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Trapped in game factory send help
2007-01-05, 1:48 PM #41
I'm sorry, if you don't get it I guess it's just not your kind of humor. \:)/
2007-01-05, 2:02 PM #42
The before after pic was pretty funny. >:D
2007-01-05, 2:17 PM #43
May I comment on how hilarious an idea it is to make your INTERFACE CAMOUFLAGED?
2007-01-05, 2:41 PM #44
Originally posted by Wolfy:
(It should be noted that you are making the positive claim that he created the engine, trees, terrain, model, GUI, etc., etc., and, thus, the burden of proof lies on you, Juan Cochrane)

Who's Jean Cochrane? :saddowns:
2007-01-05, 2:46 PM #45
John Coltrane?
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-01-05, 2:49 PM #46
Juan = John = Johnny?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-05, 2:49 PM #47
I think he meant Johnnie Cochran, OJ's lawyer. Minus the e.

(edit: nvm. Not sure why I read that Jean)
2007-01-05, 3:26 PM #48
Originally posted by MBeggar:
John Coltrane?

I'm listening to Coltrane right now.
Pissed Off?
2007-01-05, 3:48 PM #49
Originally posted by Wolfy:
(It should be noted that you are making the positive claim that he created the engine, trees, terrain, model, GUI, etc., etc., and, thus, the burden of proof lies on you, Juan Cochrane)

Thats nonsense. The burden of proof would have been on you. The first claim (which you supported) had yet to be proven at the time. ;)
2007-01-05, 4:09 PM #50
Exactly... I was wondering when someone was going to call Wolfy out on that... it's utter nonsense. Good thing Jon Came along... who made wolfy look like he knows what he's talking about even though he doesn't.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-01-05, 4:50 PM #51
Echoman, chill dude :P , I'm not putting any statement out there that you need to get at all up in arms about, I'm just saying as opposed to what we've seen before (read: only heard), this is a step up, regardless of the specifics. :) I happen to agree with you for the most part about those, however.
2007-01-05, 6:19 PM #52
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Exactly... I was wondering when someone was going to call Wolfy out on that... it's utter nonsense. Good thing Jon Came along... who made wolfy look like he knows what he's talking about even though he doesn't.

Try some KY to dislodge that stick you got shoved up your *** there.

I knew what I was talking about. I knew that Gold hadn't made the engine, I knew that he hadn't made the trees, and I was fairly certain he hadn't made the terrain. The only thing I was assuming was that he made the GUI and model re-texturing.

(And, if you were waiting for someone to call me out, why did you wait for someone else to do it?)

It should also be noted that Gold's past "achievements" and "works" should be considered when viewing materials he claims to be his own. I also tend to be present in #massassi during times like these, so, unlike you, I get to see the majority of this conversation. But that's okay. You go and keep on defending stolen works and generated game content. :downs:
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-01-05, 7:03 PM #53
Originally posted by Echoman:
All that good advice that Echoman posted...

Well said.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2007-01-05, 9:28 PM #54
It is funny how he implies things are his, but really, building your first game is easiest when you steal other peoples' stuff and then plan to replace it later even if you're not planning on releasing it. His only mistake in my eyes was to show it to you guys as if he'd made serious progress.
2007-01-05, 9:29 PM #55
Originally posted by saberopus:
Echoman, chill dude :P , I'm not putting any statement out there that you need to get at all up in arms about, I'm just saying as opposed to what we've seen before (read: only heard), this is a step up, regardless of the specifics. :) I happen to agree with you for the most part about those, however.

Well, it wasn't aimed at you. It was more toward SF_Gold who is probably reading the thread.

It just really bothers me. For him, it's always one step foward but two steps back. Yes, he "started", lack of a better word, his project by buying some engine and showed actual screenshots. But, as the first step back, he could have invested the time (and money) into something worthwhile, like working on his modeling/programming/texturing/etc. skills, and focused on gaining experience and ideas. And, as the second step back, SF_Gold is yet again cast into a negative light here at Massassi. I'm pretty sure those few kind members here who gave helpful suggestions and advice, about going into a good direction, would not be so happy with the fact that...he..completely...ignored them. And many people here, including me, are tired of his BS. I was seriously hoping for him to redeem himself after the few months of away-time...or atleast wise enough to move on.
2007-01-05, 9:59 PM #56
Well he's unbanned.
So let's see where this goes.
2007-01-05, 10:04 PM #57
No, I don't look forward for him coming back and explaining this nonsense. It most likely turn into the same crap we have come to expect when there is a thread discussing his stuff from the past years. If I want to be ignored, I would talk to a wall. If I want to repeat the same question over and over and only get some vague, warped answer, I would just listen to the echoes bouncing back from the same wall.
2007-01-05, 10:41 PM #58
No one in the industry will ever take SF_Gold seriously while he's trying to make an MMO.

