Does anyone else think that the camera was amazing? I would love to have a camera that survives a helicopter crash, a mauling by a monster, (i mean, think about it, being chewed on and all that saliva...), not to mention the drop after it is chewed on, and finally the big bombing, nuke or otherwise, at the end. Also, the battery time and stuff for it...constantly being stopped and rewound or constant stop/record would take a lot of power. Not to mention that in the tunnels it was also powering the light, and using night filming. Now thats one heck of a camera!
All joking aside, I like this film. Concept and 3D animation gets an A +. I love how it kind of captures todays youtube craze, capturing something completely insane with a camera and showing it to everyone. Another thing my sister and I found humorous was the other bystanders dialog...i image in was improve, it had to be...but if you listen some of its just plain hilarious. There were a few things i didn't like, being that some of the main dialog was kind of cheezy IMO, and the beginning although humorous, started to bore me after some time. I also go along with the common complaint that there is basically no resolution to the issue. You dont know who is viewing the tape and why, and you know next to nothing about the monster. Of course, the point of the film is to show it from what the people know. Very little dramatic Irony like most monster movies where you are like "nooo dont go that way he will get you". You are living it right along side them as it happens. That really made it a thrill to watch, so, over all i loved it
Oh and for all you wondering how far up it was when it ate Hud, do some physics. Gestimate how long it too him to fall and whatnot and the acceleration rate of gravity etc and figure it out :p