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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Interesting Video
Interesting Video
2007-06-11, 12:49 AM #1
In light of the recent discussions on other threads, here is an interesting video. on UFO's and ETs.

I dont know how much of you think Im insane or what not, But these videos really are interesting whether you believe they are a joke or whatever.

So basically, this guy Billy Meier was in contact with the Pleidians and people from Andromeda. In this part of the video,one of his friends exaplains how their starcraft work. I dont know how many of you are Physics/Chemistery nerds, but it actually does seem to make sense. This video breaks down how UFOs work.

It is a single video of a much larger video file I cant seem to locate. The other sections talk about many other strange and crazy things, but are interesting none-theless.
2007-06-11, 12:58 AM #2
You're listening to a con-man. He threw in a few scientific words (pseudo science) and gave his speech an authoritative tone, and viola. You have a room full of suckers.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-11, 1:00 AM #3
I disagree. If you watch the other 12 parts. youll see that he is a decent honest guy.
2007-06-11, 1:01 AM #4
The "decent honest guy" aura is all part of the act. All con-men thrive on it.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-11, 1:17 AM #5
So what would be the purpose of creating something like this then, just for ****s and giggles?
2007-06-11, 1:21 AM #6
Originally posted by Unknown User:
So what would be the purpose of creating something like this then, just for ****s and giggles?

Because they honestly believe in this crap.

Or to dupe impressionable morons such as yourself.

(PS, the speaker sounds alot like Bruce Campbell..)
2007-06-11, 7:45 AM #7
Originally posted by Unknown User:
So what would be the purpose of creating something like this then, just for ****s and giggles?

Here's a crazy conspiracy for you: guys like this know they're lying, they put out bits and pieces of "info" like this, and then later, when they have a fan base, they start charging money for their "info." It's hard to believe, I know, but I believe if you ask yourself "is it easier to believe these guys are *******s who want to throw around false ETs for a profit, or that Macaronians are going to save us from our problems?" you'll understand for youself.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-11, 8:04 AM #8
2007-06-11, 8:09 AM #9
Originally posted by Koobie:


BTW, *mild language warning*
2007-06-11, 8:33 AM #10
That thing is so 60's stylized.
2007-06-11, 9:05 AM #11
I recognize that wedding-cake ship from a History channel show about UFOs. It was debunked as being a decorated trash can lid hung from some string.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2007-06-11, 10:13 AM #12
Wait, a cruise missile, against a plane?

Do you know how big a cruise missile is?

EDIT:Yes, I am bringing this in from another thread. It was said we could discuss everything!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-11, 10:16 AM #13
So, it travels through space by 'swimming through electrons'... a positively charged beam is shot thru the top of the craft... which then... positively charged electrons? which then somehow creates a vacuum above the ship, which lifts it. How does this work in a vacuum? Or, really, work at all... ZoSo, it may 'sound' right, but that's so simpleminded... if I said some science words to describe something, it might SOUND right, but by no means should you just assume that it is, unless you can actually analyze the factual information and determine it is so.
2007-06-11, 10:17 AM #14
Originally posted by Spook:
Wait, a cruise missile, against a plane?

Do you know how big a cruise missile is?

And how unintended-for-use-againt-flying-targets it is?
2007-06-11, 10:49 AM #15
And how in the wrong thread you are?
2007-06-11, 11:03 AM #16
I just quoted him :(
2007-06-11, 11:05 AM #17
I was confused, it was flight 77, not 93.
2007-06-11, 11:14 AM #18

Yeah, that was definately a 757. I see them every day. I know what they look like, I would know what pieces of them look like. (Although I'm pretty sure the freighter versions I see have different/bigger engines)
2007-06-11, 11:16 AM #19
Flight 93 was the one that was heading towards the White House (before it was shot down).

And those videos are...

2007-06-11, 11:21 AM #20
The second video is... it's like, completely fake... gah.

also: add stereotypical youtube user comments to the videos
2007-06-11, 11:22 AM #21
Originally posted by Unknown User:

Okay wait.

So you're saying they launched a large sized cruise missile from the woolworth building?

Do you have ANY IDEA how big the launch setup is for one of those? Bigger than the windows in the woolworth building. And had it been a cruise missile big enough to be the one on that video the pentagon would be ****ED UP. That wasn't even an explosion, it was a freakin fireball!

Also it looks just like a plane.

EDIT:Oh yeah, that second video... How can you even think it's real? The explosion looks nothing like the fireball in your "cruise missile" video!
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-11, 11:22 AM #22
Originally posted by saberopus:
The second video is... it's like, completely fake... gah.


It's about as real as Rosie O'Donnel's penis.
2007-06-11, 11:24 AM #23
Conspiracies are popping up all around us. It's the jews. Atheist jews.
2007-06-11, 11:35 AM #24
Originally posted by Rob:

It's about as real as Rosie O'Donnel's penis.
2007-06-11, 11:44 AM #25
Originally posted by Unknown User:

Wait, are you posting this to support your case?

Cus, I dunno if you know, but, you know...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-11, 11:45 AM #26
I love Rosie O'Donnel.
2007-06-11, 12:39 PM #27
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
I love Rosie O'Donnel.

