell you what color the criminal is anymore. "A middle aged male wearing a red baseball cap". Wait... is he white? Is he black? Is he hispanic? Couldn't we find him easier if we knew more? Political correctness is an idiotic way to make the truth less offensive. Well, guess what, the truth is the truth: You aren't vertically challenged. You are SHORT.

Maddox covered the phrase 'African American' better than I could. And as for Kwanzaa, Swahili just sounds cooler. :P
Wikissassi sucks.
2006-12-28, 11:17 AM #89
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
A. That was an out of the box question, and was already answered by someone decent on this thread.

B. One day when you're accused of being a rascist by a person who might have seen or heard your statement in a different way (not saying you discriminate, but this has happened to me before) you will care.


You stated when I can care.

So I shall say...

B. One day when you're accused of being a rascist by a person who might have seen or heard your statement in a different way (not saying you discriminate, but this has happened to me before) you will be capable of caring .

You still haven't read my first post, and you STILL DO NOT understand the context.

So you can kindly go to hell because this is a waste of my time.
2006-12-28, 12:07 PM #90
I understand your post you made Rob.
I was just making a comment on the statement you made about how you lost your job to a black man and you called the person an "it."

SEEING the word BLACK man made me think of something else and it had NOTHING to do with your post and I just wanted to find out what to call a black man Black or African American.

I admit I was being stupid with my previous post.

I do agree about this being a waste of time so I shall stop arguing after this post.

Btw...telling people to go to hell is immature and stupid especially in an arguement. Sorry.
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2006-12-28, 12:10 PM #91
So Kirby are you excited for this new computer?

Is your internet fast?

Well, have fun with your new computer!
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2006-12-28, 12:25 PM #92
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
I understand your post you made Rob.
I was just making a comment on the statement you made about how you lost your job to a black man and you called the person an "it."



2006-12-28, 12:42 PM #93
Originally posted by fishstickz:
Die in a fire.

this is basically what I came in this thread to say
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-12-28, 2:14 PM #94
I'm fine with the debate. It's a very important topic to me.

Rob: I don't believe in equality laws for hiring. I want to get hired because I'm a hard worker and useful to the company, not because they get paid for me working there.

Warlockmish: The term "African American" in my mind, is racist. Black people (Born in the us) are not African. They're Americans with dark skin. African Americans are people from Africa who are now living in America. White or black.

Buck: I still think you're missing the point entirely. I'd challenge your ideas, but I pretty much agree with what Yoshi already said. Labor laws are entirely different than what I'm talking about. I'm talking about giving disabled workers a chance to get the jobs they could get, and the tools they need to more proficiently do that.

People aren't considering the model I offered: The idea is that a PC is a very technical tool, and that people with disabilities need to gain a technical carreer. Consider a student who doesn't have as much of a technical background as myself? They'd find it difficult to immediatly work in a technical field.

I'm getting a 3000 dollar PC because it's the maximum price that they'll allow me, and if I don't cram everything I can into it, I really won't need to bother editing video on it. I want to be able to do media/broadcast homework at home because many of the media/broadcast labs are very very small and confined.

I really don't think you'd have the same opinions if you didn't start out the way you did. It's about starting points, and about equalizing people's starting points. That's the land of oppertunity, and believe it or not, that's what America thrives on. We need tax payers and illegal laborers. A disabled student needs to be projected into the job market in order to fit those two needs. Without that, you'd have a large majority of your nation living off of the capitolist system, not contributing to it.
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2006-12-28, 4:53 PM #95
Back to the original point of this thread, I don't think that's worth $3000.

My Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core(2.6Ghz) 5000+, 2GB of RAM, 250GB HD, 20" Widescreen LCD, and Radeon X1300 Pro costed me about $1300.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-12-28, 5:20 PM #96
I shall condense this thread into one post:

What is black and sits at the top of the stairs?

JediKirby in a housefire.
2006-12-28, 5:24 PM #97
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2006-12-28, 7:28 PM #98
[QUOTE=Commander 598]Back to the original point of this thread, I don't think that's worth $3000.

My Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core(2.6Ghz) 5000+, 2GB of RAM, 250GB HD, 20" Widescreen LCD, and Radeon X1300 Pro costed me about $1300.[/QUOTE]
Of course it's not--it's a prefab. All prefabs are way, way too expensive.

PS, my computer can still kick your computer's ***, as sad as that is.
2006-12-28, 8:14 PM #99
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I haven't taken the time to read? I read everything, and I've read it before, and before, and before. For some reason, middle class-wealthy-rich conservatives think it's their moral obligation to shove their ideals down every other person/liberal's throats at any opportunity given. Don't get me wrong, there's pieces of conservative politics I agree with, but "Hey, let's take away welfare, that'll work!" isn't one of them.

