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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's so special about Halo 3?
What's so special about Halo 3?
2007-12-27, 1:53 PM #41
Originally posted by Brian:
What's so special about Halo 3?

Successful viral marketing and hype.
I'm just a little boy.
2007-12-27, 2:01 PM #42
Halo is super big in my high school, and while half the population in my school hates it because they've never played it, the other (normal) half loves it.

I'd say every other weekend there's a LAN going on between me and my friends, and you could definitely find atleast 3 every weekend in my town.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-12-27, 2:11 PM #43
I've only played the first Halo. It has good music. It's a pretty enjoyable game overall but the sometimes repetitive and tedious level design and the abomination that is the Flood hampered the experience for me.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2007-12-27, 2:12 PM #44
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Halo is super big in my high school, and while half the population in my school hates it because they've never played it, the other (normal) half loves it.

I'd say every other weekend there's a LAN going on between me and my friends, and you could definitely find atleast 3 every weekend in my town.

Half of my school used to like the backstreet boys.

That doesn't mean they were correct for liking something popular and completely overrated. It means they liked something popular and completely overrated.
2007-12-27, 2:26 PM #45
Originally posted by Brian:
I think the xbox comes with a 1 year free xbox live. I don't have it hooked up to the network yet because I have a hard time shelling out 100 for a wireless adapter. I decided I'm going to run a cable, I just haven't gotten around to it yet, I have a wife and family so the days of running cables across the hallway and living room floors are over ;)

Is there a way to do deathmatch with some bots? We are playing split screen deathmatch but with only two of us, all the maps are really too big.

Oh your case is a lot more reasonable. No offense, but most people who own 360s ARE the kids ;)

I'm just saying, on average, about half the reason to own a 360 is live (and the marketplace is pretty awesome too).
2007-12-27, 2:46 PM #46
Originally posted by Brian:
(And yes, the swapping is really, really annoying. There is no ammo for the starting machine gun anywhere, so as soon as I run out I have to drop it and use these silly purple-blob shooting guns which totally suck. Argh.)

Dude... There's ammo for the Assault Rifle everywhere... I don't think I've ever run empty on the AR on the first level unless I was playing Heroic or Legendary.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
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2007-12-27, 2:52 PM #47
I ran out of every ammo by the time I got to the dam-type bit of the first level. I decided at that point that I wasn't having enough fun to justify starting over. Also, all my buddies had been killed.

See, I don't care if it's merely because I'm crap at Halo 3 (having not played the prequels or any console FPS since Goldeneye), if i'm not wowed by the game enough to bother respawning after the first death, it tends to mean the game isn't that impressive.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2007-12-27, 3:22 PM #48
Originally posted by Detty:
See, I don't care if it's merely because I'm crap at Halo 3 (having not played the prequels or any console FPS since Goldeneye), if i'm not wowed by the game enough to bother respawning after the first death, it tends to mean the game isn't that impressive.

In your opinion.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-12-27, 3:31 PM #49
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
In your opinion.

I think we've beaten the dead horse in saying this is pretty much implied in every post.
2007-12-27, 3:34 PM #50
It's fun
2007-12-27, 4:12 PM #51
Originally posted by Rob:
Half of my school used to like the backstreet boys.

That doesn't mean they were correct for liking something popular and completely overrated. It means they liked something popular and completely overrated.

Or it just means you're an arrogant elitist prick. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean.... :psyduck:
2007-12-27, 4:19 PM #52
Where is the ammo? Just sitting in the grass or something? Why can't I see it? I'm playing on normal.
2007-12-27, 4:24 PM #53
Ammo in Halo?
That must be a new feature.
2007-12-27, 4:44 PM #54
Originally posted by Brian:
Where is the ammo? Just sitting in the grass or something? Why can't I see it? I'm playing on normal.

You can take your allies' weapons - generally, if you have one rocket left in the rocket launcher, or one round left in the sniper rifle, this is a good thing to do, as your allies get unlimited ammo. Thus, you swap out your sniper rifle for an assault rifle - and end up with a pretty decent sniper on your side who has rounds out the wazoo.

When you're out of ammo, you generally just have to pick up Covenant weapons. Generally speaking, I've never run out of ammo - ammo for a specific weapon, yes, but there's always some gun lying on the ground that I can use.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-12-27, 5:28 PM #55
you have to look at all the things halo did before most FPS games at the time... It took a huge generation of PC only FPS Gamers... (like myself addicted to counter-strike) and showed them that a console can have skilled FPS gamers as well (compared to the circle strafing that is goldeneye, which was really more of a novelty FPS, since the game does basically ALL the aiming for you, you have no head movement and in a lot of ways it was a step backward since Half Life released a year later. Halo did employ new graphical features (bump mapping hello? anyone seen bump mapping prior to halo?) and VEHICLES done CORRECTLY. Everything in the game had a solid feel, there was no glitchiness or ugly parts of levels that were just forgotten by the dev team and even though it was linear, it gave a large enough area to not feel claustrophobic and confined like most shooters (MOH is a big offender). And if you think I'm wrong or w/e... look at console sales or HALO 3 SALES compared to the dwindling PC market. Halo hooked alot of people by taking a big fresh step away from standard FPS games. I won't even get started on MP it speaks for itself, yes its not perfect and there are ways to whore in it BUT it offers a fun experience by giving you the ability to change the rules and create your own way to play (ninjaball is awesome).
2007-12-27, 5:40 PM #56
Originally posted by Wolfy:
You can take your allies' weapons - generally, if you have one rocket left in the rocket launcher, or one round left in the sniper rifle, this is a good thing to do, as your allies get unlimited ammo. Thus, you swap out your sniper rifle for an assault rifle - and end up with a pretty decent sniper on your side who has rounds out the wazoo.

