Dum dum dum...
I'm back, ladies and gentleman. It took people petitioning me to come back for this very topic for me to contact and admin and tell them to temporarily end the ban, which I was going to extend another month.
Well well, where should I start?
Nice way of reading the chat log people. The GUI is temporary and was only put there until the new one is finished (I am not making the new one). I am modelling all weapons, but I am not texturing them, thats some one elses job (thank god, I hate texturing).
Regarding the trees, the terrain, and the zone. They are not the final product. This was a test zone where I was testing how npc's would behave if I let them roam around with objects like tress and such. I was also testing out the ranged combat system I'm still developing (the default one is not intended for firearms and won't cut it).
Some of you are probably wondering what the game is about, and why it isn't about Star Wars. Simple, I don't want to make a Massassi MMORPG any more. I making something different, original in a way. I will not say what the game is about because its a very controversial topic and I don't want any flame wars (don't worry, religion is not involved).
I can tell you a little bit of the major aspects of the gameplay:
1.- Its all about PVP. Players will be rushing into battle agaisn't other players on a daily basis, with conquerable areas and zones. The war can be won.
2.- Accuracy. Each weapon will try to be as realistic as possible in game, and for that we spend hours reading on them, and studying details. The weapons are still obviously WIPs and I'm going to remake a few sections of them. There will also be vehicles (UH-1, Trucks, Tanks, Jeeps, etc) all driveable.
3.- The game will present the true horrors of war. You and your squad are walking down a jungle, when one of them trips a wire that sets of a grenade, killing him and two other comrads. Another falls into a bamboo booby trap, becoming incpacitated. Enemy players appear from all flanks, rushing at you and firing as they come. You find yourselves doomed.
Or for instance, you are walking at your base, and you see a can. You are helping cleaning up the base, and you've already cleaned other cans and stuff up. You pick up the can and it explodes in your hand, killing you.
4.- Permadeath. Since character development will not be a major factor, and will not take very long, players will always have a permadeath when they die.
Many more features are there, but why should I spoil it for you? Instead, play the game.
Of course not, I still have alot of work to do. We haven't even started mapping. Were still working on the combat system, which will be followed by the vehicle system, between these two, mapping will start taking place.
Nothing to see here, move along.