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that should be enough, ok i saw the new transformers movie last night, and it kicked a**. I don't know why all those fanboy pureists were complaining about the new designs, because when you think about it, the old blocky looking designs wouldnt realy translate well into a live action pic.
Also, I just have to say :p because we got it in australia first (the premiere was here). I think the reason was so that the american fan boys who dont go to films because they say to themselves that it will suck can get info before the official release, because that is the only reason i can think of as to why it came out in australia first when there was basicly only one australian actress (not even well known, even in australia) in the whole film. usualy if australia gets something first it is because of a worldwide release at a specific time that is the same in each time zone.
But back to the movie, I realy think you should go and see it, lots of people who thought it was going to suck were totaly surprised when they go and saw it. most of the people who still say it sucked are either eliteists (as one person that commented said "michal bay didnt grow up with it like we did so he should be the one doing this") or are just trolls who most likely havent even seen it yet (as it is still not yet out in the states), or are purists who would only be happy if it was basicly a precise remake of the G1 comic story.
Now I can be sure that i am out of accidental spoiler range, i can say what i liked about the movie. The opening battle sequence was extremely epic, and then when it gets into the the main characters, it has funny parts too. I absolutely loved it when bumblebee destroyed asll the other cars in the used car lot, and also gave the VW beetle next to it a whack with his door, (VW didnt want their car associated with a violent movie, even though they are perfectly happy when their van gets associated with hippies, that and micheal bay didnt want people associateing bumblebee with herbie). Also, a number of referances to other movies I got immediately. like when optimus prime meets sam still in truck form, he comes through fog in a way that evokes spielburgs first movie "duel" (it was even the same make of truck, albiet a more recent model). And the epic fight scene in chicago, it will rock your socks off.
Also, just to let you know, there is a sequel comming, some of the transformers that will be in that one that are not in this one will be soundwave and possibly even unicron (now THAT, will be epic).
well, now it is time for you to post what you thought of the movie (please wait till you have seen it though, and refrain from micheal bay bashing, as you need to remember that he is not the only person involved in making the film, and quite a few of the things you might complain about will not be his fault).
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that should be enough, ok i saw the new transformers movie last night, and it kicked a**. I don't know why all those fanboy pureists were complaining about the new designs, because when you think about it, the old blocky looking designs wouldnt realy translate well into a live action pic.
Also, I just have to say :p because we got it in australia first (the premiere was here). I think the reason was so that the american fan boys who dont go to films because they say to themselves that it will suck can get info before the official release, because that is the only reason i can think of as to why it came out in australia first when there was basicly only one australian actress (not even well known, even in australia) in the whole film. usualy if australia gets something first it is because of a worldwide release at a specific time that is the same in each time zone.
But back to the movie, I realy think you should go and see it, lots of people who thought it was going to suck were totaly surprised when they go and saw it. most of the people who still say it sucked are either eliteists (as one person that commented said "michal bay didnt grow up with it like we did so he should be the one doing this") or are just trolls who most likely havent even seen it yet (as it is still not yet out in the states), or are purists who would only be happy if it was basicly a precise remake of the G1 comic story.
Now I can be sure that i am out of accidental spoiler range, i can say what i liked about the movie. The opening battle sequence was extremely epic, and then when it gets into the the main characters, it has funny parts too. I absolutely loved it when bumblebee destroyed asll the other cars in the used car lot, and also gave the VW beetle next to it a whack with his door, (VW didnt want their car associated with a violent movie, even though they are perfectly happy when their van gets associated with hippies, that and micheal bay didnt want people associateing bumblebee with herbie). Also, a number of referances to other movies I got immediately. like when optimus prime meets sam still in truck form, he comes through fog in a way that evokes spielburgs first movie "duel" (it was even the same make of truck, albiet a more recent model). And the epic fight scene in chicago, it will rock your socks off.
Also, just to let you know, there is a sequel comming, some of the transformers that will be in that one that are not in this one will be soundwave and possibly even unicron (now THAT, will be epic).
well, now it is time for you to post what you thought of the movie (please wait till you have seen it though, and refrain from micheal bay bashing, as you need to remember that he is not the only person involved in making the film, and quite a few of the things you might complain about will not be his fault).
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