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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Trapped in game factory send help
Trapped in game factory send help
2007-01-04, 10:12 PM #1
<SF_GoldG_01> sooo, who wants to test the client?
<SF_GoldG_01> I'm uploading the client, right now, if anyone cares to try it out
<Jon`C> make sure you include the visual basic runtime this time, sf_goldg_01
<`Rob> But joncy.
<`Rob> You could test his client.
<Jon`C> no, the last time I downloaded a program he made 2 sprites for it didn't work
<`Rob> But how can he prove anything to you if you don't give him atleast 500 chances?
<SF_GoldG_01> its a whole different engine, that doesn't use VB
<Jon`C> why don't you test the client Rob?
<`Rob> Because I'm super permenant banned from all of his projects including God.
<Jon`C> the engine is pretty crappy so even your computer should be able to run it ;)
<`Rob> My computer is pretty awesome. :(
<Greenboy> and its probably a virus
<`Rob> Besides, even if it does work.
<`Rob> It's just something he easy buttoned.
<SF_GoldG_01> any one can play the thing if they want to
<Greenboy> play?
<Greenboy> it has gameplay?
<SF_GoldG_01> its just walking around a simple small territory with trees, some weather, day night system, sun, a weapon, and the first part of combat
<SF_GoldG_01> with a temp GUI the default player models, although I reskinned the male character


<Aglar> hah, easy buttoned
<Aglar> classic
<Greenboy> is that like easy bake?
<`Rob> Sort of.
<`Rob> Only Easy Bake is alot more complex than what SF_Gold does.
<`Rob> Easy bake requires adult assembly and supervision.
<`Rob> Being a liar on the internet doesn't.
<Greenboy> so should this:<
<Greenboy> well, no, it shouldnt, because im not technicly an adult and thatd suck for me
<Jon`C> Post screenshots SF_GoldG_01
<Jon`C> maybe then people will be interested.
<SF_GoldG_01> ok one minute, but it looks like crap, beacuse I rushed the GUI and its still DX7 engine
<Jon`C> if you post screenshots I will post them on massassi for you.
<Jon`C> why not?
<SF_GoldG_01> If any one posts MY work, it will be ME
<Jon`C> oh okay
<`Rob> You mean if anyone posts the work you didn't really create, it would be you.
<Jon`C> rob be nice
<Jon`C> we haven't even seen what he's made yet


<`Rob> I had a glimpse at it this morning.
<`Rob> But I flushed it down the toilet before I took a picture.
<Jon`C> I saw that coming.
<SF_GoldG_01> brb, going to take screenies
<SF_GoldG_01> back
<SF_GoldG_01> ok screenies are uploaded


<Greenboy> um
<Greenboy> a prefab map with a premade engine with some premade trees and a crappy model with an untextured gun?
<SF_GoldG_01> the only thing premade was the character
<SF_GoldG_01> and a rushed GUI to replace the magic thing it had before
<`Rob> You didn't make any of that without cookie cutting it.
<SF_GoldG_01> so you say Rob
<SF_GoldG_01> can you prove it?
<SF_GoldG_01> better yet
<SF_GoldG_01> what makes come to that conclusion besides your bias?
<Greenboy> even if you made those trees, there were branchs coming out of nothign
<Jon`C> I recognize the bark texture
<`Rob> The textures, the trees are extremely typical both in placement and design, and the gun looks like you easy buttoned a foew shapes in your modeler and stuck them together.
<SF_GoldG_01> its 3 different tree modesl, that were made real quick, and I put no real effort into them, I just made them to have a temporary tree
<SF_GoldG_01> I placed real quick accros the terrain and made a few errors
* genk|zelda is now known as Genki
<Greenboy> hahahahaha
<Greenboy> wow, thats a hilarious picture
2007-01-04, 10:15 PM #2
I don't like the compass.

