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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How many cigs a day do you smoke?
How many cigs a day do you smoke?
2007-11-20, 1:47 PM #121
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
If thaths so then why put any effort in telling me " i sound like a retard", and im glad you can speak for the whole entire human race and say something like "yours means nothing to anyone", wow you must have som connections to know how everyone feels, espically seince you only know me as "Darth_Xasthur"

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-20, 1:47 PM #122
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
If thaths so then why put any effort in telling me " i sound like a retard", and im glad you can speak for the whole entire human race and say something like "yours means nothing to anyone", wow you must have som connections to know how everyone feels, espically seince you only know me as "Darth_Xasthur"

Butchering the English language by leaving out random letters and capitalization, relatively no punctuation, and a loose grammar structure is common for sounding like a retard.

So is smoking, admitting you're wrong about smoking, and insulting all the people that's saying smoking is wrong. :hist101:

[EDITED] I'm going to add another common symptom for sounding like a retard, so that my definition of sounding like a retard is understood by said person(s) who sound like retards.

Never saying it's wrong to smoke but admitting it's bad for your health.
2007-11-20, 1:48 PM #123
Maybe if we close our eyes, he'll go away....

2007-11-20, 2:21 PM #124
? what are you talking about? its your own judgmental opinion, i never said it was "Wrong" to smoke, its bad for your health, i can do what ever i want, this is america, i can and will do what ever i want, i totalyl forgot the whole point of me writing this, i really dont care, lol

SLAYER!!!!! (Just to piss you off)
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 2:25 PM #125
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
i can do what ever i want, this is america, i can and will do what ever i want

Except smoke in restaurants (if it's banned for your county) or other non-smoking areas :hist101:

SLAYER!!!!! (Just to piss you off)

Except I don't mind Slayer. Also, please note most of the things I've said to you is not to be taken gravely. I'm merely having fun.
2007-11-20, 2:34 PM #126
Um, I think nonsmoker's right to clean air is more important than smoker's right to smoke wherever they please. Whether you'll admit it or not, smoking is gross and proven to be bad for your health. People should be able to live without being exposed to it wherever they go.
2007-11-20, 2:35 PM #127
And doing whatever you want isn't the point of America. I want to shoot Jack Thompson in the face. I want to make everyone around me smell bad and give them cancer.

Isn't gonna fly.
2007-11-20, 3:05 PM #128
thaths kool, i really dont care, the whole point of america if you thin about it religous freedon anaways, si ut dosent matter, at the end of tha day, is me sitting at my PC, smoking a cig, listenning to tool and telling everyone why they shouldent smoke, why? cuz i really have nothing better to do thant whait for the time to go to work.......

SLAYER!!!! (just to make Anovis smile)
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 3:13 PM #129
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
thaths kool, i really dont care, the whole point of america if you thin about it religous freedon anaways, si ut dosent matter, at the end of tha day, is me sitting at my PC, smoking a cig, listenning to tool and telling everyone why they shouldent smoke, why? cuz i really have nothing better to do thant whait for the time to go to work.......

SLAYER!!!! (just to make Anovis smile)

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-20, 3:19 PM #130
Wow Xasthur, I spell better then you.
2007-11-20, 3:20 PM #131
Attachment: 17800/6521460756.jpg (103,770 bytes)
Quote Originally Posted by Chaz Ghostle
some gay men prefer to have partners with smaller, softer bodies[. . .]It really all comes down to what you like.
2007-11-20, 4:32 PM #132
Tell Slater Not To Wash His ****!!!
2007-11-20, 8:24 PM #133
lol, thats all funny stuff, but wtf is up with carl?, are you implying thath that is me? that whoud be "Freaking Awesome"
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 8:27 PM #134
Originally posted by mb:
What? Please think before you type.

It's not just "your" air. Id like to breathe without inhaling smoke, I dont care if that bothers you.

Well then go somewhere else and stop imposing your way of life on me man!

Thats like vegetarians lobbying for laws to ban meat at steakhouses. (and actually getting somewhere with it)
2007-11-20, 8:32 PM #135
The problem with your logic there, Rob, is that I can say use the same argument as a non-smoker, which makes it a crappy argument.
Pissed Off?
2007-11-20, 8:36 PM #136

(Dude, did you not spot the Chonglike use of the word "man?" It means you weren't supposed to take my post seriously. Jerk)

In all seriousness though. I don't think the govunment should be able to tell a business owner they have to ban smoking in their property. Just seems a little recockulous to me.

There are about a billion jillion things you willfully expose yourselves too thats an order of magnitude much worse for you than second hand smoke. And I don't see anyone *****ing about those in any great degree.
2007-11-20, 8:39 PM #137
thaths why i say **** it all, smokers: light up a fatty, Non smokers: seince you dont smoke do some coke, its just party time either way
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 8:41 PM #138

Do I really have to be on the same side as that guy? Can we like declare that he has his own side? He's really harshing the vibe in Casa De Lung Canceur.
2007-11-20, 8:43 PM #139
Out of curiosity Rob, would you like it to be allowed to smoke in libraries and governmental institutions?
2007-11-20, 8:57 PM #140
? why does everyone, whats the word? i saw it on BET last night, o yah "HATE" on my? im to nice of a person for that
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-20, 9:07 PM #141
Wow, did Massassi just witness something more annoying than me and my war stories? O_O
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-20, 9:11 PM #142
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Wow, did Massassi just witness something more annoying than me and my war stories? O_O

I am mostly confused. Your stories make good brian television. But with this dude the reception on my grey matter is all, well, grey.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-11-20, 9:24 PM #143
2007-11-20, 9:29 PM #144
Originally posted by Spook:
I am mostly confused. Your stories make good brian television. But with this dude the reception on my grey matter is all, well, grey.

What is this "Brian Television"? And why don't I have that channel? I would love to watch Brian in his daily activities.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-11-20, 9:33 PM #145
When I'm lonely, I'll stick a *** in my mouth and think of you.
2007-11-20, 9:55 PM #146
Fister your war stories are :awesome:
This guys nuts.
2007-11-20, 10:37 PM #147
Originally posted by Rob:

Do I really have to be on the same side as that guy? Can we like declare that he has his own side? He's really harshing the vibe in Casa De Lung Canceur.

i concur.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-11-21, 5:24 AM #148
Originally posted by Anovis:
Out of curiosity Rob, would you like it to be allowed to smoke in libraries and governmental institutions?

Those aren't privately owned like bars are?
2007-11-21, 8:30 AM #149
One yesterday. But all other days, none.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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