Yeah, slap her between some slices of bread and the starving kids in Africa would love her too :v:
My blawgh.
2007-06-11, 4:33 PM #28
Say more about this, ZoSo. What do you think happened to the World Trade Center? Presumably you don't believe Al Qaeda terrorists flew planes into the WTC, and then Dubya shot a cruise missile at the Pentagon just for ****s and giggles.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-11, 4:48 PM #29
Ha ha. I can always count on Unknown User to post conspiracy theorist bull****. Always a good time.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-06-11, 4:55 PM #30
I believe that the planes were flown into the WTC by remote controls from the government into the buildings. I believe that Thermite had been planted in the buildings and when ignited by the jet fuel, caused the melting of the frames. I also believe, due to countless reports of people and workers in the area that there were demolition explosions which eventually caused the towers to collapse (You can even hear these in the video). I also think its interesting how after only a few days, Washington identified all of the attackers, who by the way, were all Middle Eastern. I have also been told that as many as 14 of these men are still identified as "living" and "terrorist threats" by an official FBI report and part of its "no fly list." George Bush's reports on his knowledge of 9/11 have also shifted about 3 or 4 times.

Although 9/11 was indeed tragic and I do not discount the courageous ways we have all bounced back, I see that as a result of the subsequent Middle Eastern profiling as "bad" "dangerous" and responsible for 9/11, it has allowed our government to destroy Iraq and other countries, all the while exploiting their resources and advancing their agenda, while we have sat back and gone along with it. Why is there no timeline for troop withdrawal? And why, despite the fact that democrats gained the majority in the last election, has there been no REAL progress. As far as Im concerned, its all one group of people deceiving us. There is plenty of evidence out there if you just do your own research....And in regards to this thread, why is it that the government will not WILL NOT address the subject of UFOs. Why is every UFO report immediately debunked, regardless of how pressing the evidence is?
2007-06-11, 5:04 PM #31
By spouting nonsensical easily disproven bull**** you are dragging down not only the memory of everyone who died in the attack, but the victims of the families as well.

Just dont blame the man when mb bans you for being a ****ing moron.
2007-06-11, 5:06 PM #32
Originally posted by Unknown User:
I believe that the planes were flown into the WTC by remote controls from the government into the buildings.

And all the people who died on them are just hiding out in S. America? Maybe the government actually killed them to make it seem more believable! :tinfoil:

And in regards to this thread, why is it that the government will not WILL NOT address the subject of UFOs. Why is every UFO report immediately debunked, regardless of how pressing the evidence is.

I'll take classified aircraft with classified missions for 200, Trebek...
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-11, 5:21 PM #33
Originally posted by Roach:
And all the people who died on them are just hiding out in S. America?

No, I meant that according to the governments own reports, they are still alive and a "threat" it was on 60 minutes last night.
Originally posted by Roach:
I'll take classified aircraft with classified missions for 200, Trebek...

Every single one? Every single case? Heres a guy whos going to jail for 90 years for "terrorism" after looking at some files on a NASA computer.
- - I realize there are a TON of hoaxes out there, but not ALL of them.

Look, these are just my own opinions after years of lengthy research. I mean to offend no-one especially not the victims of 9/11, and I dont mean to uset people on the forum either. But honestly, I am one of the few on this forum who is respecting the victims and doing them any justice. I only mean to get the truth out. You can call me crazy and a moron all you want, and even ban me if you like. But unfortunately, it will only be a short while longer before you are going to be forced to revisit all of my "bull**** conspiracy threads" and really listen to what Im telling you.
2007-06-11, 5:24 PM #34
Originally posted by Unknown User:

Look, these are just my own opinions after years of lengthy research. I mean to offend no-one especially not the victims of 9/11, and I dont mean to upset people on the forum. But honestly, I am one of the few on this forum who is respecting them and doing them any justice. I only mean to get the truth out.

2007-06-11, 5:29 PM #35
No, not every single one of them. Obviously some will be hoaxes to make people believe that individual is unique and did indeed see a UFO. Others are from the fact that most people couldn't identify most aircraft on a tarmac, let alone flying above them. After that you get into classified aircraft. Considering a lot of UFO people like to point at Groom Lake, a site that was hand selected to be the site of classified programs such as the Nighthawk, I'd have to say looking in that part of the skies is bound to turn up something that isn't known to the public, and doesn't look like a standard aircraft (F-117, B-2, SR-71, hell, even the U-2 look odd when flying, especially since the first three were designed to make it difficult to determine how the aircraft is orientented while flying).
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-11, 5:31 PM #36
am I the only one whos convinced that Zoso is just trolling? or is that wishful thinking?
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-06-11, 5:34 PM #37
Probably wishful thinking. I only say this because a lot of polls suggest around 30% of americans think 9/11 was an elaborate plot by the government.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-11, 5:35 PM #38
Originally posted by MBeggar:
am I the only one whos convinced that Zoso is just trolling? or is that wishful thinking?

I know you hate me MBeggar, but I dont like you either.

If this thread is becoming too disrupting and irritating for people, why dont we just close it and anyone who wants more info, or who wants to discuss it, can PM me...

2007-06-11, 5:35 PM #39
Well, trolling or not, I still want to hear more about this..:

Originally posted by Unknown User:
No, I meant that according to the governments own reports, they are still alive and a "threat" it was on 60 minutes last night.

The reports are..?
2007-06-11, 5:41 PM #40
Yes, I'm looking for proofs. I don't care at all about "he said she said" **** because anyone can do that.

Of course, I can also prove that steel loses 90% of it's strength at less than half of it's melting point and that when it buckles, it buckles "explosively", but you won't believe that. But I'M the one ignoring evidence.

Anyway, go on.
Epstein didn't kill himself.

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