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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How many cigs a day do you smoke?
How many cigs a day do you smoke?
2007-11-17, 3:58 PM #81
Plenty of times. The Dutch are still my favorite Europeans I've come across.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-11-17, 4:00 PM #82
Dr.Evil was dutch, wasn't he?
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-17, 4:04 PM #83
No, he's British and raised by a Belgian.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-11-17, 4:06 PM #84
Same thing ;)
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-17, 4:20 PM #85
I'm surprised second-hand smoke hasn't come up in this discussion.

And I don't smoke either. I don't care if you call me girly, I'd rather have nice pink girly lungs than manly lumps of black rock.

2007-11-17, 4:23 PM #86
Originally posted by Roach:
So, coming back state-side yesterday I came through Denver Int. Air., and the only smoking lounge in the airport is this fairly nice restaurant & bar. Halfway through my lunch and about two beers in, I heard a man in a suit with a bluetooth earpiece in yelling at the hostess "Where the **** can I sit in here that's not around these goddamned smokers?!" When the hostess replied "at the tables outside our doors, sir, our staff serves food and drinks out there away from this smoking lounge" he screamed "that's ****ing ridiculous, I can't believe this bull****!" Seriously, what the **** do people expect walking into the one and only smoking lounge in a massive airport? As if it wasn't enough that non-smokers can go anywhere else in the entire facility without running into smoke, this guy thinks it's ridiculous he has to sit outside of the restaurant to eat away from us "goddamned smokers."

Somewhere around 5 or 6 a day I'd say.

What a dick.

Also, how's the european gig goin.
2007-11-17, 4:23 PM #87
My lungs may be black, but I can still run faster and longer than you ;)
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-17, 4:38 PM #88
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
My lungs may be black, but I can still run faster and longer than you ;)

I doubt it.

But I understand in the army the condition you to brag about everything, especially if you have a small penis.
2007-11-17, 4:42 PM #89
Rob, seriously, come on. Even in ground units they run 4 miles atleast twice a week.

If you don't believe me, look it up or come to F.t. Bragg and do some PT with us.

And I can definately run better than you, being that you're a tub of lard and all.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-17, 4:48 PM #90
You may be able to run for longer than me, but you can't run faster. Because I'm awesome.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-11-17, 4:48 PM #91
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Rob, seriously, come on. Even in ground units they run 4 miles atleast twice a week.

If you don't believe me, look it up or come to F.t. Bragg and do some PT with us.

And I can definately run better than you, being that you're a tub of lard and all.

I still wanna know if he broke that moped.
2007-11-17, 4:52 PM #92
Originally posted by Detty:
You may be able to run for longer than me, but you can't run faster. Because I'm awesome.

Lies! All Lies!
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-17, 4:53 PM #93
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
The problem with that is the problem of competition.

If one club decided for itself to ban smoking indoors, but one nextdoor didn't, all the smokers (and their friends) would end up just going to the other one. Sure, the first one might get a reputation for smelling nice (which, actually, it won't. smoke-free clubs now just smell of beer, sweat and vomit which were previously covered up by the smoke smell) and have more customers in the future, but they would make immediate losses from losing all the smokers that it's easier for all clubs simply to allow it.

It was up to the owner's descretion before, in Britain, and I don't know of a single establishment that did. You could smoke in all pubs and bars before the overall ban, no-one would decide to be a non-smoking club by choice.

Oh well.

If you don't like smoke don't go clubbing. :/
2007-11-17, 5:13 PM #94
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
My lungs may be black, but I can still run faster and longer than you ;)

Now imagine how long and fast you could run if you DIDN'T smoke!

You'd be superman!

Except probably not with the flying part.
2007-11-18, 9:13 AM #95
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Rob, seriously, come on. Even in ground units they run 4 miles atleast twice a week.

If you don't believe me, look it up or come to F.t. Bragg and do some PT with us.

And I can definately run better than you, being that you're a tub of lard and all.


I weigh like 150 pounds and I'm six feet tall.

Far from fat, you fathead.
2007-11-18, 9:18 AM #96
Rob you're as fat as Achelois is hairy.
2007-11-18, 12:23 PM #97
At one point I could do 13 miles in a day.

Then I stopped and I can't go more than two. :(
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-11-18, 12:37 PM #98
I can still run/job from here to the post office without too terribly much effort.

Thats like 2.34 miles total. :/
2007-11-18, 1:10 PM #99
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Rob, seriously, come on. Even in ground units they run 4 miles atleast twice a week.

If you don't believe me, look it up or come to F.t. Bragg and do some PT with us.

And I can definately run better than you, being that you're a tub of lard and all.

And all that matters is I can out shoot you.

Bizzlatch. :P
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-18, 1:15 PM #100
Originally posted by Spook:
And all that matters is I can out shoot you.

Bizzlatch. :P

Same team man, Same team!
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-19, 2:30 AM #101
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Same team man, Same team!

I was notorious for teamkilling in halo during highschool.

:hist101: Luckily they don't ask about your gaming habits when you join.

I qualify as a social smoker really. Usually only when I am out with girls who smoke. And then I may have one or two. This is, I find, the best limiter for me since most of the girls I chase don't smoke.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-19, 9:04 PM #102
i just let smokers smoke their cigs.

can't stand the direct taste of it. makes me feel wierd.

hit me with a blunt object anytime you like however, this i don't mind.

