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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Trapped in game factory send help
Trapped in game factory send help
2007-01-07, 12:37 PM #81
16 posts down on page 2.

Plus, I'm sure most of the people who petitioned were just those who wanted to see your reaction to this mess.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 12:39 PM #82
I doubt anybody asked him to post here. SF_GoldG_01 has been obsessively checking the forums ever since he asked to get banned, and a few days ago he started hanging out in #massassi talking about how he's a ninja supercop assassin sharpshooter with a wife and kids.

He just saw the thread and wanted to post in it.
2007-01-07, 12:42 PM #83
No one in the industry will ever take SF_Gold seriously while he's trying to make an MMO.

Lets somehow assume he pulled a massive amount of effort out of his *** and did the work of 500 paid employees for x number of years that it takes to make a game like WoW.

The kind of server side work required to maintain and support even 100-200 people is insurmountable. Unless SF_Gold's poor father suddenly found a billion peso on the sidewalk, he's not going anywhere with even the best MMO you can get out of a pre-made game.

This is a point Jon`C makes often, and is definitely not given enough attention:
SF_Gold has not made pong, tetris, or space invaders. SF_Gold has not written a single design document (We've seen his attempts. They're lists of "omg, I'd love to have this in a game" ideas. Bad ones.), and he doesn't even understand the basic concepts of development. You have to start small, not big. You have to attempt mole hills, not mountains. SF_Gold is going to die half way up Everest because the idea of being the first Mexican with no mountain climbing experience to stand on the peak is romantic.

Those of you who defend him are being optimistic, which is admirable. It is, however, unhelpful. Patients should be told how much time they REALLY have to live. Children shouldn't be told that Santa, the Easter bunny, and a gigantic eye in the sky are watching for them to screw up. SF_Gold shouldn't be told he's "got to start somewhere" when his 'start' is a futile and circle-jerk of an attempt.

Stop encouraging him. He's got to learn to develop a strong base to support his future in game design, his own resources, his own ideas, and his own skills. Currently, you're telling him that a handful of premade resources and a crappy GUI skin is a good 2 year start on one of the most resource intensive game projects he could attempt.

You're setting him up to fail, not us.

Kirby knows nothing of me. I have stated recently, that I am a 3d modeler on the team, and I am NOT, I REPEAT, I AM NOT THE PROGRAMMER. WE HAVE A PROGRAMMER, AND AS SOON AS WE GET THE SOURCE CODE, WE WILL START USING IT, BUT SINCE THE SOURCE CODE IS NOT EVEN AVAILABLE, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT USE THE GAME EDITORS. Is it that hard to grasp that I merely make models, for the game? That other people are also doing work? I do not have to be a programmer to help in the development of a game, that was my idea, I do however need a programmer, which I do have in our team.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:44 PM #84
2007-01-07, 12:50 PM #85
The next time I post, I will have the whole new GUI finished, our own player models, which we are still making and working on, and hopefully, our weapons will be textured by then. I'll be back in a few months.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:50 PM #86
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
1.- Its all about PVP. Players will be rushing into battle agaisn't other players on a daily basis, with conquerable areas and zones. The war can be won.

Just felt it should be pointed out that allowing one side to completely conquer another side's territory is a terrible idea, as it means that people aren't likely to join the losing side (similar to if the Alliance lost to the Horde, you'd have almost no one playing Alliance in WoW).

Conquerable areas is a neat idea, but allowing one side to "win the war" is a really bad idea.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-07, 12:52 PM #87
Originally posted by Wolfy:
Just felt it should be pointed out that allowing one side to completely conquer another side's territory is a terrible idea, as it means that people aren't likely to join the losing side (similar to if the Alliance lost to the Horde, you'd have almost no one playing Alliance in WoW).

Conquerable areas is a neat idea, but allowing one side to "win the war" is a really bad idea.

When the war is won, the server is reset, as is the war.

EDIT: No I must go ban myself, until I finish my part of the bargin. Thank you, and good bye.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:53 PM #88
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

Of course not, I still have alot of work to do. We haven't even started mapping. Were still working on the combat system, which will be followed by the vehicle system, between these two, mapping will start taking place.

Glad to hear it.

Don't you think you'd be better off wit ha 2d game though like Tibia? You might look it up.
2007-01-07, 12:54 PM #89
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
When the war is won, the server is reset, as is the war.