Or that guy's pants.
2007-01-04, 10:16 PM #3
Would you like it better if he had no pants at all, Vinny?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-04, 10:19 PM #4
Gold is too homophobic to model nice looking man junk, so I prefer pants.
2007-01-04, 10:23 PM #5
the gun has no ammo!
oh my
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-01-04, 10:24 PM #6
This thread is 100% awesome. Thank you.
2007-01-04, 10:26 PM #7
I miss him. He's unbanned soon right? :D

Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-01-04, 10:26 PM #8
Meh, for a pre prerelease build it looks okay.
2007-01-04, 10:44 PM #9
Originally posted by Vegiemaster:
I miss him.

No you don't.

This thread is awesome.
2007-01-04, 11:27 PM #10
I'm not really sure what to say.
Pissed Off?
2007-01-04, 11:37 PM #11
Is that the tree texture from JK?
2007-01-04, 11:39 PM #12
JK had trees?
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-01-04, 11:42 PM #13
2007-01-04, 11:43 PM #14
Well i still recognize it from somewhere. Maybe he just got it from a pine tree or something.
2007-01-05, 12:16 AM #15
That's actually not bad. Although it's funny the map/console has the same texture as the dude's pants :v:
2007-01-05, 12:18 AM #16
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]I don't like the compass.[/QUOTE]

Oh, that's a compass? At first I thought it was the game's name.
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-01-05, 4:45 AM #17
Originally posted by Impi:
Oh, that's a compass? At first I thought it was the game's name.

so did I, didn't even notice that it changes with the view :P
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-05, 5:39 AM #18
Looks too much like WoW in the GUI. I don't like that.

Come to think of it, the GUI looks just like WoW.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-01-05, 6:54 AM #19
Originally posted by Impi:
Oh, that's a compass? At first I thought it was the game's name.

Haha yeah me too, was trying to figure out what WNES stood for...
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-01-05, 7:11 AM #20
Originally posted by Spork:
Haha yeah me too, was trying to figure out what WNES stood for...

Judging by the graphics, I'd say "Worse than NES"
2007-01-05, 7:31 AM #21
Or WNES for Wierdness.

"Oh man, ain't got no clip in ma gun n' am stuck ina patch o' dem trees!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-01-05, 8:38 AM #22
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Looks too much like WoW in the GUI. I don't like that.

Come to think of it, the GUI looks just like WoW.

More or less every single MMO has a UI like that.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-05, 10:04 AM #23
Nice progress, man. It's tempting to jump on the 'slap each other on the back as we destroy Gold' bandwagon, butttt for now I'm just gonna go with it's nice to see some actual content, some proof that actual work is being done instead of claims. Maybe some stuff is borrowed/stolen, maybe it's really simple, lame, or rudimentary, but it's something, and that's more than you had before, so you deserve at least a little credit.
2007-01-05, 10:32 AM #24
So we have a thread showing how a bunch of Massassians are being jerks and that Gold has actually made something. You probably should have kept that to yourself, Jon.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-01-05, 10:38 AM #25
He re-skinned a model and re-textured a GUI. That's all.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-05, 10:43 AM #26
Hey every one needs to start somewhere, liar or not.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-01-05, 10:47 AM #27
at least he's doing something though. i mean, come on, he probably spends hours of his time on this. lets be nice.

the gun doesnt look too shabby besides it being untextured.
2007-01-05, 11:00 AM #28
Originally posted by Wolfy:
He re-skinned a model and re-textured a GUI. That's all.
Proof? Oh, right, you don't have any. So until you do, kindly shut your pie hole.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-01-05, 11:26 AM #29
Originally posted by saberopus:
Nice progress, man. It's tempting to jump on the 'slap each other on the back as we destroy Gold' bandwagon, butttt for now I'm just gonna go with it's nice to see some actual content, some proof that actual work is being done instead of claims. Maybe some stuff is borrowed/stolen, maybe it's really simple, lame, or rudimentary, but it's something, and that's more than you had before, so you deserve at least a little credit.