That's why i let smokers smoke.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2007-11-19, 9:30 PM #103
Originally posted by Seb:
i just let smokers smoke their cigs.

can't stand the direct taste of it. makes me feel wierd.

hit me with a blunt object anytime you like however, this i don't mind.

That's why i let smokers smoke.

Damn, that was subtle. Props.

Gotta love them clubs and cones.
2007-11-19, 9:53 PM #104
I only smoke a few cigs a week, and only when my friends are. I find that if I spread em out like that, they still feel really good.

Camel Lights Wides if you care.
2007-11-20, 9:52 AM #105
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
I only smoke a few cigs a week, and only when my friends are. I find that if I spread em out like that, they still feel really good.

Camel Lights Wides if you care.

Didn't peg you as a smoker.
2007-11-20, 11:38 AM #106
That's because I only started a few months ago.

I smoke cigs less than w- er... worms.
2007-11-20, 11:52 AM #107
Im DEFENITLY up to a pack a day, MENTHOL ALL THE WAY, i think im going to die, like right now, i love how everyone on the Star Wars Fourm is like
"OMFG SMOKING? I live in a white suburban cammunity i can smoke, ill go to hell, thaths just nasty" all i have to say is "To each his own" i smoke but even if i dident i wouldent judge people for or fornot doing it, thaths a shame
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 11:57 AM #108
yah I kno i am totaly wit you my frind.
2007-11-20, 12:11 PM #109
A clove maybe once a month, if that.
Think while it's still legal.
2007-11-20, 12:21 PM #110
There are lots of more enjoyable, less harmful things to do than smoking. It may "feel good" and be your own business, thats fair enough, but that doesn't make smoking any less of a stupid thing to do.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2007-11-20, 12:30 PM #111
It's hypocritical to call smoking someone's own business, then to say "that doesn't make it any less stupid." By being judgemental about what people choose to do, you're making it your business.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-11-20, 12:38 PM #112
I'm saying that it isn't up to me whether or not someone smokes. If it was then smoking wouldn't exist. Unfortunately, people do smoke, and it is a stupid thing to do either way.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2007-11-20, 12:43 PM #113
i enjoy smoking, but i recognise i have a problem. i smoke a pack a day normally, pack and a half on weekends. sometimes 2 packs if i'm drinking. but i dont want to give it up. i'd like to cut back, and realistically, i know i wont, but i'm putting forth the effort.

this really has little relevance to the thread at this point in the discussion. i like smoking. i know its bad for me, and it was a bad decision healthwise, and that having lost someone to smoking i shouldnt have started, but i decided one day i would, and i did, and here i am 4 years later.

all i can say is that smoking bans have no effect on how much poeple smoke. they'll smoke just as much, and are more likely to hang around doorways than they were when there were designated well ventilated smoking areas. i konw some engineers and architects who've told me that ventilation is an easy thing to design and incorporate into buildings. they said there are simple inexpensive designs that can replace 1,000 cubic feet of air in a room in under 5 minutes.

i'm rambling. i'll stop now.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-11-20, 12:55 PM #114
All the "Bans" arnt to make people smoke less, but its for all the judgmental people who are all like "Its my air too, and i dont like smoke" well its our (smokers) air also, but like always in this nation White Christian Males with *****y wives always win, i know i smoke and i know its bad, yet i have no desire to stop, the only tihng making me slow down to a pack a day is the prices, i dont care anymore, good thing i smoke, ill die of cancer sooner, and i wont have to listen to *****y moms tell me how bad smoking is, suck it Degeniration X
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 1:12 PM #115
What? Please think before you type.

It's not just "your" air. Id like to breathe without inhaling smoke, I dont care if that bothers you.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-11-20, 1:19 PM #116
well its not JUST yours either, and with all these bands going on i cant have a cig at all in public, even the bars are bannig it out here, im not saying you dont have a right to clean air, but thaths not our (the smokers) fault that the company whatever is to cheap or lazy to have the right ventilation in, yet, were made to pay, because its easier to throw out all the smokers, why cnat it be like the 50's where you could light one up in the middle of a classroom, or in a building
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 1:19 PM #117
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
All the "Bans" arnt to make people smoke less, but its for all the judgmental people who are all like "Its my air too, and i dont like smoke" well its our (smokers) air also, but like always in this nation White Christian Males with *****y wives always win, i know i smoke and i know its bad, yet i have no desire to stop, the only tihng making me slow down to a pack a day is the prices, i dont care anymore, good thing i smoke, ill die of cancer sooner, and i wont have to listen to *****y moms tell me how bad smoking is, suck it Degeniration X

Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
well its not JUST yours either, and with all these bands going on i cant have a cig at all in public, even the bars are bannig it out here, im not saying you dont have a right to clean air, but thaths not our (the smokers) fault that the company whatever is to cheap or lazy to have the right ventilation in, yet, were made to pay, because its easier to throw out all the smokers, why cnat it be like the 50's where you could light one up in the middle of a classroom, or in a building

Do you realize you sound like a complete retard?

2007-11-20, 1:26 PM #118
Do you realize that your opinion means notihng to me?
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 1:36 PM #119
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Do you realize that your opinion means notihng to me?

Do you realize yours means nothing to anyone? You're a *****. Listen to him, he knows.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-20, 1:40 PM #120
If thaths so then why put any effort in telling me " i sound like a retard", and im glad you can speak for the whole entire human race and say something like "yours means nothing to anyone", wow you must have som connections to know how everyone feels, espically seince you only know me as "Darth_Xasthur"
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "

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