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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Ravenholm...
2007-11-18, 10:13 AM #41
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Scary is Anoat City in Dark Forces.

As for Ravenholm, count me among those who didn't really find it that scary.

It was scary when I was 10 years old, yes... but go ahead and play it now. It's NOT scary.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-11-18, 12:30 PM #42
One of the scariest/most intense things I can remember in a video game is in Half-Life with the Gargantuan, or whatever its called, with the one red eye and the flamethrower hands, chasing me down the tunnel as I barely switch on the power in time.

Also in HL2 Episode 2 when the guardian chases you through the tunnels. Those chasing bits seem to make me crap my pants
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-11-18, 12:45 PM #43
Ravenholm didn't scare me because I was Gordon ****ing Freeman, the One Free Man, and no mere headcrab zombie was going to stop me. That's pretty much how I felt the whole game.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2007-11-18, 1:43 PM #44
Eternal Darkness - Bathtub.

'Nuff said.
Think while it's still legal.
2007-11-18, 1:49 PM #45
If I hadn't already seen that on Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining then I might agree with you.
2007-11-18, 2:29 PM #46
FEAR was not scary at all, because you could tell when the scary moments were going to come. Every time the action slowed down, I knew something was going to pop up, and I wouldn't be scared by the time it actually came. Not to mention using a little girl as the scary-maker is cliche'd as hell.
2007-11-18, 3:20 PM #47
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
One of the scariest/most intense things I can remember in a video game is in Half-Life with the Gargantuan, or whatever its called, with the one red eye and the flamethrower hands, chasing me down the tunnel as I barely switch on the power in time.

Also in HL2 Episode 2 when the guardian chases you through the tunnels. Those chasing bits seem to make me crap my pants

Oh yea, that big blue monster of death always got me freaked out when it got it a little to close for comfort. Anything that can pretty much instant kill you rates pretty high on the freak out scale.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2007-11-18, 3:24 PM #48
The Kell dragons in DF and JK. Honestly, how come no one since then has thought of having a 'boss battle' as badass as having you beat up a kell dragon with your bare fists? :awesome:
2007-11-18, 3:34 PM #49
That reminds me of the vornskrs in MotS. They weren't scary so much as they made me jump out of my seat.

Also, the big blue gargantua in Half-Life: Uplink was pretty scary too. I hadn't played Half-Life yet, and Uplink would give little clues and peeks of parts of the monster until the big reveal at the end. And then you die.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-11-18, 3:38 PM #50
I just remembered Silent Hill 1 and 2.

Honestly I don't think any game's scared me more. Not so much the "HOLY **** IT JUST JUMPED" as a pure psychological thriller that, when you really thought about it, scared the crap out of you. I mean hey, you just happen to drive into hell and crash, and wake up and demons are assaulting you.

Awesome, right? D:
2007-11-18, 3:59 PM #51
Basically, for something to be scary in a game, I have to not know about it and it has to pop out and be loud.

It's also scary if the monster is charging at you out of no where and you have only 1 hp left. Well, that's more of an adrenaline rush, which I don't experience much in games. Who does?
Back again
2007-11-18, 4:26 PM #52
Devil May Cry got my adrenaline going. I always played it late late late at night until early morning. To today it remains one of my top 2-3 favorite games of all time.

I don't know if it scared me, but my body temperature was noticeably warmer and was always trying to expect the next thing that's going to happen.
2007-11-18, 4:31 PM #53
Warmer... Body Temperture...?
2007-11-18, 4:35 PM #54
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Ravenholm didn't scare me and it didn't impress me. I thought it was very poorly designed.

Indeed. It was hardly a scary moment in gaming at all.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-11-18, 5:06 PM #55
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Warmer... Body Temperture...?

he wet himself

2007-11-18, 7:06 PM #56
FEAR stands out in my mind, not as a game that 'scared' me - but was a one stressful encounter after another. Atmosphere really made that game, from the effective AI to the little girl filling hallways with blood and fire. Some serious WTF.

I hated the Sewers level in Shadows of the Empire. It just creeped me out.

I'll never forget the first time I played Resident Evil 2 and the licker flew past the window. It was 2am, thunder/lightning storm outside and me and my friends just looked at each other and no one wanted to take the controller and go through the door (where you actually encounter the monster).

The standard scare/creepy monster for me in games are the crawling/hopping kind. Headcrabs (poison ones especially), the face hugger slimes from Duke Nukem 3d, the spider demons in Doom 3.... just do not enjoy fighting them. I've learned to deal with Headcrabs - but I don't think I'll ever get over the slimes in Duke3d ;)
2007-11-18, 7:33 PM #57
Claire as second scenario in RE2.