You forget to mention though that they won't trade if you've got the same weapon they do. So if a marine has an Assault Rifle, and you want to give him a Sniper Rifle, but you have that Sniper Rifle, and and Assault Rifle as backup, he won't trade. It feels stupid, but it makes sense. You can't have two of the same weapon. I suppose they could've just made it so you take the ammo, and are then left with only one weapon, but maybe that was just confusing for people.

Originally posted by Wolfy:
When you're out of ammo, you generally just have to pick up Covenant weapons. Generally speaking, I've never run out of ammo - ammo for a specific weapon, yes, but there's always some gun lying on the ground that I can use.

Indeed. You MIGHT be having the same problem my girlfriend had when she started playing Halo (always running out of ammo for a primary weapon, despite there being copious amounts around you). It's not that you're not seeing it or not picking it up. It's that you're still adjusting to the controls over all. Your aim is everywhere, thus you're putting more shots downrange than you really have to, and you run empty. Eventually you learn to aim better, and can conserve your ammunition better by making your shots count and getting in closer to melee.

The first time I played Halo, I had this same problem. It just wasn't very noticeable to me until I played multiplayer, because I was playing co-op all the time, and my buddy was doing most of the work.

I can't really suggest anything to do other than keep playing. I mean, if this is really your problem, it'll pass with time, practice, and knowledge of where weapons are in the levels.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-12-27, 5:58 PM #57
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
But Unreal definitely came out on the consoles, with a bit of a twist.

well to be specific unreal never did...
all the unreal console games

Unreal Tournament... Dreamcast, PS2
Unreal Championship... Xbox (basically UT2K3 with some small changes)
Unreal Championship 2... Xbox
Unreal 2... Xbox
UT3... PS3
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-12-27, 6:05 PM #58
I like the health system, where you don't have to worry about how much HP you have.
Back again
2007-12-27, 6:26 PM #59
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
I like the health system, where you don't have to worry about how much HP you have.

you still have to keep a watch on your shields... waiting for the *beepbeepbeepbeepbeep* when they are drained is a good way to get yourself killed...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-12-27, 6:48 PM #60
I've played 1 and 2 on the Xbox, own 1 on the PC (Thank god for mouse/keyboard support!), plan on buying 2 when I get the new machine and will buy 3 if it comes out on PC. I'll play Crysis and when it comes out for PC, Assassins Creed. Until then, I'm waiting for Borderlands:D
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2007-12-27, 6:53 PM #61
Why people would buy Halo 2 for PC is beyond me.
2007-12-27, 6:57 PM #62
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
you still have to keep a watch on your shields... waiting for the *beepbeepbeepbeepbeep* when they are drained is a good way to get yourself killed...

Still better than worrying about where the next HP capsules are. Even on legendary mode it's not that hard to beat.
Back again
2007-12-27, 7:06 PM #63
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
Still better than worrying about where the next HP capsules are. Even on legendary mode it's not that hard to beat.


Obviously you didn't play Halo 2 on Legendary. ****ing Jackal Snipers. :argh: :suicide:
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-12-27, 7:09 PM #64
Yeah, I only played 3. Yahtzee's review on Halo 3 was funny, like most of his reviews, and the part where he commented about the vehicles was the best.
Back again
2007-12-27, 7:12 PM #65



if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2007-12-27, 7:14 PM #66
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
In your opinion.

*Grabs by the collar* *slaps*
2007-12-27, 7:46 PM #67
How do you switch weapons with your teammates?
2007-12-27, 7:49 PM #68
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
you have to look at all the things halo did before most FPS games at the time... It took a huge generation of PC only FPS Gamers... (like myself addicted to counter-strike) and showed them that a console can have skilled FPS gamers as well (compared to the circle strafing that is goldeneye, which was really more of a novelty FPS, since the game does basically ALL the aiming for you,

Are you trying to say Halo doesn't have auto-aim? Please.

you have no head movement and in a lot of ways it was a step backward since Half Life released a year later.

Yes it did have head movement. Limited because of the lack of a second stick, sure, but it did have it.

Halo did employ new graphical features (bump mapping hello? anyone seen bump mapping prior to halo?)

Yes, we had.


In your opinion. The fact that they were originally indestructible was a huge oversight in my opinion.

