Well to start off with, Lets put you in my shoes. So im going out with my ex girl friend, but idk if i should stay with her and "try" again or if i should trust her. Here is the thing, You love her. You have never loved this girl like youve loved anyone else you ****ing adore her and she is pretty and funny a little bit on the quite side but, thats a good thing, she likes almost everything you do blakc metal from norway and star wars and and your movie likes are the same and basicly everything about her is perfect, BUT!!!! Here is where the bull**** comes in, she is kinda, to her self alot, so you really dont know what she is thinking and you dont know if you can trust her. Wanna know why you cant truse her, well while you were going out the first time she got drunk and ****ed one of yur friends, and then you had to find out cuz she got drunk with you liek 2 days later and you saw something on her neack (you knwo what) and her best friend tells you. She couldent even work up the balls to tell you herself, on top of that durgin your time apart she apparently had more sex with that same guy ( she denies ) and she also gave your best friend ( well ex best friend ) a B.J. like every day ( she also denies ). You even got the pleasure of going to sounds of the underground with her ( you guys wernt going out at the time) and watching her pay 25 cent to mack-out with some guy she though was hott. You are deeply hurt and now your left there with you thunb up your ***! Well that time has come and gone, and now your trying again, because you have never felt this way aobut someone before, she dose the whole im sorry thing and the whole i would never do anything like that again, and she also dose the whole your the only person i want to be with and all that other BS. So, now what, we have been gogin out again for like 2 weeks and its already had its ups and downs, i mean there isint enough time in the world for me to explane everything, so ill just get to the point: Should i stay with her and see where things go this time around ( for the best i hope) or should i put a stop to it before it even starts?
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "