I'm sure someone has echoed a similar point maybe. Whenever I think about the possibility of god, and what role it would play, I seem to think that if a real, true god did exist, the world would be no different than it is.
Put it this way: when you run a simulation, sometimes it's fun to just watch it run. If the AI is written well enough, it's interesting to see the interactions one player has with another. How will they respond to an attack? How will they approach an entrenched enemy? Does the AI just give up when it's half destroyed, or fight on?
Poor examples, I know, but if a god did exist, I don't see it interfering that much because it wouldn't be, well, fun. If god went and prevented every murder, stopped war, made love, peace, and daises, you'd never find the true depth of human character. You'd never know just what exactly humans are capable of; and isn't part of the fun of creation seeing what it can do? What it can be used for? Just like raising a child, at a certain point you just observe and watch them grow, because if you dawdled over them too much you'd stifle their independent development.
So yeah, that's my two cents. If a god did exist, I don't think he'd exist in any other way than an observer. To me the "evidence" supports that claim, and logically to me it makes sense. The Christian/Jewish/Islamic/etc concept of god is filled with contradictions. He loves everyone, maybe, but some get sent to hell, which he kinda can't help. The OT god is as cruel as can be, and acts in some ways like the a Sim City player who after trying to develop an area, fails, and then targets it with a meteor strike.
A calm, observant god who wants to see the extent of the capabilities of his creations makes sense. The other models that who if you talk to him or pray hard enough may do something, may not, and works in "mysterious" (read: illogical) ways does not. Plus, what's with the whole praying thing? The need to be worshiped always bothered me. What, does he have some confidence issues? Is he attention deprived? I don't think humans were created to worship their maker all day, or hell, any day. And I don't think god would want to interfere in the beautiful and wonderful simulation of life that he would have created. If, that is, I can attribute "wants" to an abstract construct.