Lets somehow assume he pulled a massive amount of effort out of his *** and did the work of 500 paid employees for x number of years that it takes to make a game like WoW.

The kind of server side work required to maintain and support even 100-200 people is insurmountable. Unless SF_Gold's poor father suddenly found a billion peso on the sidewalk, he's not going anywhere with even the best MMO you can get out of a pre-made game.

This is a point Jon`C makes often, and is definitely not given enough attention:
SF_Gold has not made pong, tetris, or space invaders. SF_Gold has not written a single design document (We've seen his attempts. They're lists of "omg, I'd love to have this in a game" ideas. Bad ones.), and he doesn't even understand the basic concepts of development. You have to start small, not big. You have to attempt mole hills, not mountains. SF_Gold is going to die half way up Everest because the idea of being the first Mexican with no mountain climbing experience to stand on the peak is romantic.

Those of you who defend him are being optimistic, which is admirable. It is, however, unhelpful. Patients should be told how much time they REALLY have to live. Children shouldn't be told that Santa, the Easter bunny, and a gigantic eye in the sky are watching for them to screw up. SF_Gold shouldn't be told he's "got to start somewhere" when his 'start' is a futile and circle-jerk of an attempt.

Stop encouraging him. He's got to learn to develop a strong base to support his future in game design, his own resources, his own ideas, and his own skills. Currently, you're telling him that a handful of premade resources and a crappy GUI skin is a good 2 year start on one of the most resource intensive game projects he could attempt.

You're setting him up to fail, not us.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-05, 11:28 PM #59
The MMO Tibia started with 3 guys in college. They stole mass graphics from Ultima games, and gradually replaced them. Now they have a pretty successful game going with 70 different servers, and about 20 thousand people playing at any time. Of course, they were actually skilled at what they were doing, and had the drive to see it through. Of course, Tibia is 2d, so its a bit easier to manage with less people.

2007-01-06, 12:21 AM #60
Why do you guys care?

You sound like you think he's your failing apprentice when really he's just some kid who wants to fool around with making stuff for games. What's the big deal?
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-01-06, 12:25 AM #61
Well, if he wants people to care, here's the care.

Plus it's funny.
2007-01-06, 12:53 AM #62
You don't seem to be acting like it's funny. It seems more like you're angry.

Also, could you possibly explain the humor? I just don't get it.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-01-06, 1:03 AM #63
Some of his old comebacks [I'll hang you by your wig] were fracking hilarirous
2007-01-06, 2:31 AM #64
I thought I saw some screenshots earlier, but they were clouded by the spray of blood from my eyeballs exploding.

I'm glad I learned to touch-type. And to navigate Massassi by braille.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-01-06, 8:43 AM #65
Once again, Kirbs goes on a rant that makes sense, and pretty much says what everyone (mostly) is thinking.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-06, 9:54 AM #66
Originally posted by SMOCK!:
Why do you guys care?

You sound like you think he's your failing apprentice when really he's just some kid who wants to fool around with making stuff for games. What's the big deal?

That's a fantastic point. Stormie advised me to reply that I've got nothing better to do.

[00:51] <JediKirby> I still think SF_Gold should have been banned for at least a month for plagarism
[00:51] <`Rob> Plagarism isn't a bannable offense on the forums.
[00:52] <`Rob> It never really has been. :(
[00:52] <JediKirby> It should be
[00:52] <JediKirby> That's just distasteful
[00:52] <JediKirby> I should get a badge for stomping that little troll for that one
[00:52] <JediKirby> I am SO proud of that detective work
[00:52] <JediKirby> I can't believe I cared that much, though
[00:52] <JediKirby> That's the sad part
<Stormie> Kirby: just say you were bored
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-01-06, 7:33 PM #67
Originally posted by Echoman:
Well, it wasn't aimed at you. It was more toward SF_Gold who is probably reading the thread.

Awesome, in that case you're still sexy.
2007-01-06, 10:08 PM #68
his 'start' is of an attempt.