P.S. Obi, you're not clever or witty, so stop trying.[/QUOTE]

You don't even argue any more. You just assume what someone is going to say after skimming their post, ignore their repeated attepmts to clarify their position, and then accuse them of arrogence to draw attention from your own monstrous arrogence. It's absolutly pathetic. People may disagree with my openions, but at least I'm polite about them. :rolleyes:
2006-12-28, 8:23 PM #100
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
You don't even argue any more. You just assume what someone is going to say after skimming their post, ignore their repeated attepmts to clarify their position, and then accuse them of arrogence to draw attention from your own monstrous arrogence. It's absolutly pathetic. People may disagree with my openions, but at least I'm polite about them. :rolleyes:

There's nothing polite about asking to abolish welfare, especially from some 17 year old kid who doesn't even pay taxes and hasn't had to go through any of life yet. And most of my comments were aimed at buck, Obi. You can argue what you will all you want (if it's worth arguing I'll argue, but wanting to abolish welfare is the most asinine thing...ever) but you're wrong. I don't ignore "repeated attempts to clarify" (unless you count your "You didn't even read my post" clarification. Yeah.) and neither do I say they're arrogant and neither do I have arrogance (at least not in this. Get me in CS or WC3 and that's a different story) nor do I try to draw away from anyone else's "arrogance". It's just stupid conservative "omg let people live their own lives and everything will work out perfect" theories that I'm against. Pure socialism and pure free market--both ideals have something in common; they only work in a perfect world. The world is far from perfect and it takes a compromise of both to get an economy/government/country anywhere today.

And you never "argue" either. You just try to find new ways to insult me, and fail everytime, and when you finally realize that you were wrong in the first place you just go "Oh, who cares, it's the internet, god you take everything so seriously" and stop posting. Grow up.
2006-12-28, 8:36 PM #101
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]and when you finally realize that you were wrong in the first place you just go "Oh, who cares, it's the internet, god you take everything so seriously" and stop posting. Grow up.[/QUOTE]
See: any evolution debate thread :v:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-12-28, 8:55 PM #102
Bah! You two stop. Only good discussion/debate. Personally, I agree with Yoshi, but I still don't like you two at eachother's necks in my thread. Do it in a PM.
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2006-12-28, 9:37 PM #103
It's everyone's thread.

You only started it.

But I want to argue too.

2006-12-28, 9:44 PM #104
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Of course it's not--it's a prefab. All prefabs are way, way too expensive.

PS, my computer can still kick your computer's ***, as sad as that is.[/QUOTE]

Prefab? Never heard it described with that term, but so is mine. A Dell to be precise.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-12-28, 9:49 PM #105
this computer should not have cost more than $2000 even with the monitor.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2006-12-28, 9:54 PM #106
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Bah! You two stop. Only good discussion/debate. Personally, I agree with Yoshi, but I still don't like you two at eachother's necks in my thread. Do it in a PM.

It's not your thread.
2006-12-29, 5:28 AM #107
Fine, it's mine. Stop fighting.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2006-12-29, 8:38 AM #108
Originally posted by Detty:
Fine, it's mine. Stop fighting.

Little late to the punch Detty.
2006-12-29, 8:54 AM #109
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]It's not your thread.[/QUOTE]
Actually it is, even you were saying before to stop debating in Kirbys thread...

Im not even going to mention your post at Detty.

oh and:

"lol its the internet, who cares"
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-12-29, 10:41 AM #110
Originally posted by Recusant:
What doesn't seem fair is that the government is helping the disabled into better paid jobs as if somehow by virtue of a physical disability they deserve it.

I think this is a point that keeps getting missed. Kirby isn't being offered the chance to become qualified for a high-end job just because he happens to be disabled. He's being offered the chance to start from a more equal level, and then work his *** off like everyone else to be qualified. Now, whether he needs such an expensive computer (or one at all) is up for debate, but none of us are well enough informed about his situation or his degree to decide.

The thing is, we've had centuries of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, physical ability, etc. At the moment we're in an adjustment period where the needle has swung too far the other way and people are being hired above those more qualified because it looks good for the employers to appear to be equal opportunities promoters. It's gonna take some time, but we are slowly moving towards a place where hopefully one day it will make absolutely no difference what colour you are, what genitals you have, who you chose to have sex with, or whether you can stand up. We're just not there yet.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2006-12-29, 10:49 AM #111
A $3000 piece of hardware isn't an equal start.

Some kids go to college and GASP, don't even own their own computers.
2006-12-29, 11:31 AM #112
Originally posted by Rob:
A $3000 piece of hardware isn't an equal start.

Some kids go to college and GASP, don't even own their own computers.

Those same kids can use the college's facilities. Those same kids can go to a library and get books off of the shelf and hold them. Those same kids can sit up for more than 5 hours at a time. Those same kids can drive themselves to the computer lab or library any time they need to.