Where's the GUI, player models, and stuff? You said the next time you posted you'd give us all this cool stuff.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 12:59 PM #90
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
There is actually people who like me here Jon, believe it or not.

EDIT: I am not alone on this project, I have a team, which is growning and we all understand its a longterm project.

We also already have choosen a host for the server. We plan to serve around 5000 players at first, and we can afford the server rent.

Oh? And how much is the rent?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-01-07, 1:00 PM #91
Don't be a smartass, Glyde.

This whole community is rediculous. You guys, to put it bluntly, suck. It's like a continous [group hug] against one person or another. It was Tiberium Empire a few days ago, now it's SF_Gold. Jesus Christ.

[Not sure I should let that one stay - Roach]
2007-01-07, 1:05 PM #92
Originally posted by Zell:
Don't be a smartass, Glyde.

This whole community is rediculous. You guys, to put it bluntly, suck. It's like a continous [group hug] against one person or another. It was Tiberium Empire a few days ago, now it's SF_Gold. Jesus Christ.

It's always been SF_Gold, because honestly, he can't be trusted and totally ruined his reputation a long time ago. If he were to say, never come here again, there wouldn't be problems.

If you don't like it then you can leave. Nothing's stopping you.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 1:05 PM #93
Zell, you will always continue to post. Don't worry (edit: come on, Zell)

What I just want to know is have you improved your modeling skills in the past months to the point you can model somewhat efficiently. Have you made any practice models or such? Or some other area of game design? Surely you must have sharpened your abilities if there is a team, whoever they are, willing to follow along with your project.
2007-01-07, 1:09 PM #94

TE posts when he shouldn't.

SF_Gold makes gigantic lies to cover the fact that he's a 16 year old kid playing dress up, and he can't decide between badass gangster, moral ex-christian, poor mexican, and game designer. SF_Gold has stolen in the past, and while he may have turned over a new leaf, he has not redeemed himself. SF_Gold is not the same as TE. SF_Gold is looking for opinions (Or praise?) when he asks several times in a chatroom if anyone wants to play the pre-alpha of his game. It was played, and it was NOT well received. Furthermore, people just make fun of TE. SF_Gold, however, is "Gangbanged" by logic and experience.

SF_Gold: You DO NOT have the funding for a 5000 man server. You don't. You also don't have a design document. You also aren't a very good modeler, and shouldn't really be modeling for a full scale project until you've got something to show for yourself. You really really didn't read my post at all.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-07, 1:13 PM #95
Oh, I never said I'd leave. I'm just very dissappointed. I used to look up to you people, but now I feel like I can only look down on quite a few of you because of how you act.

Personally, I won't give Gold any false hope like Kirby said, but I will say he's got more drive than I ever had and he's already done more than I could have. Good luck to you, Gold, maybe you'll actually wow Massassi one day. It sure is a tough crowd to please. :)

[EDIT: Kirby: Does SF_Gold need redemption? Just let him be, it's not like he personally insulted anyone with his attempts at making games. As for Tiberium Empire, that was discussed at great length in another thread and all that I think needs to be said, was said.]
2007-01-07, 1:17 PM #96
Originally posted by Zell:
Oh, I never said I'd leave. I'm just very dissappointed. I used to look up to you people, but now I feel like I can only look down on quite a few of you because of how you act.

Personally, I won't give Gold any false hope like Kirby said, but I will say he's got more drive than I ever had and he's already done more than I could have. Good luck to you, Gold, maybe you'll actually wow Massassi one day. It sure is a tough crowd to please. :)

[EDIT: Kirby: Does SF_Gold need redemption? Just let him be, it's not like he personally insulted anyone with his attempts at making games. As for Tiberium Empire, that was discussed at great length in another thread and all that I think needs to be said, was said.]

If I can wow massassi with an MSpaint picture of necromice sacrificing a mouse and bringing the massassi logo out of a pentagram, then it shouldn't be too hard.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 1:19 PM #97
Hahaha, okay, that was funny, even if it did get overused really fast.
2007-01-07, 1:21 PM #98
Does SF_Gold need redemption?

Well, if you are trying to continue a project that has been riddled with bad history and ugly drama, you should try to put out a new, positive image if you want to find support.

