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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sith Engine SDK Petition Proposal
Sith Engine SDK Petition Proposal
2004-07-21, 10:03 PM #81
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Stormtrooper:
On the subject, wasn't somebody making a re-write of the engine a while ago? I remember something in the cog forum about it. I'm guessing it died but it just shows that it's possible.</font>

It hasn't died. At the moment my vain attempts to eke out a meager living are consuming all of my time. Rewriting a 6 year old computer game is very nearly the most unprofitable thing I could be doing at the moment, so making the investment of time required to complete it would be the financial equivalent of death by auto-erotic asphyxiation.

But, again, I have never made any official remarks about the project and I've never announced anything. I know I don't have the time to work on it (and, in all honesty, the inclination). It wouldn't take a lot of time or effort to get something to show from it, it's just a question of finding the time to do it. Hell, I barely have enough time to troll the forums between work and bed now. []
2004-07-22, 5:39 AM #82
Stop coming here then []

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2004-07-22, 10:43 AM #83
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
right. the only good thing about sector editing is that you usually dont have to worry about holes in the map (unless you accidentally delete a surface, in which case JK/MOTS will not load the level) , and long compile times.

Well, only if you're using a pure brush engine. With hybrids like Lithtech and Unreal Warfare, you don't really have to worry about that at all. In Unreal, it's impossible to create a leak because the entire world is one massive brush that you just carve out of with subtractive brushes (commonly use to create rooms) and use additive brushes to re-add brushes into the subtracted areas (like making pillars, catwalks, doors, etc.) While it is still possible to create leaks in Lithtech, it doesn't happen often if you just make use of brushes with inverted wall normals to use a as rooms and just place stuff inside those brushes. The nice thing about lithtech is that your brushes can have wholes in them or just be nothing more than a single plane which gives you much more freedom than the other engines. You can even try to construct a level like a stack of cards if you wanted to.

-- SavageX

"...and if you don't like that, then you need to be slugged in the face repeatedly, until my hands are soaked in blood. Have a nice day!"
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2004-07-22, 2:06 PM #84
on the brush/sector debate, i'ts really how our brains work, we prefer to think of a room as a sector, wather than sic brushes, and really i tryed JO map editing, i cant get my head around brushes because when i have a gap i dont expect the entire universe to inplode!

on the other hand what would be perfect is to be able to create a combined system like you've been discussing, where i can have my sectors and my adjoins, but also have the speed of brushes for pillers and stuff.
you've got to admit for a simple square room sectors are a hell of a lot easyer than brushes.
and compared to that clipper makeing a square door is very easy, and also teh actualy doors and adding of scripts is easyer still for the controle of a door.

but for more complex arutecture brushes do have there advantages (unless you want a dome :P) and the brush based system also has an advantage for ease of use on larger areas.

on the part of makeinga new JK engine, why bother when someone somewhere allready has the code!

and JK is not as revolutionary as doom 3 (i ahve to admit it)
but by your god or mine, did it set a new standard for FPS's? YES IT DID.

and compared to a lot of games it's easy to edit, (mod's or levels)

so in my mind, if LEC where ever to do one thing good, they SHOULD relice the sorce, think about the RPG's we could make by upping the maximum player count and haveing a single IP host server.. it could have thousands of people!

it could open up a hole new world of "home made" games, prehaps an anti terrorist TC with a new server system could own CS?

.... so i say that LEC shoudl either relice the sorce, or we should all get together, but AK-47's and storm the head office!

.... or prehaps have a martch of some kind?

I am Darth PJB!
well, go on, run away!

i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?

If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?
I am Darth PJB!
well, go on, run away!

i have a plastic lightsaber and a jedi cape.. am i a nerd?

If gravity is a crule mistress, and bar tenders with bad grammar are untrustworthy, what is air?
2004-07-22, 2:10 PM #85
Wow, I totally forgot that I learned to make domes in JED with the tutorials from here!

(Bet it was one of Brian's too)

happy days.... []

If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
2004-07-22, 2:10 PM #86
Yet another double post... Gah!!!

[This message has been edited by Martyn (edited July 22, 2004).]
2004-07-22, 2:36 PM #87
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by [SF]pjb:
on the brush/sector debate, i'ts really how our brains work, we prefer to think of a room as a sector, wather than sic brushes, and really i tryed JO map editing, i cant get my head around brushes because when i have a gap i dont expect the entire universe to inplode!

Actually, it's more about the algorithm that's being used. Sector data is best for a portal rendering algorithm, and brush data is typically used for BSP tree algorithms. In the old days when hardware acceleration was scarce, both algorithms offered a solution to the face ordering problem.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by [SF]pjb:
so in my mind, if LEC where ever to do one thing good, they SHOULD relice the sorce, think about the RPG's we could make by upping the maximum player count and haveing a single IP host server.. it could have thousands of people!

It's not that easy. MMORPG servers aren't just game servers that someone changed a number in the code so more people could play. MMORPG servers are made with special considerations that allow thousands of players.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."

-Albert Einstein

[This message has been edited by SG1_129 (edited July 22, 2004).]
2004-07-22, 4:57 PM #88
[SF]pjb, the biggest reason the sector-based engine in JK SUCKS because of the stupid adjoins. If you could just place sectors back to back like you could with Unreal's subtractive brushes and have them already make a connection to another without having to carve the walls to fit together, that would be great. However, because of the adjoin crap, it prevents you from going wild with level creation and causes all kinds of HOM errors if you go over the limit of 40 adjoins visible at one time. Seriously, if source code were released and someone rewrote the engine to be more like Unreal's method of CSG, that would make the JK engine FAR more interesting to create levels for.

BTW, stating that JK was revolutionary in it's day is irrelevant to this discussion. What does the engine have to do with JK's gameplay? Nothing. JK's engine was a piece of crap since day one. The only thing good about is that it was slightly more powerful than the Quake engine. That isn't really saying much.

-- SavageX

"...and if you don't like that, then you need to be slugged in the face repeatedly, until my hands are soaked in blood. Have a nice day!"
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2004-07-22, 5:54 PM #89
Hey, if you actually get anything going, count me in. I'm not much for editing, but I imagine it would help the community.

Some of you should learn to think a bit and discover - *gasp* - that someone can dislike Michael Moore, Kerry, and Bush!
2004-07-22, 6:39 PM #90
I wish I was skilled enough to use this. []
Oh well. It's supposed to be easy to make games with it, but the downside is that I don't have examples to follow.

How that relates to this discussion, I don't know.

For a healty meal, eat mashed potatoes, peas, and catloaf.
"Massassi's cuttin' into my free time, man."

Valuable Life Lesson: Frog + Potato Gun = Blindness

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited July 22, 2004).]
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