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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Battle of Black Friday
Battle of Black Friday
2007-11-28, 12:13 PM #81

( [] )
Quote Originally Posted by Chaz Ghostle
some gay men prefer to have partners with smaller, softer bodies[. . .]It really all comes down to what you like.
2007-11-28, 12:24 PM #82
i dont get it
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-28, 12:32 PM #83
as you shouldn't.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-11-28, 12:45 PM #84
you guys are douch'es
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-28, 2:13 PM #85
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
i SWEAR to GOD that that number is accurate. Yes i ded better that 97% of america in writing, though it may be unbelieveable i promise its the truth. I am currently in the process of getting another copy, due to the fact i threw mine out so there. Ill be able to prove to all of you. Why the hel would i make that up? Either way, its the truth....

As Rob would say, "Because no one ever makes anything up on Internet".

Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
you guys are douch'es

Back at you?
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-11-28, 3:48 PM #86
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
you guys are douch'es
And you're a liar.
2007-11-28, 4:11 PM #87
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
i SWEAR to GOD that that number is accurate. Yes i ded better that 97% of america in writing, though it may be unbelieveable i promise its the truth. I am currently in the process of getting another copy, due to the fact i threw mine out so there. Ill be able to prove to all of you. Why the hel would i make that up? Either way, its the truth....

And the pope's black.
2007-11-28, 4:15 PM #88
Ahh stop quoting him! It's painful to see his posts.
Back again
2007-11-28, 6:32 PM #89
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
i SWEAR to GOD that that number is accurate. Yes i ded better that 97% of america in writing, though it may be unbelieveable i promise its the truth. I am currently in the process of getting another copy, due to the fact i threw mine out so there. Ill be able to prove to all of you. Why the hel would i make that up? Either way, its the truth....

to do better than 97% of america in writing i think you would need to be able to spell properly

massassi has had it's fair share of people dropping massive piles of bullcrap

raise your hands if you remember greywolf's claim that he got shot in the head and claimed to be posting from the hospital and his really poor attempts to backpedal once we raised the BS flag (my personal favorite moment in the history of BS at massassi)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-11-28, 7:24 PM #90
We bought a Computer with great specs but a video card that has trouble running Peggle. Curse you, Nvidea GeForce 6150SE! Curse you!
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2007-11-28, 7:25 PM #91

massassi has had it's fair share of people dropping massive piles of bullcrap

raise your hands if you remember greywolf's claim that he got shot in the head and claimed to be posting from the hospital and his really poor attempts to backpedal once we raised the BS flag (my personal favorite moment in the history of BS at massassi)

Crap. Now I've got red pen all over my screen. Stupid editor reflexes.
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2007-11-28, 8:27 PM #92
Its not like im trying to claim anything that is impossible. I have bad typing skills? What does that have to do with writing? Im sorry i dont see any point in reading over every post i make on a star wars form? I mean com on. Do you really think that complaining about typing has any effect on me? Am i going to be like "OH MY GOD people dont like the way i type, i've got to change it" The test is not based on spelling anaway. Its on what you actually write about. Though i understand that that is an outrages number, as i said im in the process or getting my scores. Ill put them through my scanner and then i will show everyone, to clear up any doubts you may have. As for my typing, you can complain about it all you want, but im not going to change it, the only thing that will change it is more practice with typing. sorry, im reallly not trying to be an ***, or annoy everyone, im just trying to di what all of you do. Sorry for the annoyence, if you really hate me that much then just dont read anything i write. If it really gets to you, and i understand that it probibly dose, just dont pay any attention to me.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2007-11-28, 9:12 PM #93
It's not a matter of questioning intelligence.

It's a matter of respect. If you turn in a paper riddled with lazy errors, without capitalization or punctuation, you'll get a poor grade. This is because you didn't spend enough time -- you didn't care enough -- to make some simple formatting and conventional changes.

The bigger question is: Why not take the few extra seconds to write coherently and correctly. People will respect you more. You'll sound smarter. Your points will be listened too.

No message board post is so urgent that you can't take a few seconds to punctuate and capitalize. Except maybe "Massiasi ive been kidnaped contact polees and send them to 1523 w hauethorne street."

You could even read it over out loud. Trust me. The whole reason to write on the Internet is to communicate points, ideas, thoughts, and jokes. Not spelling correctly or structuring sentences correctly actually obscures clarity.

We don't care if you mix up "your" and "you're" or "it's" and "its' or throw a comma splice in here or there. Go ahead. Split your infinitives. Dangle your participles. But strive, above all, to make it readable.

