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ForumsDiscussion Forum → the transformers movie thread. :spoilers:
the transformers movie thread. :spoilers:
2007-06-30, 6:33 PM #1
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that should be enough, ok i saw the new transformers movie last night, and it kicked a**. I don't know why all those fanboy pureists were complaining about the new designs, because when you think about it, the old blocky looking designs wouldnt realy translate well into a live action pic.

Also, I just have to say :p because we got it in australia first (the premiere was here). I think the reason was so that the american fan boys who dont go to films because they say to themselves that it will suck can get info before the official release, because that is the only reason i can think of as to why it came out in australia first when there was basicly only one australian actress (not even well known, even in australia) in the whole film. usualy if australia gets something first it is because of a worldwide release at a specific time that is the same in each time zone.

But back to the movie, I realy think you should go and see it, lots of people who thought it was going to suck were totaly surprised when they go and saw it. most of the people who still say it sucked are either eliteists (as one person that commented said "michal bay didnt grow up with it like we did so he should be the one doing this") or are just trolls who most likely havent even seen it yet (as it is still not yet out in the states), or are purists who would only be happy if it was basicly a precise remake of the G1 comic story.

Now I can be sure that i am out of accidental spoiler range, i can say what i liked about the movie. The opening battle sequence was extremely epic, and then when it gets into the the main characters, it has funny parts too. I absolutely loved it when bumblebee destroyed asll the other cars in the used car lot, and also gave the VW beetle next to it a whack with his door, (VW didnt want their car associated with a violent movie, even though they are perfectly happy when their van gets associated with hippies, that and micheal bay didnt want people associateing bumblebee with herbie). Also, a number of referances to other movies I got immediately. like when optimus prime meets sam still in truck form, he comes through fog in a way that evokes spielburgs first movie "duel" (it was even the same make of truck, albiet a more recent model). And the epic fight scene in chicago, it will rock your socks off.

Also, just to let you know, there is a sequel comming, some of the transformers that will be in that one that are not in this one will be soundwave and possibly even unicron (now THAT, will be epic).

well, now it is time for you to post what you thought of the movie (please wait till you have seen it though, and refrain from micheal bay bashing, as you need to remember that he is not the only person involved in making the film, and quite a few of the things you might complain about will not be his fault).
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-06-30, 6:41 PM #2
reckon you could use the spoiler tags so i can read the parts of the post that aren't detailing plot spoilers?
2007-06-30, 6:53 PM #3
Or... just not read the thread. Anything useful in this thread will contain spoilers, because it's discussion of the movie. There's no need to make everyone spoiler tag their posts.
2007-06-30, 6:57 PM #4
Originally posted by alpha1:
that should be enough, ok i saw the new transformers movie last night, and it kicked a**. I don't know why all those fanboy pureists were complaining about the new designs, because when you think about it, the old blocky looking designs wouldnt realy translate well into a live action pic.

Also, I just have to say :p because we got it in australia first (the premiere was here). I think the reason was so that the american fan boys who dont go to films because they say to themselves that it will suck can get info before the official release, because that is the only reason i can think of as to why it came out in australia first when there was basicly only one australian actress (not even well known, even in australia) in the whole film. usualy if australia gets something first it is because of a worldwide release at a specific time that is the same in each time zone.

But back to the movie, I realy think you should go and see it, lots of people who thought it was going to suck were totaly surprised when they go and saw it. most of the people who still say it sucked are either eliteists (as one person that commented said "michal bay didnt grow up with it like we did so he should be the one doing this") or are just trolls who most likely havent even seen it yet (as it is still not yet out in the states), or are purists who would only be happy if it was basicly a precise remake of the G1 comic story.

Now I can be sure that i am out of accidental spoiler range, i can say what i liked about the movie. The opening battle sequence was extremely epic , and then when it gets into the the main characters, it has funny parts too. I absolutely loved it when bumblebee destroyed asll the other cars in the used car lot, and also gave the VW beetle next to it a whack with his door, (VW didnt want their car associated with a violent movie, even though they are perfectly happy when their van gets associated with hippies, that and micheal bay didnt want people associateing bumblebee with herbie) . Also, a number of referances to other movies I got immediately. like when optimus prime meets sam still in truck form, he comes through fog in a way that evokes spielburgs first movie "duel" (it was even the same make of truck, albiet a more recent model). And the epic fight scene in chicago, it will rock your socks off.

Also, just to let you know, there is a sequel comming, some of the transformers that will be in that one that are not in this one will be soundwave and possibly even unicron (now THAT, will be epic).

well, now it is time for you to post what you thought of the movie (please wait till you have seen it though, and refrain from micheal bay bashing, as you need to remember that he is not the only person involved in making the film, and quite a few of the things you might complain about will not be his fault).