Those same kids are the ones being catered to in today's world. You might think you know what equality is, but you're used to the world being designed for you. Some of us, however, are not.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-12-29, 11:51 AM #113
With $3000 you can get a pretty decent computer from Falcon.

*The ultimate gaming PC* .( ..wish I had one...

I sometimes play on a Falcon at a near by PC cafe.

It's a really great experience.

JediKirby, since your on a wheelchair (am I correct?) wouldn't a laptop be pretty easy to use?

They do have toughbooks that can handle drops and bumps.

They price above $2000..I think.

Trust me Kirby, the Falcon is worth every single dollar.
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2006-12-29, 12:09 PM #114
I have a laptop. I use it for note taking.

And the agency has to purchase it from Dell or Gateway.
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2006-12-29, 12:10 PM #115
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Those same kids can use the college's facilities. Those same kids can go to a library and get books off of the shelf and hold them. Those same kids can sit up for more than 5 hours at a time. Those same kids can drive themselves to the computer lab or library any time they need to.

Those same kids are the ones being catered to in today's world. You might think you know what equality is, but you're used to the world being designed for you. Some of us, however, are not.


I do know what equality is. $3000 of TAX MONEY THAT I AND OTHERS GAVE UP, TO SATIATE SOMEONE IS RETARDED. Poor black kids don't get $3000 computers, they just take jobs from overqualified white kids. Cripples don't take jobs from anyone, they just get more free **** than they know what to do with. I know a kid in your exact position (Well, he's normal sized, and about 3 times more crippled), but guess what. He doesn't need anyone's extra free ****. A spifft electric wheelchair is the only thing he needs.


I have to **** up my own priorities (Eat soup for a whole month, suspend my cellular phone plan which I need for my day job to begin with) to afford nicities such as these, and someone else gets them for free? EFFFFFF THAT.

Oh no! I can't walk! The world owes me everything! EVERYTHING! SOCIETY OWES ME SO MUCH BECAUSE OF MY DISABILITIES.

The world doesn't owe you jack. Be happy Germany didn't win WWII, because they would have stabbed your mother in the stomach the second they found out you were "different."

You're worse than the deaf people that fought UPS becuase UPS wouldn't let them be drivers. Despite THE FACT that preload workers make exactly as much as delivery drivers, in many cases MORE. (Pre-load offers alot more overtime with alot less stress)

The line of "equal opportunity" is retardedly blurred. Instead of CREATING equal oppurtunity and a system that works, that is actually fair, we've instead come up with a can of oil to keep the squeeky cogs silent. Damned be you if you don't think the squeeky cogs in the American system shouldn't get everything they want instead of only everything THEY NEED.

In short, I really think "equal opportunity" as spun by our government can go to hell.

But hey, I'm ready to be paid what I'm owed too. GIVE ME FREE STUFF BECAUSE PEOPLE FEEL SORRY FOR ME!

This was a really angry post. I'm actually in a pretty good mood right now.
2006-12-29, 12:12 PM #116
You sound more "jealous" and "bitter" than you do "right."
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2006-12-29, 12:14 PM #117
Yes, I am jealous.

People getting things for free that they don't need or deserve pisses me off.

Losing a job to an underqualified minority because he played race card pisses me off.

I am jealous and bitter, but those aren't antonyms for "right."
2006-12-29, 12:28 PM #118
What do you think the definition of a functioning society is? Do you think it's a natural world where it is dog eat dog? Do you think that tax dollars are intended to better your life alone?

Honestly Rob, I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. If the programs that you consider unfair and unwarrented didn't exsist, you wouldn't have what you have.

The goal of the program is not to piss in your lemonade. It's intended to make taxpaying citizens out of an otherwise leech-like group of people.

If I don't get certain grades in school, they take the computer away. If I don't graduate in under 5 years, they take the computer away, and I'm required to pay back the money it cost for me to go to school. If I don't get a job 6 months out of school, they take away the computer and revoke my ability to declare bankruptcy.

I will have payed for these things that "you and everyone else" bought me within the first 3 years of taxes. Then I will start paying for the roads that benifit you. The programs that benifit your children. The social programs that keep your bitter and arrogant *** safe, happy, and employed.

Why should I want to become a working class citizen so I can just start paying for your kid's schooling? I don't give a flying **** about you, or your kids.

But guess what? That's how a society works. Jon`C said it best in the chat yesterday that if we don't help eachother, we don't have a society.
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2006-12-29, 12:46 PM #119

A waste of my money.
2006-12-29, 12:50 PM #120
Haha. Fantastic dodge of the fine points I made.

Because Rob, 3000 dollars was their limit, I want to be a game designer, and I also enjoy playing videogames. I need a PC capable of editing video while at home, because the video lab at my school is inside of a sound booth. I'm not saying 3000 dollars is 100% justified. It works well for me, and most people don't even spend 1000 in the program. I, however, justified it due to my majors and due to my needs.

Care to look at the points I just made, now?
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