I'm not taking sides (I don't really care one way or the other), but I don't understand this one. :psyduck:
2007-01-06, 11:27 PM #69
Originally posted by JediKirby:
That's a fantastic point. Stormie advised me to reply that I've got nothing better to do.

Glad my advice was useful to someone. :)
2007-01-06, 11:51 PM #70
where is he did he run away
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2007-01-07, 9:01 AM #71
Well i don't see where he could run. He already lives in mexico...
2007-01-07, 9:01 AM #72
Probably. I bet he left for awhile so he could come back with an MMO and "show us". And he did, but not in the way he had hoped. :P
2007-01-07, 10:45 AM #73
This is sad and hilarious at the same time. I just don't get why anyone here should care about some kid screwing around with some editing projects. There are tons of kids like him out there.

What do you care if he steals other people's work? He never releases anything, and it's not like he's making millions of dollars at other people's expense.

It's just incredible how many of you get all worked up about something you shouldn't even be taking seriously. Have a sense of humour!
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-01-07, 12:23 PM #74
Dum dum dum...

I'm back, ladies and gentleman. It took people petitioning me to come back for this very topic for me to contact and admin and tell them to temporarily end the ban, which I was going to extend another month.

Well well, where should I start?

<<SF_GoldG_01> its just walking around a simple small territory with trees, some weather, day night system, sun, a weapon, and the first part of combat
<SF_GoldG_01> with a temp GUI the default player models, although I reskinned the male character

Nice way of reading the chat log people. The GUI is temporary and was only put there until the new one is finished (I am not making the new one). I am modelling all weapons, but I am not texturing them, thats some one elses job (thank god, I hate texturing).

Regarding the trees, the terrain, and the zone. They are not the final product. This was a test zone where I was testing how npc's would behave if I let them roam around with objects like tress and such. I was also testing out the ranged combat system I'm still developing (the default one is not intended for firearms and won't cut it).

Some of you are probably wondering what the game is about, and why it isn't about Star Wars. Simple, I don't want to make a Massassi MMORPG any more. I making something different, original in a way. I will not say what the game is about because its a very controversial topic and I don't want any flame wars (don't worry, religion is not involved).

I can tell you a little bit of the major aspects of the gameplay:

1.- Its all about PVP. Players will be rushing into battle agaisn't other players on a daily basis, with conquerable areas and zones. The war can be won.

2.- Accuracy. Each weapon will try to be as realistic as possible in game, and for that we spend hours reading on them, and studying details. The weapons are still obviously WIPs and I'm going to remake a few sections of them. There will also be vehicles (UH-1, Trucks, Tanks, Jeeps, etc) all driveable.

3.- The game will present the true horrors of war. You and your squad are walking down a jungle, when one of them trips a wire that sets of a grenade, killing him and two other comrads. Another falls into a bamboo booby trap, becoming incpacitated. Enemy players appear from all flanks, rushing at you and firing as they come. You find yourselves doomed.
Or for instance, you are walking at your base, and you see a can. You are helping cleaning up the base, and you've already cleaned other cans and stuff up. You pick up the can and it explodes in your hand, killing you.

4.- Permadeath. Since character development will not be a major factor, and will not take very long, players will always have a permadeath when they die.

Many more features are there, but why should I spoil it for you? Instead, play the game. :gbk:

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Probably. I bet he left for awhile so he could come back with an MMO and "show us". And he did, but not in the way he had hoped. :P

Of course not, I still have alot of work to do. We haven't even started mapping. Were still working on the combat system, which will be followed by the vehicle system, between these two, mapping will start taking place.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:25 PM #75
Did you read JediKirby's post?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 12:27 PM #76
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]Did you read JediKirby's post?[/QUOTE]

You do know that was about a 2+ year old issue that I have to continually apologize for?

EDIT: Even more, thats off topic.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:29 PM #77
No it wasn't. It's about the current situation. Read it.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-07, 12:31 PM #78
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
It took people petitioning me to come back
I somehow doubt that.
2007-01-07, 12:31 PM #79
Ok... which post are you referring to, and why don't you just read my post first.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-01-07, 12:31 PM #80
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I somehow doubt that.

There is actually people who like me here Jon, believe it or not.

EDIT: I am not alone on this project, I have a team, which is growning and we all understand its a longterm project.

We also already have choosen a host for the server. We plan to serve around 5000 players at first, and we can afford the server rent.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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