So this is what I figured out last night.
First thing, dates. The movie did NOT occur on 1.18.08. It occured in May, but I am unsure of what year, 2007 or 2008.
Slusho: Slusho is a super-popular drink in japan (Slogan: "You can't drink just six!"). Rob was going to work as the VP of Slusho, and his main job was going to be replicating the success of Slusho in America. Slusho is owned by Tagaruto, an oil drilling company (same company that owned the tanker in the movie). There is a "Secret ingredient" in Slusho, which is a substance (Sea Netcar) that they found in the ocean at a deep sea drilling platform in the Atlantic (off the coast of NYC, if memory serves).
Jamie: Jamie is the girl who was passed out on the couch at the party. There were 11 videos that she released to her boyfriend/exboyfriend "Teddy." She's pretty much a b*****. Teddy was transferred to an unknown place, and the videos were a way for her to keep in touch with him. After the 3rd or 4th video, we discover that he's no longer calling her/answering her calls. She's also sleeping with other guys, and not being very faithful to him... this is inferred. She gets a present from him, but she is told not to open it until December 9th. She's really irritated that he's broken off contact, and she finally opens the gift.
There is a hat (with the Slusho logo on it), a package of substance and a note that says "Don't eat this!", and there is a tape recorder. She's fairly pissed off at this point, (she was expecting jewlery) and she starts to listen to the tape. It's Teddy, saying he's been kidnapped by the Tagaruto company (oil refinery), and she probably won't hear from him again. He's going on about how NOT to call the police or it will screw everything up when she stops the tape and yells at the camera "if you wanted to break up with me, you should have just told me."
Over the next few videos, she is basically just yelling at him and telling him about how she's been sleeping around or whatever. Then she finally gets so irritated that she eats some of the substance in the package (assumed to be Sea Nectar). She says "Woah... what.. what is this stuff?" and then runs off camera. The next few videos track her descent into... something. She's clearly different. She's extraordinarily euphoric and happy with herself, but there is clearly something wrong upstairs. The last video is her sitting crosslegged infront of the camera with a teddy (Teddy is his name..) bear. She takes a pair of scissors (this is all extraordinarily calm and slow) and cuts off all four limbs from the bear, and then cuts off its head, and then the tape ends.
TIDO Wave. TIDO Wave (stands for Tagaruto Is Destroying our Oceans) is an enviromental group. I don't know much about them, a lot of then info has been erased ("hacked" by some other third party before I got to it), but obviously they are against the Tagaruto Corporation. It is theorized that the exploding girl is part of TIDO Wave. The entire time she seemed... off. More than can be attributed to shock. She never said "What was that!?" or anything, and she also said "I wasn't even supposed to be here." Not "I can't believe I'm here" but "I'm not supposed."
Back to Slusho, now that you have more background info: While widly popular in Japan, no one has been able (read: allowed) to study "the secret ingredient" (Nectar). There have been reports of scientists were are able to obtain small quantities of the substance, and it has shown fantastic properties. "short term exposure to the substance, some initial tests revealed accelerated cell growth, increased strength, increased soft muscle tissue growth, sharper eyesight better digestion, smoother skin, and a full-body, pleasant sensation that one of our researchers actually described as "a wave of pure happiness."
The Monster: There are two (and a half) major theories as to the origin of the monster at this point. The first (and half) is that it is either Teddy (the man Jamie's movies were for), or that it is a man named Ganu (I believe he is the creator of Slusho. He and his mother were both big into combining foods to make new tastes, and she died, and he went off to sea in search of the greatest ingredient. He found the substance, and it went in Slusho. He obviously works for Tagaruto, but we're unsure in what capacity, whether he has his own agenda or not).
The Teddy theory: He was kidnapped by Tagaruto (owner of Slusho, they own the drilling platform where Nectar is found), and for reasons unknown exposed to a large quantity of the substance, causing mutation. The Ganu theory: There was a news report of "a group of rebels" that ambushed him as he was leaving a resteraunt while on visit to NYC, and they poured a "mysterious" liquid over him. It's assumed that the rebels were part of TIDO Wave.
The 2nd Theory: The creature is actually just a deep sea creature, disturbed by the drilling. The substance is either the creature's eggs, or some part of the creature. This, naturally, pissed the creature off. La la la rampage.
I personally like theory 1/1.5. The creature does look vaguely humanoid, and I think it gives the movie some sort of deeper meaning, moreso than just generic monster on generic rampage.
The Mini-Monsters: Some think that they are part of the big monster/babies of the big monster. They fall off, then they bite people, and implant eggs (aka the substance that they drill from the deep sea drilling platform aka secret ingredient of Slusho), and then *chestburster.*
The Final Scene: The last scene of the movie, part of the original tape, Rob and Beth are on Coney Island. In the background, there is an object that falls from the sky and lands in the water. Most people miss this. It is theorized that it is part of a japanese satellite that fell from the sky. We are unsure how this is connected, however. It appears there is still more information to be released.
The Message: At the end of the credits, there is a garbled voice, and then you hear "It's still alive..."
So basically, no one has any idea why the movie is called Cloverfield (best theory so far: It looks like the monster has three toes... pretty dumb theory.), or what actually happens on 1.18.08.
Clearly, not all the information is out yet. What exactly is the object that falls from the sky? How does it connect to everything else? We know its only a few weeks before the events of the movie, and Slusho was already out then, so it clearly couldn't have anything to do with that.
Most people do agree, however, that Cloverfield is not done. The movie is only the begining of something. Perhaps more movies, perhaps something else.