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ForumsDiscussion Forum → BIOSHOCK (xbox live demo!)
BIOSHOCK (xbox live demo!)
2007-08-12, 6:52 PM #1
Demo on X-Box Live.

According to CoolMatty.
2007-08-12, 7:06 PM #2
Allcaps noob.
2007-08-12, 7:11 PM #3
Confirmed. It's up. 1.3 gig.

I'd grab it, but since I've got the LE preordered and arriving by friendly UPS on launch day, I think I'll just wait until next week for my Bioshock fix.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-12, 7:13 PM #4
Yay! Downloading as I type.

2007-08-12, 7:31 PM #5
Can't wait to grab it. :D
2007-08-12, 7:37 PM #6
Should I post some kind of internet meme in here in order to combat all of the useless BIOSHOCK! posts in the past year?

I really wish I could play it, though. I might actually have to beat down one of my friends and get him to download it.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-08-12, 8:18 PM #7
I'm just sitting here waiting for the PC demo. I probably won't be able to run it, or if I can not very well. Plus with college, I can't afford a new PC :(
2007-08-12, 8:36 PM #8

I want a PC demo like, now.
2007-08-12, 8:45 PM #9
My PC can't play it.

My 360 hasn't been purchased yet.

No shock for me.
2007-08-12, 8:49 PM #10
Bioshock looks like it's going to suck. I won't be impressed until I get to club a little girl to death myself. And that probably won't happen because I've had any want to play it hyped out of me by fanboys. I'll just let them make a second run through of the game for me.

Editted because the original post lost its purpose.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-08-12, 8:50 PM #11
You wouldn't be impressed if the sky opened up and Jesus came down and pimp slapped you.
Think while it's still legal.
2007-08-12, 10:24 PM #12
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Bioshock looks like it's going to suck. I won't be impressed until I get to club a little girl to death myself. And that probably won't happen because I've had any want to play it hyped out of me by fanboys. I'll just let them make a second run through of the game for me.

Editted because the original post lost its purpose.

Your opinion is wrong. Bioshock looks like it'll own hard.

And to not be a jerk now... I've never understood how you can have "any want to play it hyped out of you by fanboys". You seriously mean to say that people talking about it made you not want to play it? How the hell does that work?

My only real problem is I haven't got much to play for the next week while I wait. Bought Splinter Cell: Double Agent to fill the gap, and it covered half of it. Played through twice. Marathon 2 was released on Live Arcade what... last week? Played through it all the way. Thought about playing through CoD 2 again, but it's not really holding my attention (and I know Gears won't). Probably just end up running through Marathon again, it's a good game.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-12, 10:39 PM #13
Dammit. If I start downloading now, I'll fall asleep, leave my 360 on all night, and probably break it. If I don't start downloading now, I'll have to wait all morning before I can play.

I haven't been as pumped about this game as some of you guys, but I'm excited to see how it will play.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-12, 10:42 PM #14
I don't really think this game looks all that good...
>>untie shoes
2007-08-12, 10:50 PM #15
My X360 dies with the RROD, and then Bioshock demo comes out....*sigh*
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-08-12, 10:59 PM #16
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Dammit. If I start downloading now, I'll fall asleep, leave my 360 on all night, and probably break it. If I don't start downloading now, I'll have to wait all morning before I can play.

I haven't been as pumped about this game as some of you guys, but I'm excited to see how it will play.

Background downloading. Go search the system preferences for it. Start the download, turn your 360 off. It basically goes to sleep and continues the download and then should power off when it finishes. I've never tested it aside from powering down though.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-12, 11:03 PM #17
When the very first magazine preview of Bioshock came out, I was really excited and hopeful for it. But after reading and seeing the latest previews, I'm not not too bothered.
2007-08-12, 11:13 PM #18
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Background downloading. Go search the system preferences for it. Start the download, turn your 360 off. It basically goes to sleep and continues the download and then should power off when it finishes. I've never tested it aside from powering down though.

Nifty. Didn't know about that.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-12, 11:22 PM #19
Whatever, I'm just gonna *snip* the game when it comes out and try to play it.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-12, 11:48 PM #20
Anyone else think it's funny the resident Bioshmuck hasn't posted yet?
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-12, 11:50 PM #21
He got his fanboy to post the thread, though.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-13, 2:52 AM #22
Ok, that demo was freaking amazing. It actually made me want to go throw down $59.99 to buy the game.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2007-08-13, 4:36 AM #23
tofu sucks
2007-08-13, 4:45 AM #24
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Background downloading. Go search the system preferences for it. Start the download, turn your 360 off. It basically goes to sleep and continues the download and then should power off when it finishes. I've never tested it aside from powering down though.

Will try this tonight. You might get surprise mansecks if it works.
2007-08-13, 5:25 AM #25
How have you guys not heard of background downloading? It's been a feature for months now...
2007-08-13, 5:32 AM #26
I'm with Bill, I think it looks utter pants.
2007-08-13, 5:33 AM #27
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Your opinion is wrong.

Thought police! :P
2007-08-13, 7:29 AM #28
I do wonder why they decided to make the little girls' eyes glow (before, the eyes were normal). It kinda makes them look like some sort of child zombie. Was it to lessen the emotional impact of blasting away these girls with guns?
2007-08-13, 7:30 AM #29
Oh, so if their eyes glows, it's okay?
2007-08-13, 7:34 AM #30
I guess. They remind of the kiddies from "Children of the Damned".
2007-08-13, 7:46 AM #31
I haven't paid attention to any plot details about the game, but movie makers and game developers alike should forget creepy little girls... cursed The Ring and its effects on stuff.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-13, 8:01 AM #32
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
...but movie makers and game developers alike should forget creepy little girls...

Alma is not amused...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-08-13, 8:02 AM #33
God FEAR was a disappointment. Nice to play through once, though.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-13, 8:03 AM #34
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
How have you guys not heard of background downloading? It's been a feature for months now...

Never really had cause to use it until now, and I don't usually check to see what I'm getting when I download an update.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-13, 8:30 AM #35
I haven't finished the demo yet but heres some quick impressions;

Really good atmosphere, lots of background noise and visual effects that make you feel like you're there. Hearing your character sucking for air and shivering after the opening was a nice touch. The controls seem tight, easy to understand. Weapons are standard fare so far that I've seen.. Plasmids are essentially Force Powers that are hot swappable.

The visuals are great. The whole thing screams 1960s Fantasy/Sci Fi Comics. The water effects are great too - a good scene where you're in an enclosed walkway and the water starts gushing through, it billows at the tops of stairs and there is visible currents; overall great effects.

I hope to dive a bit deeper into the demo tonight after work.
2007-08-13, 9:41 AM #36
Originally posted by landfish:

this post is relevant to my interests
tofu sucks
2007-08-13, 9:53 AM #37
2007-08-13, 1:08 PM #38
Originally posted by landfish:

i agere with this man
2007-08-13, 2:38 PM #39
The demo rocked. Wow. This game is a must have.
2007-08-13, 2:42 PM #40
/me downloads
gbk is 50 probably


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