Maybe that's enough? There isn't much about this that spoils anything, it's mostly just, 'the fight scenes were awesome, and this one part was funny'
2007-06-30, 7:15 PM #5
I'm going to see this movie no matter what the reviews say, myself and my older brother grew up with transformers, we weren't mad about them but none the less had the movie and some of the series along with a bunch of toys.

We have both been going crazy at the trailer...its just funny when I think about it as I'm 23, he's 27, yet we are acting like kids :P
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2007-06-30, 7:21 PM #6
I wasn't at all excited about it until I saw the long preview before Die Hard. Now I'm really excited.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-06-30, 7:26 PM #7
shut your yapper obi, theres plenty of hype and awesome discussion you can have about the film without having to have plot details rammed down your neck.

are the toys out yet? (i for one love the new designs).
2007-06-30, 7:36 PM #8
This is true, but some threads are for discussing the story line, not for hype. It ticks me off when people hi jack a thread that's clearly for discussion of the movie, and whine about spoilers. It's like walking up to a bunch of people discussing a movie they've just seen and being irritated at them when you hear a spoiler.

But this isn't that case so, what ever.
2007-06-30, 8:47 PM #9
Aaaaand back on the movie...

Yeah it was very surprisingly very good! I went in with low expectations just hoping they wouldnt rape my childhood and came out having really enjoyed it. The Transformers are done really well and look as cool as they bloody well should, the story is interesting and engrossing, and, unlike countless other movies of this mould, you actually care about what happens to the human characters.

Biggest complaints would be that you cant really tell what's going on during most of the action scenes (what is it with this general trend towards fast-choppy-blurry-close-up action sequences?? Just zoom back and let us see the whole damn thing!), and if they were going to go a Camaro why didnt they just use Hotrod instead of Bumblebee? Oh, and why the hell would Jazz choose a Solstice over a Hummer?
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-06-30, 8:58 PM #10
Is starscream the king of camp?

Do the transformers converse like in the cartoons or did they grit em up?

will the toys be able to transform like they do in the film or are they overly complex?
2007-07-01, 1:09 AM #11
I refuse to read the posts in this thread until after I see it. However, I did see some of the reviews on ( and so far the critics are digging it. So far my favorite review quote was this:

"Better than sex." - Fred Topel, Can Magazine

The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2007-07-02, 9:49 AM #12
my god.. it was awesome. it had a few corny lines in the movie.. but I didn't care... awesome awesome awesome..

I am fine with the changes to the designs (even improved some of them) I am really glad that they kept Prime's mouth shield though :)

and yes.. the transformers converse like they do in the cartoon
2007-07-02, 12:40 PM #13
haha awesome, i can't wait to hear the bickering between starscream and megatron.
2007-07-02, 12:45 PM #14
I heard Starscream only has one line in the whole movie. Is this true?
2007-07-02, 9:29 PM #15
Originally posted by Wuss:
I heard Starscream only has one line in the whole movie. Is this true?

It's Sad But True. At least he lives in the end.
Email me
2007-07-02, 9:50 PM #16
Just got back, it was freaking awesome.

The fight where Starscream jumps from the jets, rapidly changing back and forth... so awesome
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-07-03, 5:32 AM #17
I saw it at the 8:00 premiere last night here.

Movie of the year for me.

The humor was great, the acting was solid, and the action was first-rate. Judging by the reaction from the theater too, it's a kick *** movie.

Everyone should see this movie!
2007-07-03, 8:32 AM #18
Before I read anyone elses posts, here's my points:

Not enough Starscream and/or Megatron!

Sam's screenname should've been Spike[numbarz] not "ladiesman[numbarz]"

The Decepticons could've saved themselves a lot of trouble by just coughing up the $50 for the glasses on Ebay.

The scorpion didnt transform into anything else... so how could it have been a transformer?

The tank should NOT have been named Devestator.

I wanted a random trailer to come out of nowhere when Prime transformed just once... but alas, I was disappointed on that front.

Other than that I thought the movie was great.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-03, 8:41 AM #19
Originally posted by DDRSDRAM:
It's Sad But True. At least he lives in the end.

He has 2 lines if you count the little introduction line he said in Cybertronese.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-03, 9:07 AM #20
Oh is it just me or did Hugo Weaving do the voice of Iron Hide and not Megatron? Or did he do both?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-03, 9:12 AM #21
I'm hoping to see it soon. We weren't allowed to do an employee screening because Dreamworks locked the damned cans. So as employees, we have to wait until the fuss has died down over the realease and catch it later this week during the day.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-03, 10:29 AM #22
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Oh is it just me or did Hugo Weaving do the voice of Iron Hide and not Megatron? Or did he do both?