I mean, it's not like we went out to find his project progress. He came to us (in the chat).

Not sure why you would want to release a pre-pre-pre-alpha build to the public. It would seem better of an idea to do more, solid work before any release.
2007-01-07, 1:23 PM #99
Originally posted by Zell:
Hahaha, okay, that was funny, even if it did get overused really fast.

I lost that picture :(
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 2:16 PM #100
*Rubs hands gleefully and waits for things to invoke the zero tolerance policy*
2007-01-07, 2:21 PM #101
Which probably won't get anyone banned.
2007-01-07, 2:39 PM #102
It depends on how far it goes.
2007-01-07, 2:46 PM #103
[To quote #massassi, "p<genki>s" - Roach]
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 2:49 PM #104
Well at least you're going about it with a sense of goodwill, you know, not wanting to see other people be punished, that's good.

and this made me laugh:

Originally posted by Gold:
I have a team, which is growning

2007-01-07, 3:21 PM #105
While MB and I decide if anyone is deserving of a ban in this thread, I say this.

Whaaaaaat is the big deal here?? So WHAT if he's making something that is not to your appeal. Is it really going to ruin your Thursday if he makes this game and it's piecemealed from all different kinds of resources? Comment on the game and/or move on. Offer suggestions on what to improve, whatever.

You guys get satisfaction from all this..? I'm trying to figure this out.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-01-07, 4:08 PM #106
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
You guys get satisfaction from all this..? I'm trying to figure this out.

[sub]Hint: That's what she wanted.[/sub]
2007-01-07, 4:37 PM #107
Don't listen to these people Gold. I believe in you. I bet you could make a great game.

As for the rest of you, grow up. Forums are places to have civilized conversation.

Here's an example of what you should post if you don't like what he has to offer.

USER: I didn't really enjoy your game. HERE are some ways to make it better. Remember that this is just my opinion.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2007-01-07, 5:08 PM #108
As for the poll, I'll give it a go, if only for comedic effect.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2007-01-07, 5:08 PM #109
Understand I wouldn't play it because the most common reasons, but I just have no time for a new game.

Unless it's on the PS3.
2007-01-07, 5:20 PM #110
Originally posted by petmc20:
Don't listen to these people Gold. I believe in you. I bet you could make a great game.

As for the rest of you, grow up. Forums are places to have civilized conversation.

Here's an example of what you should post if you don't like what he has to offer.

USER: I didn't really enjoy your game. HERE are some ways to make it better. Remember that this is just my opinion.

Try to remember that he's competing, gameplay wise at least (somewhat) with planetside.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 5:28 PM #111
Originally posted by saberopus:


I really hate it when people don't put h's at the beginning of their hehe's.
2007-01-07, 5:51 PM #112
It resembles a different physical laugh.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-07, 6:12 PM #113
Verily so.
2007-01-07, 6:49 PM #114
"Blah blah blah, don't make fun of Gold because everything is peace and flowers, blah blah blah."

Why do YOU people care so much that we are critical of someone who's making an *** of himself? It'd be one thing if he's like "We're trying to put together a game as a learning process." Gold thinks he's going to have funding for a 5000 man server, and that the game WILL contain this, and WILL contain that. Sorry if we're enjoying pointing out the serious flaws in that.

I'm sick and tired of this hand holding and troll hugging "community." Massassi used to be enjoyable when everyone didn't spend their time analyzing the character relations of members. No one moral policed anyone else. We just posted, had a fun time, and didn't even take each other as seriously as you people seem to. "The admins are lazy." No, the admins just don't want to play hallway monitor for your forum melodrama.

SFGold makes stupid mistakes, and then arrogantly displays his own idiocy by claiming he's some kind of a game developer. That's comical and entertaining. "Holy **** kirby, people think stupid people that have big egos are fun to post on a web forum about!?"
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-07, 6:52 PM #115
Attachment: 14936/ehehehehehe.jpg (26,256 bytes)
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2007-01-07, 6:53 PM #116
I'm in a bad mood, and I'm sick of having to justify every goddamn post I make, like it's some kind of a test.

"Will kirby say the right thing that makes this a better community!?"
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-07, 6:58 PM #117
kIRBY is one of the few posters I like more with every post
2007-01-07, 7:04 PM #118
you all suck
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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