I'm not seeing this "nice progress." In fact, I don't see anything changed with him at all. Civil or not, I stressed an important idea in his last thread on this MMORPG months ago: In order to make something truly big, you need to take little steps. I'm sure others said the same thing (Wolfy said it politely, I remember)

I would have applauded Gold if he went on a solid, good direction. If he, let's say, decided to build and expand on just modeling, I would have been happy for him. Obviously, learning to model is no mere easy concept to grasp, and it is a highly essential component to game design that requires focus and descipline. You simply can't ignore this area of game design when you want to go into, well, game design. It takes months of experience, and the past few months of working to his goal in designing a fully-functional MMORPG could have been wonderfully spent on sharpening his ability to model. I wouldn't expect awesome, prefessonal models but atleast some "nice progress" in that field, such as a snall handful of good models. Maybe in the few months he was gone, he could have focused on coding and programming instead. I'm pretty sure some people here can admit that learning to code a full MMORPG requires a mentally-demanding amount time and much hands-on experience getting hands dirty with programming. Or texturing. I'm quite sure learning to use image-editing programs to make good, custom textures require weeks of hard, concentrated work. You need to build the foundations of skill in you ever go into creating such a big project in game design (or anything really).

What am I seeing here in these screenshots? I have no clue. Are there any plans to where is he going? Did he try to improve his modeling abilities? I see a guy, premade I assume, with a couple of trees of questionable origin. I don't know if he made the gun, not sure why its there. I don't even know if he even did any coding with the GUI, hell, I don't even know what engine this is and what are the changes he did to it. Does he even know basic programming, I never seen any experience or other projects he coded when he was learning. I see big clusmy leaps when he, as I mentioned before, should be taking careful little steps. He's on the same stubborn path, trying to impress us with his misguided progress.

"BuT EchOmaN, U never made a MMORPG!!!" Well, yeah. But I know if I were to believe in such a huge undertaking ( remember a MMORPG = huge, huge, huge project), I know that basic skills are what needs to be "worked" on before "work" can ever start on the final product. Michelangelo didn't begin David before learning how to sketch.
2007-01-05, 12:06 PM #30
I like the look of it. Is this supposed to be his MMO? I thought it looked more like... I dunno... it kinda looks like a simple 3d action game, like Lugaru.

-Come to think of it, it looks a lot like Lugaru, only not as interesting. But it's a step up from nothing.
2007-01-05, 12:11 PM #31
Originally posted by Echoman:
I see a guy, premade I assume, with a couple of trees of questionable origin.
The character model is premade, but he retextured it. The trees were generated with a plugin.

I don't know if he made the gun, not sure why its there.
He purports to have made the gun model.

I don't even know if he even did any coding with the GUI, hell, I don't even know what engine this is and what are the changes he did to it.
He never changed the engine at all. The GUI has been retextured.
2007-01-05, 12:13 PM #32
Okay, so which engine is it, and what plugin did he use, then?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-01-05, 12:17 PM #33
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Okay, so which engine is it, and what plugin did he use, then?

I remember us asking what engine he purchased several times, but he refused to say. He mentioned it to Tiberium_Empire in PMs.
2007-01-05, 12:32 PM #34
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Proof? Oh, right, you don't have any. So until you do, kindly shut your pie hole.

Dear sir, promptly clear the sand out of your vagina before posting again.

(It should be noted that you are making the positive claim that he created the engine, trees, terrain, model, GUI, etc., etc., and, thus, the burden of proof lies on you, Juan Cochrane)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-05, 1:00 PM #35
The engine is called Realm Crafter. The main reason I know that SF_GoldG_01 did not modify the source code because the $50 license does not grant him access to it. The second reason is because he professes to have no knowledge of computer programming.

Here is a comparison shot illustrating what he's changed:


2007-01-05, 1:11 PM #36
Well... he added... something and made... stuff... green.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-01-05, 1:13 PM #37
So he sent back game texturing 10 years?

Because this reminds me of PS1/JK graphics.
2007-01-05, 1:14 PM #38
It looked better before.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-05, 1:17 PM #39
It's totally different. His has some random box of translucent camo pattern on the screen. And his mana bar has a capacity of 5, while the other has a capacity of 30. Clearly it's not the same thing.
2007-01-05, 1:17 PM #40
So he's fooling around with a game editor before he actually does anything with it. How is this thread worthy?

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