That ****ing tyrant busting through the wall got me EVERY TIME. :(
2007-11-18, 8:26 PM #58
If you ever played RE3, the first couple times you encounter nemesis. I seriously had to pause and calm down before I went on.
2007-11-18, 8:37 PM #59
First time I fought the Berserker in Gears of War was also kind of scary.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-11-18, 8:39 PM #60
i just remembered the first time i played Metroid Fusion and the goddamn Nightmare first appeared in the background as a really fast shadow, that made me jump a bit, only time i've had that happen in metroid
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-11-18, 8:41 PM #61
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
If you ever played RE3, the first couple times you encounter nemesis. I seriously had to pause and calm down before I went on.

You know, I beat that game like three times and I can't remember like half of it..
2007-11-18, 8:43 PM #62
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Warmer... Body Temperture...?

Odin help you, you've never got warmer because of excitement? **** dude. That's messed up.
2007-11-18, 9:15 PM #63
The original They Hunger mod for Half-Life was amazingly freaky.
2007-11-18, 9:16 PM #64
SM_Sith_Lord's Purgatory.
I first played that level around 11 years old. It scared the **** out of me. Especially because my friend who I was playing it with on the Zone felt it was necessary to keep making that door scream all the time. (if you've played it, then you know what I'm talking about). Though after being scared ****less, it's still by far one of my absolute all-time favorite user-made levels for any game ever.

Also, if none of you have played Afraid of Monsters - Directors Cut re-released just a few weeks ago with new content, then you need to go download it immediately. It is a mod for Half-Life 1 that will scare the crap out of you. I *seriously* recommend that you play this at night with all the lights off except the glow of your monitor. I haven't played it before, and I haven't gotten very far, but already it's by far the scariest gaming experience I've ever had.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-11-19, 4:42 AM #65
OH YEAH! Natural Selection. Talk about freaky.
2007-11-19, 5:54 AM #66
Originally posted by SiliconC:
The original They Hunger mod for Half-Life was amazingly freaky.

shuffling brainless zombies are meh

they hunger's creepy *** talking zombies are creepy
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-11-19, 7:34 AM #67
I have a severe fear of barnacles from HL (generally not headcrabs but theres always the one on a narrow ledge when it jumps, and you do too)

And dianogas from MOTS and SOTE.... shudder
2007-11-19, 12:25 PM #68
I found Ravenholm fairly boring, not scary. I wonder when developers will realize that it's not the monsters that make a game creepy, it's the atmosphere. Throw all the zombies you want at me, it won't scare me unless the atmosphere feels right.
2007-11-19, 1:38 PM #69
I don't really think Ravenholm was meant to be scary... They gave you tools of torture daydreamed up by an elementary school student during a boring day to use on shuffling alien zombies.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-11-19, 2:55 PM #70
Gravity gun and saw blades?
2007-11-19, 3:36 PM #71
And falling cars and propane tank traps.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-11-19, 3:37 PM #72
2007-11-19, 3:43 PM #73
The Cradle in Thief 3 was creepy. I hated that tower at the top of the elevator where that mangled deformed body hangs from the ceiling and the game screams at you.

Also, I hated that snow area in Bioshock with the weird artsy statues all over. The part where you go down the hallway with the statues, use the machine, then turn around and they're all gone gave me a bad feeling. Also, when you go down that hallway, use that other machine, turn around and there's a freaky monster standing right behind you.
2007-11-19, 3:48 PM #74
I gave up bioshock when it wanted me to take pictures.
Game of the year my ***.
2007-11-19, 3:50 PM #75
They Hunger was a really creepy. They did a great job with it. The same team is releasing a new commercial game, They Hunger: Lost Souls.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2007-11-19, 4:13 PM #76
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
I gave up bioshock when it wanted me to take pictures.
Game of the year my ***.

You're ****ing stupid. Just wow. You had to take 10 pictures and then you were done, and taking pictures was useful as hell.

Why the hell do you even have a computer? You obviously are barely smart enough to run the mother****er.
2007-11-19, 4:16 PM #77
Geez i just don't like side missions.
No need to get angry.. at the internet.
2007-11-19, 4:23 PM #78
wasn't really a side-mission. it was part of the game. and seriously, if thats what turns you off to a great game then you need to GTFO
tofu sucks
2007-11-19, 4:27 PM #79
Originally posted by Bobbert:
They Hunger was a really creepy. They did a great job with it. The same team is releasing a new commercial game, They Hunger: Lost Souls.

Where can I download the original they Hunger? Fileplanet seems to have taken it down and I can't find any other mirrors. :gonk:
2007-11-19, 5:41 PM #80

first google result for "they hunger download"... be less lazy next time
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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