Hugo Weaving only did Megatron.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-07-03, 12:44 PM #23
God I'm going to cry. I have an hour and fifteen minutes before I'm on the clock at the theatre tonight. It's going to be hell. There are like 12 showings of Transformers tonight, with the last one being at 11:15pm. This is going to be the most hellish night of bartending I've ever had.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-03, 2:49 PM #24
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
The scorpion didnt transform into anything else... so how could it have been a transformer?

Scorponok is a part of Blackout (the helicopter), or something weird like that.

As more people have now seen it... Can anybody explain why, with a murderous horde of mechanic killing machines on their tail, the military and Autobots decide to high-tail it to the middle of a densly populated city at the end of the movie? Seems like an odd choice of venues.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-07-03, 3:27 PM #25
I really liked it, actually. Only two parts made me go "WTF?" and it was when there's suddenly no cameras on airforce 1 and when they take the cube to the center of the city, like that's a good idea. Endanger more citizens.

The humor with the family had me gut-wrench laughing. I had to hold my sides when she popped up and the dad pounds the sun and the mom congratulates. Oh man.

Did anyone catch the Matrix lines?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-07-03, 3:43 PM #26
Originally posted by Spork:
Scorponok is a part of Blackout (the helicopter), or something weird like that.

As more people have now seen it... Can anybody explain why, with a murderous horde of mechanic killing machines on their tail, the military and Autobots decide to high-tail it to the middle of a densly populated city at the end of the movie? Seems like an odd choice of venues.

as far as I can tell, they built the dam around the cube to hide its energy output with so much concrete and stuff around it sheilding it. I think they intended to take the cube to the city and hide it somewhere there to sheild it's radiation as well since the decptecons already knew where the cube was... if they moved it it'd be safer for a bit longer, but they were attacked before it could be hidden.
The Gas Station
2007-07-03, 8:41 PM #27
Originally posted by Spork:
Aaaaand back on the movie...
Oh, and why the hell would Jazz choose a Solstice over a Hummer?

If you actually look at a picture of a Solstice beside a picture of a Porsche 935, you'll see why they chose the Solstice. There's actually some similarity between the two cars.

The movie was two hours and twenty minutes of pure awesome, by the way.
2007-07-03, 9:12 PM #28
Typical Michael Bay...But I'm not complaining.
Think while it's still legal.
2007-07-03, 9:19 PM #29
Originally posted by Spork:
decide to high-tail it to the middle of a densly populated city at the end of the movie? Seems like an odd choice of venues.

Yeah, I thought of this too.. but this movie is too damn awesome for that to even matter!

two reasons I can think of..

1. They thought there would be a lot more places they could have hid it in the city, they woul dhave been sitting ducks if they had run to the desert...

2. They just wanted their kick *** city final battle scene! :neckbeard:
2007-07-03, 9:36 PM #30
Did it bother anyone else that the only Autobot who could fight worth a damn was Prime? But I guess it was also like that in the cartoon.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-03, 10:28 PM #31
I saw about 20 minutes of it tonight. I liked what I saw. I'll have to catch the whole thing tomorrow before work.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-04, 8:33 AM #32
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Did it bother anyone else that the only Autobot who could fight worth a damn was Prime? But I guess it was also like that in the cartoon.

Nuh uh... bumble bee kicked baracade's butt.. and what about Ironhide, he kicked the crap out of devistator..
2007-07-04, 8:09 PM #33
Yes, but Tad Hamilton kicking Blackout's *** was my favorite.... [/sarcasm]

Long story short, I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. It wasn't all that good of a movie, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-04, 9:45 PM #34
I loved it. Enough said. It was fantastic.

The only thing that bothered me was the fact that the autobots had lips. Other than that, when Prime said his famous line I got giddy... and then there was the SWORD TO THE FACE!!!!!!
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2007-07-05, 7:56 AM #35
The acting was awful.
The plot made little to no sense.
The characters are lame.
The dialogue was atrocious.
Some of the scenes are pointless.
Most the aspects of the movie just made me go "wtf?"

It was my favorite movie in the last 3 years.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-07-05, 8:22 AM #36
Originally posted by Yecti:
I loved it. Enough said. It was fantastic.

The only thing that bothered me was the fact that the autobots had lips. Other than that, when Prime said his famous line I got giddy... and then there was the SWORD TO THE FACE!!!!!!

Which famous line? "One shall stand, one shall fall" or "Autobots, roll out!"

Cuz I got giddy at both of them.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-05, 10:23 AM #37
I assume "Autobots... Roll out!"
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2007-07-05, 10:27 AM #38
I also liked how when Prime and Megatron first face off in this movie it has sort of a Obiwan-vs-Darth Vader-A New Hope-ish feel to it.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-05, 10:43 AM #39
the only part i hated was that I was sitting in the front front front row.

Other than that... AWESOME:hist101: I think im going again tonight
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-07-05, 12:43 PM #40
I enjoyed when the decepticons said in their language "All Hail Megatron!" That whole buildup scene made me get chills

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