Everything in the game had a solid feel, there was no glitchiness

Are you kidding? There's numerous glitches in Halo.

or ugly parts of levels that were just forgotten by the dev team and even though it was linear, it gave a large enough area to not feel claustrophobic and confined like most shooters (MOH is a big offender). And if you think I'm wrong or w/e... look at console sales or HALO 3 SALES compared to the dwindling PC market.

It's almost like you're trying to say that Halo is killing PC shooters. I hope I'm misinterpreting. It's not an amazing FPS, it's just the best the consoles have. (Something that is rapidly changing, with games such as Gears of War)

Halo hooked alot of people by taking a big fresh step away from standard FPS games. I won't even get started on MP it speaks for itself, yes its not perfect and there are ways to whore in it BUT it offers a fun experience by giving you the ability to change the rules and create your own way to play (ninjaball is awesome).

Yeah, the customization is awesome... now if only there was a decent matchmaking system. Frankly, I don't know how Bungie even put the game out the door with the current matchmaking system; it's terrible. Any custom maps/gametypes you make never take off, because there's no easy way to share them ingame. You have to run your account through their website and pray someone picks up on it.

And even then, not being able to specify specific gametypes to play on in ranked/social matches? What if I don't WANT to play goddamn shotty/snipers for the 50th time? What if I simply want a wholesome CTF game? Too bad.

I could rant all day on this, so I'll just stop there.
2007-12-27, 8:11 PM #69
Originally posted by Zell:
Or it just means you're an arrogant elitist prick. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean.... :psyduck:

Okay whatever, have fun with the backstreet boys.

I hear that one guy is gay, maybe you could look into that.
2007-12-27, 9:04 PM #70
Originally posted by Rob:
Okay whatever, have fun with the backstreet boys.

I hear that one guy is gay, maybe you could look into that.

nice, call me gay. that's pretty classy. I was simply saying maybe you shouldn't be so narrow minded. mull it over for a night and get back to me.

actually, why the hell am i arguing with you? youre too stubborn, i never win.
2007-12-27, 9:30 PM #71
Originally posted by Zell:
nice, call me gay.

I didn't call you gay.
2007-12-27, 9:32 PM #72
Dont fight!

This is exactly what Bill Gates WANTS!

He's turning us against each other!

He wants massassi to fall!

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2007-12-27, 9:35 PM #73
I think Bill Gates wants you to stop being an emo, and or stop wasting your TALENT on some crappy old game engine no one cares about.
2007-12-27, 10:03 PM #74
Originally posted by Rob:
I think Bill Gates wants you to stop being an emo, and or stop wasting your TALENT on some crappy old game engine no one cares about.

It was quiet when you were banned. I miss that. Oh well.

Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
*Grabs by the collar* *slaps*

Look up the definition of "opinion" then read his post and my comment again. Stop being stupid. What he said is clearly an opinion. If HE thinks a game is poor because HE has no interest to continue on after HE dies. That's HIS thoughts and opinion.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-12-27, 10:04 PM #75
Originally posted by Rob:
I didn't call you gay.

I hear that one guy is gay, maybe you could look into that.

What the hell else could that mean, then?
2007-12-27, 10:12 PM #76
Maybe I was accusing you of being a homophobe, by impying you should keep closer tabs on your interests.

Maybe I just like making Lance Bass is gay jokes because we all knew one of thme HAD to be gay?

Maybe you're an uptight guy and you get upset over nothing all the time and need to let loose before you pop like a zit on kirby's face?
2007-12-27, 10:24 PM #77
Originally posted by Brian:
How do you switch weapons with your teammates?

walk up to one and hold down the button shown on the screen next to the icon saying their current weapon would be my guess

thats how they've always done it in the series, but i've barely played this one
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-12-27, 10:54 PM #78
Originally posted by Rob:
I think Bill Gates wants you to stop being an emo, and or stop wasting your TALENT on some crappy old game engine no one cares about.

er actually i dont suffer depression anymore, as of 4 months ago, and i dont have black hair... so why am i emo?

As for JKSG1, i enjoy it, and i enjoy the challenge of making it look good.

Ps. Everyone hates you.:downs:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2007-12-27, 11:08 PM #79
Originally posted by Brian:
How do you switch weapons with your teammates?

Hold Right Bumper when you're near one of them. That's what it SAYS, but it's been my experience at least, that this doesn't always seem to work. What I generally see, is holding it grabs their attention, and they'll turn to face you, then quickly letting up and holding it again swaps weapons.

I could be wrong, I could just fail at swapping weapons. I've found that I did that a ****ton more in Halo 2 than I have in Halo 3. Probably because all my Marines aren't running into battles against Carbines and Spike Rifles with SMGs and Pistols anymore.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-12-28, 12:14 AM #80
Originally posted by Ruthven:
er actually i dont suffer depression anymore, as of 4 months ago, and i dont have black hair... so why am i emo?

As for JKSG1, i enjoy it, and i enjoy the challenge of making it look good.

Ps. Everyone hates you.:downs:

<3 Ruthven :awesome:
Naked Feet are Happy Feet

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