I think its perfectly possible to believe in creation and evolution. I can understand why people think its nuts that there is one clear deity who has started the whole process off but both sides are looking at 'it' in completely different ways.
You have to understand that Christians are not looking from a scientific point of view. I can hear
"Yes, of course you're not" about be typed as I write this
Let me explain, Christians believe in the Bible. Why, you might ask? Foolishly following an old book from thousands of years ago because your parents told you to? You could look at that and think that its blind belief - antiquated faith in an ancient book. The reason I believe in the Bible is that in the short time that I've been around on planet earth, applying the Bible to everyday situations and life actually works. My relationships are better for it, my personality is better for it, I'm more patient, forgiving, confident etc. Its like i'm gradually improving day by day. No one wants to get old in our society, I can't WAIT till i'm older because I'm going to be so much more controlled and filled with good qualities than right now. I realise you can only take my word for this so maybe you won't believe me but hey. The reason that Christians are so focused on the Bible is that we see the effects of it happening in our lives and peoples lives around us.
What is very interesting is to look at people who have been Christians for years. You can really see an amazing example of how God has transformed their lives, provided for them day by day. I've been brought up a Christian all my life, but i've not really been living as a Christian until maybe a few years ago. I joined a church back in January but even in such a short space of time the effects on my life have been very noticeable.
I get the impression that most of you see Christians as having been brought up as Christians all their lives. There are a lot of Christians I know here in the UK who have just recently become Christians. Why, because they're weak and needy? They need to fill that need with some illusion of a God who loves them and will feel better if they believe in some rubbish to make them believe in a better future? Seeing the change in some people's lives, confidence levels, security in themselves, self image, fighting addictions, rebuilding relationships; its pretty incredible. Thats not just the power of self talk and believing in 'something'. Its the power of Jesus Christ having an effect, healing and rebuilding people's lives.
I don't normally post in these sort of threads very much because they tend to degenerate rather rapidly into arguments, I just thought some of you maybe hadn't heard that before ^^
For most of you, everything has to be proven at least beyond reasonable doubt before you will believe in something. This is a logical approach and I agree, completely sensible. The difference with God is that you have to let go of that. When you do that, that is exactly the point when you WILL see the effect on your life and the lives around you which will then go on to act as proof for his existence.