Generally, Massassi's a pretty nice community. Follow their recommendations, and they'll listen to your thoughts.
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2007-11-29, 10:30 AM #94
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
you guys are douch'es

My God. For what possible reason could you think that it's okay to put an apostrophe there?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-11-29, 10:45 AM #95
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
raise your hands if you remember greywolf's claim that he got shot in the head and claimed to be posting from the hospital and his really poor attempts to backpedal once we raised the BS flag (my personal favorite moment in the history of BS at massassi)

Nay, I just remember when homicide got shot in the leg and wished they hadn't missed something vital.
2007-11-29, 12:42 PM #96
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Something funny about that, i flipped out on a rant like that on my ACT test and turns out someone thinks a little stoner tweaking about mass media is great writin so i did better that 97% of every kid in the US that took it, funny hu?

Alleged ACT scores can prove writing ability better than the examples of your writing that we can all see. Oh wait.

ACT essays don't say ANYTHING about how well you can write. Do you really think that the people who have to grade every kid's stupid essay are really going to closely analyze your writing style?

This post here is an example not only of your inability to write effectively and clearly, but also of your inconsiderate attitude toward grammar. Typing skills have nothing to do with how grammatically correct your posts are. It's just a matter of time. We don't demand perfection by any means, all we want is basic legibility.

Do you really think that complaining about typing has any effect on me?

Apparently it does. You've spent last few pages crying about it. If you want respect, conduct yourself in a manner that is respectable. Other shut up, and get out. Whining will only make it worse.

Already you are the least popular member here, and that's saying quite a lot.
2007-11-29, 12:44 PM #97
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
to do better than 97% of america in writing i think you would need to be able to spell properly

massassi has had it's fair share of people dropping massive piles of bullcrap

raise your hands if you remember greywolf's claim that he got shot in the head and claimed to be posting from the hospital and his really poor attempts to backpedal once we raised the BS flag (my personal favorite moment in the history of BS at massassi)

Yeah, I remember this. I also remember him claiming he was going to commit suicide (for attention), and myself and a few others trying to talk him down in the chat (this was before he knew how full of **** he was).
2007-11-29, 1:14 PM #98
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
As Rob would say, "Because no one ever makes anything up on Internet".


I own people so much I don't even have to do it in e-person anymore. I can do it by e-proxy.
2007-11-29, 3:18 PM #99
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Nay, I just remember when homicide got shot in the leg and wished they hadn't missed something vital.


Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Alleged ACT scores can prove writing ability better than the examples of your writing that we can all see. Oh wait.

ACT essays don't say ANYTHING about how well you can write. Do you really think that the people who have to grade every kid's stupid essay are really going to closely analyze your writing style?

This post here is an example not only of your inability to write effectively and clearly, but also of your inconsiderate attitude toward grammar. Typing skills have nothing to do with how grammatically correct your posts are. It's just a matter of time. We don't demand perfection by any means, all we want is basic legibility.

You'd be surprised, they take a few days out and do it region by region, iirc. They actually spend a LOT of time looking into it--I saw a good parallel between my ACT scores and my AP English score (29 or 30 on the writing section, 3 on my AP English exam...without studying at all.). There's a reason the ACT is growing in popularity.

Originally posted by Rob:

I own people so much I don't even have to do it in e-person anymore. I can do it by e-proxy.

No, you're just so annoying everyone has your whiny macho bull**** stuck in their heads on repeat now.
2007-11-29, 5:00 PM #100
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:

You'd be surprised, they take a few days out and do it region by region, iirc. They actually spend a LOT of time looking into it--I saw a good parallel between my ACT scores and my AP English score (29 or 30 on the writing section, 3 on my AP English exam...without studying at all.). There's a reason the ACT is growing in popularity.

He's talking about the essay question which is optional. You don't get a score as far as remember, just percentile.

Even the AP lit test seemed pretty dumb. They care too much about length and not enough about quality. Two of my essays on the AP test were awful, and I got a 4. Of course, they asked some really stupid questions, so maybe they operate on a crap in, crap out principal. The AP Lit test is way to formulaic anyways.
2007-11-29, 5:05 PM #101
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
He's talking about the essay question which is optional. You don't get a score as far as remember, just percentile.

Even the AP lit test seemed pretty dumb. They care too much about length and not enough about quality. Two of my essays on the AP test were awful, and I got a 4. Of course, they asked some really stupid questions, so maybe they operate on a crap in, crap out principal. The AP Lit test is way to formulaic anyways.

Ah, well then.

The AP English test is just based too much on the multiple choice section. Just doing the multiple choice you can get a 3 if you even write SOMETHING for the essays. That would be why, probably.
2007-11-29, 5:15 PM #102
But how does that work if multiple choice is only 45% of the test?
2007-11-30, 2:51 PM #103
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
But how does that work if multiple choice is only 45% of the test?

If you write anything that's in english on the writing section you get a 1 pretty much.

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